Literally why the fuck is there a jew behind everything, stop this fucking shit reeeee.
Former Holla Forums fag
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not though.
non-zionist jews are based and are the most likely to stand up for the working class of all nations
Read a book you retard
OP, just ignore the jewish writers and you will be fine.
You can do it. The Jew isn't even the real enemy.
Yes remove the redpill goy. Fall for the joke board. Ignore the authors ethnicity; they have no ulterior motives.
Lets vote right now leftypol, who is more leftist Orwell Or Dugin?
I vote Orwell.
Literally why does it matter? Their culture puts an emphasis on academia more than other perhaps.
But honestly who fucking cares? Stop being paranoid. They're not evil.
But that's false.
How many dimensions of chess are you on right now?
Why the fuck do you care
Aside from being untrue, it literally doesn't matter. If you're drowning, would you refuse a life saver because it was thrown to you by a Jew?
Orwell was a shill
Yes, ignore the content of the writings, all that matters is your fragile feelings.
I also vote Orwell.
I pity you. Sincerly.
But if you have a hard time coming over this, start with Proudhon, Bakhunin and Kropotkin.
If there's an option to use the life saver thrown to me by a man of my own race I would use that. The jew is more likely to save me then extort me for the rest of my life.
Or just start with Bookchin.
Bookchin is pretty accessible tbh
Then read Bookchin and Graeber. Two glorious Jews inspired by these anti-semites.
Funny old world the left
While i'm at it, soul of Man under socialism by Oscar Wilde
Dugin by far
Not all Jews are working against the common man's interest, I think that even true believers in Neo-Nazism realize this.
Kalecki was Jewish actually
Engels though… I find it funny aut-right people ignore the guy that co-founded Marxism was a German atheist goy
they seem to assign Jews special abilities
keeping the goy man down!
it's fascinating how philo- and anti-semitism have so much in common
i don't like dugin or nazbol but orwell was a twat
nevar forget
Say another slice of wonderbread does throw you the float and you survive. Would you kill yourself if you later found out a Jew was involved somewhere in the life saver's manufacturing or shipping processes?
no because no doubt the jew made his money manufacturing it already
Orwell was definitely a leftist
He was also definitely a cocksucking snitch.
Take from that what you will.
How was he a snitch? I never understand this reference.
class is literally a social construct while race is biological
class struggle is a fucking spook
Not necessarily, they assign to them particular skill at conniving, lying, cheating and tricking people. Evidently, some Jews are skillful at these things, or else the stereotype would not exist, but not the whole race. Further, the opposition to Jewry is less racial and more cultural, having roots in the medieval world, where Jews isolated themselves from other people.
money is a spook as well
This is a problem with conspiratory thinking, rather than looking at social structures. Finding a Jew "behind everything" is looking at the individual, rather that systems as a whole.
Depriving yourself of the insights of someone because of their ancestry is actually retarded, and you are making yourself dumber by doing it.
Just go read Bookchin's "The Next Revolution".
its a meme, he compiled a list of Stalinists for the govt, because they didn't want to employ communists to make anti stalinist propoganda, nothing was done with this information and it was freely available anyway
no, class is a relationship to the means of production. Either you own them or you do not.
unless you are admitting of course that the idea of private property is a social construct?
wait, is that for real?
I've heard like a dozen times on here that he got people imprisoned and shit
Class is material consequence of a social construct, ie property rights. Starving over a social construct is an absurd situation we're in, hence why we're trying to abolish it.
At least Dugin never betrayed his comrades to the secret services.
Where do you retards get off on posting this shit? Race exists, the question is how much you think it determines an individuals actions/personality/life/etc.
It wasn't just Marxist-Leninists on the list. He listed people who were homosexual or "anti-white". He wasn't a socially progressive dude.
How is being deeply triggering and problematic progressive?
I'd list deeply triggering and problematic people too for being fucking racists.
Nobody was imprisoned based off the list. Some may have been blacklisted but there's no concrete evidence of it.
Orwell was a Trotskyists and fought for CNT-FAI in Spain.
Not even Dugin knows what political alignment he is apart from some schizophrenic positions here and there.
Yes, property is the principle spook.
If thats true its the first I heard of it.
I wish he had cos his comrades are all morons.
I've got something even worse:
Dude, do you think… that the 🍀🍀🍀womanery🍀🍀🍀 is conspiring against us regular guys?
But seriously, what is it about Bookchin and him having partially Jewish ancestry, that makes him evil?
where you getting this fams?
I have nothing against women.
Just puts his motives into question.
Why? What reason do you have, to believe that every Jew is after you?
not really
biological differences across populations exist, but race isn't really a useful or reasonable way to classify them.
Differences in psychology or capacity for intelligence amongst populations don't exist. The idea that they might isn't totally unreasonable but we looked, its not there.
No it isn't. Class is defined by material conditions, which in turn is defined by property 'rights', which is a spook. Why is Holla Forums so fucking retarded?
What the fuck does deeply triggering and problematic mean in 1949 Britain? The dude he describes as deeply triggering and problematic grew up in an America where you could be strung up for being black and nothing would happen to the people who did it. It's pretty understandable for somebody to come out of that as suspicious of white people.
From the list and Orwell's comments.
So… can't judge the work according to its own merit?
Because they want revenge.
Don't you find it odd that these civilisation destroying leftists all have female mothers?
female JEWISH mothers*
"They", as in the jewish hivemind of individuals incapable of thinking for themselves or independently on their heritage?
Race isn't real.
For things that happened later? Are they psychic?
Jews are nothing.
Everywhere I look there's female influence. Everywhere.
"behind every great man there stands a woman"
You need to wake the fuck up.
jews have very strong culture and traditions and protectionism. only peoples to maintain their culture without a country for such a long period of time. and muh holocaust isn't the only thing they are angry about. to them persecution started back in egypt (or probably before) and it's been going ever since.
that's nice
Yeah, I guess race does exist when it means whatever you want it to mean.
You know, wwhen your argument is retarded it doesnt make his 'retarded' world view look retarded.
People that act like Jews don't have an organized notion of revenger behind closed doors is retarded. you all worship jewish theories so its hopeless, but maybe there is more to ownership than you think if its always judiasm (or children of jews or followers of judiasm or straight traitors) that 'debunks' property.
le mad newfag cannot sage.
Makes sense, if you look at traditional Jewish families, living in traditional Jewish communities, upholding traditional Jewish customs.
But show me one revolutionary leftist that was at the same time committed himself to traditional Jewish values.
No, "individuals" exists, and these can have opinions unrelated to their heritage.
How can you remove the REDpill if you haven't taken it yet?
You will like this man, OP.
Seriously, we should have a list of non-jewish authors for starting the pol detox.
he was from a jewish family so regardless of what he himself claims to stand for he has been influenced by jewish teachings and thought.
Implying the average Jew wants 'revenge'.
Implying high Autism Level Jews don't have good theories.
Implying you could critique the theory rather than the author.
I don't think Proudhon was a Jew.
c'mon, guy
Give me all the non-jewish debunks of private property, building up from the established theories of dead jews doesn't cut it but I'm not trying to be unfair.
Property is laziness. "This guy has X, therefore he's better/it's fair that he has what he has/his violence is justified and I won't do anything against it". Instead of making the effort of evaluating each person on actual relevant merits, just refer to their social status.
What do you mean by 'private property'?
But the top 0.01% of wealth owners? What do they do?
🍀🍀🍀They🍀🍀🍀 set up organizations, unions, churches, nations, all for their "own" people.
This logically follows through with the libertarian philosophy of what happens with wealth. Rich people are rich because they have high Autism Level and drive, which is mostly genetic, and they get to use their wealth to make children who also have the high Autism Level and motivation genes.
That's exactly what the Jews are doing. Except instead of just promoting their own interests, they secretly fight against the interests of goyims in a Machiavellian fashion. Which in my opinion is a superior strategy of genetic conquer.
They have psychopathy and sociopathy, not autism.
This thread needs to die.
Doesn't matter, results are the same.
It's the based word filter outing another fucking newfag/polcuck
The memes of production, im looking for a non-anrchist non-jewish critique of the outdated heirachy of capitalism/the right
It's 'unuda' you fucking mongoyloid!
Wolff or Zizek maybe?
fascism is the ultimate leftism
You heard him lads, half of the world is poor because they didn't try hard enough.
Hes failing for the upper-middle class meme
this is literally true, the third world is honestly too lazy and stupid to do anything
Pick one.
Beginning of the thread:
Smell like moving goalposts. If you go by that logic, you have to suspect racialist theory because it is promoted by Hess, a Jew. And you must be wary of traditionalism because Jews influenced Evola.
I can understand why people fall into the spook mentality.
Because half of the world are basically animals compared to the other half.
I wasn't OP, i hope i didnt derail with my rquest.
Inspired is fine, im just not looking a chapter of jewish citations in the back.
yes, it is
Jews were an oppressed group of people during those times so it's no surprise a lot of commies were Jews
If you want to be fully safe from Jewish influence or whatever I guess you could read non-European authors like Mao or Sankara
How about Friedrich fucking Engels? You know, the guy who is a co-author together with Marx?
biological differences exist between everyone user. that doesn't mean race is real
Jewish intellectuals were prolific in all sects of politics in the 19th and 20th century. There is no science or art you can study that doesn't have some Jewish influence.
Bookchin is Jewish.
Race exist socially. We've had a million threads on race realism before. There is no biological basis for race. Later studies that looked at 100's of thousands of SNP's vindicated what Lewontin said, and racist have been desperately scrambling ever since to vindicate crude 17th century biology. There's been no genetic evidence that the reason niggers have lower Autism Level's is because they're subhuman. All genes we've affirmed that have undergone recent positive selection in Africa are related to the immune system or morphology. We have yet to even consistently identify genes linked to height, let alone Autism Level and the genes we have correlated with Autism Level generally have a low Fst between races. Vast majority of race realist literature was funded by the avowedly fascist "Pioneer Fund". If you want to see how much of a joke their methodology is, look no further than the datasets used in Richard Lynn's two books on Autism Level and GDP/global inequality.
There isn't. I'm glad you can only meme and not address any of my arguments.
Nazi superscience everyone
This is what I mean by crude 17th century biology. The belief that phenotypic traits automatically signify evolutionary significance has long been discarded by everyone except social darwinist. The point is that these "races" are heterogeneous populations, and gene flow has been so high throughout human evolution that genes from each race are dispersed all over the world.
Grouping people into "races" based on skin color is no different than grouping people into races based on whether they play video games, or take jogs. It is in the truest sense of the word, a social construct.
You are so fucking stupid.
i've got news for you, you aren't white.
Race is an idiotic and useless way of categorizing differnces in population genetics.
You see, you look at people, assume there has to be a race ("look at person of another race"), and then you build up your position to prove this preconception.
Therefore it should be:
>look at person of another race
So call it a species for all I care. You already conceded there are biological differences.
Half of your fucking board is Jewish.
Would not surprise me if you were Jewish too.
i have jews in my family and am probably descendant from them judging by some names i've seen in my family tree
I don't think you understand. "Skin color" and skeletal traits differ within races. You are trying to vindicate biological race by reliance on crude similarity of phenotypic traits. The idea that phenotypic traits signify basic biological divisions or always hold evolutionary significance is not correct. It's long been abandoned by evolutionary biologist, and is only used by taxonomist depending on the context, scientist and species.
You are just memeing and not addressing anything I'm saying. Your understanding of this subject is clearly meme-tier. If you want to engage me, please debate honestly.
God Holla Forums, you are moronic.
Praise Kek.
The whole argument isn't that biological differences between people don't exist, but rather that races are an inadequate way to categorize these differences, and people who use "race" as a serious concept, want to legitimize and rationalize their prejudices.
nice argument
Do you want to read what actual scientist think? These are written by geneticist.
I much prefer species and subspecies to categorize humans.
that's nice.
it's telling that you can't formulate an argument from all that "actual science". pedantics over a word isnt an argument btw.
Nice to know what your science is based on.
But other than that, please tell me why.
No wonder you guys can't into science.
well we use species and sub species for all other animals. no point using "race" for humans when we just mean species and sub species.
No, you are desperately trying to vindicate race. This is apparently working, you have convinced yourself there is no reason you can be wrong because of your meme-tier understanding of why race has been dismissed since the 70's. I'm not being pedantic, I'm saying "race" qualitatively differs from other methods of looking at HBD which have a biological basis, such as haplogroups of clines. Race is a social construct, nothing more or less. Going "But niggers are shitskins!" is like me going "But Englishmen can have brown eyes!" and then going on to claim that any Englishman with brown eyes are part of a new race. I'd laugh at you if you weren't so pathetic.
Niggers vs East asians/Whites/Jews
Orcs vs elves vs humans vs dwarves
you didn't even improve it good job
They do, but it's not after one day at the beach.
White people turn red first, then it fades, giving you a slight tan, then you do it again, lobster up, let it fade, rinse and repeat until tan. But this process also gives us freckles.
Agreed, but we didn't have genetic testing through history, and this was an easy way to categorize groups into "dangerous" and "safe".
This is how you sound tbh
It's almost as if Jews have really high Autism Level and they tend to flock to places to engage them intellectually.
Best way of getting skin cancer. Ideally, you expose yourself progressively and/or use suncream.
Another thing in common with SJW's, do anyone is making a list?
Bullshit, take a look at black people and sickle cell anemia.
I can use the crude similarity of skin color to generalize their risk of getting malaria.
Why can't I use it to also generalize a lower chance of autism levels?
My point is that white people still tan.
bump so more Holla Forumsfags see this
Why are there so many Jews behind the intellectual feats of revolutionary movements, you ask?
For the same reason there are so many Blacks behind the creative feats of popular music.
Social groups who were historically singled out by oppressive policies and mentalities found refuge in activities that allowed them to give meaning to their life — be it socialist philosophy or singin' the blues.
Jews in Russia were demonized as evil conspirators, segregated into ghettos and pogromized by lynch mobs. How exactly would it come as a surprise to anyone that they would support the Bolsheviks, a political movement that sought to overthrow the very society that persecuted them without relent?
Why do people obsess over Jews?
Maybe it's because I've never met one but I don't get it
Because there are a lot of freaky coincidences around them; how many power structures they own, their historical background of pissing off communities and getting exiled, and their adoration with the Talmud.
Which tells them that they should never work, work is for goys, and the Jews exist on earth to keep the nonjews as their masters. If any Jew lets a non-jew read the Talmud, they should be boiled in living shit.
They might be Hebrews, but they reject or even hate Judaism (like any religion), so they stop being Jews.
Read Marx, faggot
Err, boiled alive in shit.
Have you actually read the Talmud, user?
Grainy jay pee gees with dubious quotations don't count.
But Jews exist as a race as well as a religion, so the religion never escapes them. Even if all Jews were atheists today, in 1000 years they might want to start worshiping something again, naturally it would be the religion of your people, read the Talmud, and start up with the same old shit again.
What's with antisemites being convinced that Jews secretly worship the Talmud to this day? More than half of the world's Jewry identify as non-believers or atheists — they're the less religious demographic there is around the globe.
That would be a very clever and Machiavellian thing to do if they really do believe that vile shit.
nazi samefag
Man must sucks to be a Jew.
Also, not an antisemite. I'm a Autism Level-supremacist, which makes me a Jew supremacist.
Yeah, right? Which makes the Jews scared and naturally more likely to work together against everyone else. It's a positive feedback loop.
They're so much faithful to their tribe that they are one of the groups that intermarry the most in the US.
Yeah, it's just that good ol' antisemitic ploy. Find a way to blame Jews for everything.
I'd say say this tendency to blame Jews for both upper-class profiteering and rabble-rousing has a lot to do with the demographics among which Fascists historically are the most popular: a distressed petite-bourgeoisie afraid of both competition coming from big business and dispossession coming from socialist agitation.
good post
Just find some leftists who weren't jews not that difficult. I don't think Bordiga was. Or Kropotkin. Lenin had some distant Jewish heritage but was unaware of it for much of his life I've heard. Honestly though you're probably going to have to get over this. You can't just skip over Marx cause he was a jew or at least that would be pretty pathetic. Perhaps you could try to understand why many of these communists happened to be jewish (I don't mean the Holla Forums idea that somehow communism is a plot for jewish domination and state-enforced de.generacy or whatever), but like actually try to understand why, given their place in early twentieth century Europe, some would be especially attracted to communism. This would require you to be a bit more familiar on European history but learning about European history might be good for a recovering Holla Forumstard anyway.
this post is antisemitism in a nutshell
literal retard or shit tier b8
aka decadent bourg trash music
No they don't exist as a race as well as a religion. They exist as a race within their religion because in their religion they are the "chosen people." In this sense, their religion is racist. But their race doesn't hold up to scrutiny anymore then the Moses myth or any other aspect of their religion, it is a superstition, the myth of the genetic jew. There is no significant difference between a "Jew" who doesn't believe in Judaism then say a Palestinian or some other person so there is no reason to be alarmed if the people who make something are "Jews" unless your are a stupid superstitious racist.
That's pretty pleb tier. (not saying people shouldn't read his works but there's better forms of socialism to Marxism).
Very good point.
Can be both, use capitalism to benefit themselves and Jews, use communism to subvert countries/cultures that might get more powerful than the jews. The ultimate goal is for Zion. Can always go back to Israel no matter how much you fucked a country over.
Can be both, USA is like this too, look at CIA.
Literally never heard of someone say the second one. Jews have highest average Autism Level in the world and.
Have you ever met any Hasidic Jews? Their clothing is so hot and bulky that they sweat a ton and do smell bad. Hard to wash too. The diseases thing comes from German times, when they were the lower underclass in Germany and there were problems with lice among the lower classes (jews), the lice spread typhus and millions of people needed to be cremated due to deaths from typhus, even in concentration camps. Hitler also had problems with lice as a small child, not sure if he ever had typhus, but that was a very easy thing for him to get mad about and blame the dregs on society on.
I'm all for competing in the free market, but 🍀🍀🍀bankers🍀🍀🍀 got to let off the money supply instead of manipulating interest rate levels to suit their fucking agenda.
Actually, wait, this one is true too. Jews are the biggest promoters of irrelevant shiting in countries they want to dumb down.
You analisis of that post is retarded because "jews" as you think them doesn't exist. they are different from on another in every single aspect. go out of your house and see it for yourself,
Read the definition of communism and come back
Read the definition of cultural Marxism and come back. The two go together like PB&J
But cultural marxism doesn't exist.
OP dont become leftist, Dont become a rightfag
Stay Neutral. both of these extremes are idiots.
Are fictitious beings more important than living people, or not? There's no neutrality to be had in that question.
I am, that's why I'm here asking questions. I like regular pol too.
What is this insanity
I'm going to say Orwell because I don't know who the fuck is Dugin.
Orwell was a jaded socialist and Trotskyian, read Animal Farm OP.
I thought you would know by now how smart Jews are.
what are you supposed to do in the sun? Burst into flames?
Another American non-Jew (as far as I know) is Jack London. He's like a closet leftist. Read Martin Eden (skip the romantic shit in the beginning).
People that act like Jews have an organized notion of revenge behind closed doors are retarded.
Is every Irishman in america secretly looking to destroy england and Anglos?
The two big socialist traditions are Marxism and Anarchism so you won't get anywhere.
watch Love, Life and Anarchy's Jewish Question. Jews were civilized people in a world of illiterate superstitious barbarians and that Privileg3 follows them to this day.
So did the french aristocracy, the ancient greeks, the zaibatsus in Japan and just about all of the rulling class except in Calvinist America.
The jews won't have any advantages in banking now that all of society is as selfish and materialistic as them.
You'd be better off at >/liberty/ than here. they'll be much more successful than Holla Forums at creating racial homogeny too.
That's literally what your guy said.
Marxposter was saying that when you factor what isn't skin deep the concept breaks down, which is why geneticists dropped it.
Animal Farm is intra-leftist criticism, when the person who reads it doesn't know leftism it's just anti-communist propaganda.
It's pretty obvious that both of you being are completely disingenuous and have no interest in considering anything that challenges your hatred of Jews.
so that second pic is a joke right?
Actually, sickle cell anemia is often overlooked because it's treated as a "black disease". The reverse is also true for
white diseases" like cystic fibrosis (
Because modern genomics have proved that races are a fictional, social construct with no biological relevance. If you opened something by a geneticist on the subject instead of reading books by morons like Rushton and Lynn you might finally realize just how wrong you are.
My nigga
tbh that doesn't really help our side if this were an actual argument
Now that you mention it, there doesn't seem to be many red-haired women in the world. If I had to make an educated guess, those 🍀🍀🍀Irish women🍀🍀🍀 intentionally keep to themselves because they got something to hide!
Sparks the synapses, doesn't it?
Phenotypic traits don't necessarily designate evolutionary significance. I will let you know, there are "races" in the human species called haplogroups. We don't know how many of these there are and they are far from conforming to the idea of race used in popular culture or by psychologist ideologues. If by "race" someone meant "the most basic divisions of haplogroups" then they'd be a biologically literate, intelligent individual and most likely ready to engage in honest discourse. Unfortunately, when Holla Forums comes here screaming about niggers they're referring to crude 17th century biological classifications like Causcoid/Negroid/Mongloid.
I'll also concede it's possible to have between group differences with haplogroups. including between group differences in I.Q. However, the current research we have indicates that the differences in I.Q. between groups is mostly environmental. We have yet to identify any genes conclusively linked to Autism Level, and those we have identified in Africa that have undergone recent positive selection are related to the immune system, or morphology.
When a Holla Forumsyp comes here talking about how "Africans are adapted to their environment", what they really mean is a Lamarck-tier understanding of evolution where niggers become good runners because they need to run from tigers. Because they run a lot, they usually go on to extrapolate that the statistically insignificant correlation between ""race"" and brain size exist, it's because it was more economic for the body to burn less calories. This fails on several grounds. One, human brains have been consistently shrinking for thousands of years in both Eurasian and African populations. 2. It's likely the cold environments in Europe were less stable than the environments in Europe and it would've made more sense for Europeans to have slightly thicker skulls but just as small, if not smaller brains (which is what we actually do notice in regards to the skull). And 3. all the research "race realist" rely on to propagate their madness is structured around a 17th century understanding of race and isn't of any value in regards to clinal variation or haplogroups. 4. Even if these differences did exist, since variation within populations is so high it'd be impossible to extrapolate from a statistical average to an individual and no such extrapolations should be made until genes that are linked to this between group differences are conclusively identified.
Holla Forums constantly comes here asking us to forgo all our other theories about between group differences, like trade, disease, animals available for domestication etc in hopes of discovering elusive nigger genes in .0016% of variation. Utter pseudoscience.
You do not understand what Holla Forums believes at all. All that nonsense you claimed isn't based on anything I've seen anywhere in the storm-sphere, aside from the haplogroups i don't see any accurate information.
Imperialism can never recover from the T PAIN
Read Animal Farm again and pay attention to his depiction of "Snowball" this time.
This happens frequently actually. Many of the troll posts and threads that end up receiving bans are the only posts for that IP. So either their changing IPs or VPNs after taking a dump on the board, or they just drop their load and split to let leftypol get "butthurt."
t. Mod
Duh and or hello
This isn't SMT
Neutral path is for the edgiest of edgelords
Saved. Good, balanced post
I feel your pain OP, ex Holla Forums here too .
I am not sold on communism yet, but karl marx even though a jew himself wrote against the jews. "on the jewish question"
one of the first books I read for him.
interesting read.
militant centrism?
Oh really? I don't? Man I didn't know that. Maybe you should enlighten me, I mean it's not like I haven't spent time reading Race Realist blogs seeing the same 3 cluster studies, spurious genotype correlations or "that version of race is a strawman" strawman.
Or how about the fact the Metapedia wikipage unironically claims you can group humans into three discrete groups. Are they no longer part of the alt-right race realist show? How about all the infographics I've seen or Holla Forumsyps I've talked to who've said exactly what I addressed above.
I'm half of the mind that "strawman" should filter to "inconvenient fact," because that seems to be what Holla Forums means whenever they bring up that fallacy.
But that's also why I'm over arguing over race. You can't argue against it because it means whatever it's convenient for Holla Forums to mean at that moment.
Yeah. It's not uncommon for a stormfaggot to switch between different definitions of "race" in the same conversation depending on what's easiest to vindicate at the time. I remember I read this one race realist blog where the owner railed against the phenotypic, essentialist "strawman" version of race and then goes on to quote Sewall Wright in another article in support of that definition.
How power corrupts is intra-leftist criticsm? It's a retelling of the Russian Purge years where Russia weakened itself on the eve of WWII just so Stalin could consoladate power.
If you cannot put forth a means of preventing political power from being corrupted, you have no ideology.
Wrote anti Semitic books the most famous one being pic
Born into honorary nobility a title that would not be given to a Jew
U wot m8
Literal holocaust denier
Orthodox Christian born in Asia sounds like a real Jew to me
Following this logic everyone is a Jew even Nazis
faggot, once you quit your kvetching you can come back
I would expect nothing less from than the ultra-left than for them to take their autistic anti anti-fascism to a new level by denying the Holocaust.
Doesnt Holla Forums love jews now?
Leaving aside the fact that article probably wasn't written by bordiga and that it certainly makes some rather silly arguments, how the fuck did you get holocaust denial from "the great alibi"?
It doesn't deny the holocaust at all, but rather ultimately lays the blame at the feet of capitalism, rather than taking a moralistic approach and blaming fascism alone: something that has been used to paint the western states as humanitarian liberators rather than imperialist mother fuckers just like the fucking fascists.
This thread is a perfect example of why fascism has to be smashed with force, and can't be debated.
You can't argue against it, because any good arguments are just a result of the Jewish conspiracy, facts be damned.
Pretty sure the more people see Nazis hysterically blaming everything that refutes their bullshit as machinations of the eternal Jew the less likely they are to believe anything they see them say in the future, regardless of the one Nazi you won't be talking round.
Most people don't care about the strength of arguments, but rather how they're presented and the manner in which they're said.
Take Trump for example, any academic would cringe during his debates because to them he seems like a blubbering idiot producing no information, but millions of people thought "hey this guy's really good!
Nice argument Jewish shill but communism is the best.
Wow I learnt a lot today.
But if we don't interbreed, races continue being things.
Except jews are hated universally.
ebin simply ebin
is this an ironic thing?
What are some non-jewish leftist writers?!
Jews were wealthy enough to pursue intellectual careers, but as outsiders they could see society's flaws more clearly than wealthy gentiles.
It's not that Jews write everything, the wealthy write everything and the wealthy are disproportionately Jewish, thanks to Judaism's emphasis on debate & education and the historical Christian prohibitions on banking.
Fuck Hasidic Jews, tho
I mean the introduction when they said an ultra left bookstore in France distributed Holocaust denial books.
And if Holla Forums stopped breathing, racist would stop being a thing. At least on Holla Forums.
France and Italy had plenty of gentile Marxists, too. Althusser, Gramsci, Lacan, Bordiga, Foucalt, Derrida, Deleuze, etc.
Karl Kautsky
Lenin (1/4 Jewish let's be honest here, he's not racially Jewish)
George Orwell
Oscar Wilde
Friedrich Engels
A lot of good leftist were ancestrally Jewish. You're missing out.
Why are people so obsessed with Jews?
It is utterly baffling to me.
Judaism -> Christianity
Once Christianity began people started to despise the jews for killing Jesus, as the fairy tale goes. For Islam, I'd assume that because it is a Judaeo-Christian religion (and probably a clone of Christianity, since stories like a prophet get passed around and changed) and that someone along the lines added this into the Quran: "Say (O Muhammad to the people of the Scripture): 'Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah: those (Jews) who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, those of whom (some) He transformed into monkeys and swines, those who worshipped Taghut (false deities); such are worse in rank (on the Day of Resurrection in the Hellfire), and far more astray from the Right Path.'". For what reason, we may never know. [But doesn't this just explain why people hate jews, not why people are obsessed with them?] People creating a conspiracy theory about jews controlling the world is simply an excuse to hate them because of their spooks (religion or otherwise).
Are fictitious beings more important than living people, or not?
This has nothing to do with anything, I am not going to answer because it means absolutely nothing.
shitty comic
you don't compromise, You simply dont play the game and tell both of them to fuck off.
Being Neutral isn't being edgelord, its stepping aside and watching as two idiots fight over nothing.
Race theory is just taking gradients between people and putting it on an altar. That's exactly what a spook is, you silly fuck
It's a legitimate question. Is reification of some fappy Ferengi ideal more important than the will of people who would rather you get fucked with a chainsaw than listen to your middle-wing liberal rosary?
Former anarchist leftie here, now a Holla Forumsack.
All leftism is bullshit. Holla Forums is always right.
Communism is bullshit since it manufactures disasters and oppression to stay in power, but once it generates wealth exponentially no more and people glorious uprising, their response is even more violent, until they are overturned.
Anarchism is bullshit since people fail to realize that the very last state with a state military force left will conquer all the rest, and they will do so because of lebenstraum and resources struggles once earth's resources start to dwindle, and no "ancap private army" can combat, for example, ISIS taking them over by storm
kurds are funded by murrika and EU, they couldn't survive on their own
Liberalism is also bullshit, since it always becomes a fucking perversion of civil rights movement and ends up carving a path to either commies or anarchists. Also, SJW is nothing but liberalism taken to the extreme,
Libertarianism is also bullshit, they force themselves docile "all extremists are losers xDD" position where they self-marginalize themselves via sterilizing themselves off from the same passion you meet on the left or right wing.
ALL leftism is stupid, OP. Take it from me, I organized anti-racism protests in yurop here a year ago, read extensive e-books on anarchism, trolled "sexist" marketing campaigns online with feminists where I wrote an employer of that PR team a threat letter, saying that we are gonna meme their pathetic, sexist company out of existance if they do not fire that PR person.
Leftism makes you violent inherently, it self-destructs any society where it becomes prominent. Yeah, there are some good stuff, like worker protection rights and I am in favour of containing rich people strictly under the law so they do not form big monopolies in the market, but that is all for the good of historical ethnic/racial group to prosper better, not to "crush the rich people"
Now I am a Nazi, which means I basically support a 1960's style Swedish social democracy which is openly racist with closed borders and disencourages feminism and fun. Also, strong military and favouring critical, lively debate on holocaust.
Sorry /leftiepol/ for making an idologically divergent post, I normally stay on Holla Forums and do not raid you guys, but it feels like there are some people in this thread who benefit from this semi-blogpost. I wouldn't censor the lefties at all if I was in power, but through my personal research, I have found that it's THEM who censor the people all the time and right wingers, while not approving or appreciating the left's issues, would actually allow them to fucking live, because they are not oriented towards hunting down peaceful lefties. I mean, the leftie who smokes pot in their own room and doesn't call for any action or participates in direct action, I do not appreciate, but I wouldn't mind either. The minorities I wouldn't hunt down, I'd just send them back. The trannies I wouldn't kill, I'd sent them to treatment. But commies who have stick in their fucking ass all the time over being antiestablishmentarianists, they are met with the same response they advocate, met with self-defense of the state who cannot operate when such message becomes a new normal, and stick into a prison to rot away for wanting to solve world problems with violent revolutions, and not with democracy and gaining the sympathy of the silent majority.
literally impotence: the post
It's very easy to be TOLD that Animal Farm is a critique of communism altogether and then have that color your reading such that it absolutely seems that way.
Dear god please open a book.
people always resort to ad hominem when they fail to refute the arguments. An no, "read a bookchin/engels/bakunin/chomsky/stirner" is not an argument.
I am not telling you "read a Barry Goldwater/Ann Coulter/whatever" after your arguments, but giving you straight arguments from the top of my own mind
this is getting fucking boring. I have delved very deep into leftist theories, and their only endgame is that "if everyone was thinking like us, we'd have a utopia free of oppression of marginalized groups of people and working class" but they ALWAYS fail to take into account that human nature is not shaped by intellectual pipe dreams forced into a reality, human nature is shaped by very basic animalistic behavior evolved to ensure the long term survival of his or her bloodline, and leftist intellectuals can never really get animalistic behavior outside of a human being no matter how hard they try, while failing to see how animalistic behavior is QUITE FUCKING LITERALLY keeping their attempts at utopia from failing at the very beginning
…and even then, the retarded system collapses, since it run on old fat of the previous capitalist system, but at one point, when leftie starts to carve out and attack human nature, the animal gets weak and just cannot measure up to leftie pipe dreams, and dies.
yeah it kinda is, and human nature has an ugly side too, but what can you do, shit happens (plus not all slaves had a completely shitty life, african slaves did better than their brothers of kin back in africa) and I don't approve slavery, but these days, the good news is that we have diminished the economical need for slaves, the machines do the work now.
If you REALLY wanna protect the working class, you'd support Trump, since he wants to stop outsourcing and bring manufacturing job back to america to give working class back their jobs and not let them being forced into the breadline or on unemployment welfare, also, the illegal hispanics being not sent back and instead we welcome their here, only to have them greeted by shit-tier jobs white people do not want to do, but perhaps should do, instead of treating illegals like shit and have them spend time here to work shitty jobs in murrika instead of working to build up their own nations and communities.
this is not meant for them to enjoy, that is meant to enjoy for the descendants of people who built the nation (white non-hispanic), even if it's a shit job, a shit job in a rich nation makes a better life than good job in a shit nation fucked over by very weak infrastructure.
And this is why we need the wall, to make them think twice before following a natural impulse to jump the border, since it's made SO FUCKING EASY for them
Wow, this is pretty unbelievable.
You are a prime example of a champaign socialist. In fact if I remember correctly, you were the EU poster we used to have who was known for his post being ubiquitously shit and petty bourgeoisie.
After all this supposed "reading" you've done, you arrive back from Holla Forums spelling like a 4th grade and writing pedantic nonsense about "human nature". Nevermind the fact that you think something like "human nature" is an immutable, and unchanging facet of our existence, but the way it's worded is so unbelievably poor it's hard to believe you were intelligent enough to to tie your shoes in the morning, let alone tie your shoes. I'm glad you're so "animalistic" that you shit where your eat, but the rest of us are more civilized so give us some credit.
I'm going to give you a little reality check on how the fascist actually got into power, what fascist militia's like the Iron Legionary actually did.
First of all, the idea that Hitler was ever planning on seizing power by Democratic means is laughable. It's what he resorted to after botching the Beer Hall Putsch after Ludendorff let a hostage loose, but he was planning on seizing power in a military coup just like the Freikorps had attempted to do prior to him. He purged all his opposition, and killed million's of Jews, Communist, Homosexuals etc. Now, Mussolini quite literally did seize the government through a coup. The first thing he did once he was a despot, was start killing his opposition starting with Mateoti (I think that's how you spelled his name). Not to mention leaders like Allende who came into power the exact fucking way you advocate were forced out of power by right wing despots just outs you for being the illiterate mong you really are, or at least you aren't smart enough to construct a coherent argument about WHY all the violence carried out by despots like Pinochet, terrorist attacks by Condreau - why these were justified but our "terror" isn't. Or why we are inextricably linked to the actions of Stalin because we believe in socialism.
Third, the fact you've incorporated racial pseudoscience after reading a few infrographs on Holla Forums into your politics is probably the best evidence that you were a champagne socialist -only in it for the image. You're like Yockey, or Popper. You were a "leftist", but never a leftist. In reality, you were a liberal in disguise.
I don't know why you're typing all this pedantic shit out like anyone on leftypol wants to listen to you drivel but hey, don't stop why you're ahead!
tie your shoes in the morning, let alone organize a protest*
Like do you realize you are a literal caricature on the left or?
I actually read your reply, so I am not responding with being triggered mindset.
Half of that is you calling me an idiot, while I have actually graduated schools and working a desk job in Europe, which is not something idiots possess, but whatever, ad hominem is not a new thing on the internet.
Other paragraph is you saying how nazis and fascists have used undemocratic means to rise into power. I know the story with the reichstag, and also
I seriously doubt that. Hitler had only internment camps to deport those people from Germany and into somewhere else, who is willing to accept those kinds of people, or either, where they are from, like Gypsys from India and so forth. The deaths resulted when deportation was halfway, but supply was cut by allied bombers, some bombing the campsites themselves, and resulting typhus outbreak killed millions, also starvation as well.
these people saw something, but probably didn't exactly know what they saw, it's highly unreliable. Arguments for "holocaust denial" actually have history professors and modern equipment to have found loads of good evidence to suggest that the official version was contained long time ago, tainted in allies propaganda and largely unscientific.
All political sides committed violence, and nazis had to strike the enemy with equal force when it came to literal streetfighting, but left loves to highlight political violence committed by right wingers and downplay the fact that commies always start the shit first and employ sneaky provocation and manipulation tactics to make sure that all that commies did was justified on a streetfighting level, and what right wingers did in retaliation to defend their position from people eating away from them was A HORRIBEL EBUL CRIME, like as if everything done back to them comes as a surprise to people who actually commit them.
see pictures related, searched them up from my hard drive so you can see I am taking my rationalization based on real historical happenings
wanting a state that is preserve white race or an ethnostate does excludes being a leftie, so no, I am not. Also, I am not wanting a multicultural mish-mash of "working class", I want higher priority be the ethnic whites who built a given country. Africans and Asians who do the same for their ethnic groups on their land are welcome to imitate our example and we could co-operate and trade with them, as long as they are not co-operating with race traitors of our land or openly vowing to crush us.
Look I'm going to be honest with you:
I've spent a long time looking into the Holocaust, revisionist nonsense has been throughly debunked. The "21 Questions on the Holocaust" was answered long ago by Nizkor. I'm glad you think your pol memes are equivalent to actually researching both sides, but I unfortunately have a higher standard.
My experience dealing with Holocaust denier race realist has not left me with a good impression of you. I love how the fact you think you've "graduated schools" and "work a desk job" makes you think you're automatically going to go from a normie to political mastermind.
The reason I called you a retard and told you to fuck off is because there's no point in engaging anyone who spouts essentialist notions of human nature. I do however, think it's cute how you followed up your post with an argument about how "slavery is human nature" instead of what most lefties say, which is to point out things that aren't natural, like agriculture and industrialization. Arguments like that are little more than mysticism with a scientific veneer and there's no reason for anyone in seriously refuting them. Your post was little more than a string of assertions, the only appropriate response is to tell you , the retard, to promptly fuck off.
But I digress. Rather than get into an hours long circular argument about why everything you believe is objectively wrong or mystical, I'm just going to drop sources with the hope you'll consider them with an open mind.
By the way, there is no serious historian who has ever come out in support of holocaust denial except for David Irving who was thoroughly discredit at the Irving V. Lipstadt trial. Everyone else were fringe intellectuals like Carl Mattogno or Friedrich Berg who have been rehashing the same arguments (for Berg specifically about producer gas) for a number of years.
See PDF's related for more on Race.
Also I apologize for bad grammar, I typed this haphazardly.
They cannot be argued with since they reject the fundamentals of reasoning on which we build knowledge. All they can do is reiterate flawed positions they have read from someone else, incapable of own thought and research. Essentially they need a good punch to the face.
I know, that's why I called him a retard and told him to fuck off.
Thanks for the sauce. Believe me, I am open minded, I am willing to beileve holocaust if it really happened, but I am also going to look at the arguments from both sides. Unfortunately, I already found a flaw on one of your sauces.
They mention some man Jacob Grojanowski who supposedly reported the sightings of gas vans which killed people who were put in, but the man itself has not had his identity confirmed, and it's not even a real name, but a pseudonym. I just don't find it credible to belive his report if man is not even confirmed to have existed or confirmed to not make up bullshit by "claiming to see that the operation indeed was gassing of jews".
However, I do agree with debunking of Irving from your sauce, I think Irving dun goofed by stating that 200,000 people died in Dresden bombing, while actual estimate is offered to be lower, from a rather credible source.
Typical commie behavior, going "FUCKIN NAZI HE NEEDS TO GET KICKED HIS TEETH IN" while I have said nothing bad about any of the posters here, except that I have opposing ideas. The fact I mocked leftism shouldn't trigger you unless you are a paid shill who has a duty to protect the hand that feeds him. If you are truly open minded and intellectual, you wouldn't feel the need to insult my intelligence all the fucking time, but come back with arguments and examples.
Sometimes looking at the arguments "from both sides" is retarded though, user. Do you do the same with evolution? Gravity? Climate change? I suppose not. We (as in as a society) do not do so either with the Holocaust, since we put our trust into the thousands of historians who went through thousands of sources and information each, brought it together and formed our current understanding of how the events unfolded. With how chaotic these times were, of course there are some points that are argued over (this is where ACTUAL looking at it from both sides comes in) and were adjusted in the past (such as the number of victims of the Holocaust), which opens up perceived vulnerabilities for Holocaust deniers to slide into and look justified to uninformed outside observers, when in reality they know fuck all about it.
There is no arguments from "both sides". One side is claiming that the more thoroughly investigated genocide in history is a conspiracy. I don't know why you mention one person who testified to the gas vans when there was 10's or men who testified to witnessing it.
Irving goofed by making the arguments from incredulity that is typical of most Nazi's. They venerate the Nazi's, so they believe that the Nazi's couldn't do pants on head retarded shit like using gasoline to kill Jews when there was a shortage. I'm going to name a few other things Nazi's did that were stupid and therefore did not happen:
Did the allies interrogate him too? Those dastardly Jews!
No one cares Nazi. I'd gladly put you up against the wall, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Come back when your head is screwed back on type.
This. I mean if you really wanted to look into things from both sides, Flat Earthers have attractive pseudoscientific theories as well and they look just right if you close both your eyes. The thing is, you spent too much time on pol. That's all. Rudolf Hess has years to write a book about how the allies were lying, how they executed all his Nazi friends for nothing. How it was all a hoax. No Nazi ever did that. If you really want to learn more, you should probably go to the National Archives to see for yourself what documentary proof is out there but I hope you won't take autistic Holocaust denial that far.
Here we see an innocent Jewish typhus patient playing waterguns with the Nazi officials on the Auscwhitz tennis ball court.
I used to believe this concept back in my leftie days, that "there are certain truths in society we must accept if we want to progress as a society", but you cannot really equal this with a flat earther theory. What are the flat eather's typical argument? I remember it's some retarded example of how UN symbol is actually a map of flat earth. While a holocaust denier actually reads up and critically analyses tons of evidence, even from other side, in order to understand where they are coming from. Yeah, they come up with bullshit sometimes, but so do we all, doesn't mean that other evidence around is absolutely not worth of investigation for credibility assessment.
Why we should look into this? Very simple fact is that nazi germany destroyed many documentations related to camps, so the evidence from outside of nazi reports means people not directly involved trying to make sense out of it, which needs much more work to be done than with commie crimes, for which there are actual soviet papers from russian government itself from soviet times to confirm commie crimes.
that is all beautifully sourced by insider records from either the state or the perpetrators themselves, unlike with nazi germany who destroyed most of their records about camps, effectively wiping away the most credible evidence there could be
because that information contained information that were government secrets, and they destroyed all top secret documents, something that almost all falling empires have done
from your wiki sauce
That one is excellent, since anyone working the camp could come and say shit that "hey boy, I think they gas the jews here", but I am inclined to believe some of his statements regardless. I'll look more into that guy in the future.
why are you making a caricature out of yourself that we on the right just beg for you to be?
I agree, but I cannot unsee some of the more convincing evidence for holocaust denial, so I cannot conclude if I am one or not, I just want the truth whenever the topic is discussed and not censored.
that guy may have rapist, murderer, broke some curfew, whatever, and wartime laws are different from peacetime laws, the former ones are tougher. I would doubt the backstory is necessarily a person killed by an evil nazi for the sole crime of being merely just a jew.
We are not talking about ideology here, we're not liberals. We are talking about scientific methodology.
well, you can't really claim to be scientific when studying a very broad range of societal behavior, human beings are not test monkies
And history is not psychology
The last picture is of the Einsztangruppen. They were the death squads in Eastern Europe, and killed the vast majority of the Jews in the holocaust (about 2.7-3 million). If you want more pictures of Nazi War Crimes, I reccomend this article from the blog I linked:
This blog isn't just any blog, it was started by an academic who's an expert in Eastern Europe during WW2 named Nick Terry.
There's no shortage of bodies. The reason people say "The Holocaust is the most well recorded genocide in history" is because it is. We typically don't get the chance to get testimony from the perpetrators and see where the testimony converges right after the genocide was committed.
You can still find bone fragments in the Treblinka soil 75 years later. (Pic related)
I don't get why Nazi's deny the Holocaust, shouldn't they embrace it? European Jewry was almost completely exterminated.
And that picture is a very famous one, it was found in a Nazi soldiers journal with the caption "The Last Jew In Vinnista"
Daily reminder to all Holocaust deniers, that if we use their standards of evidence for every body having to be found and examined, Stalin only killed about 4,000 people in Katyn and most of the Gulags did not exist.
tankies would become deniers in a heartbeat if this meant everyone believed this
kill yourself
That's a Walther PP
I'm not even a tankie and there's literally no documentation or evidence supporting the existence of that
if you legitimately think there aren't peoples out there with strong cultural identities that lack a state then you're a fucking moron
although we already knew that because "duh joos made me poor, not my sweet sweet capitalism"
This completely lost all credibility when it tried to claim that "Stalin issued Order No. 428", tell me: what do you think Order "No. 428" said? What this picture means to say is Order "04218" not "428" and the torch men order says nothing about dressing up in German uniforms and dancing around contrary to what most Nazi's claim.
This fits the description of the mass graves perpetrated by the Nazi's all over Ukraine, like the nearly 40,000 Jews murdered in two days at the ravine in Babi Yar. The Nazi destruction of the Ukranian Jews is well known.
The gun as pointed out, is a Walther PP. I welcome you to find me any historian who believes the picture is a fake, pic related is other German massacres in Vinnista.
Also, if anyone would want to refute the vindication of Professor Kola's work on Sobibor by the 2013 archeological excavation, be my guest.
Considering Kola was right on the money for Sobibor, it's just as likely he was right about the 35 mass graves in Belzec despite providing no pictures of samples. The report was not done for the public, but rather to locate the mass graves in Belzec and Sobibor.
I also look forward to Sturdy Coll's book on her work in Treblinka. She did proper GPR unlikes the racist hack Krege.
Private property IS a social construct. A social construct that naturally forms whenever people trade stuff.
except we didnt?
t. geneticist
never trust the mick or youll get sick
Let me put into words how ironic it is that you call someone out for "spelling like a 4th grade" and the subsequent issues in your own wording.
Then let me put into words how funny it is that you want to be civilized while telling someone not to share their ideas in a discussion forum. Even if they are bad ideas, let them stand on their own merit instead of yelling "pedantic shit, drivel".
Of course not every geneticist did, I never claimed such a thing. There are backwards Holla Forumstards like you who make their way into the genetics department after all.
So, I looked at this study and I'm having a hard time seeing how looking at the Fst for the genes underlined contradicts anything I pointed out. I claimed "race is invalid because what it was supposed to denote, homogenous populations within that are heterogeneous in between has been found not be true."
Fuck off liberal.
There is Jews, Ashkenazi Jews and Zionists, which jews do you mean? Zionists are mainly Ashkenazi Jews better known as fake Jews. They don't decend from real Jews. Fun fact: Most of israels citizens and the Israel government are Ashkenazi Jews (Meaning they aren't even jewish and therefore, by their own logic, don't have any claim to Israel). Most true Jews don't approve of Zionism or Israel as a state.
Your ignorance unfortunate.
If I'm a liberal and a Holla Forumstard what exactly are my beliefs and leanings? You seem to know me better than I do.
There is no real concept of trading anymore. Money is debt-based, therefore air-based.
debt based would mean it is master-slave based not air based
in other words it is real in the slaves minds so the masters gleefully exploit
I assumed you were two different people.
I've read the Witherspoon study, and I'm starting to think you haven't. Witherspoon mentions that when subcontinental and overlooked populations are incorporated in the analysis, "w" goes up to .3 or 30%. This is precisely when Lewontin claimed, that there could be up to a 30% chance of misclassification due to dissimilarity. This picture is also dishonest, as Witherspoon meant that individuals would be closer to their continents "mean" than another continents while the two individuals being compared might be more similar to each other than they are to other members of their continental group. This is why at the end of the study Witherspoon says something along the lines of "Using race would reduce predictive power further". The Li et al study in 2008 that analyzed 650,000 SNP's over 1000 individuals vindicated Lewontin to a t. Only 6 or so % of genetic variation takes place between continental groups.
Also the picture in would be common knowledge for anyone who's looked into the science of race casually. It's well known that the genes we have identified to have undergone positive selection recently are related to immune, or morphological function.
There is no such thing as "bourgeois" music you fucking idiot. As for "decadence", why don't you go discuss that with your friends at Holla Forums, hm?
Not even Philip Glass or Mike Oldfield?
No in fact if you read the entire study you would see that when taken the groups and sampling all the genes there would be less than 0.3% chance starting at only 1000 datapoints. There are far more than 1000 significant datapoints in a genome. One small section of the conclusion suggested that if more inbetween populations were sampled in future studies that it might prove some sort of continuum. This was after admitting that there is no realistic chance when sampling the entire genomes of the individuals involved that they could ever be more similar to people from across the world than to their own kind. Proving a continuum, like between blue and yellow showing green. Does not suggest blue and yellow do not exist as separate concepts.
I don't want to humilitate you
the differences listed there are many genes and they concern significant differences including the developmental stages
The data from that study shows that saying race doesn't exist is denialism but that isn't the point.
I am not deriving a political philosophy from science data. That would be insane. This is the problem with people denying this science of genetics showing differences in humans that can be grouped on historical nation groups. They always ask "so what what politics do you want to derive from it?" None. If that question could be answere the politics to derive from it would be to erase the thought that everyone is the same. Diversity is beautiful in nature. One human or 1000000 humans could not possibly contain the diversity humanity has with over 2 billion people. Not even if you took a mathematical formula and assorted everyone with the best rnd generators possible.
I only hope you can discuss this topic in the future with an awareness of the diversity of life in general and the diversity of humans specifically instead of just saying races do not exist. It would be no better or worse for humanity if complete speciation were to occur in the next couple thousand years (due to genetic engineering such a short timespan would be possible). It would be absolutely dystopic if all races really did become indistinguishable.
Not sure what you mean?
Music is freedom to the people!
Errr, okay. My original point was to discredit some guy who claimed (black-dominated) popular music was "bourgeois" and "decadent".
it doesnt matter who makes the music
some music is good, some music is bad
dont watch music videos and youll find enough of it is good
but Wilde was a faggot pedo
Thanks for the incredibly deep insight, friendo.
Jesus Christ, quit whining like a faggot. Take the literature that you read and question it, regardless from what race the author is. There are plenty of "leftist" literature written by non jews. I swear to god, Holla Forumsaks REEEEing is just cringey as fuck
The elites in America have it so easy, just get a black person to put out the message you want people to hear instead of saying it yourself! As long as it looks authentic people will believe it is, and eat that pro-capitalist message up.
Even black nationalists see through that game and the genuine ones are 10x better then reddit-tier idpol
This is an apples to oranges comparison. One thing you have you to ask is: what are we trying to classify in biology as opposed to classifying colours?
The modern evolutionary definition includes
1: measuring the amount of genetic variation within and between groups within a species and 2: whether unique evolutionary lineages exist within that species.
I did misremember what Witherspoon said about adding into subcontinental populations, but he said W always stayed above 0. You also didn't address what I said about it being in comparison to a population "mean" gathered off a sample of less than 1000 individuals. The largest cluster study I know of found 14 clusters in total, which already points to "race" being far from the most basic subdivision of the human species (
Yes. The genes underlines which I'm guesing are underlined to highlight the existence of race are related to pigmentation, melanocyte differentiation, osteoblast development and hair follicle development. My research into this is completely casual, but I'd love if you could tell me how any of the ones I just listed are unrelated to the immune system or morphology.
How come you didn't address my comment on the Li et al study in 2008 that found around 84.7-95% of variance occurs within continental groups? (
On the contrary I'm aware the great genetic diversity we exhibit. That's why I'm opposed to your racial classification of HBD. I find the passive advocation for ethnocentrism in the end of your post (after you said you rejected racial politics!) quite charming as well ;).
As in regards to the first part.
The criteria for race fails on the first ground as our mean Fst is .110, not even half the >.25 usually used as the cutoff for divisions into clear subspecies (which is what races are!). Needless to say, it also fails on the second ground.
I'd also like to make a note for all reading in regards to out Holla Forumsack friends insightful advice at the end of hist post! I see this quite often. When anyone contest the usage of "race" to categorize HBD the most common retort is that we are "denying" HBD and claiming everyone is exactly the same. What a bizarre statement to make! This is obviously not true, it's the qualitative differences between the analysis in the Witherspoon study and the the Lawson-Handley study we are referring to. If you choose to lump people into "big" races by continental groups, you are going to come up with an approach that qualitatively differs from grouping them into "small" races. Our friends persistence to bring up this strawman up instead of considering what I've said multiple times in the thread in regard to clinal variation or haplogroups I can presume, to be only due to ideological purposes.
One last question: I'd also like to know if our friend rebukes the 144 evolutionary and population geneticist who signed a letter disavowing Nicholas Wade's book "A Troublesome Inheritance". I'm going to speculate that our friend posits these geneticist must not be "real" geneticists because they deny race and therefore, must think we are all exactly the same as each other. If he does, I'd like him to post his credentials that make him more of an authority on race that the professors and lab geneticist who signed this letter:
Keep in mind, although they are specifically addressing Wade's claims about "race" and Autism Level, the letter also assents to David Dobb's review of the book that rejected Wade's conception of "race" (which I'm guessing matches out Holla Forumsacks - Negroids, Mongloids, and Causcoids) all together.
Perhaps they are all cultural Marxist?
That's the end of my posting on this for now, I look forward to your response and hope you won't insinuate I think we are "all the same" when attempting to argue your point.
Its always funny when these people bring up Brave New World because Aldous Huxley anything was banned in Not Socialist Germany.