For whom should the death penalty be reserved? Or is the death penalty never acceptable?

For whom should the death penalty be reserved? Or is the death penalty never acceptable?

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You should get the death penalty

I don't really see an issue with the death penalty for people whose guilt is literally incontrovertible and killed multiple people, otherwise I think it's too fallible

Corrupt politician, cops and similar.

too much risk of error and corruption for death penalty to be allowed tbh.
But if the people really need their fix of cathartic violence, then death penalty should target prioritarly white collar crime.

Child rapists,rapists,those who commit high treason,war criminals and terrorists.

It should be reserved for those trying to reinstate bourgeois democracy and or capitalism after the transition to socialism has begun.

Agreed. It's supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but so many people have been put away and executed with so little evidence in the US

rape is nowhere near as bad as murder


I agree, but morally speaking I think that rape is worse. Murder can be justified and sanctioned under certain circumstances, but rape never can be.

I would rather die than be sodomized and live with ptsd and give my money to therapists and take medication for decades, to be honest.

This. I think the best approach for rape victims would be for them to kill their rapist and then themselves.

People who are shooting at you, you should be able to shoot them back.

Formalised death penalty never

at least, I would never vote for it

I don't believe in the death penalty.

Why not? Do you think everything and everyone is redeemable or are you in favour of torture or something worse?

People like Dylann Roof don't deserve to live.

What about raping porkies?

Treason and only Treason. Just coz a citizen commits a crime doesn't mean he should lose his right unless it is a crime against the State

they don't deserve to die. They deserve the hell of incarceration, which is worse.

Statecuck. Should Assange and Snowden get death penalty as well?

I don't know if they are all redeemable, but I see no reason to kill them if they are put in a place where they are no longer a threat.

because it costs us money to keep them alive

Also, as someone who was raised by someone who worked in a prison, I can tell you it's not a picnic.


Being in locked inside an American prison for the rest of your life is objectively worse than death. People like Dylan Roof deserve to rot in a cell and die slow. An injection in the arm is too good for him.

The only time the death penalty should be used is the case of corrupt politicians who need to be made an example of. People like Steve Bannon have heads that were made to be on a pike.

why are people who have already robbed our society of something continue to rob us

It depends. If the society of the post-revolution world is as I would like, then matters such as crime and law would be settled by Tribal courts.

That's common sense. What OP is talking about is capital punishment.

Because capitalism functions on robbery from the working class to get anything done?
You're just arguing the mechanics of capitalism now.

No one

when did I mention capitalism you mongrel

When you brought economics into the equation, you swine.

you are retarded
who pays for the jailed in a communist state

porky duh

No one pays because there is no money, you waterheaded nincompoop.

who bakes the bread

Is this question leading somewhere important? I've got things to do.

I am assuming the death penalty is given by the State. What they did wasn't treason tbh. Fine line between whistleblower and traitor

Dylan Roof removed head of domestic terrorist organization known as BLM, he should get medal for his heroism.

The death penalty as imposed by the state shouldn't exist, but sometimes people ought to be killed.

I'm sure there's a deep moral inconsistency in here somewhere, but that's the answer that I like.

Only for the incurable mass murderers and serial killers and if proof is basically 100% sure

Put fascists in camps and starve them to death. Just like they did to us.

The death penalty would ideally be reserved for the most heinous abusers of power. Presidents that engage in empire and regime change, executives who encourage fraud that gets people thrown out of their homes, etc.

liberal pls

Prime ministers?

Basically this. Update the Nuremberg Principles and enforce them equally, not just on the losers.



does killing Rosa count as high treason?

People it's OK to kill:


breddy good!


Rapists/animal rapists/molesters.
People who deal hard drugs.
The bourgeois.

The whole point of capturing the state is that it's used during the transition to communism and then it withers away. I don't agree that this is correct but it's entirely possible to acknowledge ideas you don't agree with.

Death should always be the choice of the prisoner. It should never be imposed upon them through any kind of coercion or poor conditions.
In fact, I'd go as far as to say that all notion of penalties (and other revenge-based concepts) should be scrubbed from the legal system. The sole purpose of a justice system should be to maximize happiness and minimize harm for all humans. The problems which lead to violence and crime are systematic, not personal, and trying to treat a systematic problem by torturing people is fucking retarded. Even prisons should be an option of last resort and they should be operated by qualified mental health practitioners - not thugs who enjoy the power trip.

Rosa was the only who committed the treason.

Death is an escape for the criminal. Into the rape cage they go for life.