Dark Souls 2 was a flawed diamond

Dark Souls 2 was a flawed diamond
Dark Souls 3 might be more slick and feels better to play, but it did not have even half of the new interesting ideas Dark Souls 2 had


Dark Souls 2 is more like finding a piece of corn in a rancid turd.

DS2 was shit, no doubt, but I did appreciate the different tone of it. It felt more grandiose in scale when compared to other souls games.

DS2 was a beast born from a conflicted vision, it is extremely clear that the game wanted to experiment with certain ideas that certainly look like a departure from the original or even DeS, the whole idea of visiting the memories along with a general theme of forgetting one's purpose during conversation with the NPCs leads me to believe that at one point, the game was about traveling through time to affect either NPC timelines or attempting a restoration of Drangleic through fate manipulation instead of another recycling of the flame. The combat system certainly was an attempt in flexbility, allowing for both very offensive and standard defensive play to be a thing with the whole power stance mechanic.

Unfortunately, halfway into development FROM sort of dropped it completely, left some of those ideas in and instead pursued the "let's make this game really really hard guise lol" only for ranged characters to be completely broken and melee ones being absolutely useless in standard single player. PVP was really good though.

DS3 fixes the mixup of the combat system by practically begging you to be always on the offensive, but I think the bloodborne design permeated too much into it, making for a game that certainly plays better than DS2, but also feels a bit off since it follows some bloodborne ideas too closely.

Dark Souls 2 would be a good dress up game if it wasn't so fucking ugly.

I'm playing Dark Souls 2: SotFS at the moment and I don't think it's a bad game at all

We know

scholar of the first sin is the best souls game fuck you

Its sad too, cause its getting the Zelda 2 treatnment from faggots everywhere.

Dark Souls 2 honestly makes the best waifus and has some of the best armor sets.

Making a cute girl in Dark Souls 2 is pretty easy.
Its a shame that the game feels like a fan fiction game come to life, however even with that being said give me Dark Soul 2 or Generic Popular Western Game aka Horizon Zero Dong/Cis Effect:Androgynous and I'll choose Dark Souls 2 any day.

In fact, If I could get SOTFS for like $5 or less, I might actually try it out, or just pirate it, but I would like to do some coop.


Too bad ill-realized ideas don't mean shit. You can defend DaS2 all you damn well like, it will never erase the fact the world is bland, the mechanics needlessly frustrating, the enemy placement unfun (scholar didn't fix a damn thing and in fact made it worse in some areas), the combat floaty and unresponsive, and the bosses crap. Once you get used to all of that to the point of outright forgetting it, I can see why you'd get the silly idea of asking yourself if it was that bad. But few are as forgiving as you are.

Too bad diamonds are worthless.

It ain't a bad game, but I think it lost sight of what made the first one good. I appreciate them for taking risks unlike Dark Souls 3 because I think they were afraid after the reception to 2.
I would so go far as to say it had the most interesting equipment and the best PvP of all the games. But the story wasn't cohesive, the bosses were terrible, it didn't feel right, and the graphical downgrade was downright shameful. I would say the DLCs are the best part of the game, which is unfortunate or fortunate depending at how you look at it.

Casuals who drift among all genres passively, are just as bad as faggots who focus on just one genre - or even a single game. As the first are uncultured of all gaming, while the latter are of all but one genre.

Memorizing a game's mechanics will not give you a finer taste. As soon as you are exposed to the outer world of gaming, your responses will be 1. comparing it endlessly to Dark Souls and 2. fall into the worse casualtraps like weebshit and assfaggots. Both situations are excruciatingly real on this board.

Did you even post in the right thread?

It's idea singular, because it had Power Stance and that's literally it.

I played Scholar of the First Sin, not a bad game by any means. Making sequels means limitations on creativity for sake of safely assuring profits. Some series warrants it, this one particularly. People wanted more of DS and they got it with the slight that sequels come with. Anyone whining about this game should name one game released at the time that was better.

I played through both 2 and 3 lately and found that 3 was fucking awful compared to 2 (Scholar Edition). The only improvement made in 3 was the weapon arts + FP meter.

It's weird that you didn't like the setting. I thought it was really effective at showing how fucked up things were in the Souls universe. From Majula, the Tower of Flame looks ridiculously far away, but it's only a short jaunt through some sewers. Intentional or not, it fucks with your sense of space in the game. I guess people were grumpy about the transition from the windmill to the keep, but it just did the same thing. Geography in the world is super fucked. At the end of Dark Souls 3, it shows a bunch of different places all melted together because the world is going to shit. There's actually another reason the different zones are so strange in DaS2, and it;s the same as FF13.

This isn't summer anymore, this is a full on Australian invasion.

I wonder what DS2 without the downgrade would have been like.

Runner ups:

fuck, was meant for
Thanks 8dongs.

Couple things killed 2 for me,
1) S O U L M E M O R Y
2) Enemies not respawning was annoying, not from a farm perspective but it means that there's less things around trying to kill me. Boo.
I actually like 3 quite a bit, I'd say it's a tie between how active and fun the multiplayer in 3 can be combined with the polish, and weapon arts +FP. Then 1 has slower combat, better atmosphere. Both have excellent shortcut porn.

In 10 years you will be posting your favorite game's cover in some Forgotten Gems thread.

Do you happen to be surrounded by padded walls perchance?

DS2 is the only decent game of the franchise

Except it's 3am in Australia.


This game has been talked to death, and my opinions have not changed, but what the hell


Like Soul Memory? Like lingering phantom hitboxes? Like shockwaves everywhere? Like teleport grabs? Like giving 80% of weapons cardboard durability? Like constant gank squads? Like limited enemy respawns? Like filling DLCs with tons of poisefag enemies? Like having magic outside of buffs and heals be completely worthless? Like ruining pyromancy and tying it to stats?

2 didn't add a single good thing to the series. Go fuck yourself.

Powerstancing exists. Nice job using sage as a downboat too, if you're contributing to the discussion why avoid bumping the thread?

Many people believe that Soul Memory was developed as a way to mediate twink invasions. If you've played DaSI, you know that twinks are players who beat the game at low levels so they can acquire and invest in the highest gear they can possibly use at their level, and then invade in an early level area, like the Undead Burg, so they can fuck on new players who are effectively defenseless against said twink's prowess.

If Soul Memory exists to prevent twinking, then it would stand to reason that the whole system should be built around ensuring that players are pitted against other players of similar ability. This can only be solved by taking equipment into account and building the matchmaking system around how equipment affects any given player encounter. It's either that, or come up with an entirely different leveling system that alters how weapons are modified by your stats, but it seems like simply balancing the matchmaking by accounting for equipment would be easier.

In short, it's not about "punishing" anyone, it's about balancing the system. You would not be punished for upgrading your weapons, you would merely be placed in higher tier soul memory brackets much earlier than usual if you wanted to minmax your character. Doing so would place you at a disadvantage, though, which would be the whole point if you're trying to discourage twinking. Since upgraded weapons are so powerful, it should stand to reason that they should cost more souls to acquire. Additionally, all of the other items in the game would have to be priced appropriately; perhaps consumables and armor would cost next to nothing or perhaps they would not affect your soul memory's growth.
I don't know, I've never played that game.

You are correct.

You are wrong, it finished the character building and combat mechanics, it's the best thing about the game and it's done best in 2. Everything else was hit and miss, mostly miss, it's a shame the game did not make good use of the perfected combat.

They should have just put triggers along the entire game in order to gate invasion tiers. Soul Memory was not well thought out at all, they should have realized with some number crunching and some testing that it was going to be bad (they didn't even stop the tiers at a reasonable SM, people who finish NG will be pitted against NG+ to infinity).

Area triggers would be better.

A feature nobody uses. DS3 is fine but come on, weapon arts?

Have you never played PVP?

So, you're saying that the level requirement to invade in Forest of Fallen Giants, for example, should be much lower than the level requirement to invade in a later area, such as Lordran Castle?
Alright, but without Soul Memory, what's stopping someone from staying within the level requirement and using all their souls to acquire a 10+ weapon and fuck on the same low level faggots that don't have high level gear yet? You might say, "What's stopping those other low level faggots from getting the same high level gear and defending themselves?" Well, nothing, but twinks are generally experienced players that are well acquainted with the game. They know where all the good weapons are, and they understand how the system works, and therefpre they know how to build a low level character that can use a high level weapon and also stay in love level Soul Memory brackets. New players that are just learning how to play will not know how to do the same, and will make prime targets for these people. If we're trying to prevent players from having an advantage over one another in terms of damage absorption and output, then their equipment must be taken into account.

Maybe instead of area triggers that only account for level, they should instead account for your weapon's current level? (i.e. instead of Forest of Fallen Giants being a lv. 10-20 area, it should be a 0-2 weapon area, such that if you have a 3+ weapon you cannot invade there?)

I use weapon arts, they're about as useful as powerstancing, as far as PvE goes, anyway.

In Retrospect.
I miss Demon Souls.
Ever since Dark Souls, the Arenas were just getting lamer , blander and smaller.
Cry all you want, but Dark Souls started the trend of letting you scrub your way past an area and switching between ALL Your weapons and armor on the fly.
I mean, holy shit. Could you imagine how easy Demons Souls would have been if you could switch between the Brushwood and the Silver Armor set without being hit with any penalities?

Dark Souls was alright, reskinned easy mode Demon Souls.
But I will never forget how much shit the community ate of the fucking Pendants.

Dark Souls 2 essentially cemented that the series had become the Call of Duty of Action Adventure RPGs.

Dark Souls 3 was literal cancer. Reskinned Bloodborne, Borrowed far too much from Demons Souls. Note I appreciated the giant sword segment but come the fuck on. Only newfags who didn't play Demons Souls were impressed by that shit. I had fun playing it but honestly, I couldn't call it good unless you paid me.

I greatly enjoyed the change of scenery.
Real complaints are that the Chalice Dungeons were completely shit. The ultimate rewards were nowhere worth the risk. And the game was far , far, far, far too fucking short. Holy shit. You could accidently a speed run with that fucking game and then when they started the ranged nerf. Damn. Ranged already required a solid investment of time and skill. Making it weaker was a spit in the face.

(same user here)

Problem with weapon arts is that some weapons have a mostly useless ability, at least all that I used do. What is the point in weapon arts if you're not going to make them all good? It's not even a matter of balance, if it's bad it shouldn't even exist.

It's Drangleic castle and no, I said area triggers, as in once you get into a certain area the game assumes you're good to go for the next invasion tier. This make sense because equipment and items progression is already gated in this way, and so are souls. So imagine you start with Forest of Fallen Giants + Tower of Flame invasion tier, once you go through to the Wharf or skip to the Bastille you are put in the next tier permanently. You might have some trouble if you are invaded by someone who cleared these areas completely now and have all the souls from the bosses, but you're not unfairly matched and skill should trump whatever more weapons and souls he has.

Then you do this with NG+ to infinity. At some point there will be the last tier which should have everyone at max soul level.

Dark Souls 3 scales phantom weapons down to the host iirc.
Checkmate :^)

Polite sage for double post.

This is precisely the kind of shit that makes me laugh. People get so in a fucking tizzy over design choices like that and think Dark Souls is some masterclass in aesthetics that they react to Dark Souls 2 like it murdered their parents in some dark alleyway. Dark Souls fans are the fucking worst.

It's the only bad transition in the game, really. All others you can suspend disbelief because it's a fucking video game, of course they're not going to make you jog for half an hour to get to tower of flame.

Just to be clear, you're suggesting that any given player's ability to invade should be dictated by their progression through the game?
Not bad, I must say, seems like it would be both a simple and easy fix. It doesn't account for balance between invasions that occur between a host with multiple phantoms, but that's probably a separate issue that could be solved by addressing the problems with invasion in general, such as limiting a white phantom's ability to heal.

If that's the case, then that solution is very similar to what I proposed in my previous posts, and only gives my argument more credibility.

You can, you'll just be in the higher tier now, but you will be invaded in any other previous area.

Of course, you'd have to limit summons as well and I admit that might be the flaw in the plan, but fuck it git gud and stop relying on your friends so much :^)

Exactly, I was agreeing with you dumbfuck good friend, 3 offers what you seek.


I used to be on the DS2 hate train, but my second playthrough won me over. Its certainly flawed and has a lot of issues, but its still fun. Build variety is the best of the series, mostly due to two handing and power stance. ADP is stupid, the NPC questlines suck, too many enemies/gank squads and more, but its a fun game. Fist build was fun as fuck on NG+

Horsefuck Valley can die forever though. I'm never stepping foot there again.

It was supposed to be for comedic effect you autistic fuck.
Maybe you really are retarded.

It's as stupid as Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Faith. You want an agile character capable of dodging shit? ADP.

I did like Dark Souls 3 better than 2, but that may be partially because I haven't played 2 in forever and never played its DLC. 2 didn't have any levels that made me want to drop it and stop playing as badly as Farron Keep did, though. I can't remember the last time I played through a level that was as fucking bland and thoroughly unremarkable in every way as Farron Keep. The only levels that didn't feel like a total drag to me in 3 were Cathedral of the Deep, Archdragon Peak and Irythill Irythill Dungeon sucked, though. Both of 3's DLCs were also pretty bad, but the only other DLC in the series I've played is The Old Hunters so I don't have much to compare them to.

I agree and I think at this point I've actually come to prefer Demon's Souls' multiplayer to the rest of the series on top of everything else just because of its simplicity. Covenants have always been shit and I don't think any of the games that have them would be any worse off without them.

It does baffle me how they can't get the covenants right at all. It's not rocket science, From Software is really retarded in some aspects.

No its stupid. I-frames made sense in DS1; the less you equip, the faster you roll. There was a trade off, more armour and protection for slower stamina regeneration and less i-frames in a dodge. DS2 does away with that for some stupid reason.

It's not stupid, you just don't like the way it works in DS2 because it's not realistic. From a character building standpoint, either works, but only ADP i-frames let you equip heavy armor and still be agile.

How about putting the Lost Bastille at the fucking edge of Tower of Flame where there is no warf to be seen anywhere near; the main transport to that fucking ugly place, right beneath the tower of flame. Fuck off defending shit games faggot games are all about propping up the illusion, go play some "meta" reddit shit.

Go suck miyazaki dick.

I'm going to leave a couple covenant ideas I had here, other anons can contribute too.

DS2 has no bosses. No bosses = no game.

I only played 2 and never want to touch the cancerous series ever again faggot, go fellate a shotgun.

Even though soul memory was a good idea, it's pointless since you should be playing offline anyway.
Enemies not respawning is also a good idea but you'd have to be really terrible to even notice. There aren't any areas you are going to go through that many times.
Weapon durability was a bug, I think likely that it was being reduced per frame by physics engine; ie when hitting corpses. You'd lose 5 durability per swing. I made it through game having two weapons.

Yeah. Each successive game in the Souls series takes a step back from its predecessor in one way or another (that's not to say there aren't improvements though obviously). It reminds me of how Platinum's games still get so much stuff wrong that DMC3&4 got right ages ago, to the point where it sometimes feels like they do it on purpose to differentiate themselves.

It wasn't, should've had a soul cap in the arena where there isn't any and no soul memory during invasions where you end up PvPing the same try hard spic who can't afford a different game over and over to grind that shitty ring of thorns+2.

Well in it's early stages it was a different ip, and was meant to be more of an rpg than an action game which it is, but less so than originally intended, but with the success of Dark Souls Bamco or From I can't remember decided to cash in and turn it into DaS2

That's really not that egregious seeing as No-Man's Wharf is in a large cavern underground and it's feasible that you could get to it from the Tower of Flame.

Going from Aldia's Keep to the Dragon Aerie is dumb

Referring to the torch, the game was originally way darker and necessitated the use of the torch in a lot of areas, but when the game got its big visual downgrade, so did the lighting engine and the team was forced to make the game brighter to compensate. The very first part of No-Man's Wharf right after the bonfire gives a good showing of how dark From meant for the game to be originally.

2 and 3 are just 1 with most of the features cut and it pisses me off, I can at least actually have fun in 3 though

what REALLY fucks my goat is they actually try to add cool things in 2, but 3 ignores even those, and 3 somehow manages to be the more fun game

oh and all the fucking levels in 3 are either a blitz of quite tough mobs with fuckhuge weapons you cant even outrange with a spear and cannot trade with with a shitload of bonfires, or a giant empty plane that looks completely homogenous and you will be wandering for hours, they are so FUCKING BIG and there is no way to make stam come back faster, I cant even run around naked to help it and the stam boosting itmes are still nerfed to fuck, it takes me like 3 hours to go get every unique item in an area and I feel like I am constantly lost everywhere, farron keep feels longer then the entirety of dark souls 1 and not in a good way, its compounded by having to go pick up ahses and scrolls and tomes and estus shards and bone shards so you have to cross the whole level every level at least like 6 times or some shit holy fuck im mad



Because Dark Souls 3 is a perfect game in every regard. Truly a masterclass in video game design.

Miyazaki should be put on a throne for his brilliant contributions to the video game industry. He is a g*d.

If you say so

The interconnected nature of Dark Souls' first half was an accident. Nothing From have included in the Dark Demon Blood series since has tried to have a similar design philosophy regarding the overall world design.

Whoever thought i-frames should be tied to a state deserves a firm punt in the balls.

What state is it tied to? Animations states? Nationstates? Federal states?

Like your opinion fucking matters, nigger.

Can't wait for soulsfags to get wrecked as they bandwagon onto MHW due to how little iframes they get.

Oh god, watching ENB's playthrough of DS3, every empty room he came across he'd be saying shit like "Oh I know my Miyazaki, this room is gonna be important later", it never fucking was. TheMiyazaki is a godly game designer shit was cringe from the beginning, DS3 couldn't not have failed.

Finally a fitting thread.
I just bought
And its at 90%
Any tips? Ive only beaten dark souls and ds2 but I've played 3 for some time as well.

Wew, I guess I'll be fine.
t. MonHun vet. None of that WiiU shit, FreeU is the game.

The boss in the tutorial is beatable, it only requires making your character over every time.
Try killing him before proceeding.

-If you kill the huge Cyclops boss before you enter the Nexus, you'll get access to some decent items
-If you can defeat another player as the Xanthous boss in 3-3 then you'll get his towel head thing, which is great for magic users
-Flamelurker is weak to magic, so if you're getting buttblasted by not being able to defeat him, try using ranged soul arrow or use sticky white stuff on your melee weapon
-try to beat an arch demon early so you can get to the Penetrator archstone because you can hang around the are and kill the Boletarian Knights. It's a good place to grind for souls and the ever effective half-moon grass
-travel light because inventory burden effects not only what you're wearing but also consumables and arrows and everything in your inventory that has weight
-the dragons in 1-3 can be defeated by using the White Bow if you're melee or a shit ton if old spice and the Soul Ray spell if you're a magic user. You can bolster your damage output by using the clever rat's ring (basically the red tearstone ring)
-there is no rusted iron ring equivalent, so you're just gonna have to trudge through the valley of defilement.

Just play the game, I don't want to tell you everything, but that's quite a bit of info to help you on your way. Don't bitch at me about spoilers or whatever, you asked for help.

Maybe I'm remember DeS and DaS level design wrong but playing through DaS II, III, and Bloodborne, but the level design seems a lot more linear with areas feeling more like corridors, the areas in DeS and DaS seemed like they had more layers to the places you fought in, sure there were corridors in the first two but it seemed like they always opened up, for Bloodborne and Dark Souls II and III I felt like the corridor never ends and I have to agree with

The boss arenas do feel a lot smaller just for the purpose of making the bosses feel harder which sucks when it comes to Bloodborne because the dodge feels really good and works well but whats the point if you clutter an already small arena with objects you can get stuck on.

Yeah its possible but that isnt the point, the point is where is it if its right beneath the tower of flame and the Bastille is right there in the distance.

Nobody ever mentions it, but for me the addition of backstep i-frames and early animation cancels puts DS2's combat system above the others. I was pretty disappointed when these additions weren't carried forward to DS3.

What do you mean you don't like bloodborne slow edition?

the backstep has Iframes with the bloodring I think, but yea its not the same.

3 removed poise
2 had multiplayer what are you talking about? Aside from Havelshitters it was the best multiplayer of any Souls game

Whether or not it was an accident is irrelevant. The fact is that it added so much replayability and to different builds to a game that would have gotten stale after 5 or 6 runs like 2 or god forbid 1 or 2 runs like 3.

Okay but how do you get to it from the tower otherwise? Are you going to swim to it?

You mean Bloodborne with more bullshit that's somehow easier edition?

*The movement system is a lot more rigid and stiff compared to the other games. Your rolls can only go in four directions, so plan accordingly when your are fighting/preparing to fight.
*Magic is OP, use it if you want EZ mode
*The tutorial boss is beatable, but don't worry if you die to him. You will see him later.
*The upgrade paths are really overly convoluted, so don't be ashamed to read up on them so as to not waste precious materials.
*Bosses are incredibly easy, and some are straight up pushovers. There are only three bosses the entire game that will give you trouble, only one if you have played any other Souls game/if the boss A.I. has mercy on your soul(no faggot pun intended.)
*You can go to any archstone after you beat 1-1, but it's generally advised to avoid the last one(Valley of Defilement) until a few levels in.
*Grass is piss easy to farm, and makes the game even more of a cakewalk.

2 didnt have poise though? it also didnt have any multiplayer

all these combined to make the multiplayer not only shit but seemingly nonexistent, I was invaded by a player once, in Bastille and the only boss I could summon for after Bastille was the guy in iron keep, and not the demon one but the knight one, wait times for being sommoned despite the better netcode and matchmaking took longer then even un modded DS1

And don't forget that light weapon applies its damage to headbutt attacks. :^)

IT sucks, but you can farm both red and blue orbs extremely easily
Wrong. There is sin. It's gained by invading people with a red eye orb. Blue Sentinels can invade these people or conversely get summoned automatically to help Way of Blue members that are getting invaded
Of course it's going to be worse than 3 because it's newer and 1 because it's better, but it's still there.
Good in thoery, extremely poor execution so I'll give you that one
It's really not that bad. There's only like 500 people that still play vanilla 2 compared to close to 3000 that play SotFS, but I will concede this point as well anyway.

It was a typo, friend.

DS2 encourages grinding because grinding is the way you level up your special 'more i-frames' stat. That's going to be the effect on most players who know what the stat does and find that they're constantly taking when hits when they try to dodge. I'm not saying grinding is good or something that should be encouraged.

There was a pretty "convincing" rumor about using the "b-team" (out sourcing) to finish DS2, to let the actual team tackle some new gothic-themed project. Well, the gothic-themed game was Bloodborne, and thus DS2 became a fucking mess.

DS2 is still a good game, but don't even try to say that it's not an absolute mess of unpolished ideas. It's a fucking mess.

Are you fucking retarded? Irrelevant, where the fuck is the warf you idiot.


Like your opinion fucking matters, nigger.

Yeah as near as I can piece together from digging through unused stuff you were supposed to travel back in time at one point to rescue the Emerald Herald as a child, which is where you got the aged feather. The amount of cut content in this game boggles me.

You can beat the game plenty easy with 3 adp faggot. Git gud.

Her child voice is cute as fuck.

I bet you can't beat Dark Souls 1 or 3 while fat rolling because you fucking suck.


I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: If you invade in the chasm of the abyss, you can use red eye orbs to farm red eye orbs. Killing the host gives an ascetic, and there's several places to burn one that give red eye orbs. It's kind of a silly extra step to infinite invasions, but it is infinite invasions.

DS2 was meant to have a fully interconnected world. The entire reason you have those stupid and bad connections was because they were on a time crunch and didn't have time to connect shaded ruins to the big bridge you see in the woods that was supposed to lead to drangliec castle, or shaded ruins to a cut area that lead to the gutter. There were so many cool things that were supposed to fucking be in that game that aren't done.

Who the fuck pvp's in the most broken and unsastisfying of all the dark souls games. Just pvp in 1 or 2, forget 3. Pvp in 3 is dogshit.

Maybe you just like linear walking simulators with few choices in combat styles and choice? Call of duty audience plays dark souls games as well I suppose.

Why do every DaS thread on either chan end up being flooded by DaS2fags?

And no, Dark Souls 3 actually has more endings than fucking Dark Souls 2.

Why do everyone say this shit as supposed to be a defense for DaS2?

People count the actual released products, not fucking dream or potential. DaS2 is the worst Souls game.

And here's the BR. Filtered.



Go back and play DaS2 and stop shitting up the thread.

DaS2 are hell-bent on making everyone on liking their games, or else.


I called it a linear walking simulator, which it is. I didn't say it was a single ending game. I don't care if DaS2 or Das1 had only 2 endings I cared that the entirety of the game was open-ended enough that I could go where I wanted for a large portion and not be railroaded in one direction to a few specific weapon types until I reached far enough on the railroad story to get the new weapon. If I wanted to play FF13 i'd have gone and played it, I don't know why DaS3 felt the need to copy it.


How is DaS3 walking simulator?

Because you walk?

Doesn't that mean DaS1 and DaS2 are walking simulator as well?

And no, DaS3 isn't the same as FF13, I don't know how you can arrive at that conclusion, and it has super varied weapon type available right at the beginning at well, some carry you thorough the game with proper upgrade.

Stop responding to the BR. Just filter him. He destroys every thread.

With argument like this, this thread is doomed anyway.

I actually agree with him on this, but I would go further and say DS2 is a also a hallway, I put together a shitty graphic to show you what I mean, please note there literally isnt even a single line on ds3 because firelink isnt connected to anything, and ds1 is with the skeleton key but without glitches, each line is a connection that dosnt requires you to beat a boss

made a mistake on the first image

I can agree on the linearity, but linearity doesn't make a game a "walking simulator".

In fact, you walk more in DaS1 than DaS3 due to DaS3 having teleportation available right at the start.

well, in ds1 it isnt really a walking simulator because of shortcuts, and actual level to do

ds2 isnt exactly a walking simulator either, but you only go to a level to do that level and for no other reason unlike 1, and even worse its a load screen simulator, you have to warp to majula and back to do anything, and you are severly penalized for not spending souls because of the enormous risk losing unspent souls are, ensuring you need to spend them at every opportunity

3 isnt so bad, you still have 2 load screens to do anything but but you dont need to subject yourself to them as much BUT…
you need to go pick up this estus shard and that bone shard and that set of ashes and this book and that scroll and this other guys tome, and embers and shit, dont forget NPC only reset on a FUCKING LOADING SCREEN so you need to see several EXTRA screens just to move them along their quest in addition tot eh ones from warping to buy anything/ level up/ upgrade/ use your souls or advance your character in any way
oh, and you want to know where all this shit is? in the 4 corners of farron keep and surrounding environs, have fun trudging through a fucking swamp like 8 times assuming you dont get lost oh wait is fuckhuge and all looks the same better fuckign triple that

im mad

You can't go backwards into the depths from Blighttown without killing Gaping.

I didnt say it was a 2 way connection.
but your right, I should have specified, most of those are two way but that one is one way

darg souls 3 is best souls :DDD

Dark Souls 2 and 3 are proof that the developers were just unexperienced scrubs that got lucky with Dark Souls (1). I'm sure the connectivity of the world was only made because of hardware limitations, the difficulty was most likely a mistake of them not doing enough playtesting etc.


They're no difficulty mate, only challenge and reward. You just need to think before you act, it's not that hard


Fuck off, OnlyAfro

The difficulty was because they bought into the meme of DS being hard. The games were never meant to be, just that their difficulty was a way of pulling you deeper into the game and world.

But 3 is the hardest and 2 is the easiest.
I don't know why they fucked up connecting the world in 3 when the entire game goes in a small circle. Would have taken about 10 minutes to throw in a couple ladders. It doesn't matter that warping makes this seem pointless.


Bloodnorne is the hardest by far, even harder than Demon's Souls.

wow, so hard

U R gey

Think again, nerd, I didn't have to grind