Shadow Warrior is currently free on Humble Bundle. Is it worth my time?

Shadow Warrior is currently free on Humble Bundle. Is it worth my time?

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Its worse than original. But still a nice game.

The campaign is about 12 hours, give or take. There's also a tiny little survival game mode. Don't know if they added anything else since I last played.

It's alright.

It gives all the dlc and pointless soundtrack in this bundle. If you own the base game you can get all of the dlc still from this.

Thanks for the heads up, user. Good lookin out.

Yes it is. It's a nice little arena FPS with really fun sword gameplay.

It's really good. The sequel is also good, if somewhat unfocused and not as well written.

yea it's free

My main complaint about the game is that the shotgun is by far the best weapon, and you don't get it till later in the game.

Also the limited ammo, the sword stuff is fun, but I like shooting guns.
Overall is a good gameplay, solid gameplay, funny dialogue, nice atmosphere, well worth your time.

It's a borderline B action movie in a first person shooter that tries to emulate the crazy bosses of Serious Sam. It's not a bad game but I would be weary paying more than 15 dollars for it. I would grab it at the very least for that price.

it's free lad

Not bad, if you liked the gameplay in Zeno Clash. Might as well give it an hour to decide for yourself since it's already free.

It was badly worded. I meant that the game is at least worth 15 of your shekels so getting it for free is an even better price for such a gem of a game.

The guns are and feel terribly weak, the headbobbing is annoying as fuck and cannot be turned off no matter what (some other shitty graphical effects can at least be turned off with the console), the bosses are shit and the story takes itself seriously despite being bad. They even try to pull off a sad ending, but it falls completely flat because the characters are boring and the game can't stop pretending that it's serious despite the entire (supposed) charm is that the main character says silly things to make you laugh. Same dev as that one game from a few years back where they pretended it was a revival of old school FPSes, but the character was absurdly slow and clumsy and all other aspects suffered from modern FPS syndrome, so it fell completely flat.

That game, too, had that ridiculous headbobbing that you couldn't turn off. That alone tells me the devs don't understand a thing about FPS games. Actually, both these games have the same problem; they pretend they're old school shooters, but they suffer from almost every modern day FPS problem except maybe sticking to cover.

Bosses are bullshit and some mini-bosses were just bullet sponges. It had weird thing where enemies weren't one-hit KO on highest difficulty but rather bullet sponge, it was little bit annoying.
But still gameplay together with story of friendship between asshole and asshole demon was enough to recommend it.

It requires to link a Steam account, you fucking fuck niggers. It's also free if you pirate, you fucking crack monkeys.

Do you like Serious Sam and Easter Eggs?
Also it's free you dumbnut just get it and have a few hours of fun

no. awful levels, awful enemies, awful weapons. It's a serious sam shooter, if you've played that, you know how bad this garbage is.

Get Shadow Warrior 2, much better than this garbage.

Gog Version of Shadow Warrior 2 (Free): 0CEFA450B23B796F42FF9605C2AB3DC6BD90B039

It's a weak entry but it's not a shadow warrior 2 and it's not a duke nukem forever.

You know where you belong summerfag

I really don't get how people like that can manage to find their way here of all places, or why they think it is acceptable to make such retarded posts. Serious Sam is one of our signature games, coming here to shit on it is as stupid as going to Detroit and expecting anything good to happen.

I mean, you may as well get it just to see for yourself. Personally, it looks like a game that wants to pretend it's oldschool, yet be nothing like the oldschool at all.

its definitely worth your time for at least one playthrough for a laugh.

its pretty good though the humble bundle version is steam only.

Yeah the first one is okay for a playthrough or two, it's fairly enjoyable and has lots of little nods to the original. I hated the second one and suggest you avoid it.

Isn't that one of those title where, if you link your Steam and GoG accounts, they give you the DRM free version?

the game seems fun from the half hour I just played it so I guess it was worth the few clicks and one set of ctrl+c & ctrl+v
it runs fine on ganoo+loonix too, though you might have to choose the second run option if the game's menu lags like hell

GOG Connect is only for select batches of games for limited amount of time (as in, if you forget to add those games to your account in that timeframe you're shit out of luck)

Its pretty alright. The enemy design in both the aesthetic and mechanic sense can get a bit fucky, but the harmless story, pretty alright gameplay, and fun comedy duo between the two main characters make it worth more than the current price of zero dollars.

That reminds me, why isn't there any cover-based shooters that if you stay in cover and play like a faggot, the enemies will try and flank you, unless you lay on supressing fire which forces them to stay in cover aswell.

The enemy outnumber you in most games anyway, why not simulating that fact.

shit is good. don't buy the new one after this one. its a borderlands clone that no one asked for

What if I like the Borderlands gameplay elements? The thing that put me off Borderlands was the shit world and characters.


He's not talking about gameplay, I'd wager. I'm pretty sure when people refer to Borderlands negatively they are talking about the memes, bad writing, and Burch.

no im talking about the gamplay

this game is a FPS with a set amount of guns.

Shadow Warrior 2 puts a loot drop system in that no one asked for. you get random guns and power ups that forced you to go into menus after every fight that fucked with the flow of the game

Why are you cheating me?

Reread the OP.

What am I missing?

Oh it's because I'm a yurocuck.

Better than the POS that was the sequel

I played a couple hours but even on the hardest difficulty its too easy, also it's an extremely linear corridor shooter where you walk in a straight predefined line killing enemies. This type of shooter should've died in the 90s. I actually finished the second game on hardest in co-op, it was also too easy and most of my deaths were from accidentally going 2fast and falling off cliffs, but the open levels and better upgrades made it much more bearable.

Eh, just pirate it.

No, wrong, now go kill yourself

In the span of time you stopped sucking cock and wrote your reply, you forgot about your argument, dipshit.

Why am I wrong? How are corridor shooters fun anymore?

It's free if I pirate it too

The fact that it was a temporary deal, and it ended a few hours ago. You had 48 hours to get it, it's your own fault you didn't.

Excuse me?

that only ever took like 2 minutes to do though. You just plug in 3 power gems and then forget about it. You can just ignore it too, it's not like borderlands where you have no choice but to compare every gun in your inventory to one you just picked up because it might be objectively better.

you can't ignore it, you would run out of ammo with every gun mid game if you did because of the huge health bars enemies

i don't play a dumb shooter like shadow warrior for half assed RPG elements. i play it to shoot anything that moves.

Confirmed casual shitter who has no place playing vidya games.


Over all I really liked the game but my biggest negative is on the hardest difficulty most of your guns do so little damage they're useless.
The only guns that did anything were the crossbow and the rocket launcher, you end up using the sword 80% of the time.

If I were to play the game again I would stick to normal.


No, your problem is that you look for a consensus like a redditor. Serious Sam was marketed on the lie that it was a return to "mindless fun like Doom", in a time when kids didn't play Doom anymore and could not realize how false the claim was.

And shadow warrior solely exist to pretend it's a return to complex gaming like in the 90s, which is again bullshit.

How many times are you going to make the same retarded, non-descriptive post verbatim? You have one of those cases of untreatable autism.

its not hard to understand what he means. Everyone advertises sam as a classic retro shooter when really the only thing comparable to it at its inception was itself. It is THE mindless shooter, with very similar encounters across every level, very samey levels, very boring weapons, and despite how often people compare it to doom, its appeal is entirely different. Dooms levels are relatively complex when compared to Sam, and clearly built around themed encounters and paced very satisfactorily.

It's also pretty shit. Then again, it's not surprising to see these kinds of people:

a trigger nigger and a faggot who sees the need to get defensive over "signature" games (really, serious sam? evidence PC fags will eat anything up if its marketed to their egos if anything.) - hardly the kind of people I'd trust the taste of.

I don't know of anyone who advertises Serious Sam as a Doom replacement. That is something you have more than likely concocted in your head. Not surprising a dumb post would come from a console warring moron such as yourself. Shouldn't you be hyping up Dark Souls clones and PS3 games? How did you enjoy Sony embarrassing themselves at E3 this year?

everyone who calls is a retro shooter, so most people who talk about it, especially the loudest.

literal "works on my machine" tier; drink bleach

the rest is just an attempt to start a console war, so I'm just filtering and reporting you. No wonder you'd get so offended at having your ego picked at - really fitting that stereotype.


Fucking what?