
considering the impending environmental disaster, is eco-terrorism now warranted? can it gain mass support?

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Only if you are blowing up the homes of oil company CEOs or bombing their shareholder meetings.

unlikely.. people in the western world are not that desperate to support blowing shit up. you're more likely to advance leftist causes by building mass parties. join DSA or SAlt.

i mean if you can get power plants shut down, and convince people that the things being powered aren't necessary, or forcibly cutting off power to anything that's not a hospital or a food manufacturing plant

Trying to convince """environmentalists""" that nuclear power isnt evil and scary would be a good start.
This is risky and wont change a lot in the long run
You need to educate the masses instead

I'm fine with Nuclear if we all agree to store the waste in the wealthiest cities of whatever country the power is generated in.

Eco-terrorists were such a big deal not because their ideas were any better than other extremists, but because their actions actually caused huge economic damage. They were the only group in recent history that actually scared porky.

Liberating livestock from factory-farms could do huge damage to porky and still look like justice served to many in the population


It's certainly warranted, but I'm not sure how it could be effective.

are you mentally underdeveloped

why not both

Also, to act like factory farming isn't a significant problem of Capitalism is dumb. It's a significant problem.

false dichotomy. although im not vegan people really should cut down on meat consumption for the environment

Animals cannot be exploited. Stop with this bourgeois nonsense about "animal liberation." If you want to destroy factory farms to fuck with porky that is cool but don't do it just because you want to save "da poor animuls" because the proles will hate you for it.

Depends what you mean by "eco-terrorism". We really don't want another Unabomber going around killing people like those Reacción Salvaje retards in Mexico did recently.

I didn't know force fucking a bunch of animals together for food on a mass scale of millions was a good idea and these living things aren't being exploited at all.

Humans aren't as super special as you think.

Liberating animals just means letting them out of the cages you dummy. And most people actually support direct action against animal cruelty, regardless of how they view "animal rights."

Those animals would not exist sans human intervention. They are our creation to dispose of as we see fit.

Once we stop eating meat, it will be genocide for domesticated animals.

That's not much of a defense. That's just saying you forced fucked two things you are for a bunch of more things everyone eats.

I mean it would be better if you didn't take such a literal way of harnessing the power of life itself so irresponsibly.

It's incumbent on you to show why we should not. Give me some good materialist reasons.

you're aware that waste eventually becomes valuable right?
heavy elements breaks down into other elements they're not just glowing green goo like on the Simpsons.

Humans inherently different from animals by virtue of their social character and their individual consciousness. Humans can literally shape their own concept of self through the manipulation of materials. No other species does that. Animal rights are bourgeoisie woo. Read a book that is by a real philosopher for once.

Karma really. You won't escape from the balance of things easily. Whether it come in the form of massive amounts of greenhouse gas or severe enviornmental impact, nothing escapes the powers that be so easy without themselves becoming consumed when they become weak.

It may take a while but humans are really nothing special, and you're creating a potential ecological disaster just for the sake of convenience and saying fuck the later consequences and the life we're creating for the sake of food on such a scale.

I would say "massive amounts of suffering of animals force fucking in their own shit just for us to eat" is a problem, but knowing where you're coming from you'll just as likely say, "so?"

No we're not. If anything ecological niches will grow even stronger to consume us over the next coming thousand years if we ever last that long, which we probably will in some form or another.

Ecological niches we're at the moment, creating.

why not, spooked much m8

Your argument is entirely religious. Humans and animals are of a same category and since humans are sacred so should animals be? I won't accept that. I won't accept the sacredness of humanity.

Re the first argument, of greenhouse gasses and the like, there are good utilitarian reasons to keep animals. Not all land can grow crops we can eat, and you will maximize food output by letting animals graze there and eat them in turn.

That said, animal farming in its current form should be destroyed, for ecological and practical reasons, but I won't accept the moral argument against eating animals, not based on the arguments you provided.

It takes an enormous amount of water for agriculture to work, an enormous amount of food, an enormous amount of waste, green house gases, and really, setting up things to go horribly for everyone later on

i meant mass support

was what I asked to

I wasn't claiming that humans didn't need the earth or something. Read the post.

It's actually not. It's entirely natural home grown, solid actuality. Life itself does not escape from consequences of easy consumtion without several gigantic problems arising from it. Everything is built in with fail safes of sorts, in the form of everything has flaws. This is a bit of an over simplification, but the enviornment has no qualms with using them, in fact it's always an inevitability these weaknesses that aren't noticed become problems.

With factory farming, and our current level of warming, we face one such problem.


Factory farming, on top of everything I just told you, consumes an enormous amount of water. With desertification of crop almost near certainty in the future, you will face an equal problem of livestock shortage when the food to get to them becomes too much. You may see companies just releasing their stock and becoming a larger problem, not like you can kill it all.

It's really a no win situation. Did you seriously think that factory farming consumption made you outside of the ecology itself?

the only ecoterrorism i support is gassing everyone in this thread

Not sure why you are repeating that argument, I already agreed current factory farming should be destroyed.

But you initially gave a point about the suffering of animals, which you are now ignoring.


Most "eco-terrorism" is just sabotage, like putting metal in tree trunks to damage sawblades and shit like that. Yes we need a broad sabotage movement, and the establishment is scared that one is going to start up soon. They're trying to ban blocking traffic and so on.

Eco terrorism is certainly justified and useful now, lethal action imo isnt yet.

Also eco terrorism does not need public support to be successful, any slow down in CO2 dispersion buys us more time needed to implement necessary technology. Raising the price of oil and gas only a little bit can save massive amounts of CO2 and force quicker implementation of alternative power sources.

Blowing up a few cow herds could reduce methane and would be gory enough to get media attention.

German activists have been successful in blocking coal mines in various ways, attacking the massively subsidized coal industry is a good tactic imo. Shutting down coal ports or oil terminals is also possible.

The Coming Insurrection iirc also talks a bit about these topics.

Because it's fact.

I'm really not ignoring in fact, I addressed it. I am implying that the suffering of workers will eventually equal the suffering of what they consume, factory farming was never a good idea. It presented itself as an easy solution, but it faces us with massive consequences.

Dust Bowl 2.0 isn't just the end of capitalism's consequnces to us, it is in fact, just the begining. With the unsanitary conditions of much factory farms becoming an equal problem even if abandoned with lack of sanitation after; antibiotic resistant bacteria and viruses become much more of a threat.

On top of this, farmers with no choice in an earlier stage of the problems that will arise, will come in the form of releasing an enormous amount of livestock like was always done during the depression. What problems comes from that, we can only speculate. Their deaths are inevitable, but that level of carcasses coming up when much natural wild life we killed off to face such an event? You'll get an enormous amount of insect spawning, flies, maggots, viruses, bacteria, all matters of plague born from the arrogance we could eat at such a scale without ourselves being in the face of direct consequence to it

The problems are not here yet. But they will arise. Biblically almost, in the form of uncontrolled insect populations from ants to flies to bacteria having the economic boom.

Porky is terrified of eco terrorists. The May 2014 wildfires in San Diego were actually set by ecoanarcho terrorists and (although that was retarded) the actual origin was never reported in media.

I know because when the fires were creeping towards my apartments we talked to the firefighters and they said as much.

Mostly because they're motivated and home grown, they could be anyone and you can't really stereotype them as the non white Other.

They could be of any class, any place, or any time.

So let me get this straight…. you guys are worried about the environment so much, … you are willing to destroy it to "prove your point?"

Am I right?

Read the fucking thread again retard, its really not that hidden what the people here want to attack

Not so much worry as much as understanding of inevitability. Especially in factory farming.

Factory farming is an inevitable ecological disaster once economic down time on great depression scale happens. Which is also, inevitable.

Companies will shut down, animals will be released, they will die, and without an ecosystem to take care of such massive death tolls, nor, the regulations to sanitize factory farms after their closure.

You will get as was said. Three plagues. Insects, bacteria, and viruses. Probably by that point, antibiotic resistant.

Nobody here is doing as much terrorism to the ecology than Capitalism. In fact, Capitalism is responsible for all deaths animal and human that come as a result of factory farming.

Which is actually what we set to oppose. Capitalism.

"Eco-terrorism" to anarkiddies means busting monkeys out of animal testing labs or maybe even burning down SUVs in a used car lot but not much else. If they really wanted to maximize financial harm they would attack our lovely energy infrastructure. I mean if one pipeline exploded that could cause billions of damages and cost porky even more in lost profits.

a good target would be cattle farms. beef-raising is an unparalleled ecological disaster, with all the food they need and methane they produce.

Agreed actually on attacking pipelines. It's not like anyone can defend every inch of them. It would be incredibly easy to attack.

Veto. Just shoot people, we might need that infrastructure later, or could cause a lot of environmental harm by chaotically destroying it.

OK, so parents get to kill and eat their kids now right? Shitty excuse.

Without social revolution that fixes the underlying institutional problems responsible for our ecological crises, eco-terrorism will just be an actual flash-in-the-pan.

Google Murray Bookchin


PKK attacks pipelines, it's bookchin-approved.

Attacking energy infrastructure is becoming more common, people shut down a tar sand pipeline in North America a few months back.

And coal mines are getting shut down in europe. A few transformer station for water pumps where burned downn recently too.

Occupying forests where new mines are planned also has a long tradition. Hambacher Forst is one of such places currently active in Germany.

y not both m8

Oh this is a thread I can hop into!

Watch "If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front", I watched it last Spring. There's a great line about how peaceful protest accomplishes nothing, but it also outliens the risks of eco-"terrorism".

I have trouble using terrorist language when this thread doesn't exactly describe what it is. It's an interesting discussion to be had. Did Standing Rock's peaceful protest really hault pipeline creation? They got bagged and gassed to shit, should they have violently protested? Would it have given the protest a bad name in the media?

Interesting shit comrades.

Television, cars, computers, air travel, synthetic biology, nuclear power, and synthetic chemistry should all be abandoned, tbh. I'm prepared to get rid of more, but that's a good start.
