Feminists and Social Justice Activists Call for Video Game Developer Censorship Blacklist


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let them try, it'll only get worse for them.

Pray elaborate.

All of these people are fucking nobodies and it's hilarious. They have nothing to provide the world, they have no talents, no skills, nothing. Yet they have this sense of superiority about them because they repeat what is said, repeat what is said, repeat what is said. Sage for a somewhat pointless thread.

Works for me

Sage negated.

Archive me please. I want to see someone rebuke this.


Göring, start the ovens.

Good. Criticizing feminism probably means you aren't retarded. Competent developers will be hired less, thus they go independent and slowly replace the "industry" with good games because they don't have to listen to whining feminists and SJWs.

We don't make a thread everytime these losers throw up something, else we'd have the whole catalog filled with all different shades of 4$ hair dye.

Jim "diabetes gallstones" Sterling mentioned something akin to this during his steam greenshit video.

Get ready for a GameJournoPros style blacklist series of articles about how the industry has to better "vet" it's creators. They'll all be released within a few hours or days of each other at most. Look for the key words "vetting", "industry standards", "de-platforming", and so on.

Basically if you engage in wrong think no one will allow you into their company. The gate keepers in HR will ensure that. Ubisoft, blizzard, EA, Activision, and everyone who has to manage their PR like nuts is gonna bend to this shit.

Calling it now.

Probably talking about Tim Soret and The Last Night


Don't you have daily gamergoy threads specifically to prevent this?

Oh no don't do it. Definitely don't do it, it will absolutely destroy indie devs.
It will even make them work harder to please you. It will definitely result in them giving a fuck about social justice and not radicalizing them.

I cannot wait till SJWs will complain about devs they blocked calling themselves victims to boost their sales even further.

Who's the dyed hair slut

So they'll make a developers worth following list?

Maya "Legobutts" Kramer

So this Tim Soret guy, did he really piss them off that much that they are resorting to blacklisting? What the fuck did he do?

Oh yeah, I remember that person now. I'd scrubbed a lot of goobergrape drama from my memory as no longer important. Didn't know she had such a pair of tig ol' bitties on her.

Why do these "people" always insist on using some fucked up dystopian method of solving the simplest problems?

One one hand. I say let them ruin the western gaming industry. I have enough games to last me decades. Once videogames become the unsocial medium it used to be acknowledged as and people stop buying games. The people who actually care about making video games will replace the parasites. Companies like EA will have to downsize so much they'll be begging for competent devs or simply abandon gaming.

On the other hand, who they hell are these faggots and why should anyone listen to them? Go ahead and blacklist everyone until you have no one but small hugbox.

Eat a dick and die SJW apologist.

Oh no the companies that produce the worst kind of crap will not hire talent because of politics that sucks
In the long run is going to be worse for the companies

I hope you're aware that Japan is the next target for the marxists, right?

He made a pair of gamergate posts in 2014 calling out games press for being shit, and (gasp) daring to suggest that feminism is corrupted as fuck. He publicly apologized for the tweets on state at the PCgamer E3 show, of course they still want his head.

I'm no fan of the (((old guard))) game companies but the less inroads SJW types make the better. Honestly Most of the games I enjoy nowadays are from smaller companies anyway so it's not going to affect people like me.

People in the industry are the ones who will suffer. Well, at least they'll have to put on a pretty face to avoid getting shit canned for wrong thing.

I was going to buy his games. Not anymore.

That's not my image

He had to, otherwise his career in vidya would be over.

Hows it feel being the problem user.

Don't care.


There's no redemption in their eyes. Hell they're still going after David Duke and he hasn't been in the Klan since before I was born.

You want to talk about religious dogma look no further than SJW culture. Of course If he were to donate to FemFreq, ZoeQuinn and a plethora of other SJW talking heads maybe they might forgive him.

They wouldn't*

Eh he's probably normalfag core politics wise. He didn't realize what kind of shit he was getting into.

He's fucked. There's no redemption if you challenge the feminist doctrine. He may as well given the roman salute and praised white nationalism as far as SJWs are concerned.

Imagine if video games were controlled by Holla Forums and /r9k/ types

His career in vidya is over anyway. The SJWs still have the given the game, and him, the scarlet letter, and now the regular gamers won't touch it because he capitulated to the assholes.

Did you hear that? I think I just heard McCarthy rolling around in his grave.


user, if you're here, it's because you know how widespread and enforced socjus can get. It's hypocrisy to expect everyone to fight tooth and nail against it at all times.

You need to be 18-years old to post on this imageboard.

Who are you quoting?

A group of people who appreciate great aesthetics and the classics and a group of people who appreciate video games from their basements all day and know about quality waifus?
How do I make this combination happen?

See the big difference is that Holla Forums types, traditionally minded men, are the people who actually create things. These leftards just leach off productive members of society and take already existing objects/products/stories and twist them into monstrous parodies. That's why they gatekeep: they can not create.

When politics are destroying the hobby, that's a solution.

Name something Holla Forums has created.

Lurk more

Japs would not allow them to ruin their profit like that. JP otakus are fickle people. Dropping games just because their waifu died. Star Ocean 5 got some panties censored and the whole community went apeshit causing the game to bomb hard on release and Amazon reviews being flooded with 1 star.

Holla Forums is a board. It can't create anything because it isn't a living being.

Gaming sucks. gems are far and few between. The people who would know how to make quality games don't know how to actually make them.

I think you're wrong here. It's more a case that the left big up their garbage creative works. When they realise that they can't be part of that group of talented creators they try to control the stage they're on. In truth these people are more about the social life than being a creator. Socialites need to put themselves on pedestals because peacocking is the only shit they care about.

worse, they changed panties to fucking diapers

The gaming industry is all hipsters, faggots and nerds who don't know shit about fun because they didn't game throughout childhood

The current political climate.


Imma down with that.

Because the problem doesn't actually exist outside of a mirror.

Why, this sounds awfully close to devdex some (((anons))) were pushing a long time ago.

If such list exists, please show it to me. I would like to know where to spend all the money I've been saving on vidya since 2013.

Ask a stupid insincere question you were going to shitpost back at anyway no matter what and get a stupid insincere shitposting answer.

That would be fantastic.

I hope this results in a Steve Shives level of blocking.

Also what company is going to give a fuck? The only thing this proves is who cares more about games or more about virtue signaling. If anything this will just create an inverse list of who isn't a pozzed piece of shit.

Weren't these posts made weeks/months ago?

r/thedonald and the Proud nation of Kekistan™ :^)



Funnily enough, that's the one thing Holla Forums has created; shitposts.

Top heh

Ebola-chan, kek, Ben Garrison.

no, that's Australia


I'm pretty sure he meant Pepe and the Ben Garrison comic edits.

Holla Forums practically memed Kek back to relevant status and changed Ben Garrison from libertarianism into fascism.

I personally hacked the election
I also hacked history to create Russia to create something to blame as blaming Israel was just a little too hard

Well we summoned Kek into the phsyical realm by us chanting his name "Kuk"

Were the LOTR memes Holla Forums or leddit?

I like that one.

Kill yourself, jew.

before either of them to be honest
That said Elves are Faggots

nobody cares.
Go be retarded somewhere else

I'm talking about the new ones like celebrating Gondorian diversity.

Quickly, we need more PR to solve this.
Let's gather donations to give to feminist devs!

Pretty sure it was from a Holla Forums thread about LoTR

Holla Forums LOTR memes were always boss.

I remember when they were roleplaying Theoden Charge back in the election, golden times.

Fucking sick to death of this shit. Something has to be done about this endless faggotry.

How is this thread ruined by Holla Forums?

Ok then how would of you expected this thread to go any differently
It's not like it's even a Farcry 5 Thread

Who would've thought that the western videogame crash is not going to happen because of bloated budgets and AAA franchise fatigue, but thanks to deranged ideologues going to extreme lengths to enforce the same political beliefs in the industry.

Go ahead then, it's not like my backlog of games is going to get any smaller while shit goes down.

user it the combination of the two that's doing it

Sometimes it might actually mean you're even more retarded and are an egalitarian, like Soret.
Equality is a retarded meme Balance is important

He said that feminism is bad and he's an egalitarian retard where every idea and person has equal value (^:
Then he cucked out, fell on his knees and apologized for wrongthink.
so not only SJW's are eating him, but he alienated the people who actually buy games and are sick of leftist shit.

Hatred alone gave them enough money to get comfy.

Yeah I'm sure it's just around the corner this time
Totally gonna happen

Oh shit, it's the assbalsted goon from the Holla Forums thread!

If Holla Forums is going to make strategy games all days then I'm all for it.

The world could stand to have more Age of Empires, HoMM, Total War and so on…


True, but on one hand we've been waiting for almost a decade for the former to happen already, while the latter option has been escalating exponentially since 2014.

It's why I think the extreme politization of the medium is going to be the final nail in the coffin, It's been fucking over indie game development (which was supposed to be the counterbalance to AAA bullshit, mind you) and now it's spreading to AAA development thanks to the diversity hires in Bioware and Ubi to mention a couple examples.

Why is Jim Sterling popular? I've always been too repulsed by the sight of him to actually watch a video he's produced.

The crash ain't going to happen but vidya are going to slowly dry up, even Call of Duty is getting called out now.

Devs gonna learn a hard lesson that only hardcore fans give a shit about vidya.

I don't understand your post. How is this thread, which is inherently related to both Holla Forums and Holla Forums, ruined by the discussion of both aspects? Are you one of those retarded fags who still identifies as a part of gamergate and thinks that the industry's problems end with Kotaku? Complaining about Holla Forums is nothing but whining about other people who are more serious about saving this hobby and refused to quit after the midboss.

The Latter has also been Escalating exponentially
Don't be surprised if we see a video game with a Billion Dollar production cost Probably RDR 2 or GTA VI


What can these fucktards actually do to indie developers?

What are the alternatives to stay out of their firing line?

I only bring this up because there might be a case where some developers get more cock blocked than Tim did for not towing the line so I think it's a good idea to be ready with alternatives.

I'd assume it's a Holla Forums tranny who hates seeing its delusions being verified by reality.

Get really rude on twitter, at worst dox and swat them.
Not give a fuck and show them you're not afraid, Like DC did with Hatred boycott or Playasia with DoA

Time and time again it's been proven that not giving a fuck about them does little damage to your reputation in the long run, and, provided you deliver a good product and don't behave like a complete asshole, having a devoted audience will offset any disadvantages of not getting positive coverage from a dying games press, or not being invited to award ceremonies or circlejerk parties with hipster faggots in the bay area.
No matter what they say, they are and remain a vocal minority that factors very low in the consumer side of the industry.

Ruin someone's career with the help of their friends in the media/tech press.
Either don't react to them or don't work in western vidya.

Which is so bizarre because you have this complete fanservice character yet they censor a pair of panties?

Speaking of which. Why are social justice weebs a thing? The media they consume completely contradicts their view points 24/7.

leftists love him because he's a pseudo-intellectual that speaks persuasively and they fall for it hard, being brainless themselves. I got into an argument with an old friend about the sexualization of female characters bullshit and he points me to Jim's video on the trope. of course Jim immediately dismissed the 'hot muscular guy' trope, as it's the appropriate counter where men are sexualized, too; just other men usually don't care. fast forward 3-4 years and Hot Ryu happens, completely invalidating dipshit's strawman.

They want to subvert Anime to their needs
Same thing with Feminist Videogamers and Tabletop players Comics were always Jewish shit

Tabletop games after simple things such as chess were also shit, just a bunch of fucking hippie story-telling circles.

They are the vocal minority with trust funds and networking that looks like incest. They throw their weight like lobbyists sadly. And that is what big companies like microsoft and the likes listens to, especially with the bone not doing too hot and win10 being free*

*free by selling your info to the highest bidder.

Funny enough chess was a bit harder to pozz with that champion female player refusing to go play in islam because of legit sexism.

And somehow they miss all his nazi imagery.

Because it's an industry that makes a lot of money and since they have no creativity skills they have to infiltrate it, take over and "deconstruct" (nicer word for "destruction") the successful model.

I can't think of a single genre that would be worse off as long as that was limited to the West.

Japanese is a diffucult language not many people know, but anime is nice, reading is bad.
Now what if I told you you can be a talentless hack who literally writes his own script to an already made anime, and your script is just 20 minutes of your braindead lefty drivel, that NOBODY WITH SOCIETAL IMPACT WILL VERIFY WITH ORIGINAL
See the dragon maid funimation dub (^:

They're sneaking into anime via dubs. Funimation is getting pozzed.

When will it all end already

I just don't see why you guys make threads about tweets.

I actually came very close to winning one of those (3rd place at most). The game just gets boring after 10 minutes or so and it's not worth playing for 2 hours straight to win a t-shirt.

I'll play it

Do you have a strategy for Saint Tropez? The suicide car bombers are my biggest problem.

They're not really a thing. They tend to have an extremely superficial understanding of what they're watching, apart from that it's not leftist enough.

As it stands, the only correct move as an indie dev is to shut the fuck up and not talk about anything political. Doesn't matter what you say, you either piss off SJWs or you'll piss off right wingers. Doesn't matter what you agree with, it'll alienate people either way.
The sooner that stops (if ever), the better.

It was before Saint Tropez came out.

As you pointed out, japan doesn't really give a fuck about their ideology and they take it further with their creations because, in spite of their business model being about selling shit, a cadre of creators within their industries actually care about the art and creativity. So imagine encountering this creative outlet so far outside of your warped perception of social justice that you become obsessed with the need to "correct" them and continously demand that they do as the west pleases and bend to their indoctrination schemes.

It's at that point that they get eternally btfo and can only shout "FUCKING JAPS STOP BEING THE ETERNAL MISOGINY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" when that same cadre of creators swiftly tells them to go fuck themselves backwards with a telephone pole and these sjweebs have no other option but to bitch, moan and complain to the localization teams which just feel the need to cave in because they are the only ones who will listen to them.

Have you heard of hbomberguy? I stumbled upon one of his videos in which he was 'debunking' 'alt-righters' like sarcuck. Had never heard of him before, but he's an achingly smug videogame reviewer who also 'debunks' objective reality.

Fine by me.

Good digits, but you're forgetting that the left never buys games.
They talk about them or the really involved ones jew out review copies/go into game ""dev""
but never play.

Leftists really are creepy as fuck. Every day it seems less like a political movement and more like a cult. Can't they see how shit like this is scaring people away? Not just moderates, but people that typically identify with the left, like homosexuals who are terrified of the lefts zealous dedication to sucking off islam despite the murder of gays. It doesn't matter how nonsensical and hypocritical it is, if it's labeled "progressive" they will follow it unquestioningly, even right off the edge of a cliff, it's so fucked up.

They are getting annoying though.
Every now and then i stumble on a JapanTimes aritlces or shit,talking about muh poor mixed people in Japan, or the mixed Japanese beauty contest in two years and the abuse she suffers, or how they need more immigration because Japanese are old,etc.

The loudest ones and the ones who perpetuate don't, sure. But there's a bunch of consumers who buy into it. It'll cut into your profits either way.

Big mistake. Never apologise to the thought police. For them it's validation they're right, and it's a sign of weakness to everybody.

I lost count of the number if times (((the media))) tried to force Trump into a corner for an apology.

Someone post that Dragon Maid dub clip.

I used to think Videogames were a business NOT AN AFRICAN SUPREMACIST CULT!

Whereas now it's over and he deserves to die

The funny thing is that the harder they try, the more japan resists. The language barrier makes it difficult for them to process the fact that they just don't give a shit about political correctness since japanese people aren't really ones to get upset over fiction. What makes it worse for these sjweebs is that the japs get really annoyed by their efforts too and begin to completely isolate themselves from their outsiders' opinions entirely.

Sure, they are annoying, but japan won't cave, and the more they bitch, the more japan'll retort with "firuthy baka gaijin piggu go homu". The unfortunate side effect might be getting less games from them thanks to localization team bullshit, but at least we can learn moonrunes.

It blows my mind that there are still devs out there that haven't figured this out. It's best to stick to your guns if you anger their cult because they love nothing more than to eat their own. You will lose all respect of everyone if you bend over backwards to try and please them. Just look at Daniel Vávra, he pissed them off, told them to go fuck themselves when they demanded he bend the knee to them and he's doing just fine.

The only power they have is the power you give them. The proper response when they come crawling along is to tell them to fuck off and not come back. If you don't give in to the shaming there is nothing they can do against you.

Now both sides hate him, the left because he exists, the right because he prostrated himself, and all he got out of it was look like a cuck.

While I do agree, its a microkike owned indie, he was painted into a corner as soon as he signed their devil contract and should have made his twitter private.

Yeah but Trump can do that because he's got the money. No other person in the political circle can do that because they want to spend their entire career in politics.
Tim Soret is a new guy in the industry who managed to have a style that helped him get noticed out of the mass of indieshit pixeltards.
I think that you can only take a stand if you have enough backup (money and/or notoriety).

Well.. he's french.
t. frogistan citizen

Oh and I forgot it was not he himself that signed it but the company who was funding and essentially own his game.

Oh, the Nips get all kinds of pissed off at their fiction. Otakus are serious business, and if you fuck with their waifus the way leftists tend to do (ugly, had miles of dick in her vagina, shit personality) they go berserk. Just look up what they did when the main female heroine in Kannagi was implied to be used goods.

This goes doubly so when they find out something has been pozzed for Western audiences, that's when the right wing nationalists come out of the woodwork.

I am sorry for what they have done to your nation. One day we will throw Holla Forums on a pyre together and have a bear while we watch it burn to death.

Exactly. Apologise and the situation doesn't change, apart from encourage them to beat you over the head even harder with it because they know you're a weak target.

Don't apologise and they turn the screw until the pressure levels reach 11. But hold out a bit longer and they quickly move on to their next target of outrage. Media scandals work in exactly the same manner.

What can they even do if you don't apologize? Call you names? Refuse coverage from dying game journalism sites when there's a hundred YouTubers that don't give a flying fuck about your (non-threatening) politics?

Look at Hatred, the leftists throwing a shitfit only helped it gain popularity. What people seem to not understand is that there are two kinds of bad publicity, the controversial kind and the quality kind. The former is good, because you're essentially having your opposition broadcast what your product is about and this will attract interested people, the later is bad, because no one wants to buy a shit product.

Then by definition he's not indie and doesn't really deserve any pity. Actual indie devs gotta worry about making ends meet. His game was shown at fucking E3, he doesn't have to worry about being painted in a bad light and getting no coverage due to saying a no-no word.

That's unfortunate, but again, no longer indie. You sell your soul for a safety net.

Tim Soret's stand is the quality of his games. He's not a PR man or politician. 99% of people don't care that he said x or y, and will have forgotten it in a week.

And for the record, people are sick of lying centrist 'i don't have any real views' glorified PR-men politicians. That's why Trump won.

Good, the worse it gets the better.


They are a cult, not only do they also side with a sharia promoting crazy woman but now they are also championing a literal murderer archive.is/9waxv

I should've worded myself better, I know that their otaku culture are quite the cult themselves, but when I said that they don't get pissed off, I meant it in the same way that sjws do by calling censorship and demanding diversity and the typical leftist bullshit. If anything, their outrage runs in direct opposition to that of sjws, they don't want political correctness shit, they outright demand that their works be and remain unpozzed.

Wizards are actually the real chads, read your fucking Vedas.

I agree. His company sold its soul and when that happened he should have taken percautions knowing how the industry thinks fucking anglo

Indeed. No disagreements, anything reciving funding from a big company is not indie(pendent).

They control a lot of the organisations that provide indie developers with funding grants as well as Marketing support. Of course given that I've been denied every time I've tried to apply for these I'm starting to think its better to just go it alone since I now have more $$$ on my own that I would have with the grant, it just took longer to obtain.

I think the best thing you can do is just stay out of it. Make your game, release it to a market, if its good, people will buy it. Just don't rely on these assholes because most of the time they don't actually benefit the indies they support. I know a few people that drank the coolaid and ended up being burned because they had to bribe the press because their game was soo bad in order to get coverage. It's because of this that I flat out refuse to become a IGDA member. Feck em!

Communism is betacracy, Trotsky looked exactly like the modern numale.

Moderates are just leftists pretending.

I remember discussing it on Holla Forums years ago, how their behavior of social isolation and alienation is exactly the kind of shit cults get up to to make you completely reliant on them and their support structure.

And the industry listens because their livelihood depends on keeping the otakus happy. I can't really imagine shit like GATE getting produced in the West, or getting as popular as it did, considering it's basically a right wing wet dream. Even IS, despite being harem trash, has elements of right wing nationalism in it, and the otakus swallow it all up.

Social justice weebs have always existed, they consumed anime but they want anime to be more thoughtful, intellectual and less moe and sexy, these scums grew up to be SJW.

I don't really blame starry-eyed devs for falling for it, the industry is predatory and devs want to make a living. But if a deal seems to good to be true, it is. Even the ones who champion themselves as the good guys looking at you, Devolver tend to be pretty shit or end up the same way.

Really, the safest bet seems to be to just stay independent, make something that's not too ambitious and market it to people who are serious about games.

At least closing off the comment section on videos and censorship in general would be called out as the bullshit it is. Yeah, I'd definitely take it.

And then slurp shit like the live action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell right up like the good goys they are. No, pic related is what leftists have always wanted.

Tangentially related: /u/ apparently triggered some tranny on a scanlation site because of pic related.

According to John Wayne, McCarthy took action against communists because they were blacklisting those who were right-leaning or apolitical (sound familiar?). It's kind of why Hollywood wasn't PC pre-2010.

Like Notch? Would be pretty great actually. A lot of right leaning people aren't that discriminatory in public, as we seen from TRS. They just post hateful stuff to blow off steam.

On the other hand, it could be bad because they would be overly-progessive to cover their tracks.

Yeah, just imagine, manly and inspiring protagonists, beautiful and attractive female characters, and narratives about heroes being heroes.

The real truth is that leftists latch onto popular IPs because all they can produce is filth. They are filth, they revel in it and all they can make is things in their own, grotesque image. With an already popular IP they can mask the pozz until it is too late.

I meant he should have covered his tweets or edited them so he could not be accused of gg. Social media is a deadly plague.

He was spot on with what he was doing, and it turns out all the people he "persecuted" were traitors and Soviet infiltrators.

Or he should have just told the leftists to fuck off.

These scums have never enjoyed anime as it is, they wanted to pozz it up.

He made a couple of GG supporting tweets about how actual journalism should be in 2014 and the SJWs spread fake tweets of him.

Doesn't matter, if you say something and delete it or edit it after, it'll still be online somewhere. If not that, you'll get accused of something or have something you said be "misunderstood".
If there's people who want to write a shame piece on you, they won't stop at anything. Best to just not talk about anything but your game and avoid conflict when possible.

They can do a lot of damage.
They have infiltrated "games journalism". HR departments of publishers and larger developers. Education systems including universities.

They can deny media coverage. They can refuse to hire. They can spread misinformation and indoctrinate our youth. They can control funding to smaller indie devs. They can get people they don't like fired for some random joke overheard at a conference. They can block public speaking events and deny access to symposiums and seminars.

Ignoring the SJW does long term harm. They must be fought now or you will soon live in their dream world.

Don't forget that Marx was a disgusting fat fuck with body covered in pustules, boils and other shit
Marx's mother about Karl

McCarthy was held back by retarded lolberts

These shits are so fucking disgusting. And their smug satisfaction when they shit things up for everyone makes my blood boil. It's gotten to the point I hope mudshits win so I can watch them throw faggots and trannies off buildings.

Marx was disgusting even by Jewish standards. No wonder it was him that came up with an ideology as shit as communism.

Is there any other kind?

And thats how it always goes, they exploit the tolerance and kindness of people to eventually destroy them.

It's true, but people cave to them, thus giving them power. Just look at the way the Last Night guy cucked out.

They must not simply be fought, they must be purged from every area of public life. They are a cult that will never stop in their quest to destroy Western civilization.

Ever wonder why sci-fi and fantasy books of today are virtue signaling garbage? Because 90% of editors in publishing companies are leftist women that get to decide what books to publish. This is what the left always does, it's called "the long march through the institutions" and it is their plans to achieve complete cultural and political hegemony over a people.

The only way to stop them is to exterminate them.

I just read further into the thread.

Holy fucking shit, this goes beyond repugnant. Why are trannies even considered human?

I highly recommend everyone in this thread to read George Orwells book 1984, or listen to it on as an audio book
I'll even provide you with a link to where you can listen to it and download it

always with the doubling down.

There's a lot of free tools and resources out there. You will have to start from the very bottom by making material like pong or tic-tac toe, if you don't then you'll only be able to make VNs.


If they start actually blacklisting people on the grounds of "They're not feminist" then they've just killed themselves. They're gonna get fucked by the legal system for discriminatory hiring practices.

At the same time, or separately?

Let me tell you something user. Leftist do not actually consume the media that they claim they do. They don't give a shit, they only claim they do and watch the most mainstream shit possible.

They are those weird kind of people that are stuck somewhere in between being an absolute normalfags and outcasts. They do not have the social skills necessary to be a part of a group and yet they are not autistic enough to care about the things they claim to like.

Those forms of entertainment were the usual escapist tools for different kinds of outcasts and people started investing their time into them to escape from the problems of their daily life for a bit.

But the problem is, SJW do not actually get invested into those forms of entertainment. They treat it as a way to show how "eccentric" and "cool" they are, trying to win the respect of other people by trying to show that they are "interesting" because they have slightly different hobbies even if they aren't really knowledgeable about those hobbies. They try to find a quick way to become sociable, find friends without actually bettering themselves or their social skills.

They don't actually care about those forms of media, they don't actually consume those forms of media, they only use them for their own gains. They destroy them so that they can show others that they are "good people". They will take something that is enjoyed by many people and fucking ruin it for their own selfish gains.

Basically, they are all selfish cunts.

The legal system doesn't protect your political views. Besides, they don't have to tell you why they didn't hire you.

Nope, otherwise shit like Affirmative Action wouldn't have existed for decades. Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. and the rest of his filthy nigger faggots placated the white majority by reassuring the AA was only a temporary measure that would only be in place for less than a decade before niggers found their footing?

The whites in the US should have lynched King and his whole family the very moment he got it in his head he was something more than a beast of burden.

sign me up fam

Put this shit in the general where it belongs

I forgot about fiction. I've heard the horror stories of new sci-fi writers trying to get published. You either need to show Oppressed Credentials (PoC, tranny, LGBTQBBQ etc) or be a feminist boot licker to get a deal. SJWs control the major sci-fi and fantasy award ceremonies, many publishers, and ALL writing workshops and seminars.

They've gotten away with this kind of shit before

Not saying it's a bad thing they are stuck there. Just that the evidently haven't found their footing.

Do something about it ;)

It's why publishers are bleeding users while everyone that gives a shit about sci-fi and fantasy migrates to self-publishing. Leftists are a fucking cancer and I am serious when I say they must not be tolerated or given a voice. The only response to their existence is to remove them from any community you care about because they will ruin it sooner or later.

Martin Luther King was a lying nigger, who would have thought? The FBI should have shot him sooner.


I'm more than okay with this. This would the easiest way to break Zionist indoctration and make people be aware of what's ACTUALLY happening. It'll be glorious.

Yes please

just as bad

You do realize the most impressive works of art and fiction have been created when right wingers were in power, right?


I saw that, fucker should've known that everytime you get attacked by such people, you ignore them/double down.

can you recommend a quality audio book site? free if possible

Many companies that contains these nut jobs already do this anyways. You can see it with your own eyes. As anyone of genuine merit is replaced with useless idiots from their political clique the quality of the end product suffers. You see things like female characters being covered up and/or made deliberately ugly while male characters remain scantily clad supermodels. (see: Bioware) Above all, the clique encourage one another to shoehorn their cult doctrine as academia has programmed them to do spread it like a virus of the mind.

Again, this is something they're already doing utilizing their current influence yet still they want TOTAL influence.

As long as they don't try to take away our hot, cute waifus and porn games I'm completely down for that.

What did they mean by this?

Any and all dissent is a threat to their dominance. Their ideology can only continue to exist if there are no opposing view that call it into question. This is the culmination of a century of developing Marx's philosophy. The best they have managed to come up with is to eliminate every political and ideological opponent to maintain their hold on power, because even they know their ideology is one of guaranteed failure.

I don't think anyone had a problem with the Birth of Venus back in 15th century Italy.

I hate to be a CF, but I think the problem might be with LGBT people. The right/center leaning types are cool, they are discreet with non-LGBT folk, but open in environments where they are accepted. They even police themselves like Alphablaster.

In contrast, the left-leaning LGBT people are open about it everywhere while deeply engaging in politics to conceal the fact that their lifestyles are dull. Instead of raising a family, they want to dictate a nation/community from their distorted perspective. If Viviangames was content with his life, then he wouldn't be fighting to scrape the credits list of an h-doujin.

You mean people of different races shitposting ironically?
Wow, what a nightmare.

There are some hardcore moralfags among the rightwingers, that is all that worries me.
Someone has that "More morals, less moralizing" speech?

I don't.

That's cuck/pol/, Holla Forums is actually much more rightwing than them.

A lot of us just state ideals, but we don't necessarily practice them. White nationalists state that they love white culture, but they will state that they like east-asian culture like anime.

I'm a huge sucker for fat cute tits on insane __men

All because he dared suggest that universal basic income would leave people feeling purposeless
I've just graduated and am looking for work and have been NEET before. You better believe you'll feel purposeless even if you've got money for tendies. All I want is for (((them))) to give us back our space faring future. I can either be a space janitor or I can be RWDS, (((their))) choice

Rookie mistake. If you are targeted you're already done, might as well go out swinging your dick. An apology is an admission of guilt to them and will only invite further attacks.


Are you straight up stupid? The reason for this is because the Japanese have homologous moral structures to the mannerbunde typical of Indo-Europeans, which most white nationalists/fascists emulate, either consciously or unconsciously. If you looked at it through an actually informed historical lens, you'd realize this is the explicit reason given for the Axis' inclusion of Imperial Japan.

Unless you're a druggie, fag, nigger, other degenerate etc. who is content with just fueling his addictions.

I'm just against censorship of any kind to be honest. I just saw that both left wing and right wing has moralfags that want to censor stuff. Obviously the left has far more of them.

This just makes me want to make a video game more.

Culture is not pop culture.


What game this green haired bitch made so she could become the ambassador of videogame development?

Fundamentally, you're still buying and expressing support for a completely different culture, subculture, and race. Sorry if you're offended by it, but William Pierce didn't approve of it in his lifetime at all.

Actually, the Axis motive for allying with Japan was to seize territory in East Asia.

What does that have to do with my post?

There's nothing wrong with that is there? You can love your own people and still learn from accomplishments of others while giving them proper respect. Pic related

Did anyone actually claim this early on? Pic related was from late August/early September.


So it was Jews larping as right-wingers? Should have expected that.

weren't they saying this shit years ago? did anything meaningful ever come of it?
most of the entities she shills for are completely marginal, unprofitable and would be completely irrelevant if not for the life support they get provided by the indie clique, not somewhere you'd really want to work tbh they also make shit games but that's beside the point

they're basically the same as vidya journalists who want the medium to 'mature' so that they can justify their existence as shills for disposable baby toys. most of them used to also be the cringiest type of ken-sama tier weeb

frankly tim's game is gonna do better than any of these lolcows. people are actually excited about it and that's the real motivation for all the faux outrage

these aren't political qualities but human ones. i remember when the common wisdom was that all the moral busybodies were from the older generations and once they died off or went senile, everything would be great, now most of the advocacy for censorship is coming from people younger than me. politics are simply the justification people use to pretend their sentiments have legitimacy. ss would have been red guards provided different circumstances.

I don't think there's an issue with it which is why I'm not a white nationalist. I dig different cultures.

I'm a white supremacist and have no problem with East Asians. The world is big enough for both to coexist peacefully once you exterminate the rest. I am not a jingoist and see no benefit from waging war on them.

It was definitely the kike proto-sjw leftist.

They probably had no childhood to begin with.

How Not to Handle SJW Nutcases: A Case Study

To be fair, that's an incredibly low bar. Even selling a modest 10,000 copies would put it head and shoulders above most of the clique games. And that's almost a given, seeing the decent amount of hype the game got at E3, even with the controversy surrounding Soret.


It doesn't matter.
You can't retroactively change already existing games, unless you're steam/gog cuck, and my backlog is large enough to get me covered for the rest of my life, so I'm perfectly fine.
I don't care for the future as there is none.


Just ship these people to North Korea

He could've at least gone out with dignity, but no; better to sell your soul to a devil who won't even partially fulfill your wishes, right?

The guy is a complete wacko. He was at the top of the list for John McCain to be his running mate, but McCain wouldn't have stood a chance among Republicans because of some differences on some social policy. I bet you're the kind of person who thinks that the Clinton's are Democrats as well.

t. Connecticuck

I'm not a supremicist by any means but if the whole world is exactly the same culture then there's no perspectives from different mindsets.

Let people have their history, their traditions, even their religions so long as they're defanged and non suicide-bomby and actually contributing to society as a whole in some manner.

Peace isn't peace if it isn't voluntary.

I'm perfectly willing to eradicate every native white culture and stamp out any semblance of ethnonationalism if it were to ensure the survival of the white race.

I'd say you're retarded. Violence only brings dumb shit to the table. If you want to genocide a race, leave them to their own devices and they'll either die or become better for it, and more intelligent.

Africa, for example, doesn't need extermination, nothing does. They rely on countries like us for handouts, they're dependant to us thanks to the jews and businessmen who see profit in dependancy.

If you were to pull support from Africa, they'd fail and go into famine for a while and either die out or become more intelligent. Then we could face them and quell them as a people, integrate them into modern society eventually, a process being slowed and outright stalled thanks to the companies in it for the natural resources.

They need time on their own. It'll take at least a century, but it's the only possible way.

Does this mean we're gonna get better characters, waifus and gunplay? I can already tell that everything else is going to be a plus.

So you're saying that even if whites had absolutely no accomplishments or testaments to their existence, you argue that genetics alone are enough for preservation?


Pretty much. A white monoculture is the only solution I see to stop constant warfare between white populations jockeying for dominance over the globe.

when you get down to it, that's the same shit that globalization is trying to do. All the different races into a single culture. Your version just includes a LOT more genocide, and you're retarded.


While they kinda mindlessly attack whatever they identify as a target, if they ruin the western industry (and would probably alienate a good chunk of normalfag vidya buyers in the processes) they'd also ruin their shot at ruining Japan as well.

Their ruination of the western game industry would also result in it having less influence as a whole, and with less buyers would surely startle the non-pozzed devs into trying to develop only to people who for sure buy games. Rather then just market it enough to make back the money off saps.

It's also a lot harder to infiltrate Xenophobic people who have a difficult language to learn and decent morals. Which really the only reason these parasites made it as far as they did.

But what's to say that if this comes to fruition, what's to stop someone opening a company that EXCLUSIVELY hires people from the blacklist (Fuck, Blacklist Games is already a pretty good name). I mean apart from the autistic screeching it would cause from the dyed hair brigade.

Africa is rich in resources, artifacts, fossils, and contains the origins of man. Plus, they would come to resent the rest of the world. The best thing to do is support intelligence rather than just hope that they turn civilized. Handing out resources is bad, but education and allowing them to come up with their own solutions is good.

That's a very naive conclusion you have come to. People have always fought and will continue to self-segregate even if everyone has blonde-hair and blue eyes. People long for identity.

This will only stop when the industry itself buckles and falls supporting it.

Is that even possible?

Once race, the white race.

I'm sorry the shoah triggers you so rabbi.

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find

People are programmed accord an "us vs. them" mentality, hence why you name the Jew as part of the culture. Also, there will always be genetic dead ends like leftists, homosexuals, trannies, furries et al to persecute.


Weird, because the Jewish extinction of ALL unique races into brown mongrels seems like genocide to me.

That, I can agree with. But one problem there is that an education boom would naturally lead to a propaganda boom in Africa, which would lead to nothing being accomplished.

Right now, the reason why I say we should pull out of these countries altogether is because the people in our country who can bring educators and resources over to another are too corrupt to trust, and aren't really trustworthy considering the current political climate of treasonous betrayers.

Trust me, I have no issue with getting africans educated and uplifted into a respectable society, but the issue is the delivery method of these things. How can we educate another country when our country is undergoing issues in our own education system, Common Core propaganda etc bullshit for example.

I'm just stating the only possible solution at the moment, from my perspective, we need to pull out.


Good point and good catch. Then they're both equally retarded.

Holla Forumsadox Interactive would usher in a glorious revival of grand strategy

But niggers are so lazy and worthless that when whites inhabited Africa and were doing fine they chimped out and drove most of the whites out. The whites left masses of education resources, and presumably the blacks they had hired to work at businesses the whites made and knew how shit worked.
And they still went back to grasshuts and starving. Expecting them to do anything themselves is like putting a cow out in the wild and expecting it to just survive.

You mean we would actually get good video games?

Fuckin' sweet games, probably




Games like pic related. Also, what ever happen to the Undertale clone the Holla Forums was making?

Niggers in the US are functionally illiterate. Where the fuck do you get this idea you can actually educate niggers from? Even Jews, that have been bombarding them with propaganda for the past century have managed to instill only two ideas in their empty craniums, "fuck whitey" and "gibsmedat".

What a disgusting cockroach you are. Why should the white man waste time and effort on these animals? Niggers need to be wiped out and "their" lands given to the rightful owners.

You could have just namefagged yourself a cuck. It would have been a quicker way to out yourself.

Holla Forums just makes their own vidya , stay mad faggots


Why the fuck would I care about what William Pierce thought? American White Nationalism is and always has been a joke because it's based on political realities rather than direct blood and soil connections to kin and larger structures of heredity. Holla Forums needs to be part of an actual religious/magical community/tradition before it can get actual political power.

Wouldn't work. People segregate themselves and kill each other given the slightest excuse.
There is absolutely nothing in this world short of literal human evolution that is going to stop people from building an identity, demonizing other groups, and killing each other. Xenophobia is literally in our genetics, and it's how humans have survived to this point. Even if it wasn't about race and culture, people divide themselves and they won't stop, not without a couple thousand generations of adaptation.

You're a retard with no concept of history or historical context if you think that race or culture are the only reasons that people have divided themselves.

Not really, there was no "birthplace of mankind" because that's not how evolution works. All it means is that humans had a more recent non-human ancestor after the exit from Africa, not that the "birthplace of mankind" wasn't in Africa. It's a terrible title, because the precursor to that hominid still came from Africa.

All it implies is that the first pre-human following the human-chimpanzee evolutionary split lived in modern-day Greece, and says nothing more about "birthplace of mankind" in any real way, unless you define that "birth" as something arbitrary like the chimpanzee split, and not the development of H. Sapiens or anything like that.

It's also misleading, because in the article, it says "Graecopithecus is not an ape. He is a member of the tribe of hominins and the direct ancestor of homo" which is self-contadicting, as humans, homo, and hominins are apes. Taxonomy is organized as a system of containment. All of these are contained in hominidae, which is the great apes.

I'd actually love an MGSV styled game where you're tasked with liberating not-South Africa from the new nigger government and the UN troops. The main gimmick is that you can only incapacitate and kill niggers, while you can fulton and deprogram the whites.

Also, nu-XCOM styled (for the sake of simplicity) missions when you send your soldiers out, and stealth missions for elite soldiers so you're not constantly playing the same character.

Much obliged.

Kill yourself. Problem solved.

Hence why you direct those instincts externally, against non-whites. It's not so difficult to understand how to manipulate this behavior and re-purpose it. Germans managed to do exactly that when they unified the country after centuries of intra-German warfare.

Sure thing Moshi, I'll trust (((your))) opinions over hard facts.


One of the most fascinating happening due to this was the "RequiresHate" shitstorm.
The tl;dr is that a one of these "oppressed female PoC authors" constantly attacked other authors with virtue signalling SocJus bullshit and pulled strings in the background with publishers to get people blacklisted.

When her identity was discovered it came out she not only came from a Billionaire Chinese diaspora family living in Thailand, she also worked as a manager in a family-owned hotel where serveral tourists died due to exposure to insecticides and the local authorities covered up everything at the behest of her family.
For good measure she also had a history of sociopathic trolling going back early Livejournal communities, back when she must've been barely pubescent.

They still haven't managed to freeze her out of their circles.

Interesting. Still, that's suspected to be the point of divergence from other hominids. Humans evolved in Africa as Africans have a much larger gene pool than any other ethnic group. Don't be one of those fags who makes it into a competition like I'm trying to dethrone Europeans.

Well then your solution doesn't stop fighting doesn't work then, does it?

Yeah, our education system is so broken, we'd probably cause irreversible damage. At least education on farming, practical skills, and so on would be beneficial in civilizing them faster.

You know none of what you said about extermination is going to happen. There really isn't any reason as to why whites would want to invade Africa in the first place because they already have plenty of land.

Yet another reason dubs are shit.

It would be objectively, universally better.


Stupid and pointless.

What about these dubs?

Then you have the whole Sad Puppies debacle, when some moderate cuck decided to crunch the numbers and found out that in the past decade virtually every Hugo award had gone to a member of the leftist clique or one of their diversity pets, to the point you had an incredibly small group of people circlejerking each other ad nauseum. This provoked a shitstorm from the clique and the guy just bowed out due to the pressure, only for Voxday, the crazy Christian spic, to pick up the torch and initiate Rabid Puppies where he basically explained to people how to buy voting privileges for the Hugo awards and game the corrupt system the leftists had put in place to give awards to right wing authors.

Leftists thew a massive shitfit over this and basically threw the whole Hugo awards under the bus rather than give them to wrongthinkers. The really hilarious part was that they couldn't change the rules for a while still to prevent it from happening again. Also, highlights included that fat pig GRRM whining that the ebil Nazis had trampled over a "gentleman agreement" (to collude and cheat).

Lebensraum. Also, wiping out the human shaped cockroach known as the nigger once and for all. We'd be merely doing what nature has been attempting to accomplish for the past century but the Jew won't let happen. Better that than 4 billion nigger by 2100 infesting the planet.

Obviously anyone here understands this, but we aren't the target audience. It's hard to convince normalfags that they're even eating shit to begin with, let alone get them to stop.


The good news, games would have more gameplay than they do in the current situation. As an added bonus, writing would be better aligned with the worldviews of a good number of people around these parts.

The bad news, said writing would just become a propaganda factory, similar to now. And you'd see a similar culture of attempting to cast out those with the "wrong" views.

It would still be a step up, but almost anything would be, so that isn't saying much.

That's my point. It won't work. You take out the non-whites, people will pick a group of whites to attack. The Germans didn't "manage to do exactly that", and German unification isn't what you imply it is. Even then, Germany was already economically unified for decades under the Zollverein. Germany's lack of unification wasn't because of tribal warfare, but largely kingdom politics. Remember Austria-Hungary? Remember the Congress of Vienna?
German unification was something much of the country had wanted for a long time and had nothing to do with whites or non-whites. It was blocked by conservatives and monarchists, was pushed through by Bismarck through a masterful series of wars (seriously, it's some good reading, Bismarck planned every single motion strategically and took advantage of other European rivalries to rocket Germany into unification and power under Prussian control. He even created a welfare state just to shut up the socialists and bring unification) and didn't become ethnic for a long time afterward. German political unification was pretty much all Bismarck.
I'm struggling to find the relevance of German unification to your argument.

> Sure thing Moshi, I'll trust (((your))) opinions over hard facts.
Hell of an argument you got there. I was pointing out that "birthplace of mankind" is only dependent on what you consider "birth" to be, as evolution is a continual process that hasn't stopped since the first protozoans developed. Is the "birth of mankind" really the split from chimpanzees? Why not the split from homo floresiensis? Why not the split from homo erectus? It's an accurate article for the most part, but the title is terrible.

But how can human ears listen to those harpies screech for a whole season?


If you get money to fund development from another company, you are no longer an independent developer. Just a small studio with an investor/publisher.

Normalfags literally do not know anything better

It's hilarious enough that Eurasians are more closely related to Neanderthals than they are to Sub-Saharan Africans despite them being a supposedly different species. Then again, politics is having a stranglehold on science.

And that's why I'd never advocate genocide against a race. Part of being a nationalist is wanting countries where your own people can flourish. Obviously I want those for whites, which means my own desires are at odds with global Jewish agendas, but I also want Asians, Indians, Africans, Latinos, etc. to have their own countries as well. Part of which means I want them to go back there, since most immigrants, even legal ones, don't come here because they love America and want to work hard to make a living like the old days of European immigration. They come here and resent America for being great and prosperous and do everything they can to cheat the system for personal gain. Optimally, I'd like a system like Hungary (I think) has, where foreign nationals can immigrate, live there and work there, but can't participate in politics/vote/hold office. Which makes sense, since politics are largely racial. Blacks in America vote almost identically to each other, even on entirely opposite ends of the country. Same with Hispanics and so on. In an ethnocentric state, only full citizens should have a say in how their country works. If Asians had an ethnostate, I wouldn't move there, then presume to push my ideologies on them, just like I don't want them to do that to me.

Wow, sorry, bit of a ramble there.

Have you any proof to support your views? I mean, most of us here are former Holla Forumslacks and seem to have no problems with games that aren't Marxist dreck.

I would imagine at least a few of them would get curious and try the subbed version, but I guess reading is hard.

We go from one propaganda for an ideology that stunts creativity and advancement of knowledge to another one with propaganda that stunts creativity and the advancement of knowledge

Or what says is correct and instead of smug tattooed pink hairdo fat characters we have assholes calling everyone a double nigger and praising kek.

You might be retarded.

You mean we get blonde, blue eyed Aryan ubermensch as protagonists that get the female characters moist by merely looking at them. But please, keep strawmanning, it's entertaining to watch.

But maybe we should praise kek anyway, just to be safe :^)

Civility is better than savagery.

Cockroaches aren't a threat to anyone. They're just there. Waging a war against cockroaches so you can get their nest is financially absurd, especially when the people waging said war are more of threat to themselves.

So…I should stick to Lulu for sci-fi stuff and anything with an award is some kind of red flag? A shame. Just how pozzed are these books nowadays anyway?

Shit thread. OP is a faggot as always.

The screech of the impotent cuck.

Go read Scalzi's Old Man's War. It's basically about old white people being uploaded to new bodies by the space liberals so they can fight and die to help poo-in-the-loos colonize space.

Actually, by people I was referring to whites.

They do, You won't successfully migrate to Japan, because the moment you move you'll forget about a very important custom that nobody will tell you about, where you buy moderately priced gifts for neighbors in a "+" or peferrably "*" pattern as a symbol of future respect and going along
Some others too, I've learned about that one by an accident.
Korea probably has something like that too, especially when you move away from Seoul and Gangnam District

And then Holla Forums realized they were so hated and so awful that everyone preferred a future with Nazis over the pozzed nightmare they had envisioned.

It's not better to be an honest asshole who doesn't take themselves seriously than a smug activist who thinks internet is real business?

I believe it was a right wing party that is trying to destroy net neutrality. It's okay to admit that the older generation of politicians are pure shit no matter the party.

…they specifically state "white people"? Sheesh, and I thought that ebook preview I read where every colonist ever is melanin enhanced via genetic alterations to prevent skin cancer was a little too on the nose.

user Holla Forums created moonman doom.

Better keep it so FCC can still uphold comcast's monopoly, after all angry people might be a driving force for change

>years after crying to the UN about how certain types of speech shouldn't be free, then backpedaling when finding out people were pointing out that the report SHE SPONSORED was completely full of shit

>not only that, but her PR agent is calling for an industry blacklist of anyone who would dare criticize the Hipster Clique

300th post
**fuck this thread*

In the opening chapters he has a ebil white racist strawman that is fat, stupid and dies of a heart attack before he gets assigned a new body. And this was the only guy aware enough to point out that the super advanced space liberals seem to only take non-white populations off Earth to colonize other planets.

Also, Scalzi is a massive cuckold. There's plenty of articles around chronicling his faggotry. Keep in mind he's a big name in modern sci-fi literature with multiple awards for the drivel he writes.

what else is new?

Of course they are human. The only reason why you think they aren't is because you selectively choose negative and outright false information to justify your perspective of them.

Hell, you claim that they don't have a civilization despite having several ones for centuries. On the top of my head, there's the Benin and Ghana empire that even Europeans themselves landed on.

I honestly can't wait for the Patreon money to dry up. I know it'll happen, I've seen it with smaller ones that went full SocJus, it just takes its damn time.

People are still giving Spoony money.

I honestly blame the fact that it's treated like a "subscription" service for why it takes so long. You just set up automatic payments and then forget about it until you suddenly realize "wait, shouldn't I have more money in my account?" Hell, most of AOL's profit nowadays comes from people who forgot to cancel their subscription in the 90's.

He sounds worse then the other author I keep tabs on. I'd ask for indie authors but judging by the video games, that may not be wise.

Indies are a mixed back. It's really difficult to judge whether a book is complete shit with stilted, cliche writing, grammar and spelling errors and almost no editing done, or if it's no better than the pozzed mainstream shit.

You're going to spend more time trying to find shit to read than actually reading books nowadays. Might as well give up.

I'm assuming /lit/ (both of them) is too dead to ask?

Are you delusional? Getting rich off Patreon was practically figuratively invented by Zoe Quinn. Patrion gives safe-harbor to leftist. For fuck sake there is an official Antifa Patreon that is openly calling for violence against whites and doxing people violating every code of conduct yet its untouched.

Even back on halfchan /lit/ was full of tryhard faggots and leftists. I have no idea if the migration did them any good, but looking at Holla Forums, it probably didn't.

Scalzi only got famous because he sucked up to the right people who served as media multipliers for him (Cory Doctorow) and because he gave away shit for free. No he, together with other fuckfaces like Neil Gayman, supports boycotting and blacklisting white male authors because lolrepresentation (killing off our competition is just a unintended side benefit, we swear!).

Isn't that how all these hacks get famous? Other than Simmons I don't think there is a single science fiction or fantasy author left that isn't a servile faggot. They basically destroyed two genres of literature in under 20 years.

Didn't even consider this angle. Good point. Not that it helps them any, because, if judging by the American Gods TV show, Gayman's writing is so pozzed it will give you AIDS from merely looking at it.

And every one of those "empires" are small pockets on the entire continent. Ghana itself was already permanently dependent on Muslims when they invaded for their size, the same is true for the "empire" they fell too. And Benin? Nigger please, outside the city it was just strong arming the other tribes into giving all their goods through force with their armies. Literally one city owned by warlords, and they didn't even try to change anyone they ruled under since they knew it was pointless.

I'm not saying Patreon would do something, I'm saying that eventually, people would go "yeah, no, this is too crazy, even for me."

Link please. I have to see this.

Oh man, you missed some drama with the Antifa thing. People straight-up spammed Patreon with evidence, demanding to know why they were still allowed, and one of their networking execs straight-up said "yeah, we don't give a shit, they're fighting the good fight."

What i mean to say, is the people who support Quinn, support her because of Politics. Not because they are fooled into thinking she is really a victem. The Whole Victim stick is only rhetoric used to get the upper hand on liberals. And when I say liberal, I mean classical Liberals like Sargoon of Kukkad, LOLbertarinas and "Principled (Neo)Conservatives".


I meant to post an archive of the patreon

What the fuck, it's not showing up for me.

damn it the archive looks fucked up


Reminder that they got hotwheels kicked of patreon too

Antifa even bragged about bombing a gas station too lmao.


Don't forget sabotaging a hydroelectric dam in Canada, because apparently running water through a turbine "pollutes" it, in their mind.

Reminds me of DDR.

Get the government (mainly IRS) after them for supporting a criminal political organization.


There was no Holla Forums in the DDR.

Is this shit real? Lmao

Central Europe seems like the only non-retarded place to live.

There also was no way to communicate shit to the rest of the planet like we do nowadays.
Radio signals can be easily jammed.
The internet is too fast to try and stop it, and they want to have it as much as Holla Forums does.

black houses are the ones you MUST give something to, like a bottle of wine, coffee or a cake, grey are the optional ones.
If you don't you'll be at best disliked at worst shunned by neighbors.

You mean with all those Jewish Chess players ableit one of those actually hated Kikes

They listen to screeching in the real world, they probably get used to it.

Game by Holla Forums

Game by Holla Forums

Game by people who just want to have fun.

No. If you apologize, the feminists still hate you but now you're also a pathetic beta who no one respects–and you admitted what you did was wrong, meaning that even if it wasn't wrong unaligned people are going to think it was. If you ignore them, normalfags continue to not care about their screeching. If you double down, you generate more screeching and get free advertising (Hatred and Dragon's Crown are good examples of this effect). There is no advantage to be gained from apologizing.

I don't suppose anyone here has the Kanna suicide picture? I seem to have misplaced mine

How does that work in apartments seeing as 90% of Japan lives in them

Only when people like you exist
When you're dead we'll make real games

Mate have you heard of the Asia, Africa, Asia theory

literally 2nd part of the picture.
notice the F# and lines separating the doors?
You give gifts to neighbors to the left and right of your door, then to the ones directly above and below you, optionally those to the sides of them.

Link to story/sources? This sounds intriguing.

Im really curious where did this shit come from? Why isnt there something like this in animes? Is this japan/Korea exclusive? Seems really stupid considering how crowded their cities are and if you have to move constantly. Sounds like a meme kek

It's historical and related to cultural developement.
In Poland for example there's a distrust towards foreigners and Americans are seen as fake due to them smiling and being generally happy in public, an idea that's hard to grasp considering Polish history.
Foreigners, especially of other races will get a lot of stares in public due to suspicion and curiosity in equal measure

Well Poland is shit anyway and full of pseudo-kurds. The "country" lost all its glory with the fall of Prussia anyway. Poland as a culture is a fucking normalfag hoax. Poland never really existed to begin with.

Great attitude to have if you want to either get aids from progs or get your teeth kicked in from anyone else.
Regardless of the country.

They are subhuman and any normal person will avoid them

Its hard to swallow the truth

I assume you're an retarded anglo or a kraut, so nothing you say phases me since you'll literally cease existing in 2 generations.