Nazbols do not belong on leftypol. It's ok if they occasionally visit leftypol like the stormfags do...

Nazbols do not belong on leftypol. It's ok if they occasionally visit leftypol like the stormfags do, but their true home is Holla Forums. Fascism and ethnic nationalism are incompatible with leftism.

Go home, nazbols.

Other urls found in this thread:

Butthurt Trot/internationalist detected.

Pls no bully the nazbols.


i'm confused

LOL butthurt.

Nabol gang assemble

Smash the nazbols!


Nazbols > Reddit newfags


nazbols = Holla Forums newfags

*tips fedongra*

t. Reddit newfag

WTF is "nazbol"?

It's communism that isn't attached to to idealistic bullshit like internationalism.

National Bolshevism. Think of it as Fascism with Proletarian Characteristics. Another very similar ideology is Asserism.

Nationalism comes when the state demands it in crisis and fades within a few years when it can't be maintained. It's proponents will always be a desperate minority of slaves surrendering their personalities to an abstraction.

I meant Asserism*

They're infinitely better than socdems tho

That word filter is hitting you hard man

You idiots will be the cause of any legitimate turd positionists that post here.

If that is true then why is internationalism almost entirely a capitalist venture these days? Pic very much related.

Eh, their memes are pretty dank and they make the rest of us sounds like geniuses.

You anarkiddies could always be better than them and offer better ideology and movement, if you're so afraid nazbol will trump you. You never know, some of them might realize that the world is already global and there's nothing they can do about it, so they'll just become regular tankies. Don't worry though, cuz as far as their accomplishments go, they're alongside the trots that they hate so much with none.

Globalism and internationalism aren't the same thing

We could but they'll just say "ecks dee it's all a meme bro", similarly to how Holla Forumsacks react.

They unironically support Trump and not for his unintentional accelerationist side.

From that you realize how stupid they are since you have to be really dumb to support Trump

Fuck off communism is naturally international do to the fact that the workers need to work together against the bourgeois and not let things like nation divide them. In a post revolution society you scum should be wound up with your fascist kin and shot or thrown in gulags


I've seen good nazbols here, it also wouldn't do too bad for communists to recognize and sate people's immaterial needs, wants and beliefs, including those of nationhood

Most of the people who use the Nazbol flag here aren't even Nazbols or related ideologies: they're people of other leftist ideologies posting under the flag ironically.

At the beginning, I hated Nazbols more than anything else, but now it's different, I hate socdems more than anything else out there.

I just really hate their Ethnic Nationalism.


Shit, are you me?

Nazbols spit on the name of Stalin making him seem like a nationalist racist xenophobe when the truth is that he wanted a socialist world Republic just like every other Marxist worthy of the name. "Socialism in one country" is just a strategy made to achieve this goal why do you think he helped spread socialism across half the world.

This is honestly what I like most about them. They cause immense butthurt doing very little.

Nazbol is pretty much socialism in one country multiplied as a means to international communism. They remove the borders at the end.

source: nazbol manifesto

They also legitimize turd position ideologies unintentionally. It's a bad idea.

Make like Bronshtein and take a pickax to the head.

This the two shit posting flags are anfem and nazbol most people who use these flags probably are trolling.


Yes this is exactly how Holla Forums became nazis and you know that.

They want a pan Eurasia without any non-whites/ non-asaians they don't care about anyone who is not from Eurasian descent this is basically just racist for obvious reasons

They aren't so bad, I've seen them subtly suggest reading material to convert Holla Forumsyps who come over who think they've met a fellow traveler.

stfu plebbit faggot
this is the exact same logic as if calling a stupid bitch a stupid bitch legitimizes ableism and sexism

Fuck off you fascist shit pic related they turn Lenin and Stalin into reactionary nationalist symbols


Except this is exactly what happened on 4/pol/ you newfag shit.

I'm not seeing it, I have their agenda on my screen right now:

You are why communism has failed. Go back to your shitty study group and let real communists take over.

Doesn't illegitimize my comparison though
For an oldfag (supposedly) you're being extra mad cuz bad today

wtf I'm nazbol now

I say nazbols are fine as cannon fodder, no more, no less. I won't let them take the wheel.

Your comparison doesn't do anything to the fact that if this ever Holla Forums colony it will be the fault of nazbols.

You are why they teach at schools that communism and nazism is the the same thing

Due to the fact that even stalinstaches despise unironic nazbols I wouldn't be too worried about it

That sounds really nice to be honest. Let's be clear, nobody on Holla Forums actually wants to live around sambos and pajiits, that's just a meme.

They aren't though.

Cry more you braindead ancom pleb.

You're fucking stupid.

What happens when you replace the hammer and sickle with a swastka?

You go back a step into a failed ideology.

lmao. feel free to kill yourself on the way back to reddit



The Jews ACTUALLY still have convinced you fagots that you can fucking create a global socialist government when in reality internationalism is the end game of the porkiest. Dumb fucking fagots.

Well you certainly seem more like worthless trash with every post. Do continue crying though

damn you sure convinced me

Fuck off Holla Forums

Is the reason anarchists are so butthurt about Nazbol is because they're the only ideology that don't get a name check off them?

0/10 tbqfh fam

After Nazbols will be tankies tbh, don't even joke about banning any ideologies OP.

Dumbest post in the thread. Good job I guess.


But we ban Nazis and Libertarians all the time for shitposting

Nazbols aren't nazis.

Link to one post you've ever made that has any value, or indicates capacity for any form of intelligent thought, whatsoever.

I'm waiting.

This is a nazbol board, please leave OP.

Capitalists are interested only in this phony internationalism (globalism). If it weren’t for their ability to exploit workers in Bangladesh to sell cheap TVs to credit-dependent consumers in Nebraska and in doing so rake in a tidy profit, they'd never bother to pass the "free-trade" agreements in the first place. The entire system is predicated on the existence of a consuming class with the incomes necessary to buy these goods and a producing class desperate enough to manufacture them for terrible wages. This is not the dissolution of national differences; it’s entirely the opposite.

Name anything you Nazbols have ever done but be racist reactionarys

Except the first world is getting poorer with every generation while the developing world is only seeing their incomes increase.

Ideological kin

Are you a shitskin or something?
According to you, things like not letting porky destroy the family structure or abolish Christianity count as being reactionary.

But that's precisely my point. Wages are going down with mass immigration, meanwhile billions are being poured into other countries to make them just as capitalist as their owners. It's exacerbating national differences.


Nice LARPing /poc/, but you can't convincingly pass yourself off as a single ideology here.

Not only is that fucking reactionary but also bourgie



I'm just sagging this shit thread

keep telling yourself that

I want to hug all the nazbols. They get bullied too much, even more than socdems (though the latter deserves it).

Not all Nazbols are ethnonationalists really.

You do realize it's pretty stupid to complain about that when we regularly have Nazis and Ancaps posting here, right?

Their statism may be Right Wing, but their feelings for their own race are not.

At least we (and them, for that matter) don't pretend that Nazis and Ancaps are in any way left-wing.
fug off

it's a stepping stone for Holla Forumskiddies who won't give up reactionary "values"

insofar as nazbols remain intersectional leftists they can stay

as soon as they start shilling for fascism and hurting the leftist cause, they can fuck off

Basically Asserism painted a la russe.

Nazbols should just drop their spooks

Wtf there are anarco nazbols now?

how in the fuck

please explain to me how this works

Nazbols and other idpolers need to fuck off.

Is it the same thing as Anarcho-Fascism?

thanks doc!

no problem fam

just don't start too much idpol shit come revolution time please

Holla Forums shitposters love that flag for some reason.

I mean, there was the one anarcho-stalinist that BTFO fox news

daily reminder that nazbols will be up against the wall with the other reactionary faggots

wew lad

One country, one race. Nazbol for life.


Who are you quoting?

wut is race?

Countries are a spook

Into the trash it goes

A word that typically corresponds to a set of haplogroups possessed by a certain set of people.

spooks are a spook

Yes, precisely


Okay whitey, almost no non western leftists believe this.


They aren't real leftists then



Yeah super confusing


I hate both of them.
Both will purge us, when it's convenient and no longer need us.
They are not apologising for the past, instead claiming it was a "necessity" and they tell you upfront, that they'll do it again.

There won't be communism with these kinda people around.

According to Holla Forums a Nazbol flag is the best to use here, since it will always grant guaranteed replies.
The two others are Trotzkist and Anarcho-Feminist.

wow epic

If you're not a nigger why are you upset by "racism"?

They are Ukranian fake psyops. This is real sites: Most of it is in Russian.
Here is a translator's site but he is more new right-esque:

Can't be all bad, they've taken the skeltal pill.

I meant that particular site. Nazbols are real and ALL pro-Russia/Eurasia. That site probably steal the art.


Do you have the numbers?

Who is this qt?

on some issue they are quite based, i don't mind them here

shes a hungarian revolutionary from 1953

Nazbol is a religion of peace

What even is it? I post a lot of NazBol theory but tbh I just make it all up.

It depends on the faction.
Classical: Strong militaristic state with Nazi racialism replaced with spiritual racialism. Read Junger, Spengler and Niekisch.
Modern: Strong state with center to far left Econ and an eye toward tradition and militarism. Read Thiriart, Dylugin, Limonov, De Benoist and to a lesser extent Yockey and Evola.
One universal feature: FUCK TROTSKY.

They deserve it more, with peeps like the Sdrassers and Limonov being more for the working class than any cuckdem

Probably just the anarchist variant of thirdposers, national-anarchists

that is one spicy image



Most nazbol flag users are just shitposters anyway

Congrats to all the nazbols posting in this thread. You have succeeded in convincing me that you really do need to be purged.

He left.

Read this faggot