Party Van

Though we may carry the 4chan label, the TF2 Party Van server lives on.

Come join us

Be prepared for a lot of custom downloads, but if your modem isnt a piece of trash it sure won't take longer than 10 minutes

you can fuck right off then

It's more about what 4chan used to be than what 4chan is now.

So, every tf2 server?

This isn't 2012 anymore, tf2 has been dead for years, faggot.


I hear the weabootique server is pretty close to the van in terms of content, but i've never been.

What're you gonna do tonight? Not play video games?

Check 'em faggot

We have TF2V though, why can't you just do that?

Van is a lovely experience i'd like to share with others

I only play Overwatch, fuck off ya Tf2 geeks

But nuTF2 is shit.


playing ace of spades with Holla Forums, not your ruined hat market cash shop cancer central

Both are shit games tbh.

What do you hate about new tf2? Just a question

TF2V is shit though

This retarded

Total filesize? I might pop by but your "10 minutes" and my "10 minutes" are very different due to running off of a phone at the moment.


Overwatch doesnt jew you out with hats and skins

It's about a gigabyte total.

Not dial-up, though it might as well be. For most everything I want to play though it actually works well enough, I can manage invasions and co-op with some lag on Dark Souls 3 for instance.

Why don't you FAGS come play TF2V?

Wait it might be dead right now
Oh well RIP until next hour maybe

Jesus, that'd be a while. If you plan on having it up for more than a day or two then I could probably swing a Mega download or something.

Yes it does you retard. You're obvious bait. Keep sucking that blizzcuck cock by the way.

Then you've never played the game faggot, you get 3 guaranteed lootboxes every week and 1 everytime you level up.