Holla Forums on suicide watch
Holla Forums on suicide watch
Why do you keep saying wh.ite genocide isn't real?
Deserved it
because only the worthless honkies are dying
You should be happy the inferior honkies, who are always chandwellers are going extinct
Because white woman not wanting to have sex with you isn't anuddah shoah.
lel, because your ideology is a complete fucking joke m8. It's not too late to de-classcuck yourself.
Because developing countries being able to support more babbies on less land, combined with you not being able to get any strange =! genocide?
Because nobody is being killed.
damn me and my gf must be genociding eachother all the time!
why are they so stupid
I strongly recommend you read Kaczynski's manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future if you aren't pulling people's legs here. I think most people on Holla Forums who haven't read it should read it.
The ones that fall for it are stupid, so it's self-selecting.
Boohoo other people exist nobody cares about you, you special unique angel
Boohoohoohoo who will care for the white suburbs boohoohoohoo
Fucking waaaaaa
Really makes you think.
No it hasn't
Succdem is not socialism
Pray tell, what are these countries?
genocide was what happened with the jews in WWII.
I'm sorry you are not getting laid but that doesn't count as genocide
Socdems are always shitposters. You can't prove me wrong.
whatever you say, mongrel
i agree with you man
guess i cant prove it to you
Someone create /whitepol/ and provoke a split in the userbase.
someone start a genetic testing company (advertise that it's not owned by Jews) and send them print-outs of 100% Verified Totally European Results (for the low low price of $400) and make them show proofs before they're allowed to post
So I can have teh secks with my African GF and imagine white supremacists crying? oh fuck yes, be right back.
lmao eat my ass
"i-it's okay that my mum sucked niggerdick for 20 years before her and my cuck-dad that was absolutely fine with her getting assfucked by groids 7 days x week and was still attracted to her had me *sniff* a-at least she freed herself from le ebul piggy man that worked harder and has more money hurr durr did I mention that it was capitalists-funded media that promoted this wonderful picture of a family that led to my childhood?"
t. lefty/pol/-radical-rebel-randy
How is Holla Forums not a bunch of cucks if it's noodle armed Hispanic immigrants praising white nationalism
Also you need to leave
Someone just got triggered.
Holla Forums keeps posting this picture thinking it'll trigger us but really any and all Alunya OC is appreciated if it has effort
Also it only demonstrates that Capitalism is degrading and that ultimately we are all exploited and made to suffer to survive
Someone seems upset.
That sounds a bit racist doesn't it? Your not trying to divide our strong meme-working class now aren't you mr.evil piggy-man that has aquired more wealth?
don't be mad my commiefriend most of you would be wasted biomaterial anyway so it's not really a loss that you waste your entire existence for an ideology that was created to keep your beloved lower-class in control so a certain group can use them like cattle.
The right ideology is only a few steps away put you are just too stuborn to accept reality. Such a shame you know?
Stop posting like every other teenager who played system shock 2 for the first time
It's not arrogant it's grating and annoying to everyone but you
I can't fucking wait for when China perfects genetic editing and racecucks get eternally btfo'd
Godamn you're triggered
Everyone will edit their genes to be tall intelligent Aryans and utopia will be achieved. We will keep specimens of the inferior forms of humanity that preceded whites in human zoos.
So capitalism? We don't like that system of economics m8.
Oh yes, how ENLIGHTENING this ideology is.
Ahh yes
It must hurt you so much to see varying races uniting to combat judeo Bolshevism Islam and cultural Marxism meanwhile all anti fa and socialist parts are Lilly white kids from the suburbs with a token PoC.
So much for protecting the white race
Maybe you should tell your house maids to do a better job
where did it all go so wrong?
But anuddah shoah is real, royalist scum.
Nothing stands in the way of the Red Army.
Also fuck Ungern-Sternberg, greatest asspie in the history of mankind.
Must be brutal. All that blood…
Can I watch?
Kek I'm going straight for the Castro aesthetic fam
The nadsi's always praised that
praise hwndu
I'm going to be a communist space elf
Woho don't wet your north-korean jumper there pal.
The truth hurts doesn't it? Give in my friend, except that you've been tricked and try to actually improve the standing of your people in order for humanity itself to advance. Stop wasting your at least mediocre potential on a ideology that is doomed to either consume itself or drift into an endless abyss of denial, as every existing realisation of it ever did.
thats why no one that has a choice takes you seriously
but you never had a choice did you?
Are you jelaous of seeing people of various backgrounds actually striving to achieve something greater for humanity than not being poor alone anymore?
Did you seriously never in your entire life questioned the picture of Naziialism that your beloved evil piggy-man spread after WW2?
This… explains a lot to say the least.
"Der Völkerstreit und der Haß untereinander, er wird gepflegt von ganz bestimmten Interessenten. Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, die nicht will, daß sie zur Ruhe kommen.."
"The struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them is being nurtured by very specific interested parties. It is a small rootless international clique that is turning the people against eachother that does not want them to have peace.."
-Adolf Hitler
Fucking =/= creating the next generation
well at least you're not multiplying, but families are just a tool by evil piggy-man to keep you poor anyway! right tovarish?
If you are an example of what should be protected, why should I protect you
God damn, how things have changed.
Now all of a sudden it's a good thing.
I already have 4 children.
You're probably a 4'9" womanlet like all se Asians, you're not protecting anyone lmao
I'm 5'11 actually
Also stop acting like I'm white. Other cultures press different significance on feminine strength. You were taught by your dead beat father and your albino friends that such a thing never exists.
Your woman reflect your attitudes.
So really even a 4'11 woman could probably kick your ass, it's not like you go outside, anyways
If you aren't submissive you are useless, also pretending you don't watch white on gook porn.
I take shit heavier than you. A slight breeze would topple you.
Woman are weak deal with it.
Next thing you're gonna tell you know Kung Fu LMAO
I fuck white woman, would never date one though.
I think if you don't actually respect your mother you're useless. If you don't respect me, you are useless. But trying to teach whites about family actually is, is mostly useless
You don't fight, in fact, you are little stump wrist albino bitch and practically everyone here already knows it.
You don't "fuck" anyone but you can make pretend to LMAO
That's why no one ever takes you seriously
but you never had a choice anyways did you? That's why you're a nazi, you have nothing else to be proud of in your life.
asian families are creepy and abusive
Really sparks up the grey matter.
Women don't fuck women fuck too much
Make up your mind shut in
They actually get results
What do you have? Half your men here and especially on Holla Forums either aren't even white or neets
Some racial nationalism you have, you're not even good at that
Alot of Alunya OC has been produced by artists on Holla Forums that don't even like/come to Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is getting cucked seven ways from Sunday
Honey Asians are not only the most neotonous race but also have the least dense bones, I assure you a moderately powered punch would cave your empty lil girly head in.
It's true
She said earlier somewhere here she isn't interested in men. So, there's your chance. Why don't you two exchange nudes here
An Vietnamese dyke. Top of the list for all white woman lel
Don't forget their -2 modifier when they take slashing damage, and their elemental weakness to fire.
Most skinny unhealthy teenagers like you have bones like an elderly man
Don't act special. Don't act tough. Don't act anything than what you actually are.
like manically depressed attentionwhores with a perennial lack because the only positive enforcement they ever gained was when they got those results
like my ex basically, and your inferiority complex suggests much the same
post proof of your prime male muscular body, user. I don't believe you aren't a wimpy twig for a second
Most bitches on the menu wouldn't give a fuck what color I was, it's not like lesbian sex is a vacuum in college
Hispanic Holla Forums posters on leftypol?
The stink of rotten fish would be more an issue
Because if we share the same race YOU ARE ME.
Because we are the same blood, the same genes, the same people, the very same soul.
But you lost all sense of that didn't you? Thinking about that saddens me sometimes that you whole existence must be based on the aquiring of more materials, the same thing you rightfully dispise your piggy-man for, forever abandoned in a lonely abyss by your own greed.
No matter were I go no matter what happens to my unimportant body, I will not die. Because my people are keeping my soul alive as long as there is a single other person of my race/culture on this planet.
We have found something that all your precious wealth in the world couldn't buy, something that lifts humanity itself into a higher form.
And you are too blinded by your jealousy of someone elses higher wealth to see this beauty.
Accept your family, let the jealousy go.
And join the struggle against those that want to rip this gift of home, this identity, this gift of immortality from us by destroying the different genes, the different cultures and therfore the different souls just to make us soulless wageslaves only interested in the aquirement of more materials that this great evil wants us to become.
I'm sure your people, no matter what race they are will welcome you without a 2nd thought for you are already part of them, eternally.
She's a dyke thus useless to them. That's where the resentment comes in.
Oh we aren't the same race good then
Who am I kidding, you're from Holla Forums
You aren't white
Vice versa
They're useless to me
no, latino's have a joy in life that asians are unable to experience
"The American presents a strange picture: a European with Negro behaviour and an Indian soul."
-CG Jung
Caught you
the joy of getting your government overthrown, revolution squashed and subsequently exploited by porky?
Is that what you say when you dig a hole near the water and trap the fish?
What have you ever done for me to warrant respect?
You fucking legend
No that's what I say when I catch the Hispanic playing white nationalist
Quit LARPing and move on with your life
I feel like I haven't really slept since then
I'm a Hibernian love
Holla Forums and Argentina reuinited at last in defense of an Aryan future
Oh they're albinoids too
Just like you
It's a pathetic lousy bunch
this is known to people of all races, asians simply don't know how to have fun
Sure about that?
You're the virgin
Lacking the requisite soul.
Japan says other wise
m8, you're wasting your time.
-10 in fun
+75 in math
That's how race works
Are you new? Hoochie gets off on this
This board is crawling with insecure mental degenerates I'm never coming back.
I hope none of you breed.
Don't forget your unique racial trait that gives you 20% increased xp gain in starcraft
feelings mutual
Don't forget to kill yourself on the way out.
I'm disappointed José
You are Vietnamese not Korean
See you later Paco
Too late friendo
It was always too late.
Don't worry Holla Forums
I'll adopt white
that hurt
absolutely, asians have no jouissance. there is work, more work, preparation for work, and sex work
they're still depressed when they have sex, more so, it is part of their depressing existence
you're the MDD
Like you could even tell the fucking difference between South East Asians
Of course you will, why would you adopt a gook?
Are you telling me Holla Forums isn't populated by lonely men depressed, who masturbate to anime?
You reminded me how ill tempered a white child might be
Perhaps not.
If your parents could splurt you out, I doubt it must be difficult to be a parent.
Your mother did a good job on you right? Luckily, they have mental health screens.
Yes, and all the other human attributes that Asian woman desire in their child, that's why they love white men.
Are you upset because I shit on your fellow albinoids
Don't worry fam, it's all in jest, none of these posters I'm responding to are actually white.
makes sense with all the weebs on Holla Forums, like how intelligent blacks emerge themselves in white culture
You're implying these bitches are in it for love lol
They don't love you, nobody could love you.
There's that extreme projection again.
They can't fall in love, they are automatons. They have tight pussy, for sure. But not worth the hassle
You know I love to put on a show
I know anfam, I know.
-500 in soul
+400 in mathematics and academic success
+800 in work
-1000 in fun
-100 in bones
+1000000 in machine like logic
Got anything more to tell me poindexter
that's because there's so few blacks living in Asia, and other developed parts of the globe that it's the only stereotype we're exposed to.
spoken like a true virgin lmao
Do you or did you used to browse on /homosuck/?
That's autism my friend.
are you asking if I'm interested in homestuck
Look how the ugliness comes out among egalitarian communists, black hating black, white hating Asian, and they call US the racist ones!
We white supremacists treat our non white allies with respect! That's why we're stronger in the fight against Islam and the Jewish Frankfurter school.
Argentina is white
Top kek
Not really, because HSG is barely about Homestuck.
But you remind me of a trip from there.
I lived in Koh Tao for 2 years, Vietnamese woman would fuck any /r9k/ slob.
it's not only because asians are racists, it's because there's nothing there for intelligent blacks. that's why they go to university in white countries instead of in asia
I'm leaving
Good thing I don't live in Vietnam.
You can't escape your fate. White /r9k/ cock, an awful job but you don't have much else prospect wise other than kidnapping and Aryan baby lel
Homestuck is cool though. It's like one of those world-building fastasy books taken to the next level
I think I'll just adopt a white kid, thanks though. You can masturbate to the thought of me later.
Too late.
Formerly cool though.
A stair joke will be the only thing Androlph Hussler will be remembered for.
You are disgusting I hope they never let you get your hands on a white "fucking male" child. You'll have to go to the discount bin and settle for Mutumbo or Zheng Ghoul Zheng instead.
Oh I will.
I will adopt white. It's exotic.
Just asking, because that trip was also a lesbian Vietnamese.
Pence will give you the clamps before that happens.
Post the picture of a jew saying "pure coincidence" because it's that.
I understand.
You were young. You needed the money.
You should just convert to Judaism already. It's a natural fit. Clearly the Buddha's mindfulness exercises… isn't working so well for you.
Which one?
I would like you to review this board's name: Leftist Politically Incorrect
aww shit are you fucking serious?
polyps don't get that part.
That's why they have immense difficulties to fight Holla Forums
I mostly just lurk and shitpost anonymously, though.
That picture was made as part of gamergate drawfags pushing Alunya further as relevant to the movement and threads. It's not attacking Holla Forums, it's showing banter and comraderie between board drawfags- there's a reason one of their regulars is "commie drawfag" and why most of the OC of our catgirls comes from Holla Forums drawfags.
Well I'd say catgrill makes the most Alunya OC by far
bless her cut heart
I honestly don't think she does, by sheer numbers. She does the most polished OC most often, but since she has the other catgirls, she gets dispersed. The banter around Holla Forums on gamergate means it might not get the most polisehd OC, but Alunya gets the most of it.
You won't be missed
Chans are full of non-white people, I remember at some point /r9k/ was FULL of non-whites…
Same goes for games like WoW and Dota…
Maybe it has something to do with being an outcast…
K. see you tomorrow.
Who is this character? Is he the one that rants about how shitty America is in another regularly posted pic?
It's Red Skull, Nazi antag to Captain America
I just got these two images off of Holla Forums
you mean this one?