Why is it a capitalist has done more to benefit American workers in the 6 days since his election then the democrats...

Why is it a capitalist has done more to benefit American workers in the 6 days since his election then the democrats accomplished in 8 years?

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At list finnish primary school

Trump is the great Caesar of our age, and Kushner will be Octavian.

Dumb leftcucks can't deal with it and are going full blown denial mode.

How in the world can someone be a pro-trump nazi? It's like being a pro nazi jew.


Doubt it.



lol, they only halted the ban on travel for people already in the country and frankly the court can be ignored if needed.

Also, you call Trump a capitalist like the Democraps aren't also capitalists.


For the last time, we're not liberals.

Except he actually destroyed the VA that's not helping anyone actually.

He also has a 36% approval rating so those workers must be so ungrateful :v(

His coming shutdown of the tech industry and ending of outsourcing/labor insourcing, cutting off the southern parasite - all acomplished within a week.

As politicans go he's a god and I can I would have no problem fighting a war for him if he calls.

My dad works in a machine shop and the tariff is already going to fuck them over because they exchange parts with a company in Germany. I'm a teacher and Betsy DeVos wants to make the IDEA state to state which will severely limit my ability to educate students with special needs if my state decides they want to cut it.

Futa is stupid.

This is hot as fuck.


Trumpfags are almost enough to push me into full anti-democracy neoreactionary territory.

What exactly has he done?

Why would they do that? don't they understand? It is just like humans vs orcs.


That'll only happen when burger labor is cheaper than 3rd world labor, which isn't gonna happen even with 30% tariffs

how has he done that?

The only thing that benefit workers is abolishing work, trump has done none of that

Yeah if you just ignore all those courts surely this will work

That's how law making works right

You just ignore the court's rulings

Americans are really this fucking stupid

That's not how it works
It'll probably be dragged out over a period of months if not years

He just said he was going to limit HB1s, again he's doing more then the democrats accomplished in 8 years.

Your assertion that outsourcing is inevitable and protectionism is bad is an old capitalist argument which doesn't hold water(in fact its demonstrably false) - he will show you.

Limiting visas do not help the working class

Never claimed it was bad

Capitalism will chase profits, and it's less profitable to hire Americans compared to foreigners in developing nations who will do the same work for far cheaper

You: "Trump did so much for workers the last week"
Everyone: "like what?"
You: "he just said he was going to…"

holy fuck you're retarded

There actually were Jewish Nazis. If you opened a book you would know this.

he's not saying they didn't exist, he's saying it's a retarded decision

Tech companies are looking to move factories to the US. I don't know what you're getting at here.

Limiting labor pool forcing the upper echelons of society to pay more does benefit the working class and it assures money goes to citizens verses foreigners.

Take construction as an example, it easily pays 20$ an hour and it's filled with illegals. The meme about immigrants doing jobs americans wont do is bullshit - its pure capitalist undercutting but because it's the modern left is mentally ill they refuse to argue against and instead attempt basterdized internationalism communism which will never work.

Dumb prole

Hows the communism meme working out? You have had 100 years and made 0 progress. It's time to change your tactics because what ever you're doing isnt working, while trumps policies will get immediate results.

idk how's the capitalism lol

But this doesn't limit the labor pool, it just makes one section of it more expensive to use, an expense that's still leagues cheaper than hiring workers in the developed world

It's inevitable.

Weird how we made zero progress and yet all the developed nations of the world had a collecting fit working to stop it for half a century


only retards who don't read marx are in favor of this. what is needed is a reduction in work hours and an increase in wages, not protectionism, which basically amounts to a tax on everyone else to keep auto manufacturers employing dumb proles 40 hours a week. a reduction in labor and environmental protections along with corporate tax cuts are going to go along with this.

neoreactionaries were right about democracy tbh, the eternal scotch-irish ruins everything if you let them vote

I am happy capitalism exploits retards like you

Its like when that one guy who pisses you off gets scold by the teacher

Funny how the same arguments used by capitalists are now being used by communists to defend their failed positions and justify the statusquo.

The only people being exploited by capitalists are the immigrants welcome retards whos jobs are subsequently taken by the people they imported.

Trump is begining the next golden age of american prosperity and it's fantastic.

Why are you describing us as failed when all you ever do is get offended on the politician's behalf? That doesn't sound like a good mode of strategy, or really, any kind of thought whatsoever.

If he actually follows his campaign promises he's more likely to completely crash the US in a new great depression
Look up Hoover, gave a lot of the same promises as Trump did



Marx literally writes that free trade hastens the revolution

Refer to

And for absolute faggots. Like Holla Forums.

Better to eat bread then to eat nothing, at the moment communists have accomplished absolutely nothing but devaluing wages in the US.

The idea that we should encourage things to get so bad everything implodes with the idea that a grand revolution will come out of it is incredibly foolish and is evidence of delusion.

Modern day communists are the tools of capitalists.

This is your brain on ideology

Please stay exploited

How have communists "devalued wages in the US"?

When did communists control the US?

You should look at your labor movement. Your beloved capitalists used to machine gun your fellows for negotiating for a little more bread.

Backing mass immigration. This has probably been the single greatest destroyer of wages in the labor market sectors occupied by the "working class".


Remember leftypol, just call him an idiot, dont lose your valuable time on retards like him

I really wish i lived in your world when communists had power in the USA

Wait, what? What did he do? I kinda use that.

He ceased employing federal employees. At first glance, this seems innocent and without consequence.

On second, it has further crippled the VA to do its job. And now veterans aren't getting many benefits of employment.

Wish the Trump shilling would fuck off tbh

Do you mean the hiring freeze? Don't worry, it can't last.