Capitalism already won

Capitalism already won.

The only way socialism could have taken hold and transformed society was in the 20th century because back then power wasn't consolidated entirely into the hands of the bourg and lack of financialization hadn't eroded the need for capital to actually be dependent on real production rather than creative speculating and market manipulation. We now live in a society where Capitalism has expanded into every single corner of the globe and is simply folding in on itself like an inflatable activated in a container too small for it. The end of Capitalism will mean the end of all human civilization.

It's not just that this or that crisis will be worse than any before. It's that the very action of human existence has become nothing but a perpetuation of capital's dictatorship. Even resistance or opposition simply enriches and continues Capitalism. Every movement ultimately settles for altering Capitalism in some way because there is no real potential for an alternative anymore.

Neoliberalism is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The "natural" state doesn't exist but insofar as anything about existence is "natural" IE uninfluenced by anything other than evolutionary traits, the default state is most definitely mutual aid. However, the contrived systems imposed upon us by Capitalism have been consolidated with the neoliberal ideology. We have become complacent with self-fulfillment in the West and are able to tolerate the atrocities of neoconservative imperialism of the USA and Israel since it is ultimately just another "too bad but necessary" condition of what, because we have made it so, is the natural order.

Until every single human on the planet is gone capitalism will stay and until capitalism is gone humanity will only seek to destroy itself. We can't win. There is nothing.

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Quit your bitching and start resisting purely for the sake of resistance on its own. Don't fight to win. Fight to fight.


Dick Neck?


History isn't stagnant, /po- Er i mean, Freidrich.

Gee, what a great idea. Sounds very productive.

I'm not trying to say Capitalism is perfect. My thesis is basically that Marx was correct that Capitalism would fail due to its internal contradictions and instability but he failed to grasp the level of integration into general social existence that the Capitalist formulation would take. That's not his fault as he wrote about and criticized Capitalism in its early days which depended on real workers to generate profits and real products to sell etc. But now we live in a society where a detached elite use the public's savings/debt/personal property etc to trade in virtual capital and have taken such charge of the State and have so heavily imposed the neoliberal ideology as to make the bullshit propositions that "Capitalism is natural" or "Well its not perfect but at least it isn't X" the actual natural order of things as people have integrated themselves into capitalism rather than having to be coerced to accept capitalist premises as true.

My point is that humans now are not simply turned into capitalists/workers its that all of humanity works to perpetuate capitalism whether they want to or not.

I'm not trying to tell you not to resist or anything either. I'm very depressed and pessimistic and I basically am venting right now I'm sorry I know that's not what this board is for. But I just am very anxious and have contemplated suicide for a while now.

Friend it sounds like you read Marx without understanding dialectic. Capitalist and Workers perpetuate capitalism, yes. Marx understood this, he mentioned it many times.

But that's what I'm saying. Of course the workers perpetuate capitalism but at a certain point their consciousness is raised to the point where they can rebel against it. Now there's a cap on class consciousness that makes all resistance another form of perpetuation.

I basically agree with Zizek that there will be no truly Communist party any time soon and that really the best we can hope for is a renewed welfare state. I really don't see an end to capitalism as such and I think that we'll probably all be dead before we even get to the old school socdem world Zizek's talking about.

I'm not saying do anything different. Just if you can't find a reason, it doesn't matter, who needs a reason to resist? Isn't the fact that you're experiencing something that you are capable of resisting, enough justification?

Don't be so sure, even the Capitalist don't think we've got long:

I don't think you get what I'm saying. Sure Capitalism WILL END and it will end because of its flaws. We are all capitalism now though, so it can't end without us all dying

When people start to get hungry they won't give much of a shit about their grandstanding and chest thumping anymore.

People are already hungry. Millions starve to death every year. You keep acting like capitalism has one more big crisis than it just ends. It's ending now. It's not gonna just be a big flash then poof socialism because we got some poor people into marx. We're already in the end of it and its a slow, gradual process of collapse.

You really should try hard to boil down your message. These word walls are only speaking to the choir.

I told you guys
I told you about the end of history

He looks extremely sinister.

Not in the first world. The third world has no revolutionary potential because they are subverted to hell and back.

Wtf/? No. This is dumb as hell and precisely why i'm not an anarchist anymore. Anarchists are obsessed with this whole 'resistance' thing as if any and all resistance as good.

If i'm going to fight, it's certainly going to be to win.

That is okay

Enjoy getting trampled on while waiting for that revolution to happen.

fascinating take

That's ahistorical nonsense. People thought the world was ending when the Roman Empire collapsed, but look here we are.

What does bones have to do with this.

Here we are indeed.

Planet? Nigga we aint stopping til we privatize the galagzee.

this nigga neck longer than a monday

The Roman empire didn't literally destroy the environment though.

Wrong, as more and more people become "rich" (or at least westernized) they stop having kids. At some point the ratio of taxpayers to pensioners hits parity and the system collapses. Fact is capitalism requires growth but the fruits of modern society are antithetical to it.

This is happening all over the world right now. It's why boomers destroyed America's manufacturing industry, and why they would go on to cause the housing bubble (and the student loan bubble, and the auto loan bubble). Because they didn't have 3+ kids like their parents did, they had to resort to creative financing to get more and more young people buying products. This is what brings it all down.

The last big greenfield area (for investment) was mobile web services. That is gone now, and Venture Capitalists are desperately trying to hype self-driving cars as the next big thing even though the idea only works in a heavily suburbanized society which for the most part no longer exists. Biotech offers another outlet, but only for another 30-40 years until Boomers completely die off.

It's not a question of IF capitalism breaks, but when. Trump himself has already started this process by breaking the TPP and (soon) enacting tariffs.

Sure, but climate change will result in massive amounts of displacement and refugees which will be too much for the system to handle. Capitalism will end before the world does, the Earth is pretty damn resilient.

Obviously capitalism can't exterminate all life on Earth but I think it could cripple the environment for mankind so much that civilisation is permanently lost to us. (ie no accessible material deposits for people with low technology and all machines are eventually lost) Or at least kill 90% of people.

Look another idiot who has never read a word of theory in his life.

Back in the early 20th century and 19th century capital was FAR more concentrated and Labor had FAR less power. Back then capital had gold, hard currency they could use to fuck shit up. Today's capitalists have currency in the form of digits on a computer, and it is utterly tied to the state. If the state goes down, then capital goes down with it. If people refuse to work for or buy from a certain capitalist, then that capitalist has no power whatsoever.

Capitalism depends on unlimited growth, it is built right into the math. A few capitalists amass a bunch of capital through profit and compound interest, then, because all that wealth is 'theirs by rights' of some sort, the remaining population can only survive by redistribution, being lucky enough to be in the employ of the capitalist, or by expanding into new markets and becoming the capitalists of the populations there as you convert them from their old socio-economic system to capitalism, and this is called imperialism.

When Capitalism develops across the whole globe, there obviously isn't anywhere else for it to expand to. And eventually automation means that there are way more people than can be employed by the few global capitalists. As global growth permanently slows, the math of capital causes absolute chaos - if a capitalist society isn't growing, then it is always in crisis. And if it grows too much, if there is too much prosperity, then it becomes too top heavy and tips over collapsing anyway, a case of too many big capitalists, too many chiefs.

And what's with the schizoid photo? I hope that isn't you.

do you really think we'd be incapable of civilization?
You do know we had civilization for thousands of years without nearly so many people or nearly so much resource consumption, right?
Unless we really do bomb out most of the earths surface with nukes, there'll be arable land and thus room for "civilization"
On top of that, humans dont need "civilization" to do well. Theres hunter-gathering, hunter-gardening, and nomadic herding if you dont feel like settling down and building cities. These can and have often supported large numbers of people for countless generations. The last one is even capable of becoming what amounts of a "civilization" or at least having as much power as anything you'd call that.

There's no cap on class consciousness you moron.

First of all, there's no working class if people aren't, you know, fucking working. Just being poor does not make you proletariat. You actually have to be hands on producing stuff every day next to your fellow workers.

You idiots supported the democratic party as they shipped all the job overseas. Now you have no jobs and thus no proletariat and thus no class consciousness.

What proletariat you DID have, you shit all over. You spent 8 years taking shits on white male workers. That's guaranteed way to splinter class consciousness.

It is STAGGERING how righteously you idiots work against your own goals. Someone says "nigger" and you have to have a virtue parade, get that racist fired! That will show him! One less worker to develop class consciousness! We're winning guys!

But go ahead, create more masses of lumpenproles with your blacklists and your outsourcing and whatever other bullshit schemes the bourgeoisie have pumped into your heads and you mistake for praxis. That's where we're going to end up anyway. A bunch of robots doing the work for everyone while real people just sit at home smoking weed, jerking off, and playing video games. There's no room for class consciousness in that world, not unless you stop shitting your pants over religion, because in robot utopia the only chance you'll have to organize a mass of people is by you know the fucking mass.

capitalism had to take hold in order for it to properly be destroyed. What matters for us is finding ways to destroy the legitimacy of the current state of things. People don't like the current state of things, they are apathetic at best. I think we will see many more opportunities for this with the rise of the populist right-wing and (at least in the US) an ever-increasing portion of the country dropping out of spectacular politics altogether. That is I think much of our work is being done for us. What remains is to figure out how we can contribute. How we can, if necessary push the a large enough group of these disillusioned folks toward class-consciousness

I'm already inclined to believe this.

It wouldn't normally bother me, save for the financialization and globalization. I would be content with the Keynesian consensus, even if - like all forms of pretend-to-be-kind capitalism it relies on exploitation and exporting suffering elsewhere to create nicer conditions at home.

Nowadays I'm inclined to side with anything that will trash the present way of doing things. I'd take fascism over financial capitalism any day. I might die in a camp or wind up riddled with bullets in some foreign battle-ground, but if I can die knowing there's a chance the system might fail and the world might change, I'll die happy.

And with that, there is one small hope for destroying capitalism, but it is a pessimistic one indeed: The end of cheap energy.
If capital stays tied up in nonsense financial instruments instead of real production, the next energy shock could result in a collapse of living standards back to the 1900s or earlier. There's no way we'd keep global computer networks running, at least outside the government. International trade could grind to a halt, the constant surveillance that the system is presently building would no longer be possible - because we'd lose smartphones and probably household electricity.

We would be condemned to die on this planet, but if the alternative is space neoliberalism I'll pilot the meteor myself.

Thank you. I swear Trump could make a public speech and read right from the communist manifesto and how he's gonna make it happen and there would still be so-called Marxists hating him.

You don't have a proletariat if you don't have any jobs. No working class if there's no work. And there's no class consciousness when you have half the workers hating the other half for being fucking white males.

Getting a bunch of minorities to riot is not revolutionary.

Let me repeat this: Getting a bunch of minorities to riot is not revolutionary.

Democrats got you so hot and bothered with their virtue shit that you can't even recognize that all the shit they've done has been to undermine the revolutionary potential of the American worker by dividing or eliminating the American worker.

Now Trump wants to bring back jobs and you hate him. Now Trump wants to throw wrenches in the gears of big anational bourgeoisie imperialism and you hate him.

You fucking idiots don't even realize HOW COMMUNIST AMERICA ALREADY WAS BEFORE YOUR HEROES THE CLINTONS STARTED DISMANTLING IT ALL BY PRIVATIZING THE STATE AND SIGNING SHITTY TRADE DEALS. Lets examine the measures in the capitalist manifesto by which the bourgeoisie were to be brought down:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
(Property taxes in lieu of)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
(We had this once upon a time)

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
(We tax most of it, and to her credit Hillary did claim she wanted to increase it, but knowing her she probably would have eliminated it entirely)

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels
(Naw we just let them stash it all in Island banks, islands literally ran by descendants of pirates)

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
(Oh we've had this for a while, it just isn't ran by the state qua state because the politicians would fuck it up)

6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
(We'll just have the state spy on all communications and you can't drive a car unless you have special muh privilege from the state)

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
(Hey we did this once upon a time back when FDR was president with the TVA etc. But then you morons let the EPA take over the environment and now you can't cultivate anything unless you have permission from the big bourgeoisie that said cultivation won't impact their profits or they get a piece of the cut, because the EPA will stop said cultivation with some claim that it would destroy some endangered fucking animal)

8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
(Naw dawg, fuck that, we're gonna have a minimum wage and a welfare state, that way half the potential revolutionary working class is just sitting at home not working and therefore can never develop class consciousness)

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
(Naw dawg, fuck that shit. Lets crowd half the potential working class into urban ghettos and keep them separated and in resentment of the other half of the actual working class)

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.
(Yeah you're giving kids free education and stopped them from being exploited by work, but what in the fuck are you teaching them? You're not teaching them any theory or practice. You're not teaching them how to work a fucking trade or navigate the legal system or even how to start a fucking business. You're just teaching them vulgar materialism, some bullshit they'll never use because there's no jobs for them, and some self-loathing historical frame to get them to vote democrat, at least until they turn 30 and can start thinking for themselves.)

You fucking ignorant fuckwads. You want a revolutionary working class with class consciousness, but if Trump came out and said "I'm ending the welfare state, ending the minimum wage, and putting EVERY FUCKING BODY to work doing SHIT THAT MATTERS, AND YOU ARE ALL GOING TO GET ALONG EVEN WITH THE CIS WHITE MALES." you know THE EXACT CONDITIONS NEEDED TO DEVELOP A REVOLUTIONARY WORKING CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS, if Trump did this you fucking morons would lose your shit!

You don't know what you want and you don't know how to get it. You're ridiculous and should just shut up and read until you are able to see through the web of lies the big bourgeoisie have mystified you with.

This post is satire right?

Hasn't actually read the book or heard of any of his follow-up predictions.

I wish the government would do more stuff

He is a bit off (for example, this being 1848 it's French royalists who are emigrants and rebels), but not completely. People treat historical processes as if there is an on/off switch. The truth is history moves on even if nobody notices.

As another example, what we have today was called "Soviet marriage" before WWII: infamous sexual revolution was about adopting Lenin's decree of 1917.

It's just a mechanism for other political ideologies to use for productive purposes.
The issue is libertarianism vs totalitarianism and the position in that spectrum.

Liberal, please.

Hey man uh, aren't you forgetting like…. China, Britain..

Oh, okay. Yeah it's Holla Forums.
Why do you think we're democrats again?

Good prole. Communism has been achieved. Sociopolitical classes no longer exist anymore.



Boy, Holla Forums is extra spergy today.

I'm saving this.


This a good u guise.

That's why tankies always win.

They use you for fodder and church bombings, then off to gulag.

Is this satire? Because the idea of someone with no idea about Holla Forums coming in here and creating this wall of text out of sheer idiotic anger doesn't sit well with me.

Poe's law in action.
But Holla Forumsfags do seem to have a thing for dumping walls of aggressive text.
