No need to lobby when he appoints the bankers directly to the government.
Like the wall, Congress will drag it's heels on this as well.
his nsa and cybersecurity czar were literally lobbyists for Gulf nations not even a year ago
it's not a lobbyist ban you dip
it prevents admin officials from pursuing lobbyist careers.
Congress will not stand for this shit. They make far too much money shilling for Wall Street and Big Business.
And yet he hired Lobbyists.
Sorry he's not perfect but this is progress
"and a five-year ban for other lobbying."
He hired an ex-banker so this means he didn't ban lobbying. Do you even leftism, kiddo?
But he can't actually enforce that. Freedom of association and all that.
Wake us up when AIPAC is defined as what it actually is, a lobby for a foreign government.
It's not progress. He's literally done nothing. Executive orders are just suggestions for Congress which they often ignore.
Remember when Obamas signed an executive order to close Guantanamo? That didn't happen and neither will the majority of Trump's.
but he wasn't an administration official when he was appointed so it's all good :^)
This is a ban on elected officials becoming lobbyists, not a ban on lobbyists in general.
The supreme court has already ruled that lobbying is protected under freedom of speech, but this bill is a huge deal.
What makes modern day lobbyists so powerful isnt the money that backs them; its their connections.
50% of senators move on to become lobyists, and 43% of congressmen move on to do the same thing. 40 years ago this number was 3%
This is the first postive thing I have seen Trump do, and it is a huge postive.
Trump cant stop special interests from lobbying (talking) to people in the government. But he IS stopping previously elected officials, those with connections and influence, from becoming those who represent special interests in the gov't
This is my first time saying it, but g/j Trump
Maybe this is the death of neoliberalism after-all? We need more commissar Trump memes TBH.
Im digging it.
They'll find a loophole.
it's a good move, i'll give credit where credit is due–but like others have said, congress will probably jam it up
Sadly.. The pessimist within seems to agree with both of these posts. Porky always seems to find a way.
This is a good move, but to porky its just another hoop.
porky will find a way, but assuming that this law sticks and isnt shot down some how, it will severely limit the influence of future lobbyists on policy and law-making
this policy was started under Obama, trump is merely extending it. gullible trump supporting classcucks are gobbling it up
So now it'll be corruption instead of lobbying. They'll still be corporate pawns.
This is what our robot overlord, Google, returns as results for "obama lobbyists"
Hmm, perhaps Trump will use this to his advantage by weeding out lobbyists for industries and companies that compete with his business interests while allowing lobbying when it benefits him??
Really makes you think..
Except there is no bill. Trump has only made a gesture. It doesn't actually do anything. This is like Shillary's "cut it out" bullshit.
Your right. its an executive action.
definition of executive action:
"Executive actions are any informal proposals or moves by the president. The term executive action itself is vague and can be used to describe almost anything the president calls on Congress or his administration to do. But many executive actions carry no legal weight. Those that do actually set policy can be invalidated by the courts or undone by legislation passed by Congress."
Congress needs to do something for this to become real…
As if congress is going to take away their source of money after leaving congress
John Hurt just died so I'm upset at that and the sour feeling in my belly isn't warming to the idea of liberals and conservatives bipartisanly agreeing to screw the only senile decision Trump has made so far that is sort of ok
Why do we care?
Not necessarily true. Executive orders can carry a lot of weight, but with our shit media, we don't have good analysis telling us if this carries any real penalties, or if it is merely a suggestion.
So like what Obama did?
Trump is seriously just a more blatant Obama.
fuck off
John Hurt fuck off if you don't know John Hurt
Alien, Elephant Man, fuck off. Fuck off dude.
Copied from WaPo:
"But his ethics rule also shortens the “cooling-off” period during which former appointees can communicate with the agency where they worked from two years to one year. And while former lobbyists who join the government will still be banned from participating in any matter they lobbied on for two years, Trump's order allows them to join an executive agency that they lobbied in the previous two years — something prohibited under Obama.". Its not exactly better and this seems to offset the ban
obama didnt do shit on this subject except give lip service
google "Obama Lobbyists"
or see here:
or Here:
also if it's just a "pledge" without any legal enforcement mechanism behind it, this is all moot anyway
That's semen, hon.
>>>Holla Forums
The truth is that even if this worked exactly as Trump supporters say it will, it's pretty much meaningless until you get the money out of politics.
Also, maybe look into increasing congressional staff budgets so they're not depending on lobbyists to frame everything for them.
so basically it's a toothless EO that will grab him a headline but effectively do nothing
Yup, gotta admit though, his staff is genius at manipulating media. The retards and clueless Americans will actually think he is "draining the swamp".
The media did that to themselves. Even liberal alternative media is so discredited now on the subject of Donald Trump that hardly any neutral parties listen to them anymore on this topic.
No it's not
It's shit in my intestines
agreed on second comment. You dont have to be a genius at manipulating media outlets when they discredit themselves repeatedly
This is me. I believe more of what I watch on youtube that has been recorded by nobodies on the street than I believe of the media…
Has anybody ever bothered to research the supposed time Trump said he wanted to implement a Muslim database? He never said that. A reporter was the one who talked about a muslim database to Trump. Trump never mentioned one. Trump said he wanted systems in place to prevent terrorists.
The liberal news grabbed this and reported "Trump said he wants a Muslim registration databse"… This was the point when I stopped caring what the fake news said
I didn't know you were into that. Gross. Eat da poo poo.
Ya know, that guy everyone says punched richard spencer, slave Ray, died. I think it was from eating shit judging by some of his pictures. You may want to rethink that.
You're full of poop, too.
I don't know. If she's trying to channel Ray through some chink spiritual shit, I'm all for it. Maybe she'll kung-fu grip his nuts into jelly. She is a real ball buster, after all.
Keep eating da poo poo, baby. Get Ray back.
Mine is actually semen.
I actually have both poop and semen… just in different areas.
Well fuck me sideways and call me your bitch, that's news to me!
And why are filthy progressives like you always crying when a celebrity dies? It's almost like you're instinctually programmable by emotional stimuli from pop culture? Wow, that uh… that really makes me think.
It's John Hurt tho
We are all filled with literal shit at any given moment in our lives.
Even if it's shut down by congress, it shows the ineptitude of our gov
Is Trump /our guy/?
First Orange, Then Red.
OP, you stupid fuck.
Yeeesh, is that what they teach you over at Pfizer?
It's going to be funny having the constant stream of poltards coming in and having this pointed out to them.
You wanna hear something really gross?
Something really scary?
There's a skeleton inside you RIGHT NOW!
have you just been lurking for a year or is this a new milo with a different trip. I haven't seen the milo tripfag in ages, satan-chan posts more frequently.
first post best post.
Also note how the lifetime ban only applies to foreign governments, as if the problem was that we need a more american corporate dictatorship
This terminology always makes me fucking laugh for some reason.
This doesn't apply to congressmen of senators.
what the fuck is wrong with you people. it's just his admin officials.
Tillerson is going to be one of the biggest disasters of Trump's presidency. He's going to try and use the arm of the state and it's massive military power to remove all the roadblocks he encountered as CEO of Exxon. He's worse than a warmonger.
The alternative liberal media was what honestly disappointed me. I continue to be shocked for some reason at how far TYT has sunk.
Glenn Greenwald is one of the few on the left who looks at Trump honestly & with a sense of proportion. Kyle Kulinski was better than most in at least acknowledging that Trump was better than Ted Cruz. The others all bought into some variant of the "Literally Hitler" hysteria.
Those are harsh words. The lobbying power of the oil companies has been continually overblown by the media, at least as it relates to foreign policy.
This is fair play, all though judging by his Muslim ban he probably left loopholes for his cronies to lobby (I'm look at you, you Saudi piece of shit)
This lol
I'm the old milo. :-)
To add to this about the oil industry: