He Will Not Divide Us General
Other urls found in this thread:
Words can't express how much I hate Americans.
Words aren't necessary
the lack of color now gives it a distinct old school zombie flick feel
I like how Holla Forumsyps get all distant whenever women show up.
What about nukes
looking for a chill place to discuss autism and general chillaxing in real time? look no further than rizon#HWNDUS that's irc:// see you there
This tbh
WWIII cannot happen fast enough.
but i am Americans :^c and i like this shit niggas
They're afraid SJWs will press rape charges for breathing on them.
how long until hans detonates his suicide vest
He's waiting for Alex Jones to show up
ur gay and she looks gay like u and like a fish, she da durg.
Most polyps are /r9gayyers/ they cant handle women that aren't being blacked on a computer screen.
but i am Americans :^c and i don't like this shit niggas
All of the Holla Forums adult posters are there.
Here's a more accurate version
When the call incomes just right
Why did I call these fuckers adults
eh, most people will likely lose interest after tonight
One could only wish.
Hahaha now the Polish faggot crying about his 100 trillion has denied the holocaust. Wew lad.
We need more /leftyproles/ there. ==RED ARMY FORWARD==
Someone has to say his trigger word to set off his psychological conditioning.
No Holla Forums not those types of trigger words
Wow, this whole thing turned out way more autistic than I had expected
redpill tv
That guy in the middle is pretty ballsy for just standing here.
Kek, this guy getting angry about how antifa are only tough when there are dozens of them - has only become brave because he now has dozens of buddies with him.
Sorry gurl. I may be a creep but even I have taste.
I remember a time where going to the movies was something special. Now all they shit out is capeshit.
Hans will detonate his suicide vest soon.
Are they unironically playing nazi-music?
It took me a second before I noticed his fist and I was just kind of confused.
That's not our MO.
Our MO is gorilla warfare.
Do a brother a favor and post ddr pepe1.jpg
You tell that to Hans, he's a government killer. You can see it in his eyes.
more faces of Holla Forums, from this goldmine
Guerilla warfare, surely?
Simian communist armies would be pretty neat too, tho
Look at all these unfuckable dullards
The Horst Wessel or some shit? Nazi Germany had some garbage ass music, tbh.
I'd like to see someone get a tape recorder, put it down, and let it play. It would mostly be silent, giving them a minute or so to get away. Then suddenly it would blare out ALLAHU AKBAR. I'd love to watch these idiots shit themselves and run.
People with garbage taste like that belong together.
thanks fam
Damnit what did I miss
realtime autism analysis irc://
realtime autism analysis irc://
Hitler must be spinning in his grave at the sight of most of his modern followers.
Hans disappeared after the scuffle over the FUCK YOU REDDIT (?) sign.
Nothing pretty much if you've already seen Brittany Venti and USSR anthem after.
Man that black kid is pretty reasonable considering the stream of bullshit he's caught up in
I've found Hans and his er- HAND!
Little boy is still going strong?
heh, now I get it
When will he start shooting?
That isn't even why I called it him, but life continues to be poetic.
Yeah I sort of feel sorry for the kid being stuck in the eye of the identitarian shitstorm, being completely unable to get anyone to see reason.
Man, that guy seems pretty manic depressive…
Someone needs to get the loud bitch out of there. She's contributing nothing and making it hard to hear the actual conversation taking place.
So is the alt-right the new atheism (i.e. a movement that everyone hates and mocks openly at every opportunity)?
the fire rises irc://
How is that a troll though?
Giovinezza, giovinezza,
Primavera di bellezza
Per la vita, nell'asprezza
Il tuo canto squilla e va!
Yeah, please dispatch the local cultural marxist NKVD branch to remove her.
Butthurt christfag detected.
When is the Nazbol Gang going to show up? Please tell me we have people near there.
New atheism is cringey as fuck and not equatable to atheism.
This would make my year in the first month, I don't know if I could handle anything that would top it.
hey user did you know that god isn't real?
Neh, American new atheism is legitimately cringe as fuck.
pls no the concentration of autism might make the space time continuum collapse.
Yeah but he didn't say new atheism.
If he wanted to talk about new atheism he'd say
>So is the alt-right the new new atheism
i'm ready for da spook
That's what I meant of course. The alt-right is the new New Atheism.
Ha, I see what you mean.
All this highly concentrated Autism.
I want to masturbate to the qt girl that appeared there tho.
That is indeed what I meant.
He's basically shitposting IRL.
Protip: equating atheism and new atheism is what new atheists do.
And also what weenie fundies do.
Comrades, I have seen some shit, but I've never seen anything like this…
Well I didn't think this thread could get anymore autistic. Good job!
I wasn't trying to do that, please calm down.
Why are they always the worst examples of the white race?
no fuk u weeb
Do we really need a thread for this? Really don't get what the big fucking deal is, it's just a constant shitfest
It's not a big deal, dude. Just a grammatical error, but it changed the meaning of your post significantly. FYI there are a lot of people on this board who chafe at atheism in general. I mistook you for one of them. Peace.
Will he divide us?
Because successful and respected white people don't have to fall back on skin color as the only thing that gives them worth.
They really are poor examples man, what with the black man, the asian, and the middle eastern looking dude.
I can't believe these nazis are less white than us.
Holy shit the altright is so pathetically weak
We didn't beg reddit to come here. The r/soc mods got assblasted and Papa Wolff mentioning us got some banned redditors' attention.
take your meds
You seem mad
Daily reminder that that fine white alpha male filed assault charges against Shia for that tiny shove.
It seems up in the air at the moment.
Black Mirror season 3 is airing early this year.
This is the most autistic shit i have ever seen in my life.
Why are you so upset friend?
the autism is real
anmu gay like u and kill la kill is poo and maga meme rain and rip off cock and cum meme
Trips of Truth checked.
Is that you?
Yeah I'm sorry you can't spew your stupid meme speak.
Trump lost the negotiation to the Mexican president.
Enrique Peña Nieto is a fucking dumbass how does it feel to have an even more stupid president than Peña?
Epic win, many lulz were had
Holla Forums is WHITE!
k, whatever
You do know that response to our responses means you've been triggered right
Pls stop being triggered.
Enjoy your failed ideology faggot.
Why did you have an idea that your ideological adversaries were alpha gods of fitness? Did you secretly admire them or something?
Heh I'm gonna reply twice just for fun
Kill La Kill was basically anarchist anime fam. Sides, that is some firly shit. Watch some Berserk.
Kek is a chaos god my lad.
Maybe the nazbols are on to something after all
you haven't even scratched the surface bucko.
is hans a cop–serious q
Why does Holla Forums (and the alt-right in general) seem more and more like a joke the more exposure they get?
That was not me, stop being bothered by everything.(i'm not triggered, i s-swear!)
But they said so in all the threads. Why wouldn't you believe an anonymous stranger on the internet?
anmu gay like u and kill la kill is poo and maga meme rain and rip off cock and cum meme
ur gay 2
You don't seem to understand irony do you?
This is why I love worldfilters.
KLK was also made by commies.
wtf you had the same usernames though
He was breaking up attempts at conciliation before, but I think he may just have an ideological infection.
Not really, I only see memes in their threads.
I'm american but im not like this can we be comra8s :)
is basically Holla Forums for Argentinians and it's a neo nazi hughbox.
If you're not bothered then why are you still replying?
Then why would anyone care? Again, no one does. Hence the shitposts.
Yeah well you're being bothered by that guy being bothered
That means I win.
I can't stand this memeing camwhore
Isn't there anyone else with periscope?
Did you read the post I was replying to?
Heh stop making me bothered fam
If a girl called me a "cuck" IRL I would probably slap the shit out of her. Not sure if that is allowed in America though.
That's just what got posted on the IRC. Probably nobody else there right now
shit, she's still streaming? i can hear her annoying voice in the main HWNDU stream
Can anyone tell me what the hell going on? what did i miss?
Hans has swapped his hand
You'd get lynched, especially in that crowd.
Peaceful left everybody
Yeah America is a nation of crybaby cucks. Shia got arrested for shoving a guy. You don't even get arrested for beating the living shit out of someone around here.
They ARE a joke.
Those guys make the Atheists and SJW look like charismatic people.
I'd probably laugh
It's such a pitiful meme insult at this point, it's meaningless
His right hand was out of the frame. Also the female Holla Forumsyp on periscope was calling him a nazi for having his fist up. What a retard.
What the fuck did we just do a magic?
Its Holla Forums 2.0. at this point.
is sam hyde still there or just his fanboys
I don't know, there's a girl with a dick at the front. Could it be his girlfriend?
Non-violence is fucking dumb. If a woman attacks a man's pride in that way she deserves a light beat down. I wouldn't mind being called a "cuck" by another man but a woman would need to be reminded of her manners, especially if she were a reactionary like that bitch is.
pobre pendejo
77 has an image. Its submission probably came first, but then the image took longer to process.
do you hear /ourguy/? playing le soviet music
Next you'll tell me Santa isn't real.
So progressive
As your pic says, it's a trait of all right wing movements
Absolute garbage taste.
What song is being played?
of course not, that's how you get off
Jesus christ
You should see them thinking those couple of pics of Alunya whoring herself bothered anyone.
Does Mao post here?
get out jeb u bush, gay, poo and rupccan
Jesus, lurk more Holla Forums
Welcome newcomer. Enjoy your stay.
Where do you think we got the phrase from?
There is a certain respect that exists between men isn't there? We call eachother mean names but at least we judge eachother by the same standard. I wouldn't enjoy being called that by another man but I don't think he would need to be "put down" for it so to speak. A woman on the other hand would most definitely need to be taught a little lesson about meddling in the affairs of men.
The proper response is a kick to the womb.
the cringe is real
You remind me of someone who goes into a Chinese restaurant and orders Sushi
Holla Forums is a board of peace
Someone kept calling everything a paper tiger, and me and another poster started doing it because it irritating another user every time. I thought it was just a semi-forced meme.
Why did the music stop?
Badass qt fam.
pretty gay if you ask me
Alt-right women are self-hating mestizos who larp as aryans.
But why is Jeb portrayed as the leader of the Antifa all of a sudden?
Woah comr8 isnt that the NPA who supported my main man Duterte?
Honestly the Greeks are trash.
Usually I don't agree with Nazbol posters
But here you are 100% right.
A woman can psychologically destroy a man with a single word or look.A man can simply not do this to another man. In my case I would not hit her, but I would call her whore or some other insult.
this is the most autistic thing I have ever witnessed, its glorious
Mein Gott.
The further I scroll down, the bonier her face gets
You and Holla Forums are exactly the same. Alt right and ancoms are exactly the same. Just some kids larping around. I do hope at least you grow some balls and go over there to shout your memes like Holla Forums.
Please do not turn this thread into that thread. We have had around three threads in the last two days on this.
Nice try
Maybe if you're incredibly pathetic.
Well most of you have been saying they're going there and I've seen nothing yet.
But a man can utterly destroy a woman's life by kicking her out of his house and making her stand on her own two feet.
Antifags clearly have the bigger balls.
Something she and Holla Forums have in common.
Grow a spine man.
Who has said they can afford plane tickets to some bougie fest in NY?
Jesus fuck, there is most post-processing on her photos that in your average modern AAA game.
Only Holla Forums would be proud of having an army of underage kids act autistically in front of a camera.
She knows her audience then
If you haven't been in a relationship you won't understand what I am saying.
It's not only about pride, but your very identity as a man. Even Zizek talks about this, there is nothing that makes manhood the default rock solid identity people assume it to be, and assuming that being gay or lesbian is easier than being a hetero man.
One cares more about idpol, while the other debates economics.
imagine being a Holla Forumslack that looks like rachael maddow
your identity huh
You'd need to extrapolate further, I haven't been in a relationship but the idea someone can be wrecked by a woman rolling her eyes or something just comes off as corny to me.
Killer Hans is a fucking trooper he's going to be able to lift the whole third world out of poverty with those arms by the end of the weekend.
Kek wait until someone gets to know what really pisses you off.
Really makes you think.
"Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel"
Identity is more complex than either reactionaries or liberal sjw's make it to be.
Well can't that be said of anyone rather than just women? Anyone who knew you really well and decided to fuck with you would know the perfect way to push your buttons.
Why is american so viscous and sadistic?
Fucking hell now Pajeet is holding up a "Too many cucks" sign.
Holla Forums please go back to work the takeaway is open late on Saturdays.
Economic and social stress. The economy is awful and is only going to get worse. We need Communism.
Nah, you generally tend to get to know people in a decent relationship better than any of your friends, and people say some nasty shit to each other.
Not the guy who said that a woman can crush a man's ego though, since we were just talking about some random tart in the street calling you a cuck, which is just a bit sad. I would laugh if I saw a Nazbol slap a bitch over it though.
fucking hell
Lard is more viscous than muscle and bone.
r/socialism is whiter than Holla Forums. Just sit back for a minute and think about how a sjw den manages to be more racially pure than an autistic hive of white nationalism.
He's right. So is to an extent. Pheromones are extremely powerful, and they work on a very deep level. Men have a strong response just to being around women. Your hormone profile changes which has a lot of effects, including making you more gentle (this is physiological not psychological - the nerves that make your muscles flex get partially inhibited). You can fight the rational identity part but the animal part of a man's brain has a very strong response to women. Generally. Individuals vary a lot.
This is also an important point. Just being in a relationship with someone makes you more vulnerable (that's what a relationship IS). Women have some natural attunement to social interaction but more importantly they practice it frequently and know their way around people's emotions better than men do. Generally. When men deal with social situations there's more tendency to see in terms of rational motivations.
Are Holla Forums going to force us to exterminate them all at the end of their master plan?
Well, he has clearly allowed proprietary software to divide us.
What's their end game, Holla Forums?
There's one Casey Affleck looking motherfucker in the crowd
It's also a complete sausage fest.
Like 95%
Like pottery.
another thing idpol has in common
we aren't progressives you fucking homo.
lurk more.
Man I wish I kept that post someone wrote about the world being this fucking insane because of the amount of times communism has been averted by vested interests.
Ok, that's actually pretty funny
They are literally screaming at a wall demanding it to move. But no matter how much and how strong they do so, in the end of the day, Trump is still president.
Why are Trump supporters so mad that they won?
Praise be to commissar Trump.
Why do faggots keep losing?
Oh right, you love taking it in the ass from the kiikes and the awesome right wing alpha males. Wouldn't be surprised if you had all of those words filtered too cause you are all special little pathetic snowflakes. Have fun for being forever weak.
YOU ARE A FUCKING JOKE(thank you 3XL overweight alpha ubermensh)
The worst things get, the more gains we make. Socialism is acceptable again. Fam, you're done, and so is capitalism.
It is always from the depths of its impotence that each power center draws its power, hence their extreme maliciousness, and vanity.
being this assblasted.
Is that so hard to understand?
They're upset that an american reich hasn't been established and that white women standing in wheat fields aren't pledging themselves to them.
In essence, they are subconsciously aware how badly they've been cucked by Trump.
Signs of the times. Shit is only going to get more bizarre and worse.
Your ideology has been dead for 70 years.
Truly masters of 1488 dimensional chess.
Because they're autistic self-hating non-whites.
Someone should go down and record them from that angle, shouting it at a wall. That would be the real piece of art.
Somebody call Charley Booker and ask him if this is part of Black Mirror season 3.
so leftypol is authoritarian/evil? is there a peaceful libertarian comfy safe space in 8ch?
The dialectic in motion.
I'm sorry you have no gf but the world doesn't revolve around you.
The first and last redpill
Generally the way Black Mirror episodes work is that they become true within a few years, not the other way round.
Yes. >>>/gulag/
Stopped reading there
we have also lot of anarchos here.
But seriously we got lefty libertarians here fam. I know how you feel, but sad to say, there's only going to be more violence as material conditions worsen.
Anarchists are your best friends BTW.
Fucking pathetic.
Kill yourself, oh wait, your commanders will do that for you cause you are all cowards in the end.(you're the one buttblasted)
when will the alt-right meme die already?
lol wut
I remember the personality cult around Obama (that still exists to an extent, tbh, but nothing like what it once was) and even some libs eventually got off his dick and started criticizing him when he went right on policies.
The thing about the Trumpies is that they went whole hog in on this guy and bought fucking MERCH and incorporated Trump into their own personal brand and identity. Even if they get buyer's remorse, shame is going to play a factor into them ever admitting it publicly, and the true diehards will deal with the sunk cost fallacy in trying to judge how Trump cucked them
the dictatorship of the rich has left us with 2 options.
1 Revolution (violent there are no peaceful revolutions)
2 total enslavement and subjugation.
dude, you're cancer
Sounds like your talking about Holla Forums. Otherwise this post makes no sense.
The secone one is actually extinction fam.
@William__Hicks 5 minutes ago
12 cops now at the #hewillnotdivideus livestream.
Truly the paragon of the white race.
Choke on your fucking pills already, autismo
You are having a fit.
police walling in the area
You are fucking pathetic, anyways, have a nice night pinko commie shits. You will die off in the next 10 years.
EZ(you need to go to hospital to heal your buttblast)
hans is going kick shit off
At this rate there is a non-trivial chance that by 2020 imageboards at large will be left-wing again.
si ya llega le a la verga puto ardido.
take your meds
Uh huh
it's not just their race they lie about
Stalin should have nuked America when he had the chance
unironically this
Bjorn is back
Fucking kill yourself, the whole human populace and nature hate you. Fucking faggots. Medication is for the weak by the way, so you fucking losers must be drugged the fuck up. Just remember you are a bunch of demoralized morons who are following a dead ideology.(i'm not buttblasted i swear i'm not resetting my router!)
…just looking creepy.
from the way things are heading i'd say China will befoe Trumps finishes his 4 years
lol sam is fucking with alt-right camwhore bitch
"how many pay pigs do you have watching now?"
divideus- deveykus
attachment to God
deiwos- he was the god of the daylight sky, and his position may have mirrored the position of the patriarch or monarch in society. In his aspect as a father god, his consort would have been Pltwih2 Méh2ter[citation needed], "earth mother".
The darkness/Night comes and it is chased away by the light/Sun.
Kek vs Divideus
This for fuck sake.
capeshitters MUST be executed in the revolution tbh
get fucked.
Can Hans be stopped?
I never said we were black block, lad.
The stream is on the verge of blowing up in twitter MAGA people. Can't wait for that.
cops put up barricades and are making everyone form a line to get in front of the camera
They've been divided.
They are breaking up everybody police setup a barrier and sent everybody away.
Aha hahahaha
Cops built the wall !!!!!!!
Praise Kek
Pls no
Sam Hyde?
LOL Sam got BTFO
Classic example of how the police operate. Notice how they swooped in the moment that the Trumpfags started to get outnumbered? Fucking pigs.
TOPKEK Sam Hyde walks in and tries to talk but leaves when they started chanting
what a fucking weak faggot
AHAHAHAHA so that's the power of sam hyde?
getting btfo by two lib girls
Considering a black bloc member (who has little to do with Holla Forums in the first place) BTFO of a Holla Forumsuser and the police have little to do with Holla Forums in the first place, I'm pretty fine tbh.
Praise Kek
This is funny fun
Needs to be an Dew MLG headshot vid
Holla Forums is so fucking stupid and idiotic. without a braincell in their head.
They fail to even realize that there was no such thing as black sun and that there was a goddamn golden sun in the center which was stolen by the allies.
Fucking brainless mongrels.
Can someone give me a run down of what this is about? Shia Lebouf, the actor, set up a webcam abd is streaming it to this site, but then Holla Forums took it over? And now the police are building barricades for some reason?
Still waiting for my money from Soros
Claiming qt in the middle
Trumpburger is back.
That's the master race right there
This is what manly aryan men look like I guess.
But that's where you're wrong kiddo.
Zapatistas are still around famalam.
You realize he is a god of chaos, not order, don't you?
Poopoo peepee of my private properteeeee!
These are obligatory.
That a blunt?
Nah cigar, he's been blowing it at people all night.
No it's probably a cigar. Trumpbros think it makes them look "manly" though the only thing that could ever make that guy look like a man would be liposuction.
did anyone happen to record sam getting btfo by those girls
Lenin statues being demolished is sad
Stay fam, unless your afraid of being wrong.
Video is there
Sam has been attacked on stage before he's not really afraid of confrontation mate. Don't delude yourself.
Fucking ridiculous
Holy shit, you faggots even deleted my post cause you are so fucking butthurt. This is priceless.
Fucking inbred morons. Even updated some shitty mspaint for more salt.
So why did the cops come again? It looked like the anti-Trump people were starting to mobilize against the Trumptards.
Holla Forums is really white
Superior genes right there
Police probably asked staff to figure something out.
nigga what?
Fascists are a former liberals. it's no coincidence that their ideas of communism is what their government and porkies tell them.
kek is this the same faggot from before but has changed his scarf?
m8 ur a fukkin blimp changing ur scarf is NOT A DISGUISE
You're retarded and nobody wants to talk to you champ. That's ding dong bannu
I thought the meme from earlier in this thread was that Holla Forums wasn't white.
I'm mad. Why the fuck is Holla Forums so retarded
Also, why did it take you so long to have a general? My thread lasted days but it eventually died
QT is back
deleet this!!!! communsim is inevitabl!!!!!!!! religious bigot!!!!!!
all the self hating shit skins and blacks in there.
wew lad Holla Forums is too fucking lame.
You also do realise that Communism was also made by a white guy, Freidrich Engels?
I went away for a bit, why is the mob gone?
I would rather see Holla Forumsetarians than fucking liberals tbh
You have autism tbh fam, here is a book for you.
I want to go on an internet stalking binge
Oh gawd this is awful.
Because this is making Holla Forums look bad. It's kind of like pizzagate.
We thought we'd set one up because of the immense butthurt Hyde's presence would have
our waifu's back
yeah pretty much
If you didn't print them out how would you show them to people in the street? God, such a stupid newfag!
I'll fucking drop you.
The guy with the Argentinian soccer scarf!
Kek. Permanently remain illiterate Holla Forums.
Dude stay here, you're entertaining as fuck.
Holla Forums or /po/?
Pretty sure the first one is a joke. The second may be the polyp falling for Poe's law.
They're all fucked without spellchecker.
Sounds likes religious chanting tbh.
These are the guys who are threatening to take you on a helicopter ride and calling you a "cuck." Take note.
There is no need to be upset.
I couldn't take more of those zombie chants.
These people will drag us out from our luxury apartments like the champagne socialists we are!
Why is Holla Forums so non-white?
Nigga on the right got more chins than Pinochet's Chile had economic problems.
I fucking knew those damn origamifags were up to no good.
So Holla Forums is either not white or fatfucks. I'm not sure if it's funny or pathetic at this point.
I think the one thing we can all take away from this is that the MAGA guys may actually be more up to challenging their beliefs more than liberals, but for the most part everyone involved with mainstream politics is a cunt.
self hating delusional morons.
This isn't going to troll them tbh. The right really enjoys turning liberal rhetoric back on itself and will happily embrace diversity when it's /their guys/
Stop being such a babby, they're tearing each other apart in the thread this was pointed out. It's a gigantic split for them.
TBH it's most of the right, not so much the purely racial purest one.
I feel like setting up a line and forcing people into groups is defeating the original intentions of this project but it was a stupid project anyway
The Holla Forumsacks who are literal nazis are the fewer part. And even many of us have shitposted with Nazi imagery.
A lot of people see Nazism as the antithesis of what they hate about the mordern "left", that's why they use it as a flag.
A lot of Holla Forums is actually creaming themselves over this undeniable proof that the new-right/pepeposters/deplorables/whatever are not literal white suppremasists like MSM and Hillary painted it, and the fact that so many spics/blacks/coloureds are Trump supporters.
I know it's pretty ironic that so much of Holla Forums isn't white, but honestly, most of them are there because they suscribe to traditional western values, and the nazi stuff is like the *theme*.
Why is it such an intelectual victory for you that they aren't white?
I mean, Holla Forums is so full of underage shitposters that think they know about politics, this is no surprise, and imo their stances aren't more nor less substantiated by their skin color.
They would have been considered degenerates even if they were white. Their attitudes completely override race.
Did people here actually think Holla Forums was whites only? A lot of them accumulated there because they liked titties in their vidya, ffs
kol (kekked out loud)
are you kidding? even earlier today we saw one of them turn on some memeing girl because she was too much of a "mudshark"–on the fucking stream
Damage control.
seriously, this shit is just too cripy
memes belong to the imageboards
you don't bring them to other world
there's something very unsettling and unnatural about all of this
Stormfront eternally BTFO
Remember Rule 1 and 2?
The racialist stuff is so much of an ironic aesthetic its not even funny.
Well thanks for sharing lad. Take care.
Oh I forgot about the
They surely ==ARE== completely, utterly, absolutely and categorically assblasted
They're still retards tbh.
It was obvious to an extant, since neoliberal capitalism has been all about being 'so brogressive u guise' it would piss anyone off, including myself. As funny as it is, we shouldn't solely focus on the aesthetic of our opponents, but the theory, as many have of them have done so to us with straw men and adhoms. We should be better then that.
Also, welcome to leftypol m8.
Personally I've thought at least half of Holla Forums was non-white for a while, but seeing it in pictures is always amazing. And yeah, I think it's fair to *expect* them to be white when the board has been taken over by white supremacists
She is the best! The best!
It's even funnier if Holla Forums is just edgy conservatives and not nazis. Like their great political incorrectness is the status quo but yelling about niggers and cucks instead of pretending to be about muh traditional values.
did I miss anything
I hope she crops up again some day, I think she was there on her own.
Those rules are forgotten and don't even mean anything.
Just how new is everyone on Holla Forums? Have Stormfront managed to rout every single oldfag from 4chan?
what are those people there?
He's right really. All those pol posters trolling the stream know they arent Aryans, but they enjoy posting about being white nazis on Holla Forums. They know they are not outliers but form the many body of the users
*run up to camera to sperg about jews*
*remember i can't read good*
That's the queue, everyone gets two minutes but QT stuck it out until she was told to move.
Who the fuck is this LARPing faggot that just walked on?
Is he reading MK?
Any videos of this cutie?
Jeez. Poe's law must have hit them hard then.
1. You do not talk about Holla Forums.
2. You DO NOT talk about Holla Forums.
I am convinced that if we adhered to these rules back then, 4chan wouldn't be full of Nazis.
What Holla Forums does right now is commiting the same mistake. This time I won't mourn it though.
Also you may recognise #34. Yep that's the origin.
really? when did this start happening?
Also, it was completely obvious random people would do shit like call out the jews and shitpost
They don't all get 2 minutes mate. If you're saying "he will not divide us" like a droning metronome your obviously going to get more time.
I'm starting to get the impression that Holla Forums started ironically, became legitimately hijacked, and has now become ironic again.
This is pretty funny, I wonder how many people who are incredibly emotionally invested in this are getting buttblasted by this revelation right now.
She's really quiet, everyone likes her mainly because she's adorable, just rewind the stream a few minutes and you'll find her.
Police had to calm shit down, only in the last hour.
There are some wisdom in those rules that apply even for today.
It's not like posting on a chan has dramatically changed.
This makes perfect sense, what an idiot I am.
is anyone starting to sense a pattern here
i hate being superficial but goddamn
Sure you can take from it, but it's an outdated piece of history that mattered back then. If anything it needs an update.
Yes, liberals are faggots and 1 qt while trumpcucks are mostly non-white mongrels and fatfucks.
Holla Forums is essentially the contrary of what old Holla Forums was.
lol, *these* rules?
and I thought that I forget something important…
I would love it if the last guy in line explained the internal staged conflicts of neoliberalism, the spectacle, and the end of capitalism in our life times.
I don't give a fuck about the rules, but this is a testament of just how much time passed… Holla Forums used to bombard R1&2 Faggot so hard years ago…
Well, Stormfront flooded in when it grew, so you are basically saying "4chan wouldn't be full of Nazis if it weren't full of people"
Kek she's back again. She's stubborn as fuck!
"Hi, I'm Mike Peinovich, the outed white supremacist who runs The Right and is married to a Jew, but that's just Schlomo trying to stop me from conning the WNs! Donate!"
I have mixed opinions about this. It's very different but it's kinda renewed lately. Also the getting cancer is just as unbearable
Now they have their own "I'll be there in 30 minutes"
Remember Project Chanology? Stormfront flooded 4chan after they knew this place existed.
True. Holla Forums is now a shadow of it's former self. I miss that place.
I meant it as the cancer of "gets"
Is some polyp getting lectured by his family over the fucking camera? Why do I live on a fucking meme planet?
I don't get it either.
Do these people have nothing better to do?
She's a scruffy teenager and it's a Saturday night so I would assume not.
They're American. What do you expect?
Because we are stuck in the meme timeline, and not in the timeline where communism won
Mods are Gods
Now you're making me sad I didn't save that post again.
Jesus Christ.
I may start selling crap to these autists, I thought the alt-right fever was over but if it's just beginning I can make some quick dolla
Chantingqt is back.
Do it.
Too many newfags crying and many Anons that have actually lurked don't feel like fighting. Doesn't help that rules are listed which defeats the purpose lurking.
what post?
This is becoming a compulsion for both of us.
Doesn't really help the trump supporters cause in regards to "them not all being nazis" when literally 70% of them on this stream have recited explicit nazi scripture.
Now there's a brown guy talking to someone on a phone.
Internet stalking binge with me?
There was quite a detailed point made a while back that keeps getting referenced every now and then that because the revolutions of the early 20th century failed to take hold around the world that instead we have to live in an increasingly surreal world. If communism had taken hold then all the scapegoats, circuses and crises would not have happened, and installing communism would have been the main struggle. Instead things get increasingly bizarre, as a system that isn't required anymore is upheld at all costs with increasingly conflicting and dangerous strategies deployed to keep it there.
Someone find her Twitter
Now some dude's talking shit about Trump's hair.
I thought about it but I don't think it's a good idea, we could end up ruining her life and it could escalate to pure spectacle between us and Holla Forums, making retards of everyone in the process. If anything I'd prefer catgirl drawfag or at least someone to immortalize her in something and maybe one day she will find it and it will be like one of life's easter eggs.
And she's back. Someone take this bitch home.
Sounds pretty rad.
But communism is bound to return, just like republicanism did. Communism can't be forever the boogieman and it's getting increasingly hard to fund anti-communist activities, which are still ongoing.
Castro was right again
this guy and girl have to be on shia's payroll
/lit/ guy is best
you live in a hovel you live in a yurt
God this guy is really gross.
I grew tired of the Autism and started to listen to music.
I mean he doesn't have anything to do on a Saturday night besides this.
Then again neither do I.
Who is this unfunny LARPing grandstanding faggot? The kebab speech would have been good to finish the night on, not this bumbling spastic
Jesus, the autism from this classcuck nazi.
Did they ever find out who that guy was? I want to shame him for being an awful activist and ipoler.
yeah he fucking choked he shoulda doubled down and started shouting about fast raps and wisdom of falcon
just some cuck
if anyone is /ourguy/ it's this guy
yo crew is weak you twig ass nigg
Get this man some milk
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d6)these two cucks are doing this to get some pussy that will never come
Our savior
ok… at this point we must find her social media
Pretty much, get her to read some books and she'll be /ourgal/
No leave her alone. We're not the neckbeards from 4chan. We can admire her without being creeps
I wanna lay in bed with her to teach her some theory
and lock her in the dungeon.
"She" is a 14 year old kid lel.
Get her a youtube channel talking about socialism in a v-neck, she'd have insane sub counts.
Go away, Van.
We make her a catgirl and she shall spark the global revolution.
Fuck you leatherman
Someone needs to talk to her parents, because she's been hanging around NYC by herself for the past 11 hours.
This was meant for
Norton says this is a virus?
Someone shout at them to shut the fuck up
they are so boring! let someone else talk.
not flood.
why would anyone wear a collar with spikes that big, it just looks gaudy
impossible,its a self actualizing program that brings about fundamental political change
/ourguy/ is back
Fuck you, leather man
it also pokes the balls when he's eating you out
It's porn, comrade.
He is an Artist you won't comprehend him.
fuck he's /mu/
Singing the rap from Holes? He truly is /ourguy/
ny levas is weakauce yo
diaz maybe but rogan gtfo nigga lmao
;_; g-goodnight qt
Probably the most bearable board, but I haven't been there since 2013, so I don't know
She is back at it again.
is that the kid from earlier who was trying really hard to make that large group civil?
I can see it now her freinds looks like they are freshman
liberal zombies
4/pol/ found this picture.
I actually like this livestream, they should keep it there for years, just to let random strangers talk. its gold.
was she sucking cock or something?
Looks like bird shit
It might be toothbrush stains, I used to have to those too on my clothes and people kept asking me if they were jizzstains
It's NYC. Probably bird shit. I lived in Pgh and got shit on at least once a month
eating on acid can be messy and frightful
fucking lol
Those fuckers.
The Holla Forumsfuckers are back
muh ammendments
judging by height and trajectory id say…quick handy in the entrance of a building somewhere
I don't think this is her. They are close look a likes, but something's off.
Lips and nose are off.
looks like she recently lost some weight.
Ain't her.
the right picture is her on her cum diet, her left picture is her having a hard time finding cocks to suck.
Do you neet's literally not have anything better to do than watch some webcam and constantly complain about Holla Forums? Fucking go outside you sacks of shit.
fuck off pol
it's cold and almost 12 why the fuck would i go outside you autist.
yet here you are
It's below 30 and 12:30 am in a town that closes at 10pm. Where would I go pol?
go away Holla Forums
Nothing to do at midnight, Nazbol
in russia this is balmy
its cold here nigger how about you keep my balls warm with your mouth instead
it's daytime there too
shit taste not even the panzerlied fucking PoG ass faggot niggers
Top cuck.
We havin fun fam.
Stirnerites and pirates understand fam.
TBH that does sound kinda neat.
Maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow.
stfu faggot, shit was cash
hes not wrong about comics
lol thats from that lumbersexual faggot gavin isnt it
jews control the aut-right
"we are the cool kids"?
can you imagine worshiping a powerful politician this much and then having the gall to say you're "counter cultural"
that's a Roman salute
we have nothing to fear folks
the alt-right. bullying children right now
Truly the bravest warriors of our time.
can you imagine being so fucking gay that you attempt to be the arbiter of "counter-culture"
i know that's it's not being a personality cult for the U.S. president, that's for damn sure
Fucking idiots, it's too soon to praise the president.
3 inches of make up
He named Holla Forums.
Well fuck me rigid, the autism never ends.
Surrender Holla Forums
it is though right now, just because its developmentally challenged doesnt make it less real. if every single retarded subculture counts then this fucking counts nigger. The reality is it counts more, most "counterculture" is 100% depoliticized masturbatory hedonism
"Come here now and we'll show you no mercy" These guys are tools
I swear to god if you fucking faggots do this meme speak out in public you will go to Siberia.
At least these people aren't breeding
"socialists surrender"
You're mainstream now, faggot. Get over it. You're not edgy or different or unique. Get that Trump tat lasered off.
Always a silver lining.
yeah its pretty bad, there need to be RoEs on how far you are can go in terms of IRL memefare
at least be a little bit more cryptic about it you fucking downsie mongoloids
/mu/ is back
muhahhaha thats not how "counterculture" work bruh
im in europe btw laughing at all you retards, although i do hope he will drop russian sanctions
if i saw someone with a pepe pin in public, i'm not sure I could handle it
it kind of gets to the very definition of counterculture tho
Do this
I have a friend who's christian
praise kek? praise these fists
Punch him you must.
except it doesnt, counterculture is almost always artificial especially the nihilistic/narcotics focused ones
no it fucking doesnt you dumb cunt, we feel sorry for you for being so brainwashed but otherwise we kinda fucking hate you
we should make an agreement across the realpolitical spectrum to inform on anyone wearing pepe paraphanelia
they get our pepes for arbeitslager and we get their pepes for gulag, it will be like a foreign exchange
maybe rare exceptions for highly tactical pepes that serve an urgent strategic goal
wew that was edgy
where are you going to find a willing government informant on a forum full of anachis-hahahahahahahahah
yeah theres no way you can keep a straight face with that bit, neither here nor there
anyone want some granola bars.
Can anybody give me a good reason for this slogan, or is it irredeemable liberal trash?
the latter
Have you read Harry Potter?
he's one of us
for a bunch of tough guys, they sure whine a lot
Jesus tittyfucking chirst, the victim complex these trumpcucks have is hilarious.
Porky doesn't divide us, capitalism does. That's why this seems like liberal trash. Donald Trump is an empty, bloviating suit and every red blooded human being should vomit in his face, but he isn't the problem.
they are the new sjw
they took over the victim complex
this still fucking triggers me more than the rampant trump fellatiating, as it should everyone else that has been paying attention over the past 16 years
k e k
What a bunch of spineless cucks
halfway decent darkie speech, little liberal but not too bad
he should have said saudi why the fuck didnt he say it
Jesus christ that dude needs to fuck that girl and get her home.
How is this chick this fucking cute.
What did they mean by this?
I thought that dude was a pepe from hours ago. He was holding his chin as soon as he showed up and started repeating the mantra. I figured he was just trying to get in close to the chanters while dropping subtle memes.
fresh prince nigerian not too bad 3/5
Nice pasta
Sharing pepes irl is the most autistic thing I have seen.
your pepes are shit bruh, i have way better pepes
It's vastly deceasing their rarity, thus depreciating their value.
oh wow no surprise for their autism
These guys are literally TRS
disturbing amount of 8ch mentions they fucking know about us now how long have they known no fucking wonder it all makes sense now
anyone that talks about Holla Forums in public deserves to die
or any chan for that matter
It's pretty obvious, look at the way people talk here lately. Like we'd get the occasional ironic "cuck" before but now it's everywhere. Leftists vore, porky cucks
We've said cuck here for a while, admittedly not as much as the stormniggers though.
have there been any females among trump supporters in this stream?
Yeah. One of the most obnoxious cunts on the stream was a twitch streamer chick.
Females have either been liberal or apolitical
it sounds gay as fuck but it should really be fight club rules, need to know
someone should baton one of those pepe tards in the skull and scream
as they execute perfect addi salute+about face+goosestep off screen
These people are all obviously fucking newfags, you won't persuade them with rules written 12 years ago by people who don't go to 4chan anymore.
Rule 41. Can't believe we forgot that one.
whats so beautiful about most of these is you actually learn them eventually without ever seeing them if you arent a complete faggot
wish someone would go there in the middle of someone's speech with a todd howard printout face and ask them if they bought fallout 4 yet or not and get angry if they say no or to leave.
/baph/ is back
tbh fam if you exclude politics and /r9k/ from an imageboard you wouldn't have much issues and things can stay fun.
You gave me a reason to be there now.
just the way he says "poll" fucking triggers me, what a mentally deficient 30 year old prot nigger
its POL, with a short L, like REALPOLITIK you fucking Jew York retard nogunz faggot, saying pol out loud is fucking heresy
cumtowns funnier you faggots
the week has been kind of enjoyable ill give him that
Promise to kill me if get this autistic.
He's talking to Paul
we need to set up assassination market dead man switches just in case, everyone that values his integrity needs to put a hit on himself
bye paul
Agreed. This is the saddest shit I have ever seen, grown men spouting off memes and showing pictures of cartoon frogs. We need to be mercy killed before getting that bad.
Ah it's this kid again– honestly bro just take the girl home and give her the D
she only gives alley handys im afraid but hey thats something
wait, walking dead is real life?
What the fuck you think liberals are? People?
TBF, they -are- called "Holla Forumsacks"; pronouncing it the other way would make them sound like a rather tasty fish.
anyone have time magazine's trolliest websites of 2016?
i can almost condone saying polack, at least its semi cryptic and would confuse the kind of retard that was asking earlier if beardo was serbian
cant believe i miss beardo
he might not be wrong about the wom protest
i prefer "fag-got"
oh there will be plenty of faggots
amen brother
dont explain it faggot
The dialectic is in motion. No stopping it now.
YOUR TIME IS UP Holla Forums
having a flustering day? I recommend the serenity prayer!
this guy in the program?
Man im so glad he got punched when he was explaining a dumb ass 4chan meme.
Memers getting what they deserve.
we're coming buckos
We are coming buckos.
Ego happened.
i feels it
Angela Merka
Top fucking kek, funniest thing so far and completely unintentional
confirmed Deutsch-Rus Alliance will tear down neoliberal anglo hegemony
shame on me mausi ofc
It's a C96 broom handle matey.
but it's German too.
beat ya to it;)
someone go and educate /ourgirl/, she's still there after hours and hours
she's still there? someone give her a dicking and send her home.
its 5 in the morning over there for fuck sakes.
Dedicated af.
Someone save her pls
this is just some random nobody talking about politics now
All this talk of soup, im gonna cook some ramen.
nigger what? how can you lack this much self-awareness? you faggots are the ones bringing in redditors, just look at your inflated userbase. ever since that whole debacle on /r/socialism you've grown bigger and you're now the 3rd biggest board on the goddamn site. maybe because all the redditors went to Holla Forums due to your recruiting there.
please visit /fep/ if you want to talk about flat earth and alternative history/
someone get these losers off the stage
Nice try, lad. But you're as reddit as they come.
someone needs to dick her already, she's standing there all night repeating the same shit over and over.
I'd rather someone read theory with her.
Someone help that poor girl. This is cringey as fuck.
we'd burn it down
main 4/pol/ thread these losers are looking at:
At least now a friend (?) showed up. They look chill. would hang out with.
i've got your theory right here
and back to chanting
see this is why this shit aint true autism
they haven't even performed loss.jpg
This stream is great. 4/pol/ is doing a good job pissing them off. It's funny to see a lot of Holla Forums posters aren't white as well
if i could have one wish it would have been to do a drive by shooting while sam hyde was there
oh my dayz
it's because the education isn't available for everyone you idiot.
Tell that to him not me.
I never noticed that post a reply button at the bottom so i usually just click on somone post number to post.
This is the best thing ever. Thank you based Shia.
Oh lel okay
It's been a wild ride
Well, look at this
Nah, he'd like that.
mein gott
People would just assume we are liberals. Just like every fucking protest we attend.
Meant for
iranians are white dumbass.
the Iran thing was not a white thing, it was because he lives in a muslim country and voted Trump, who vetoed access from his country
Lads, I've been away for the last 20 minutes. Where did /ourgirl/ go?
sorry, but does anybody care to drop by and give opinion?:
I'd like to throw some food for thought there to keep it bumped and see where the thing goes
Don't bother. Let them crumble on their own. They're shooting themselves in the foot with this amount of autism.
she walked away with dreads qt
she's literally been there the entire night chanting the same line.
she hasn't gone to sleep.
some guy tried to fuck her on camera.
lol these Latinos
Well, that's okay. Hope she made the right choice.
I missed most of it because I had to sleep.
Wait, what?
yeah he almost got sloppy with her.
then she started chanting again so he left.
Are you ready to concede to Holla Forums's flawless victory yet?
tbh Holla Forums beat itself and finally showed everyone theyre not white
this is now Latino working class hour on HWNDU
pol BTFO
Fucking nazi retards man. Blaming the wrong people for their problems. They're fucking up innocent people's lives and the porkies are laughing their way to the bank.
The redskins actually migrated to the united states thousands of years ago. there was already a race of giants living here and the indians massacred them and took over the land after the giants ate them. so the indians are actually not native to the land.
When are they going to start playing pan flutes?
Good for her
He's right though
Is anyone of you white? Were you a former Holla Forumsack?
Was always a leftist but used to browse Holla Forums for memes. Not white. Ended up migrating here cause I got tired of their bullshit.
What happened? I thought the camera was swarmed by a crowd of people constantly.
I'm not american and i have to say it was good to watch the death of the american left last night.
Thanks USA!
is Holla Forums whiter than Holla Forums?
nah, there's a "rush hour"
I've got blue eyes but i'm also ginger so that probably puts me down the old aryanometer
Haha, was that the orbiting guy with the white hat? Did he get a kiss in or what?
Who is dreads qt? I didn't see her.
Blonde hair, blue eyes and 6ft1 here
From what I've seen from Holla Forums, I'm confident to say I'm whiter than 99% of them.
ash blonde with blue eyes so probably
From now on all claims to "whiteness" on image boards need to be made with a supporting picture with a time stamp.
LOL they had Sam Hyde and even Jessica Venti on there quoting Obama (the Joke was that she was actually quoting Trump)
Nice try, FBI.
that's what one of the guys from Holla Forums said in the stream.
Born just in time to post dank memes.
I miss her, bros.
Holla Forums has already been confirmed for glue eaters
Can you post a webm of it if you know when it happened?
A real Trump supporting irananon would be happy to go back to his home country to help make Iran great again.
Simply giving up on your home country and moving somewhere else is not an ideal solution.
It is staggering how diverse pol is compared to say leftypol.
Getting nervous?
You should be.
Yes, it's very good of you to accept everyone, even the shortbus glue eaters, into your movement.
this pls
Im currently banned from pol so I wouldnt say its my movement.
But you have to think, this is why the straight white male insults never worked against them.
They are a rainbow of different races and ages and cultural outlooks.
On here its entirely white males within a narrow age range.
it proves Holla Forums is filled with Uncle Ruckus's
why don't you just suck my nuts already and get it over with.
Theres actually more women here than I would of thought
I think there is zero.
Do you have proof there is even 1 here?
And yet most of them are st*pid.
We have loads of traps and grills fam
looks like you skipped over the part where you write an argument and went straight into eating shit
There was a consensus put out not that long ago and there was many more women than I would of thought.
But of course it's not easy to prove any such thing on an anonymous board but hey we have that catgirl so I would expect she's not the only one here
make feel guy Holla Forums related pls
Would it shock you if I told you that sometimes blokes go on the internet and claim to be girls?
Hence why I stated it's hard to come to any conclusion on an anonymous board about the statistics of any group. Whether they be defined by ethnicity, religion or gender
why the fuck would you be an internet white supremacist if you aren't white
the memes were that dank
Thats why every board needs to go out to HWNDU and troll them IRL.
So we can see what kind of weirdos they are in person.
Being a white supremacist is funny. People freak out and lose their shit.
Being a Chinese white supremacist doubles the irony.
Not everyones american though famalam
Yeah im not.
Thats why im trying to live vicariously through you guys.
They subconsciously know their rule on imageboards is coming to an end.
wew minster of fun is back
Never underestimate people's stupidity, NEVER.
Sorry I meant Brittany Venti.
The girl with teh tits.
I knew she was a troll but had no idea she was 'red pilled' to pol.
But instead they memed an orange supremacist to become POTUS.
Nah bro, they're just self hating non-whites. Most likely they're just teens that came for the memes and to be edgy and they supported Trump ironically. After he started winning they started adjusting their beliefs accordingly and following a cult of personality allowed them to overlook his policy positions. Over time we get a board filled with hypocritical "ethno-nationalists"
I just think its heartwarming to see people of all sorts of races and cultures united behind their president.
Obama never achieved that.
Is this supposed to be a good thing?
Its just nice.
Pol is like a gap advert.
Every type of degenerate is represented.
I'm definitely not one of those 'le wrong generation' people, but I really don't understand this fashion
I like this guy tbh
He seems like a nice, fun guy tbh.
Fucking liberals man.
He also gave waifu a hug when Holla Forums were upsetting her.
Got a webm of that?
I keep watching and I realise more and more that a worker's revolution is impossible. The left has been completely hijacked by bourgeois liberals.
You mean her? What were Holla Forums doing to upset her?
Being white males.
And they cant even get that right because most of them arent white.
Nah I am pleb tier, it would be around 16:30-17:30 if you fancy skipping through the archive.
I think it just got a bit too intense for her.
Oh okay. Well, she made it through the night and is now getting her well earned sleep.
It's fucking hilarious.
Holla Forums was still there after the barricades were put up
they just started putting them in lines and shortening the amount of people allowed in front of cam at once
2004: There are no girls on the Internet
2017:There are no Whites on the Internet
Yes, this is the real Aryan ubermensch board.
Holla Forums's excuse for the image in the OP is that this event takes place in New York which is like 45% white. But that still doesn't change the fact that a lot of non-white people browse Holla Forums.
what r they rubbing that choclet againsed?/ :S
Why was my post about proprietary software deleted? My fellow leftists, proprietary software is porky in your computer.
Is there no other way to view this? I think gnash is a free alternative.
Wrong thread?
No, the video stream requires flash. That's what I was complaining about.
I haven't watched for the last couple of days. Whats with the fence?
I remember this post. How bizarre. Are you sure it wasn't in the original thread which mentions Sam Hyde specifically?
Holla Forums turned up and everyone was making too much of a racket so for the sake of residents they made it so that you had to queue and only a few people could go up at once. They had to, so to speak, build a fence.
Maybe it's my mistake. Holla Forums does move faster nowadays. My apologies.
So It's prove that walls need to be build because of Holla Forums nerds.
m00t got a name drop
Anyone else think that pizza gate guy was kind of cute? I wouldn't mind if more Holla Forums users were like that.
Still missing her
Pick one.
Also if you want to pursue this discussion (that we have every day it seems), check the catalog for existing threads.
Can someone summarize what happened yesterday?
Holla Forums showed up and triggered liberals, but they proved themselves to be almost entirely made up of unfuckable incels and less than half were white.
Did that tall guy blow himself up?
Apparently Holla Forums showed up and once again proved they were not white. It's funny how they are now trying to sping it as being an all-inclusive board. The mental gymnastics they do…
No, but they did memespeak irl for hours. One of the gayest things I have ever seen.
Well it certainly gives some merit to the ideas of non-whites being stupid I guess.
By the tall guy, are you refering to that Jesus-like looking dude?
Yup. But I think it just shows how everyone, no matter white or black, can be retarded enough to browse Holla Forums and take it "unironically" serious.
The Working Class vs #HeWillNotDivideUs
Ay we're going to arumba whaddya talkin' about
Anything other than Misato or Kaworu is wrong.
The guy with the black sign, Hans or what
Who is this "politician guy"? his grandstanding is really obnoxious.
I turned off the sound. Typical liberal blubbering from him.
Oh, must have missed him.
Were is the Jew??? Lebouf couldnt even show when he has his cronies???
does this mean that nazbol is the true path to socialism?
In jail.
sure, if you're in denial about being a nazi, and hate fun and life like a typical tankie
God this is so paid its sickening - watch them clear out quick - after all there on the clock!
Nah Shia was let out thursday. I just think he doesn't actually give a damn about this project and was just using it to milk out a little more relevance from his brand.
Wow this is some weapons grade cringe right here
Just made this
she still gayu like u
the barrier has stopped all fun
some guy said they added the barrier because it was getting out of hand, and they may take it down later.
Damn. These two dudes are heeming Holla Forums.
What does "heeming" means?
Knocking someone out
why the FUCK are lefties not repping
When did the pizzastika happen?
We aren't that autistic
We are too busy busting our asses for porky.
He is so cute. I want to hug him.
It's almost a bit sad.
leave him alone, he is right about liberals
Sure. But his own views are still shit.
he actually said right after this:
Hey I am not saying to actually fuck their boypussy, I just said it's okay to feel attracted.
no, he is adorable, a bro and I want to hang out with him
I'm kind of surprised that in NYC there is a stretch of time where nobody's there.
Sounds like he was bullied at school.
Would love to educate the nerd.
Fucking cucks. Alt Righter fat cucks are as bad as liberals they complain about.
Holy kek. That's the real New York right there 👌🏻
Who is that girl? What is she reading from?