What will we actually see if these "GBA physical compilation carts for the switch" comments Nintendo made to investors...

What will we actually see if these "GBA physical compilation carts for the switch" comments Nintendo made to investors come about?

Aside from the obvious reselling of the NES/SNES mario games. Again. What other shit could they make into a compilation? A sega one seems obvious but what else? Konami maybe?

It just seems like so many companys sat out of the GBA market for the most part and we saw one or two games max by a lot of devs.

What possible compilations by none nintendo devs could we see if a compilation consists of at least 5 games to be above the retail "triple/four pack" moniker?

Well gee, OP, maybe if you gave us some context to these claimed comments we'd be able to have a discussion!

MOTHER 3 Localized by Treehouse.


Post more Pearl or fuck off.

I will protect Marina's smile

What a gay

She'll probably get her niggocto thug boyfriend to kick the fucking shit out of your pasty ass.

me too user

Goddamn you nintendo for making me want to fuck almost everything you make.

Just remember, it isn't real and never will be.


Burn the coal, pay the toll. Kill yourself.

these two play well off of each other, if they keep it up the chemistry between them might surpass the squid sisters

Fuck off Sierra Club


I hate niggers but 2D brown is fine.

fucking nigger women is called "drilling oil" you aut-right summerfag

and brown girls in Japanese media are clearly never negroids but just tanned cuties

u wot fam

Would you like to know more?

making more sexualized girls, nintendo? *sighs*

yeah, i guess they set their sights on the waifu community

You need to go back.

What happened to Marie? Did she get fished or turned into a souvenir with googly eyes?

They've been leaking the story a little bit at a time. Marie and Callie slowly fell out of synch with their careers going two different ways.. and then Marie mysteriously disappeared and right now, it's heavily implied that Callie is leading the investigation in Octoling territory because Marie has either been captured, or somehow converted to the Octoling cause.

That'd be fun.

Also, reminder:


I'd love multicarts to come to Switch now that it's fucking hacked

Who cares?

You mean the other way around, surely

Yes, apparently I do. I mixed them up for some reason

