Are you excite for Death Stranding?

Are you excite for Death Stranding?
Will it be better than MGS?

joosten a cute

What if death stranding is a remake of MGS5?

What if it's part 3 ?

Dose Kojima just swim in pussy or something?

she looks like a poster child for fetal alcohol syndrom.

Why did Kojima's appearance changed so much at some point ? Did the real one got killed by the Yakuza or something ?

Rude. You take that back.

Only if you spoiler that shit next time.

He doesn't have any grooming budget anymore and nobody want to sponsor his glasses so he have to make do with cheap looking old ass guy glasses.

Keep taking those English lessons, user. You're doing great!

I'm doing my best user, or should I say Yakuza shill. Tell us what you did with the nip.


I never get "excite" for anything since Dark Souls 2.
I do look forward to it though, because no matter the result I will enjoy they show.
So yeah, it'a win-win-win situation.

It's amazing how her in-game model turned out uglier than the real deal.

Kojima hated MGS and konami since MGS2, it won't have anything to do with it trust me.

He's rich and famous, what do you think.

He isn't forced to work for yakuza on shit he hates. He enjoys life now, I see this visually changing people irl.

Isn't his only mistake 'got' instead of 'get'?
t. spic

Yes that was my mistake, Pedro.

I'm Juan you racist gringo.

Kojima doesn't give a fuck

they dont call him the big boss for nothing

Oh yes, I remember TPM launch on Holla Forums.

They haven't shown anything other then the trailer, right? There's nothing to get excited about.


I have no idea how the game will be.
I'll have to wait until they show gameplay footage before I can make any kind of judgement.

It's going to be shit, cinematic shit
only interested to see the excuses from kojimacucks this time
will they find a way to still blame Konami?

Promise. I almost did this time.

Enjoyed all his games, will have to see some gameplay for this one first though. We haven't seen any action so far.

sage isn't a downvote, reddit. Fuck off

Kojima is a hack fraud and you're a cuckold

Not an argument, try again.

That would be Mike Stoklasa.

C'mon user


Molyneux pls stob
I'm not the user you were talking to

Indeed you weren't, yet your post still lacked any arguments.

Hello konami, how are those pachislots doing.

MGSV had the most dull score of any MGS game to date, and Kojima's fucking hired the same composer to do Death Stranding

I never played a single game made by this faggot or the dyke near him tbh

Holla Forums is for people who play games. >>>Holla Forums is probably more your speed.

Try Boktai and ZOE. Those are pretty good games, and their sequels are fucking phenomenal. Though it makes you think that Kojima is better at being producer, than a game designer.
By that logic Death Stranding 2 should be god-tier.

(((Sony))) and Del Toro being close to the project might be a bad thing. They're going to encourage his cutscene autism while also making him put some lefty propaganda in there as well.

I'm expecting the game itself to just be a linear MGSV with slapped on Silent Hills elements.



That doesn't explain why MGS2 sucks so much ass while MGS1 and 3 are god tier though.

Take that back

It kinda does honestly. Not as much as MGS2 though.


This is the main reason here. If nothing else at least 4, PW and V prove Kojima needs to be held back. He's an ideas guy who thinks money is infinite and needs reigning in. Giving complete control to Kojima for DS could be a bad move.

What's wrong with retards like you?

congrats you met your first kojimadrone.

Whoa there, what's exactly wrong with PW?

The cherry on that shit sundae is that the gameplay is also ass.

Tomokazu Fukushima isn't the secret architect behind Metal Gear that autists on Holla Forums seem to think he is

Too short

It…it's ok when Kojima does it

Sounds reasonable tbh.
Also gameplay is good, it holds up perfectly fine today. Acquire taste.

I put more than 100 autism hours into it, long enough for me.

do u think konami let kojima keep her scans or did he have to rescan her for death stranding?

I'm not even a footfag, but this is hot.


No and no.

Yes, though the sentence would've be better as "Was the real one killed or something"

Except MGS4 is good the ratio of cutscenes to gameplay was just fucked.
inb4 >gameplay

Do you think they ask her to pull out her labia and scan it for accuracy, just in case? I bet they asked her to get aroused so they could get the full effect. Like she sat there, naked, and watched some Kojima-approved cinesmut until her clitasaurus was red and sopping, then they asked her to stand in the scanner and get her tunnel right up close to their cameras then pinch her kitten and pull it out and apart so they could get it in perfect detail. She probably got red with embarrassment as she had to hold the pose with her labia majora pull out, with beads of honeyed love juice dripping on the floor. haha



That and this is all there is.

>>>Holla Forums


go to Holla Forums

The best songs made for the game weren't even used because lol cut content

What's the odds of her being in every future Kojima movie?

Since when was it cool to hate on Kojima? We always had a few select Konamicuck shills here and there but at this point it is in every single MGS or Silent Hills thread.
I haven't even seen a single relevant argument against Kojima and his games.
isn't an argument.
That's what makes his games so fun you fucking retard

Since MGS1 because liking popular things makes you drone and shill, never mind actual quality of said popular thing.

What the fuck is this?

Islamic cuisine.


Kojima is a 50 year old attention whore.


Based on what you autist? Is that your best argument?

kojima was always a shitty wannabe film director.
mgs fails as a "stealth" game in every respect.

Tactical espionage != stealth.

Okay, where's the tactical part?

Look at his twitter, Kojifag. He's always tweeting about food, clothes and the latest Hollywood movie he watched. Also "rook, I'm friend with another one-hit wonder director, he signed my bluray copy of District 9"

And don't forget "im so skawed of the right wing in amerika but at least I met my great ally, jew jew abrams"

I have no reason to even care about Death Stranding until I see actual non-cinematic gameplay.
I really wish he'd do a *totally not ZoE instead of a 2deep4U movie

Someone out there has our trips.


If this comes out we'll be flooded by endless wankery about Kojimas pseudointellectual drivel, won't we?

He's using social media to post things about his social life? What a shock. How dare he use social websites for social content. What a cunt.

I don't see actual game devs doing it.

Kojima is the type of auteur that has to have absolute final say over everything even if it probably isn't for the best. He's the type of person that needs to have his bullshit kept in check, and tethered to the earth so that his aspirations can actually make sense.

I do. All the time.

Even if no other developers ever did it, so what? Social media is for you to post what you're doing. Let the man enjoy his films and hamburgers. If you don't like it don't follow him on twitter, just follow his companies account.

I'm somewhat interested in this Death Stranding thing. I know deep down this is going to be a gimmick shooter for sure.
In terms of story it will probably feel like a Danish movie or something in that nature.

I kinda wonder if this game is going to be a salt party or no one wants to admit to it being bad. So they will take the argument of "2deep4u" either way it's going to be entertaining.

Didn't ask about you. Yet another attention whore. No wonder you like the gook.

Too lazy with your post user. Shitposting subtlety is a lost art. Enjoy the (You).

if she pretty much confirmed?

I just pretend this is ZoE3

That's shopped, right?

No, Kojima's just short.
Not as short as Todd, though.


Well I Juant you to go back to Mexico

Also clickb8 Yongyea dunno if I've seen so much b8 as he.

Go hide in your normalfag shelter and then wonder >since when is it cool to hate on kojima
like the retard you are.

I like his ME:A videos but holy shit what a Kojifag.

yea his entire channel and livelihood is based on Joosten possibly being in deathstranding.

he'll be homeless once the game comes out

muh maestro

When's that slippery nip gonna release some content?

Let's see the absolute best arguments Konamicucks can possibly ever think of:
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Wrong. He warned us long ago about the degeneracy that was to come. And when it comes to America, he only once said that he was worried about the whole situation of the country. Aka, afraid of the left-wing degeneracy.
Yeah, no shit.

So, any relevant arguments? So far you're only spewing crap about his twitter posts about what sandwich he hate or how MGS isn't exactly how you want it to be.

The next major reveal will probably be in a movie or on a burger joint menu or anything. Or it's tattooed on the inside of Joosten's womb.


Something rather.

But as you can see here:
He doesn't give a shit about degeneracy as he's posing with a jew baron.

He is gay though.

Pls tell me the guy in your cap is only ironically retarded


He has a wife and he poked her in the hole enough to have a child. Image unrelated.

Oh Kojima, such a scamp.

kojimafags are this stupid sadly.



wow is that the original pasta? Never knew

I call it now that its just a co-op where one player must protect the baby of another player, and they are connected through different dimensions.
If a player loses a baby, the co-op partner dies. This is why two trailers were synchronised. And that's why quantum theory is a main theme of the game.
And while it sounds very shitty, i fucking bet that's what it is. A reversed health co-op.


I honestly don't think that would be beyond Kojima to ask that. She sounds like she's been pazzed into submission.

what do you think her labia smell like

i bet she was really embarrassed haha


Can't even contain your hateboners boys?


I am going to watch Death Stranding on youtube anyway, just like i did it with MGS4. Because i am 100% certain its narrative based cinematic experience, and not a game.
Its not a bad thing, but could be just a CGI movie instead.


It's not. I didn't touch her balls.

Joosten looks just like a long time crush and it hurts when I see her ;_;

Anyone can be fooled from behind.

youre missing out dude. MGS4 perfected the gameplay of MGS3 and had the most variety in map design in the entire series at the time. The only issue was that there was no consequences if you go full RAMBO unless you played on higher difficulties. PW fixed this by making soldiers recruitable and also adding the heroism points.

He's a Japanese man. What do you think?

well played

but arent (((the patriots))) jews?

No. Sorry I'm not some cock goobling fanboy of Kojima, who's most recent work has all been shit. Let me know when he actually shows of the game.

we've reached maximum idpol

I've not seem em but they are probably good n shilly.

Nah, mang he found cyberpunk 2077 to sell to the masses.

It's so fucking weird that the speculation video channels are either fans of games that will not have a proper gameplay video or games that has a teaser and allot of hype.

The question shouldn't be whether you're excited or not, the question should be when will i see fucking gameplay?

I would kill people to make Stephanie Joosten my wife. Like I dont care how many people I had to go through, I would murder legions of men,women and children to get to her.

I could care less about Death Stranding honestly. It looks like its going to be "muh narrative experience: Kojima Edition." Only if there is a decent game attached to it will I consider it. I had a lot of fun playing MGSV despite it clearly being a half finished game.

Aloow to tell you acautionary tale about putting to much trust in the dev famous for your favourite game
I am such cautionary tale as i am a big fan of Full Throttle and Megaman…
I'll let you fill in the blanks
the moral of the story…

You've pretty low standards mate.

Automata is 10/10 tho.


fuck you, Joostein is for breeding purposes and she is from Netherlands or something.

i want to be excited but since all i've seen is CG trailers and a focus on ACTORS i'm concerned that it's true that koji needs to be kept on a leash to make games like mgs1-3

Kojima was much more about story and cutscenes so it really depends on what his dev team is like.

is no one going to check those digits?

God I love traps

where's the dick

You say that like playing a game where you get you murder the fuck out of those baby bastards like it's a bad thing. Some people.

So it's a new type of DRM?
Is this what denuvo is planning after they have been BTFO?

Death Stranding marketing is a sure shot on it's own foot
No good ever came from letting it's fanbase run afoul with theories and predictions from very vague hints and pieces. People set unreasonable expectations for the game's story and there will inevitably be some butthurt roaming on the internet after the game's release.
But the biggest downpoint for Death Stranding is that's it's the first game of a new franchise. If a single Metal Gear game turns out to be somewhat dissapointing, the franchise is hardly hit, given that it already has a name for itself. But if Death Stranding turns out bad (even mediocre) then people will be talking for months on end about how Kojima is growing out of touch and declining as a developer etc…
I think they should have played it safe and at least released some basic information to us beforehand. Like what's the game about? Is it a third person action game? Stealth game? We don't even know what this shit will be about ! Everyone is making these deep analysis over a sliver of content show so far, and hyping it out of their asses.

Its going to be Uncharter/Last of Us tier of gameplay, considering those are games Kojima really enjoyed, like a reverse Weeaboo

The people making all these analysis are mostly brainlet faggots who drool all over the subscriber and view count in their conspiracy videos. Fuck them, no one cares about their shit.


Inb4 death stranding took 12 years to make.

well played, well played

good, uncharted 4 had great level design and the last of us really nice combat mechanics.

its like no one learned from the overhyping of MGSV



Hey, why not use a kojima model instead of a snake one? Kojima is in the game. And then anonymously send them both the videos.

Why should we trust you?