It feels like Trump has already done more for the Right in a few days than Obama did for the progressive liberals in...

It feels like Trump has already done more for the Right in a few days than Obama did for the progressive liberals in fucking 8 years.

The two parties are barely indistinguishable with the likes of Clinton running to be quite honest with you m8.

Kinda expected, not a good thing either way

Obama played too nice for his own good

Now contrast this shit with Obama.

Just waiting for him to come out with a decisive opinion on anything took fucking years.

Waiting for him to act upon his words, if he acted at all, took even longer. And when he finally did it, it was usually a mild shitty reform that didn't change anything, or a mere PR stunt designed to be shut down by congress.

Liberals spent a decade saying that this is how politics are, that you have to carefully calculate every move, that Dems want change but their hands are tied and bla bla bla. They think there's this chivalric code of how anything is supposed to be achieved that involves a lot of backroom hand-shaking and public opinion-building. And remember that, supposedly, Bernie's "radical" politics would make him unfit for this world.

I hope this makes them realise what a bunch of fucking dumbasses they are.

Yeh fam these bombs were very nice of him..

That's the cycle of neoliberalism in the United States, and why politics have slid so far to the right.

The Republicans enact sweeping changes, the Democrats sit on their hands and make at-best token reforms.

This is because the Democrats don't actually want to change anything, theyre just a honeypot for the left. That's partially the reason for their attraction to idpol. It allows them to make symbolic "changes" that don't actually change anything.

I was kind of hoping Obama giving other gov agencies access to NSA data would make Trump more likely to back the NSA down or shut it down just because it was influenced by Obama.

But works on a really stupid fucking fence that costs everyone money and does nothing

more news at 11

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Trump doing this shit so openly and unabashedly is going to get people to criticize him for shit that all presidents have been doing.

But I'll say something else here too: good or bad, Trump is going to show people what it looks like to get shit done. And that getting shit done is possible. After 8 years of bitching by Obama about obstructionism and how hard shit is. Liberals are either going to have to wake up to the fact that politics is theater or they will have to deal with such massive cognitive dissonance that they'll fucking kill themselves.

He's talking in a domestic political sense. Obama was a monster in his own right. He wouldn't do anyrhing to seriously challenge his political opponents.

a lot of political compass websites have trump further left than clinton, funnily enough

I don't know how getting rid of TPP and NAFTA is doing for the right but I'm glad Zizek was right about Trump. He's not the ultra capitalists the liberals said he was, maybe he can be turned into a comrade? He clearly wants to help the working class with his policies and is creating even more policies that help them at the cost of pork. Well, he's almost at the end of his life as it is. Maybe he just wants to be remembered. Can he be shown the need of the proletarian?

trump shills get out

Is this the ultimate conspiracy that most people haven't been able to see?

I think most of us are deeply shocked he did anything at all.

Many of us seriously thought he was full of hot air who liked to hear himself talk and do a whole lot of nothing like every president for the past few decades but he's already doing more than presidents do in their whole eight years in less than a week's time.

I don't know about hope but he's definitely the first real change in American leadership in a very long time.

But what's clear is that he isn't a Republican, and he isn't a Democrat either.

He's Donald Trump and for Donald Trump. Maybe he reads Stirner.

No. Trump is a capitalist who owns many international businesses. He will never be a comrade and the only thing he deserves is 24/7 hard labor gulag.

has to be Holla Forums

Are you brain-damaged?

are you the same red flag Holla Forums apologist thats in like every thread?

lmao at people saying donald trump is accomplishing shit

The biggest thing he could have done was build up infrastructure, but he scrapped that entire plan already

he's doing less than shit

He is thoroughly Republican, but with enough of an ego to push his own campaign promises through. He represents a faction of political establishment that grew under the Obama administration.

Holla Forums tries hand to push the pee pee man's pee on us

Trump stopped the TPP and had like 12 executive orders already. And he's already planning building the wall. How is that not accomplishing shit?

I presumed he'd build a load of stuff as a jobs project to throw a bone to his supporters.

He did more for both the left and the right, destroying TPP and now he's going after NAFTA is doing more for the left than Obama did in 8 years as well, and now the right's pretending to be on board.

He didn't "play nice," he was always meant to be a continuation of Bush. He was handpicked by the establishment and fawned over by the media. He did his job perfectly.

liberals just seem to be interpreting his aggressive approach as fascism, they genuinely cannot comprehend change on anything other than a geological timescale

A series of strong unilateral decrees by an executive, paired with rhetoric emphasizing the importance of national identity are if not actively courting the title of fascism then coyly winking at it from across the room.

The interplay of the legislative and judicial branch with Trump and, in particular, his response to them will dictate whether he is truly deserving of that title. If he starts declaring that by a mandate of the people (regardless the accuracy of such a claim) he IS the law and exercising unconstitutional power over the other branches, then Fascism would seem apt as an appellation.


building the wall

Were you born yesterday?



>>>Holla Forums

Hello Holla Forums

Remember some of Obama's first week executive orders, like that one that shut-down Guantanamo Bay? Yet the prison still stands.


He is a politician that keeps his promises, unlike Obama that backtracked on so many things with just an "I'm sorry" speech.
He is so rich he cannot be anybody's puppet; any brive would be an insult. This not to say he can't be corrupt; he just operates on another level. He is not on the market, he is a market. Just like Soros: he might abuse the system, his influence, his money and now his presidential position for personal gains, but he is the money maker, unlike Hillary who worked for others.

Such a pitty he doesn't give a fuck about the environtment, is pro-military, is anti-abortion, and I'm sure he will coerse other countries through aggressive economic policies.

But porky gonna pork I guess.

Stop posting Holla Forumsshit here you autistic fucks

Very good point, sets a new standard for what a president can do, and might finally make people reject "my hands are tied" bullshit attitudes

There's never a "rich enough" for porkies; don't underestimate their depravity or how low they'd stoop for a chance to make more money.

I am not. I mean he will probably make more money by installing policies that benefit his business and that of his cronies, than "working for someone else". He is a very travelled man, and he already has hundreds of cronies and alliances, in all spheres of business and government. He was on record thinking about the presidency for decades, and he *very clearly* had lots of plans and policies laid out beforehand.

He's gonna pork, but not through bribes.

Now this is just disingenuous. Trump has already shown a great hatred towards lobbyists, he's working to purge Big Pharma lobbyists from power to save the country, the taxpayers and the end consumer BILLIONS on drugs.

Also building a functioning wall that will stop illegal immigrants, and removing those already homed in America, would cost far less over time than having the immigrants in the country to begin with. Illegals cost American tax payers 113 billion in 2015, and that price has not improved over the last two years. This means that every household in America that pays taxes is about 1 grand poorer every year to cover illegals. In comparison the wall will cost about 15 billion and I don't imagine it's going to cost 100 billion a year to maintain. So it makes sound economic sense.

And sure Trump might hire a building company he knows is good, but that's the same as any contractor job. You go to people you know are good and aren't going to give you a half assed job. Or do you prefer the European Union's way of doing it: Forcing contract managers across Europe to hire contractors the EU says they have to, even if they're shit? It's not cronyism to hire quality workers to do a quality job. It's just good sense.

It felt like a lot of shit was happening in the first days of Obama too. I doubt much is going to come to pass because of the executive orders