"Beyond Good & Evil 2: ...it’s still at ‘day zero’ of development"

Other than the reveal of itself at E3 recently, it appears not much else of the game has been developed. In fact, it appears the team lead behind the game, Michel Ancel, wants to use an early access model of sorts.

Source Archive: archive.is/dxCrE

>Three years ago they started working on the technology that would power the experience — it started out as a kind of solar system simulation tool — and only recently have they started actually building the game. “When you don’t have this technology, you can’t really start the game,” Ancel explains. “It’s too difficult. But now we can say for sure that we will make this game, we’ll finish it. Because we have the technology for it.” He describes the game’s current status as “day zero of development.”
>It all sounds incredibly ambitious, especially when you consider that Ancel also wants to treat Beyond Good & Evil 2 as something of an early access title, with a community of players offering feedback and testing early prototypes. The version of the game I saw, meanwhile, was still in a very early state. The graphics were mostly placeholder (Ancel says that “two weeks ago there were no graphics”) while aspects like combat and any kind of narrative aspect had yet to be implemented.

So you can say…this is beyond saving.

What did you expect from Ubisoft?
The company known for bullshots

They wasted resources on making a long as shit cinematic trailer for a game that doesn't even exist. And then they wonder why nobody takes e3 seriously.

I never played the original, but I'm sorry for anyone that did and wanted a second game.
You got monkey pawed hard.

Good. The game didn't even need to exist.

An early access AAA game thats supposed to be a sequel to a 15 year old finished on launch game. Ive seen it all now.

From what i read about BGE is that the game ended on a cliffhanger. Thats why they want a proper sequel.

What the fuck is wrong with these people

Whew, gave me quite a scare there, for a moment I actually thought they'd dig up an old IP and make some shitty sequel that nobody wanted filled with political agenda. It's just another stillborn title.

Come on gaming industry, give me a nice thing just for a change.

There's not even a prototype of the game?

Is this 'early access' as in Steam early access, or is this just 'we run a competition or lottery to pick random players to get dev builds every so often to QA for us'?
From the wording 'a community of players', it sounds less like it's going out to anyone to use and more like it's staying in a small group of people.

So, what was there?

Jesus fucking CHRIST, Ubisoft.

The game had a standard Ubisoft ending where it's extremely underwhelming and leaves more questions than answers.

I see now. Its barely any different 15 years later.



The game sounds dreadful anyway.
An open-world online sandbox prequel based around different characters? I'll be glad if it turns out to be vaporware. It clearly has nothing to do with the first game in terms of story or gameplay.

Fuckin cosmic.

why do game companies keep naming it so shitty just to generate hype?

It worked for a certain someone.

So they killed hype for this game even before the start of conception. Beyond pathetic.

The killed the hype for the game by making it have nothing to do with the first.

So basically they just threw together the most tumblericious thing they could and threw it out for E3 without having worked on it at all in order to get likes from the PC crowd?

This is some next fucking level jewery here. It honestly makes me wonder if it wasn't the only case of this happening at E3 this year. It is like that "earliest access" joke Devolver did this year.

kek. In more ways than one.

I bet Bethesda is mad they didn't think of this shit first.

I wasn't sure that there would ever be a vidya company I hated more than EA, but ubisoft is really gunning for the top spot

This is the second trailer for the game as well, a few years ago they showed one with Jade running through a hindu style city.

Considering the current state of Ubisoft maybe it's just as well if it never gets a sequel.

we should pour all of our hatred for that shitty trailer on the internet in meme form
that is the only way to save this IP
to meme it sooooo hard into oblivion that Ubishit finally gets the mesagge and burryes the whole thing Atary E.T style never to be seen or heard off again

I can't even begin to descrive what it is i hate the most about that shitty triler
not to mention the change in artstyle that does nothing more than shit on the franchize
The only thing this trailer exeled at was it's ability to make me puke, and i thought i couldn't posibly hate anything any more than i hate Nu God of War
I hate that stupid monkey so much i don't even care about the afro monkeyette/nigress that is obviously gonna be a side kick/love interest
Even if i didn't alrready hate dindus and even if i wasn't sick of idnetity politics shoehorning token characters everyfuckingwhere i would still despise that stupid monkey to death
I wanna see this game and everyone involved in this trailer die as slowly and painfully as it is possible to kill someone

So aside from their ugly chimp trailer they have nothing. There is no game. They showed a shitimatic trailer at E3 to advertise literally nothing.

I mean, shitimatic trailers are bad enough because you're not seeing anything resembling the actual final game, but Ubisoft took it a step further & showed an ugly trailer based on thin air.

Why is it that Ubishit is run like a communist corporation with no standards, sense of urgency, or desire to appeal to the free market, yet it can still exist in what can at least be called a mostly capitalist society (at least more than 50% capitalistic)? This sort of incompetency shouldn't be possible. Are they losing money at least?

user you are mistaking capitalism for late (((capitalism))), the latter of which we are under now.

On another note, why does the negress keep making an "ook" mouth in the trailer. These are two separate shost with an "ook" expression. Are they just that oblivious or is there some plant in Ubisoft that used this opportunity to mock niggers?

This truly is the new Duke Nukem Forever.

They're definitely subsidized.

Sounds like an excuse, and marketing. A good game was in the works and could have easily been released, it wouldn't have taken some new engine or whatever it is, to be good. But of course ubishit cannot rely on its skills to make good games, but the magic of technology.

I'm just waiting for the usual rainbow haired suspect to throw a bitchfit over the monkey talking like a dindu


titties were great though

I genuinely can't believe how much they made 'em look and behave like niggers. The dindu chimp paired with the niggress is is hilarious.

doujins when

I don't need a pigman upgrade to the ugly bastard. No bueno.



They're subsidised by the French government

Earliest Access confirmed. Devolver Digital now prophets!

Do you want to see more black couple shenanigans?

user… that was 9 years ago.

Do they even have a single person from the original Beyond Good & Evil working on this future vaporware?
Because this shit looks nothing like a sequel to Beyond Good & Evil.

it's a prequel

Holy shit it's Death Stranding all over again, oh wait nevermind it's better, while BGE2 hasn't started development the engine powering it has been already worked on, Death Stranding didn't even have an engine for it's first 2 trailers.

This went so well last time.

Holy shit you just reminded me of that trailer for the actual sequel.

Bravo Ubisoft.

Go make your own thread if you want to shitpost about it.

It's going to be vaporware.
Man, I wanted BG&E2 but now I feel like it would be best to let the series be unfinished. We'll never get the trilogy that was intended.

BGE isn't even that good.

But at least it was a game.


I don't know what you mean

I don't want to make my own thread to shitpost about DS, I only wanted to reference it here because it's the same shit, pre rendered trailer for a game that isn't even in development apart from some pre production.

I though it was supposed to be a tech demo for what the game could look like?

What happened to it being a sequel? Why release a trailer years ago implying as such and then change it to be a prequel when all people want is a resolution to the cliffhanger ending?

If you wanna mock this game, just use this propaganda poster but put Jade instead of the blonde.

I can't tell who Blacking who anymore

But it's okay when Kojima does it.

I'm still laughing at how they've gotten so progressive they've looped back around of portraying niggers as monkeys. It's like pottery.

Perfection for a PC cuck = FPS with an inventory system

Perfection for a Console fag = Action game with driving sections

Should rename it, Beyond 'Bad' and Evil


I am so pissed about it I'm laughing at it, and I am so happy it will fail like no tommorow it angers me.
I have angry shadenfreude. It's like consensual angry sex, but appropriate for all ages.



Ancel is the one that's most to blame here for letting his labor of love get turned into Antifa Simulator 3000.

But they DID have something though. I've seen no one talk about it but does anyone remember after the trailer, when the bitch was rattling on about diversity, they had a character on screen flying around in a jetpack? It looked like redash alpha tier.
Why did they bother to show it and why has no journalist or anyone else there have any more information.

No, this is the bad of capitalism

to be fair we don't know how many guns were put to Ancel head and they probably stopped him from leaving because without BGE2 being made with his blessing this would all fall on thin ice and be shown for the blatant cash grab it is. Him being on stage is a nice shield from criticism and it will convince some people

Jesus Christ.

Beyond Good and Evil is great at generating thick atmosphere, something I have only seen do a few games like Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. However the game is short and everyone who has played the game know the reason once he is almost at the end: the gameplay gets boring and repetitive and the developers noticed that during testing and cut the length of the game.

Meh the cliffhanger is that the big bad alien managed to infect your pig step dad(after he had already been abducted during the game), its nothing that really needs a sequel.

And that Jade is their god/queen/soul/whatever

Because that game was quietly cancelled while the name was slapped onto some space GTA concept Ubisoft was cooking up, for the brand recognition. It got Prey'd.

Also I have a horrible feeling they're only doing it now because people like Anita brought attention to BG&E for having one of the few approved female protagonists. Same reason they finally got off their asses and made a second Mirror's Edge.

I hope every single person involved in this game burns for eternity

It's not hard to burn up 0 persons.
I am doing it right now.

Prequels can often be a good sign to me that they don't actually know how to follow up on the story. And this coming from me who doesn't mind prequels, but it's a pattern I see in many franchises in limbo.

Seems like a lot of franchises use prequels as soft reboots so they can slap the series' name on something that has little to no resemblance with anything else from the series. I wish it didn't so often to series I like.

It never had a chance.

What a terrible excuse.

Only one I can really think of is Borderlands.

DMC would be the most obvious answer

Dont forget life is strange 2

They lied about how the first one had choices that mattered and all that, yet they not only plastered the Steam page et al with the same exact lies, but people give them a pass for it.

Boggles the mind.

tumblr hipsters can't even remember what went on in the world around them a week ago. two years is like ancient history to them.


Who was the one who started this paid early access scam? Will we ever see an end to this?

Notch and no.

No. Normalfags only degrade things over time, there is no lower limit. People take advantage of normals because they are stupid

I believe minecraft popuralized that idea, of course it had to be modified a bit first

Fucking hell. All I want is another comfy 3D platformer where I'm wandering through a massive castle/temple/whatever with a waifubait sidekick; is that really so much to ask for? No edge, no cutscenes, no dialogue trees, no decisions to make. Just a nice, simple game with a nice, simple story.

>yfw there will never be an attractive human woman in a Western video game again

dunecoon nonfull-wishghost

Blizzard still does it rather well tbqhfamalam. Besides the obvious shoehorning of identity politics that is.

Thats because Tencent know sex sells more than pandering to SJWs. Although they manage to do both, I don't know how.

Jesus as if there wasn't enough strikes against this shit already. Other then the name I haven't seen anything that would make me even pay attention to this shit.

You do know that they don't own much of the stock, right?

is there anyone with a bigger punchable face?

There will never be pure western waifus again.

At least there'll be streams making fun of it.

There's a divide bewtween Sex Positive and Sex Negative feminism and socjus. While the Sex Negative crowd is a vocal minority, the lesbian/gay deviants far outweigh them. The trick is that they make the characters attractive to the opposite gender, but then they write them to be as ambiguous as possible so they can project their own sexuality onto them.
