Hey what's up City of Heroes fans are you guys ready to fight along side Statesman as you protect the citizens of...

Hey what's up City of Heroes fans are you guys ready to fight along side Statesman as you protect the citizens of Paragon City from crime and chaos?

Because NCSOFT has announced that you'll be playing as Statesman in a MOBA league of legends knock off called Master X Master. :^)

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Fuck you user


Is City of Heroes hype the new scam tactic?


thats cool, hopefully it will be faster paced and objective focused with versatile builds and not have a horribly boring laning phase.

I think what you actually mean is *There making an MTG MMO*

I want a flash game now

one thing to note is that it isnt really 3 in a row, its 2 of the same color with 1 space between, and the one in the middle can be the same color.

Gentlemen, I believe we have now reached the point.

How do we hurt NCSOFT?

I could ship them dozens of presents that are bombs!

Or send an army of dolls to attack their company building!

yes an army of dolls, this will definitely work.

By whatever means necessary. We will avenge Guild Wars.

Toyman you Jeering Jester! The companies assets are undoubtedly insured…

No, we must devise a way to strike the very essence of NCSOFT that no payout can remedy.

A riddle of such fiendish complexity that it breaks their highly regimented oriental minds!

Better, Riddler, but I doubt that the brainless cretins would even be able to comprehend such finesse.

I'm afraid we're bound to a cruder, more direct method of destruction.

We round up all the employees and gas them?

we could harass some famous hero and let the blame fall upon them, I propose aquaman

Damn it, Hitler! That's your answer for everything.

Solomon Grundy like korean grindan mmos and loli though..

Briliant, Black Manta!

We'll conjure up a false controversy and allow our nemisis, The Social Justice League, do the dirty work for us!

By the time next month, NCSOFT will be no more!

We freeze their bathroom's pipelines, and set up our own bathrooms outside, and charge two quarters per use!

Ha haha, Cold you old coot! You would know a thing or two about frozen pipe, wouldn't you?

Yes, yes. What if we tell these weak minded fools that they're missing out on potential market by having no heroes of color, save the big blue triceratops skull-man, who is of course nothing more than a hurtful stereotype? They'll trip over themselves trying to please a nonexistent audience fictionally based out of GORILLA CITY, and the resultant backlash from the consumer base and other reactionaries over their schizophrenic business practices will subsequently destroy them as well as GORILLA CITY.

From what I played in the beta months ago, it is much more of a clusterfuck and less lane clearing. Will probably get ruined when a meta is established.
Game's pretty fun.

the worst, the inevitable

Please Grodd, You know that NCSOFT doesn't care about missing out on a market.

Besides, the whole plan won't work. The outrage band wagon is currently attacking Mario for wearing a sombrero.

Well then, what's YOUR plan, Brainiac? Non-GORILLA related mind control? A big stompy robot to trash their offices so all the Superfriends can see exactly what we're up to from the get go? Or maybe you'll turn invisible and stick your dongle in all their computer USB ports, that will show them! If you're going to shoot down our ideas, at least come up with something useful yourself.

Why not just punch them in face?

we did this around march or april
fans were pissed and then we resumed our usual stupor

I actually quite liked Hitler's idea

This is the best thread on Holla Forums ever.

Until you posted, faggot


Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice…

Seriously Bruce, You've known that's my mothers name for how many years now? I'm not going to refrain from saying her name every time I talk about her on the off chance that you're around.

I liked you better when you were dead.

Hey guys! What's going on? You need me for anything?

Not now Arthur, I'm getting word that NCSOFT is under attack by a mob of entitled college students!

By the beard of Poseidon! I'll use my telepathy to comm-

So help me Arthur unless the next words out of your mouth are "make the ceo's bring back City of Heroes" I'll call every pizza place in the city and tell them to only ever deliver anchovy pizza here.

I'm scared to admit I love this thread
because then NCSOFT will kill it

But do we have to help the Koreans?

You make a good point, Samurai. We only help good people, and NCSOFT is anything but.

How about instead we Hogtie Gleek and go grab some beers?

Op, and his faggotry meant this thread for evil, but I'm glad Holla Forums derailed it.

Great Neptune, I have been captured! This must be Black Manta's doing, but why attack now during this assault on NCSOFT? Could it be that the Legion of Doom is behind both events?

How shrewd of you, Aquaman! And fear not, Super Friends, for this won't be the last time you see your Atlantean ally… yet! MWAHAHAHAHA

[jet engine noises]

A gang of your faggot superpowered kids beat me into a pulp and broke all my teeth. I can't even work as a cop anymore.

What are you going to do about that?

you mother fucker

welcome to the death of fun

What movie?

Is that bootleg magneto?
What's with all those shitty superhero games not being able to produce anything original?
Why not play Marvel/DC game to begin with if you're playing blatant rip-off?

newfag detected

Can you answer or not?

He answered you: you're underinformed and probably underage

No, all he did is get butthurt over some shitty old mmo that nobody ever played being called out on what it were - a shitty chinese rip off.

If this nigger doesn't get banned for life then I will hunt you down and gas you myself mark.

What's with triggered (1)s?

I'm in pursuit of Manta! He's got white-fish, I mean, Aquaman hostage. Requesting league assistance!

Why are you underage?

Who the fuck are you?

Why bother? Superman am think aquaman is dedicated and crucial member of league, Important to have.
Me am advise go eat pizza!



Do not feed the summer newfags

It's been summer for years now

Maybe that's because of global warming.

Black Vulcan! Haven't you heard of me? I have the power of lightning in my pants

Bless you, /legion/.


Meanwhile, in Hell…

So then Luthor says that if I don't start wearing underwear that grows with me that he is going to sell me to Arbys for use in making cheaper roast beef sandwiches. Whats up with that?

Could you please just let me and my staff go now? I don't know what interest you super villains have in video games.

this thread is 10/10. I hope someone archives it.

Here: archive.is/re9Tr


put me in the screenshot fam

I see now in this thread why the superhero ban was justified.

An army of penguins would be better.


Does anyone follow / know more about any of these? I know that Valiance forked from City of Titans, which I thought was the first project since it came from the Titan Network forums / Paragon Wiki guys, but apparently Heroes and Villains has been giving weekly updates since around the CoH closure. Ship of Heroes is the new kid on the block and as far as I can tell, it popped up out of nowhere.


One more post for the heroes we lost.
apparently "remember Atlas Park 33" is the thing to say at this point

Don't worry Aquaman, I will use my incredibly useful(for me), and no doubt original equipment to save you. Once I ask one of the more useful super friends to actually find you.