Underated PS2/Obscure rom titles?

Underated PS2/Obscure rom titles?
I'll like to fill up my catalog Holla Forums, give me your best stuff.
I would also prefer some good horror titles.


A Konami game about a cyborg with a high frequency sword powered up by nanomachines who also slices enemies here and there.

I don't see many people talk about Kuon, probably because the game really isn't great, but if you're willing to put up with absolute dogshit like Rule of Rose you'd probably enjoy this one. I was terrified the whole time, that intro video gets you in the mood and it's just too spooky. Also I love that onmyoji type of magic, super cool.

Ghost Hunter I haven't really played too much of but I thought it was pretty cool for being a Ghostbuster's ripoff.

Gregory Horror Show is pretty cool. It's a game based off an anime and it's kind of limited but it's a really strong adaptation of the material. It's actually pretty easy until the 3rd or 4th nights and it's really short but it's probably worth playing. You're a voyeur and you keep track of everyone to know their schedule and their weaknesses rather than fighting head on, so that's pretty interesting.

Spy Fiction is good. Not as good as metal gear stealth, but it's not far off. I appreciate that it's one of the only games out there where you play as a super spy with the gadgets and rappelling through laser grids and junk.

Metropolismania has a cutesy description but a much darker plot. The internet and cellphones have isolated people so much that the human race is going extinct. The government gives you a fancy golden suit and a magic rod and tasks you to make a fun city where people will want to leave their homes. It's kind of cool but it's not really a city builder as much as it is a puzzle game. Still, it's fun to build up your city and watch people change. There was a sequel but man did the art style suffer and everyone constantly floats 2 feet off the ground.

I still have to question what happened there to spike it.

YouTube and the whole retro greed machine.

Eternal Poison.

Some knights, a witch, and a team of clerics all enter a hell that has just appeared in the world. Each of the three groups has their own story and there are further plots once you finish all three.

You can capture the demon enemies. After capturing them you can sell them for money and items, melt them down for spells, or summon them as allies in battle.

Did some big name jewtube faggot do a let's play on it out of the blue or something a while back? Just surprised me that demand and prices shot up so much.

They always do, even if is not very famous, someone can hunt and hoard copies for example.

Tsugunai is a pretty cool game. The combat actually was really interesting but it's a long time before you get to it after the intro. Kind of neat since you get to experience this little town from everyone's own perspective. Not much else to say without ruining it.

7 Sins is a really neat but kind of dogshit game. I think socializing between people is really interesting. Unlike The Sims where you can talk about whatever whenever, the conversation is focused around where you are and what you're doing. You can invite people to different activities or they can invite you and if you become a good friend to them they'll introduce you to their friends/relatives so you don't start out as a total stranger to them. But unfortunately if your character's needs aren't being met constantly he throws an autistic fit and you have to start the entire level over. The only way to combat his growing need is by playing literally the worst mini-games anyone has ever conceived sandwiched between 2 15-20 second long loading screens. As you progress in the game and each level becomes more difficult you have to play more and more shitty mini-games. But it's also pretty lewd, not many ps2 games let you cuck your boss at his own desk.

The cover art always seemed interesting but I never bought it because it got so many terrible reviews. But then Operation Darkness got a ton of shitty reviews from people who couldn't recognize it for the masterpiece it really was so maybe I'll give it a shot now.

Been looking to play Tsugunai soon myself. Was doing a bit of research on it and noticed a surprising discrepancy between "professional" opinion and user opinion on it, which piqued my interest.

Don't know if it fits underrated or obscure, but it's weird as fuck and well worth a play.

It probably depends on what you're trying to get out of it. If you want to see how the hero's story goes you're going to be incredibly frustrated since you can play for like 2 hours feeling like you haven't made any progress at all. You need to just chill out and try to get invested in this little town.

Opposite of that I bought Shepherd's Crossing expecting a cute and comfy farm game and what I ended up with is but one small favor. The whole game is about trying to finish a single trade chain and I think if you have a guide you can beat it in like 30 minutes. But there are a lot of optional things you can do along the way like building a cute farm, raising animals, or hunting with your neighbors. But for the most part your gameplay ends up mashing R to skip days until your crops are grown and animals ready for slaughter.

You can safely ignore "professional" reviews on any tactics/strategy game (with the possible exception of specialist sites) frankly.

Yeah, I don't mind, and I do tend to take what I read when researching a game with a grain of salt. I just found it odd that all the "professionals" had given the game grief, while average customers (the ones willing to actually try the game anyhow) seemed a lot more receptive.

I shilled that for a while here in the hopes of getting at least a couple people to play it or finding someone who had.

Shadow of Rome
The Red Star
Ring of Red
Mr Mosquito
Disaster Report

I wish I had survival horror to recommend but I wasn't into it at the time, really.

Drakan and Oni are underrated.

I don't remember its name but there was a horror game where you played as a girl with purple(or maybe pink?) hair. Also as you take damage your clothes would take damage too and at worst health you were nearly naked. Wasn't a bad game but not really popular

I got u fam

Kuon is the shit if you enjoy low-budget horror games. Pretty much anything by From that's not Meme souls is low budget with tons of atmosphere. Play in S-video for that delishus middle of the road resolution that's not absolute fucking shit but also allows you to fill in the blanks with your imagination.

Yo play as a car entering races and customising yourself to become mayor, Meet santa, ufos, play foot ball and do up your house all while driving across the world

Anyone who hasn't played RAD is doing themselves a disservice.

My favorite racing game on PS2 hands down. One of the best from the entire 6th generation for me.

I would also post the other horror game with with girl/dog protag, if it counts. Somewhat clunky but the Hewie/Fiona dynamic worked well and the stalkers were all interesting. Game overs were pretty brutal too despite being offscreen.

I wanted to like this, but it seemed so dull and slow even with the animations off. At least the art and story seemed pretty cool, crappy CG aside.

Is that a JoJo reference?