Beyond Good & Evil 2

I get that it's largely staying true to the first game, but
I don't know how to feel

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, at least both niggers looked and acted like niggers.

Are you really complaining about mutliethnic and anti corporation? Did you not play the first game?

It's more of a 'I don't trust them to do the same thing in the current year without going off the deep end' kind of feel

Knee-jerk at its finest.

How the fuck can a company misread their fanbase this hard?
Holy shit Ubisoft.

No point in worrying about the unknown. Just wait until more info comes out.

You're completely ignoring several things, like the game having nothing to do with the first game.
This is like if Valve released Portal and called it Half-Life 3.


Has Ubisoft learned about the great white dick?

No Jade, No Pey'j, no buy

Back to the containment board, faggot.

Still, you can't act as if there isn't a precedent for this.

Everyone's gone the deep end and it gets worse every year. There's literal protesters against anti-sharia marches and the leftists from the plebs to the media to every progressive are insane commie marxists. I have never before wanted a purge as much as I wanted it now.

Assuming there's more info to come and not another decade with nothing but a trailer again.

Better to just call it shit and forget about it.


To be fair we do see Jade-colored eyes at the end of the trailer. I don't know how this could tie in with the first game since it's been a long while since I played the first game, I should probably replay it when I get the chance.

I would fuck the black chick, full force in the vagina.

Nigga learn to read, the fucking bong monkey could probably do a better job at reading than you.

This was more info, user.

The first game was filled with diversity user.

Okay nigger, you can't just be like "but still.."
This has fuck all to do with Beyond Good and Evil. They slapped the name onto it so it would get more sales.


What a cute couple

Cuckchan's a few doors down


They did it on purpose, I bet


Why is it called BG&E2?
I'm not mad at the diversity shit, I'm mad that it takes place around a different story.
I don't give a shit who these people are, I want to know what Jade and Pey'j are doing, I want to know if the Lighthouse is okay. The Universe of BG&E wasn't the main attraction to it. It was interesting, I loved documenting the different species, but there isn't enough there to support another game that isn't about the original characters.
Fuck, I'm mad.

No agenda here goys, move on.

enjoy my autistic rage. In hind sight that was the designer and I couldn't believe it.

There is obviously one but I can't fault Beyond good and evil for being "diverse" since it has been since the first game.

He already explained his argument, it has nothing to do with the first game. You just seem to be dismissing it.

I really wish Ubisoft would release some more info with their games so we don't have to constantly deal with assuming it's anti-white propaganda based on what we see on the surface

The first game was multiracial and multispecies, but not exactly priding itself on that as more as it was just a coincidence that people on the same sides were different from one another, as opposed to a gun trigger with additional weight added, making the decision to go with it that more deliberate.. Additionally BG&E1 wasn't about corporations, but propaganda and a foreign, military-level threat which claimed to be protectors, when they were in fact working for the aliens trying to harvest everyone.

If BGE was made today, you unbearable autists would whine about it being too "SJW" or "bluepilled"

I think they made it a prequel because if it stayed a sequel, people might complain about the way the old characters were written or about what happens to them. This way, they can be lazy and make a game almost completely unconnected to the first game outside of one or two characters from it showing up and maybe a mention or two of things said to have happened before it.

Though the plot may be different, there nevertheless is a precedent for Ubisoft and ethnic diversity, so it's really nothing new for the franchise.


The difference is that now it's is main quirk, and not just a world setting.

Never said it was going to be good or bad.

We still don't know how it plays

It's a bit too early to conclude that

But you can call me Donte, the demon killer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?

Beyond Good and Evil was never good. It was always a shitty game, I don't know why anyone looks back on this dogshit fondly.

That's the main reason I'm angry, the other bullshit be damned in comparison to the fact it's unconnected to the first game.


But user, capitalism IS evil, it's destroying the planet with historic levels of pollution and corrupts our politicians decisions via bribery.

BG&E never acted like diversity was some big thing it needed to shove in your face. Jade was some other race than white, you had animal people walking around, and no one cared because they didn't treat it as some special feature.
But you had a dev for BG&E2 talking about how diverse the game was as if it were a selling point when no one who liked the first game cared about that shit and just liked it for being a fun game.

I'm wagering it might end up having open world elements with a main, over-arching story and various things in the overworld to do, much like the first game did, but perhaps on a larger scale.

I find it hard to feel anything or find enjoyment in life anymore, BGE and looking forwards to its sequel for over a decade was one of the last things that gave me a buzz

If Ubisoft really fuck it up I may have that final push to end it. see you on the other side anons.

Ignore ac414d. He's been going into every thread about games announced at E3 and trying to defend them. He's most likely a bored shitposter rather than a shill.

We really don't know that yet. I'm as concerned as everyone else but Holla Forums has a nasty habit of drawing conclusions too early which stick for ages even if they turn out to be false.

just don't watch the conference or trailer user…



Did you not watch the conference?
They said it takes place before Jade is born in a different sector of the universe.
This isn't a "knee-jerk" reaction, this is me basing my opinions on the information they've given.

Ubi has always been pozzed

Just because a developer says a game has more than White folks in it doesn't mean it's the end of western civilization you fag

It also felt edgy for the sake of being edgy too which bothered me. Swearing, woman pulling a cd rom out of her tits, and whatever is fine in other games, but I don't remember the first game being like that at all. Felt out of place. Maybe I'm the only one, it's not a deal breaker but the tone just didn't feel right somehow.

I'm not saying that you dumb retard, I'm just saying that diversity is a stupid thing for them to advertise when that's not what anyone liked the first game for.


There is no reason to assume it can't tie in to the sequel eventually. We did see a woman with green eyes which may or may not be related to Jade. Like I said, it's too early to paint a complete picture.

Was the first game ever this edgy? I remember it being more cartoony like a late-night cartoon show than anything.

Multiracial IS multiculturalism. Culture is downstream from race

It's vastly different from the first game. One of the things I liked about the first game was taking pictures of stuff for some extra money. Now we got a monkey that says fuck every 10 seconds.

Beyond Good and Evil was always pozzed shit. I played recently and it was propoganda and multiculturalism up the ass. Naturally, 2 will be no different

Are you calling Brits another race than American Whites?


More like I'm Beyond Caring

The difference is they DIDN'T have to say that back then. They just made a good game first.

Now that they have to say it, they will probably get everyone on tumblr drawing it's POC characters and whatever.

They are. Just like Irish, Slavs, Aryans, etc. are all different race. They're cosmetically similar but only one of them can claim to be true whites

No, they have different cultures obviously.
That's his point, retard

Americans are just reject whites that actual aryans wanted to get rid off.


I played it again last year and yeah I don't remember it being like that. It was more geared towards everyone able to enjoy and not Mature Gamers â„¢

I'd much prefer Pey'j than the monkey. But I'd guess everyone would prefer Jade and Pey'j. Especially since the first game ended on a cliffhanger with some shit going on with Pey'j.

You don't have to assume it.
The tumblrina and all the beta cucks at the end, as well as their other games draw a pretty clear picture about their intentions.

That isn't me

I just wish all the other whites realized this and accepted the Anglo-Saxons as the true whites.

The US had their chance, but actually electing Trump was the last straw, they are beyond salvation


Who do you think?

Considering the state of Europe I don't know.

That sounds like some hipster quarters of Amsterdam. Or any Western city ha.

The /pol nonsense doesn't bother me this game was not for you /pol don't pretend you played the original game.

Now "prequel" makes me angry.

I am mad that it isn't a sequel and that it has a ton of cursing but anyone complaining about diversity in a Beyong good and evil game is stupid.

I can just imagine the stupid autistic smile on OP's face when he decided he'll make a 'le fanny post aboot da niggurs XDDD'

Say the pro-national socialist nazi

Here's your (you)

What gets me is that I thought the trailer was alright. But is it what I want from BG&E? I don't know, I guess I'll have to wait a decade for them to announce another version of BG&E2.

derailing thread here
simply wrong, and even if it were true in a capitalist society I could sue people for fucking up the air on my land
literally impossible in capitalism, the extent that they have power (and therefore are valuable to be bribed) is the extent that it isnt capitalism.


It's been a long time since I played the game, but I do remember something along those lines. Which makes it even worse. After 15 years we finally get a sequel, only for it to be a prequel and the tone of the trailer is completely different.

Learn the difference between Capitalism and Corporatism or kill yourself. I don't care which you choose.

What games let me play as a mexican?

Well, there is the green eyed woman in the trailer which I assume is Jade's mother. Their parents did leave the ship for Jade if I remember right. And maybe we'll see how they meet Pey'j too as he knew Jade's parents. But yeah, a sequel is what I wanted.

So who should have won the American elections then user.

The white race and we'd celebrate by storming public buildings and lynching everyone inside

You better be pretending to be retarded

What bothers me is less the fact that they're pushing diversity. they live in a world full of animals, that made sense, it just sorta feels like it's being forced and isn't natural

I hate E3 I hate summer I hate niggers I hate ubisoft I hate this fucking prequel shit I'm outta here until E3 is over peace my friends

you need to take the largest sharp object and decapitate yourself right now

The most offensive thing here is prequel. Everything else is fucking icing, butt here is ZERO reason for them to not continue the story. No one cares about the BEFORE, we want to know what the hell is going on with these fucked up aliens and we want you to resolve the motherfucking cliffhanger.

they are there to make you suffer, not make you happy

butt don't you want to know the story of black woman and monkey.
God did they even bother to give them a name

Yes and every time someone mentions doing something you'll just get
followed by the Wyte Mann comic about the FBI agent luring a teenager. I'm tired

Someone please invent the ability to kill people over the internet, then shoot me in the fucking face, please. I know that a new BG&E game was always a bit of a monkey's paw situation what with how Ubisoft is, but fucking god damn it feels like a part of my soul got wrenched out of my chest.

Being anti-capitalism doesn't automatically make you a communist, user.

hitler is literally a socialist user

>>>Holla Forums

Why is everybody ignoring this is also an online sandbox game?
Did none of you pay attention to the conference?

You all seem so mad over the forced diversity bullshit you're ignoring much bigger problems.

I think is the reason most people are upset about this shit.

Oh, that's just swell.
So not only does it have nothing to do with the game story wise, but it has nothing to do with it gameplay wise either.

Ubisoft have no idea want the fans want. Or maybe they do, I've seen no uproar over this outside of Holla Forums.

They just put a name of a game on their piece of shit they werent confident enough would sell as a new IP.

This is me being baited.

Same shit happened with DMC. When the game flops it's gonna be blamed on us, instead of the game being shit.

Brits deserve to be wiped

wait, what? I just gave the HD remake a shot and the camera fucking up so hard in the slaughterhouse forced me to quit. is it just the remake that sucks ass?

Games then.
We have to figure out where we went wrong.

Games Now.

I'm also getting a very hearty laugh out of people getting triggered by the game in general.

This is some pretty good salt. Not the highest quality, but I think we can repackage it for the greatest hits of 2017.

I didnt even know that was a thing but what do you mean with the camera fucking up? Clearly not a bug or glitch or you wouldnt have made a post like this right?

Holy shit, someone who hasn't lost their mind.
Post more Jade, or black lady if that's your thing.

Actually the use of "multi-ethnic, multicultural" is what makes people say anti white propaganda.

Earlier game diversity usually had a reason for it. That and the diversity was diverse. Races and genders were all different from case to case. Goldeneye you're a guy, Perfect Dark you're a girl, etc. In PD they didn't make a big deal out of Joanna Dark being a woman. It didn't feel forced, it was just like
now it's just so forced, and the way they present these characters, it's more like "why the fuck did they choose this race/gender/etc".

"Diversity" literally means "not white and male" these days.

Huffington Post considers its room of 100% white women to be diverse.

Copy that.

That honestly pisses me off.
There's nothing wrong with multiculturism.
The problem is this ==THING== they're calling multiculturism they're trying to force on people. It

I couldn't care less a character's race , religion or sexual orientation as long as it's well written and some cheap attempt to get you to give a fuck.

These people think shit like that HI I'M A TRANNY bullshit from Ass Effect A and the Gate Remaster is what people want to see.
One of the best written trannies in gaming history? Erica from Catherine.
But that requires these fucks actually playing games to know that.

They never made a big deal about female characters back in the day.

One more thing.

There seems to be some semblance of real discussion here. Posting here

Race, gender or sexual content was never brought up. It was just evil aliens trying to harvest everyone else, it wasnt about a stronk womin or a proud woman of color, yet the game was diversity on steroids there was different aliens and humans everywhere and no one cared. Not a single comment on fucking race, they were just people

That chest is huge compared to the real thing. Also dont get your hopes up, there's too many red flags. At least they were kind enough to make it a prequel so it doesnt ruin the original

Fuck no, the other thread has even more shitposting.

Female characters back in the day were also modeling to be sexy. Multiculturalism always leads to racial tribalism. There is no good version it.

>>>Holla Forums

When someone tells me that it's a "diverse" cast I should think of a lot of character traits, mixed with stereotypes, races, colors etc., not WATCHU OUT WHITE BOI and having twenty people who are either brown or African-American. They're even bad at portraying actual Africans outside of making them sometimes slightly blacker.

I see Ubisoft literally monkey pawed us. If it fails it's left at this and they move on back to Far Cry and Ass Creed and BGE will be dead to them with no actual follow up, if it succeeds the Sequel will either be a nostalgia bait cash grab with half the attention this will get or a direct sequel to this one.

I hope it's not bad on it's own but it was a bad move to give it the 2 when it was going to be a prequel, especially since Assassin's Creed is getting a prequel with the Subtitle Origins.

Multiculturalism has changed meaning too many times now and currently it means fuck whitey. Different cultures influencing eachother has existed since forever and its a natural process, different cultures co-existing has always existed too.

Multiculturalism is the work of the Jew. Humanity's natural state is isolated tribalism. Different races interacting only breeds strife and conflict which the Jew will exploit for profit and power

It's going to have nothing to do with beyond good and evil at all, all the signs are there that they are pulling an even more blatant prey by labelling it BGaE2

I just got home and found out about this.

I went through like four feelings of anger before I settled on, 'You know what? I just don't care anymore'

As irrational as it is, I still have at least some hope for the gameplay.
I really liked the mixture in the first one, and considering the last rayman games there could be at least some fun to be had.



Funny how has soon as the game got announced today Holla Forums started pouring in

There's nothing wrong with different cultures that are not based on beheading, genitalia mutilation or violence in general. I'd love to kick all gypsies out of my country for example, the only reason they're here is because they tricked the monarch years ago and told him they were gud boyz

That's the only sensible attitude towards the game

Uh, what?

Stopped reading there. White culture is superior and all others deserve to be stamped out or quarantined until they die off

they know exactly what kind of discussion would come out of their half hearted announcements.

Are you a faggot from Holla Forums false flagging or what? There are tons of different cultures under white people, her is your last (you)

The only way you can come to that conclusion is that all cultures are equal
when they're not


I'll grant you that it got derailed, but this is going to end up like fucking FC5 where every fucking thread is going to be derailed by Holla Forums and Holla Forums flinging shit at each other while redditors cap everything to post about how reddit is totally better than the literal natsies on Holla Forums for upboats and reddit gold.

M80, almost all "white culture" is just stolen from non-white cultures.

Also nice anime reaction image you fuckin weeb

This thread was made before the other one

I've seriously considering whether this is actually Holla Forums or not because no one is this fucking retarded
It might actually be ubisoft shills derailing threads before what happened to Ass Defect: Androgynous happens to them

And whilst i have seen people this retarded on Holla Forums before they're generally considered bait

Regardless of time stamp, it's still going to be a fucking front page full of Holla Forums and Holla Forums shitting up the board because they can't fucking contain their autism, even to an agreed-upon battlefield board like /new/.

These are extremely mixed messages.

Japan tho.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums have been flooding the board.
I just want to point and laugh at Ubisoft, not discuss the values of a multiethnocentricblahblahblah.

But hear me out.
You guys are gonna think I'm crazy for this but here it goes.

All this F O R C E D I V E R S E is part of a grand scheme to silence dissent.
The fastest way to get what you want in a political landscape that isn't completely retarded is to create a threat and an enemy.
The other way is to replace everyone who would oppose you, for this instance, a little of both has happened.

The people behind the scenes spread rumors of violent e-mobs and violent people that need to be silenced on the internet. Hives of hatred that need laws to be destroyed, right?
But these hives don't exist.

They force fake diversity and faux multicultrism down your throat until you become repelled at the very thought of it. They mutate the meaning of diversity into HURR DURR KILL ALL DA WHITE PEOPLE PRAISE ALLAH.

And the group they picked? Gamers. A huge group that is extremely diverse but has no voice of their own.

They begin picking away at gamers, seeing what pisses them off and slowly perfect their scheme.

They know, people will not sit back and accept this. They know people will become loud, they will argue, they will take a stand and that is what will lead people right into their hands.

Gamers become the boogeymen of Hatred and anti-multiculture the plotters need. Once they're starting to rise up and gather together, the plotters only need to point in their direction and say " SEE THERE IS THE RACIST, VILE ENEMY OF MULTICULTURISM, THOSE EVIL WHITE PEOPLE" despite , the absolute irony that people complaining about the bullshit include people who are not white.

The perfect scapegoat for any wacky laws against..Let's see.. Posting anonymously and perfect for enforcing things like your accounts being connected to your state issue ID and so on.

The normals in charge will listen to the plotters because those pissed off are speaking in terms normals only see as "hate speech". Not to mention the absolute media deathgrip feminists have if how they managed to block out Gamergate for half a year is anything to go by.

Then things will only begin to get worse from here.

Hey. Cut that out. White people are cool.
The only culture that I have trouble figuring out why they exist are the Jews.
What culture, fucks up so hard they get thrown out of fucking America?

Oh, that's(U+200B was here) right the problem is that people on a gaming board will be discussing these games blatant agenda not the fact that they have one.
Take this left wing proganda out of gaming if you hate the dicussion.

Doesn't matter if it's Holla Forums, ubisoft shills, or retarded Holla Forumslocks fresh off r/thedonald, all of them belong in the trash with this so-called Beyond Good & Evil game.

If it was any other board i would, but Holla Forums has been proven to cooperate to spam other boards with false flagging bullshit
They also work with other boards including Holla Forums and even recruit faggots from fucking reddit of all fucking places

Not to mention they team up with said ledditors to raid Holla Forums and Holla Forums

Why are sane people like this so rare on this board?


E3 was a Holla Forums false flag?

You know very well that is often the case. It also doesn't help the "punch the nazis" game that bethesda showed last night.

I like wolfenstein and how it goes into the alternative history and the what if Germany won ww2. And how some soldiers actually have lines talking about regular life outside of being a soldier.

to bad you can't join them

no, but it would be a great opportunity to false flag Holla Forums when the amount of people who would see this retarded rhetoric end up seeing it
Then again it could also be any number of people, like Holla Forums or fucking reddit who might be motivated to do this

Its the multicult bullshit thats making people pissed off here, otherwise the guy is mostly correct

This is so true. You spend so much time talking to her and she seems like such a likable person, that by the time you find out you're like "oh, ok". Your sexual orientation should never be the mainstay of your personality, neither should your job or even your family, it just ends up making people annoyed.

Rather, these days they prefer to throw it right in your face, with no tact or subtly. Basically rocking the boat and forcing people to accept the character.

No one cares about the race or orientation, all they care about is the gameplay, and if it has to have a story then it better be damn good with well written characters.

Sadly this takes a soul and modern gaming is soulless.

The full KKK people on the street made me lose my shit though, that and the fucking commie posters made me think I was watching some parody.

Fucking brilliant

And they dare talk about the fans of the first game


And therein lies the problem.
The second Holla Forums points out the agenda which has shown up in other mediums, the thread stops being about vidya and starts being about the anti-white agenda of the jews/media elites/whatever, and whenever someone speaks out against the derail from the topic of vidya, they're branded Holla Forums, at which point the thread is even further derailed into being about Holla Forums's history as a shitty board.
I just wanted to talk about how everything we saw in the trailer points toward a shitty game, because on top of the agenda it's
>possibly not even featuring the villains of the original game I still don't know because FUCKING Holla Forums DERAILS
I want to like Holla Forums, I really do, but it's hard to do when they won't let Holla Forumsirgins decide a thing is shit on their own terms.

That edge


Have you even seen how retarded the fucking posts are that some of these faggots are making?

Woooow, look at this maniac. Who let you out of prison?

I really don't think you know where you are, user. Honestly the Nazis were pretty average people when you size them up against other empires and kingdoms in history. I don't know why people always act like they were such monsters.

remember the 6 quintillion

So basically they just tacked on a vague connection to the first game to the beginning of some generic space exploration game?

So? Just filter. It shouldn't mean that there shouldn't be a discussion. This will be the only thing worth discussing about these games.

Rude. Nice spin though.

They weren't monsters and I respect their infatry tactics. Infantry Attack was one of the best books ever released thanks to Rommel and their fast bombers looked really cool. I even acknowledged that the holocaust didn't truly happen, or at least it seems that way.

However, their economic policies were all but unsustainable and their whole shtick was birthed from fear. It was a nugatory struggle at best to fight the entire damn world with only gooks, traitorous slavs, ~recruited~ conscripted africans and italians, and some turks at your back.

Hitler also sabotaged all practical wonderweapon programs such as the Me262 program because of his irrational hardon for fighter-bombers, almost killed the StG44 program, and screwed up three of his main incursions..among many other foolish slip-ups. Also there is no practical reason for anyone who is not white or 'acceptable white' to like nazis or nazism. There is in addition no reason any red-blooded american would support it either, as it is completely contrary to a representative democracy.

They weren't average, they were better
They didn't go around burning houses and the people in them alive.
they didnt rape every woman, 6 year old girl and feminine man they came across.
they didnt force wives to eat their own children and then the husband to eat their wives,
They didn't bomb enemy civilians until the enemy started bombing theres
They didnt start executing people in camps through painless CO2 until they started running out of supplies
They didn't start burning bodies until disease grew rampant
The only thing i know that they did was wrong was human experimentation, Something that was also done by the japanese and russsians, and likely some of the the allies
Yet its only the nazis that are this looked down upon in history despite 90%+ of the population not being alive then

Yes we know the jews treat palestinians like shit, but unfortunately they have the world in their grasp. There is literally nothing you can do to stop them, as much as you and I would like to.

Ubisoft is greedy and stupid, they're not incompetent.

They're gonna stick a young Peyj in there.
Then a young Double H
Then , last but not least, someone building Seccundo.

In before Ubisoft employees are monitoring this thread and steal this idea.

Does BG&E 1 contain any propaganda in it? Don't get your panties wet about the fact that I want to know. I need to know this before I waste my time/money buying the first.

I already knew Hitler fucked up the war with Russia and funneled way too much R&D funds into superweapons, but what's the story behind the Me262 and StG44?

What if the monkey is Jade's dad?

But if you look at his other posts you can see he's basically saying the same thing as all the other anons ITT, he's just wording it a little bit different.

Don't give ubishit any ideas

Just pirate it, why would you give ubisoft your money?

Their "own terms" are that they want to eradicate whites. Pretty big thing to overlook.

I'm moving on, retard. These games need shit on(whether politically or not). You can sit in the corner crying and bitching about false flags all you want.

I said "their own terms" in reference to Holla Forums, are you fucking illiterate?

Nothing at all. Also, pirate it dont give money to ubisoft

I didn't read all your blog.

That's good to hear then. From some gameplay videos, I thought it was another stronk womyn who is quirty game. I love how it looks, but I hate leftist stuff shoved in my face. Gonna give it a pirate.

To put it simply the upgrades to the Jumo 210s on the backburner so they could work on the airframe modifications to carry more bombloads. This added to the weight so didn't help base performance. By doing this it delayed it so much that the places working on the better engines were bombed by allies, as were the gyroscopic sights and methanol K-4 engines.

The StG 44 I'm not too well versed in but basically hitler both doubted the combat effectiveness (it obviously clashed with his knowledge of infantry tactics) and figured it would be too costly.

Monkey guy trained Jade because suprise Chinese Monkeys are good at Martial Arts

The more I think about how easy it is to make a connection with just the simpliest details, the more I cringe.

I brought this upon myself.


These cucks lack any self awareness. Its like weebs and their obvious homosexuality

Why are you using the word cuck on people who don't like diversity and are more conservative? Do you faggots actually know what cuck means?


Fair point but call it a guardian complex, we're protective of you Holla Forums.

You tend not to know what's best for you and this filth certainly isn't it.

Fuck off, Rohm.

Why are you making a thread now? This board has devolved into 4cuck Holla Forums because of e3. You're not going to get any good discussion.

I hope that the game is good

Also what's up with the preaching authoritarian faggots in this thread

I hope that for every game, but there are huge red flags everywhere.

So Holla Forums has come to this. The only board/site left that criticizes propaganda in games and it's getting full with fags that get triggered over this. You can go to literally ANY forum or site to discuss games without criticizing their politics. Why the fuck do you incredible idiots go to Holla Forums and then Holla Forums? Do you even know that 4chan banned gamergate threads because they didn't like people talking more about the stupid politics of the games than the game? We moved here. Now it's not okay to discuss what we already discussed here? Fuck all of you.

The first beyond good and evil was about the corporate press being lyers and puppets to herd the masses.

How well do you think that would hold up in a post gamergate E3?

Westerners can not make diverse anything anymore without it being shit. The only people who can still do it are the Japs. Diversity hurts modern western games and adds nothing. I do not think this is that hard to understand.

Fuck it, you got my (1)
>company 1 exists and does pollute
Both are profitable and perfectly acceptable in capitalism.
>if you don't like it >>>/gulag/

Pointing out certain aspect of the game is fine
Turning the whole thread on a discussion about civilization isn't

do people still doubt capitalism after all this time

shit, I meant (you), but whatever

What I find odd is that you think Holla Forumsirgins and Holla Forumslacks are different. I don't know why you're surprised by an overlap in boards. Of course the political context is going to be discussed. You can't get rid of that discussion and a BGE2 thread on Holla Forums would be deleted. It feels obvious that these discussions would occur especially given the amount of diversity shown at this year's e3.

You don't get to say what is fine to discuss or not, so fuck you.

I wish Holla Forums would figure that out and stop raiding all the time.


I wish redditfags would figure that out and stop coming here all the time.

I'm pointing out that diversity is trash and Ubisoft can't write. They will annoy the shit out of you with the story. Holla Forums likes to pretend that the only thing that matters is the gameplay but the truth is that a shit story can sour even a fun game.

Show me one Holla Forumsirgin who was unironically hyped for this shit.
Show me one man who has lurked Holla Forums long enough to truly belong, who will shill it for free.
You will find none, at least none who haven't had their palms greased with ubisoft's marketing budget.
I'm certain that Holla Forums can make good decisions about video games without Holla Forums hovering over our shoulders.

There's a lot of overlap in the populations, sure, but the two are different boards, much like how while Ukraine and Russia are both Slavic, but are different countries and peoples.
Holla Forums is not Holla Forums, it is only Holla Forums-friendly, and even that can only happen if Holla Forums reciprocates the friendship.

well fuck you too. I hope that the game sells well and they keep churning garbage like this out

true but then again I don't usually play games for their stories and I don't care much for them because they are just stories

And this is why you are a piece of shit. Go to any other site you stupid nigger, no one is forcing you to talk on this board with these ebil racis nazis if you don't like it. ANY site, because this is some of the only left where you CAN discuss controversial stuff. Do you get it?

top lel
I will not go anywhere else
I will no longer interact with you power hungry cucks
I will keep posting what I like as long as it is related to the thread subject
On that note, I will filter your ass now

I don't play games for stories either but I also can't just ignore them while they're in front of me. Especially when modern gaming puts story above gameplay.

That's the main thing about people who wear their sexuality on their sleeve, they do it to get attention. Dye their hair, cause a fuss on twitter, all to validate the victim complex they have.
I really like Erica. Should go back and play that sometime.

Power hungry cucks? That makes total sense. Also, manly feminists, right? Phrases that make sense.

Why don't you fuck off to where people will agree with you? You're in the wrong 'hood' faggot.

Do you want to downvote me too?

Holla Forums is fucked

eh I just tune out the obvious marxist bullshit and focus on having a good time though sometimes it can get pretty blatant

Yeah man, just 'turn off the propaganda.' Why are all these shitlords here unable to buy and waste their life playing games with leftist propaganda shoved in their face too? As long as the game's good, right?



You cannot play games with stupid messages in them and also ignore them constantly. Instead of playing a good game with a good message, that would make you think better, you are digesting trash. You are what you consume retard, not just in food.

I thought you filtered me faggot. Who are you trying to point fingers at?


Too bad obvious marxist bullshit goes hand-in-hand with gameplay that is a fucking slog to go through.

Forgive me father. I couldn't resist to respond aafter I saw how you kept insisting. I will do so now I promise

You are the decline of Holla Forums and if I were an admin I'd ban the fuck out of you. No cucks allowed should be a rule here.

You clearly didn't read the thread if you thought everyone was acting like your strawman. The main problem behind diversity nowadays is intent. People back then used diversity to its absolute potential to exploit effective characterization, settings, and stories. It wasn't political for the audience but rather for the game itself.

Nowadays its backwards. Developers expressively tell us that their intent is to change our political views by showing how their half black negroid can prove us, the audience, wrong. It is arguably passive aggressiveness. It makes the use of diversity baseless for the game. It's purpose is abused.

They do that because the people they're trying to please (or at least, hoping don't turn on them like a pack of jackals with a blogging site) don't play video games. If you don't know a character is a faggot or a tranny in the first 10 seconds of meeting them, then they may as well not exist at all to these people.

There is no room for subtlety or character. Just exaggerated stereotypes shoved in your face, and you're told to like them or you're a complete piece of shit.

I like games and I know that I can't stop the devs from making their own shit so I just ignore it. It took some time but I got there

Why not play a better game though?
There's plenty out there if you know where to look, and they don't come with retarded political strawmen that take conscious effort to ignore, nor are they a chore to play through.
I can understand if you pirate shit then play through it to really tear it a new one like the user in cap related, but trying to get enjoyment from this pile of shit on its own is downright insane.

I think it'd be a good topic for a thread, do you think I should start one?

Wouldn't be the first time.

Hmm, ok I won't then.

The games that I like tend to not be too much into this bullshit so it works out pretty well for me. It's only occasionally that I have to sit through this nonsense

I'm kind of excited.
Also, you're going to be able to go to different planets in the system. Each one has different cultures from humanity living on them.
The Indian-subcontinent one, was just one of many. There's likely to be one that's all white people, one what's all asians, etc.
Probably no blacks, unless they hitched a ride with arabs.

Oh fuck off

There's going to be a planet with high tech tribal huts and Zulu's with laser rifles?
I don't think so.

The lack of faith you have in people and causality is quite perplexing.

I don't know how I feel about this.

r/TheDonald is really trying to outdo Holla Forums's retardation.

Time to embrace change user!

I guess.

I can't imagine how fucked it's going to be.

besides the fact that it doesn't work?

Ubisoft is pure cancer….100%.

Do you have a single fact to back that up

Depends which model of multiculture.
The globalist model in which every culture is mulched together then copy-pasted everywhere is shit, but the nationalist model in which each culture is left distinct and able to learn from other cultures actually somewhat works. at least it worked for the last few thousand years of civilization.