So, now that things calm down, what actually happened to him? Was it his sjw gf...

so, now that things calm down, what actually happened to him? Was it his sjw gf? Was it his rape jokes and the never ending flood of offended sjw attacking him for it? I know, he doesn't care and keeps moving on but i never really udnerstood what happened there.

You killed a thread for

he is still a e-celeb? Well, i don't care, just asking for the happenings

kill yourself, OP, this asshole hasn't been relevant for the better half of a decade, you probably watched the same fucking metokur video and wanted to be spoonfed even more
nice dubs though.


I legitimately enjoyed his Final Fantasy reviews and Counter Monkey was incredibly well made even though I don't agree with everything he says in them. He's also the only member of the tgwtg group to have a legitimate mental illness and not just be an autistic sociopath, so I partially forgive him for parroting the SJW shit his girlfriend tells him to say in exchange for the free affection that stops him from killing himself.

Wrestling is fucking awful though. Also sage for not Holla Forumsidya.

yep, just watched it. Bot not really here to get spoonfeeded. I actually really thought things had calm down. The last time i heard something from him was during the gamergate happenings. I thought he is now a burnout fag but that some people still consider him as e-celeb? wew



Is that "Spoony"? Vaguely recall hearing his name here or there many years ago, but been seeing a lot of talk about him all of the sudden. Is Jim/Metokur really popular enough these days to spur all of this discussion or are other people talking about him as well? Why if so, what happened?

People will always sagebomb and autistically screech if you try to discuss "e-celebs" here, it's just one of the forbidden topics. JonTron Yooka Laylee drama was like the one recent exception to that unwritten rule.

The thing is, why are you posting about him here? Who the fuck cares enough?

is he?
it seems that a lot of drama went down but almost nobody payed attention because of gg. Now he is a burnout fag, i guess.
i know but on the other hand, is spoony really still that popular these days that you can call him a e-celeb?

this is maybe the last place on this earth who actually knows him good enough to understan what actually happened. The last thing i know, or what i think happened ended with the gg happening when he got attacked by a fuckton of sjw.

What was the name of that developer that was cucked by her lesbo "wife"?
Something about him having to sleep on a separate room while the two girls slept on the bedroom, and being a betafag all around?

Wait, dykecuck is a developer?


You should ask GG related questions in the gamer gate generals, you are far more likely to get a response answering your question there.

are you drunk user? Why should i go there? It's a containment thread so things don't blow up.

I thought the GG thread is where all the 4AM rejects and Holla Forums go to shitpost.

Probably i'm just mixing facts
I read about it a couple years ago, but forgot his name, and tried to find it on the web but to no avail

yeah, something like this but nothing to go to for actually discussions.

Just delete this thread already

He had shit opinions about the best Final Fantasy. Why did anyone ever care beyond that?

A cautionary tale of a man that had it all and squandered his chance at success.

You could've just asked your nigger question there instead of making an entire thread of trash, or at least made this a QTDTTOT thread, but no, you decided to smear your shit across the front page, and you keep bumping this garbage.


Now go back from where you came >>>Holla Forums750866

Waiting for Spoony's inevitable suicide is an old Holla Forums tradition.


he stopped putting out quality content a long time before the drama

nah, sometimes i think gg opened up this board to a ton of plebbit cancer.

wait, dykecuck is just an user?
i thought the story was about someone relevant
fuck my memory then

They may be cancer, but you are no better.

Someone in the comments of the Metokur video said he had bi-popular disorder, not sure if that's true or not.

No, he's an user. He used to come into any yuri thread and shitpost until everyone told him to fuck off.

oh well, thanks anyway

Bi-polar depression, not BPPD, but otherwise yes it's true.

That nose though.

hy spoony


He has some sort of bipolar thing, even when he was in his "golden years" he had a lot of trouble dealing with it. I haven't read or heard anything about this guy in at least half a decade but I knew that at some point he'd lose that battle and have some sort of incident like the guy who made Clarence where he not only fucks up but fucks up so big he can't get back in.


I knew thats who he would do next.

I can still watch Spoony's "golden years" video and still enjoy them. I tried doing that with some of the other TGWTG providers, and they just don't. I think aside from bennett , there isn't a single contributor that is still contributing, or had been in the last 5 years post that shit storm that I could even stand watching. Regardless if they where related to Spoony. It really was a perfect turning point for that site.

