Why does anybody consider this one-note, stupid villain the "best FF bad guy"? I know the bar is low, but wow...

Why does anybody consider this one-note, stupid villain the "best FF bad guy"? I know the bar is low, but wow, Kefka makes Donte look like Hamlet. He just shows up, get treated like comedic relief, and then WHOOPS HA HA NOW I AM GOD. What the fuck? How did anyone ever take this joker seriously?

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clerith.heliohost.org/Highwind - Ultimania.htm

Because muh woosley

The "For me it's kefka" meme is hardly a vote for best villain my dude.

For me it's Kefka, intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of dubs.

Kekfa is best bad boy
Sephirot has a small dick and therefore wields a long sword

What the fuck? I don't keep up with stupid memes like I used to, what did they mean by this?

For the same reason everyone like The Joker. Because they don't understand what makes a good villain althogh I consider him a good villain but not as good as Golbez as antagonist, for example

I like him because he had the best theme music.
Other than that he's basically just The Joker. Inoffensive and easy "lunatic supervillain" archetype. Not really worth hating or anything.

He's one of the few JRPG villains that actually succeeded in his goals.

One argument for liking Kefka as a villain is that, even if you don't care for him as a character, you witness the results of his dominance over the world in the entire second half of the game.

Come on, "For me it's kefka, intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor" is pretty ancient at this point.

I've heard that before, but never with Kefka thrown in.

Congratulations, bad writing resulted in the dipshit lunatic who always gets his ass kicked becoming the ultimate power on earth. Kefka is an upjumped mook, a C-list miniboss who had 15 minutes of fame. Just because he succeeded in his retarded goals doesn't make him a worthwhile character.


The best FF villain is Tidus

Just fuck off.

Excuse me, what? Tidus did nothing wrong, though.

Its okay, YHWH won't strike you down for enjoying a fictional story

Kefka is shit. SHIT!!!

I'm more of a Seymour fan myself, if only because they refuse to die because of how the world of Spira works.

I may be biased due to his battle theme though

He's an intelligent nihilist with a wicked sense of humor, what's not to like?

Because he actually WON. He became a god, turned the world to shit, and beat the heroes. The only reason the heroes were able to make a comeback was because of a VERY lucky coincidence with a bird and Locke's bandanna.

Not to mention Kefka was a second string joke villain for most of the game. You expect him to get killed off well before the end of the main plot but instead he kills the emperor and becomes the main villain.

Basically, Kefka pulls off a lot of things most villains don't.

Also, OP, while he was treated as a comedic villain, he was most certainly a villain. He set Figaro on fire because they wouldn't give over Terra, he poisoned Doma, assassinates Leo after the Espers are lured out and wastes your time if you go see him in his cell when you're supposed to be talking to soldiers, thereby hurting your chances of getting good rewards from the dinner

Exdeath, as awesome as he is, ended up consumed by the power he sought to control.

Once Kefka got his godlike power, he was never NOT in control of it.


Did you not explore mobliz or wherever it was that Terra hung out? That place where the only survivors were a handful of children?


You're only proving the point here.

If he killed everyone, they wouldn't be able to suffer you dolt.

I can't wait for the remake when he has a heartfelt scene where he comes out as a transgender woman

FtM tranny to clown transspecie. Tumblr would be proud.

Come on now, "But I'll torture them a little first. It's not like they can do anything about it." is perfectly in line with that thought.


Hey, at least the game didn't pull a Zeromus or Necron.

I hate being a FFVII secondary. Bully me.

Is there at least any official material confirming he absolutely bangs Tifa after Advent Children? I like both of them just from that movie and Kingdom Hearts alone. And I want Cloud to get the fuck over Zack dying when it was heroically for him to live.

And then Exdeath got eaten by the void while Kefka maintained control over his power and the world and basically did whatever he wanted. (Wreck the fuck out of shit and laugh at the survivor's misery, only leaving anyone alive for that exact purpose.)

The only reason the heroes had a chance was because Kefka is a sadist above all else, and they STILL had to kill the warring Triad and basically kill off the source of magic just to weaken him enough to TRY.

Closest I could find to confirmation. clerith.heliohost.org/Highwind - Ultimania.htm

Both of those are the result of a bad translation

I dunno about Necron, but in FFIV only Fusoya talks about Zemus, and that's pretty much on the end of the game.
"See that villain mind-controlling your party member? He's actually being controlled by some guy on the fucking moon". Alrighty then

>not knowing the best villain is in fact Lightning
Singlehandedly destroyed the series

You mean the only reason the heroes had a chance is because the writers had to force Kefka to sit on his ass after he won.
You're also ignoring that his rise to power was competely out of nowhere and totally retarded.

The Esper scene is explainable: Kefka has the ability to drain Espers (consistent with Kefka's past and what the empire had done a million times) and equipment that nullifies their magic (which you can see if he mblocks a spell during the fight with the orange ifrit). That explains why he loses to the party in the imperial camp and Narshe: because they aren't Espers.

I thought it was because the crushing despair of modern life made everyone want to just throw away their inhibitions and act the way they really want to, but they won't because they'd starve to death or get shot, so they live vicariously through fictional characters that do?

Did you just pull all of that out of your ass?

No, it's all pretty obvious if you pay any attention to the game. An NPC in vector mentions that Kefka got magic powers from draining espers, and you see him after draining two espers in the magitek facility. The equipment thing comes from knowing that a miss or shield deflection of a spell (which colors the shield red, something unseen in the game prior to that point) is due to equipment; if the spell hits, he takes 0 damage, also due to equipment.

All of this is pretty obvious and I got it when I played the game at 10 years old. Are you dumber than an 10 year old?

Actually, it's a vector NPC helping repair the airship after it crashes and you have the peace talks, iirc. It's retardedly hard to find because there's a specific timing window and you have to backtrack somewhere you have no reason to backtrack.


Best kefka theme.

He was an unexpected and impressive kind of villain for the time. And yes, the bar is so low that he's still impressive compared to those who came after.

No they're not. Necron's Japanese name is something like "Death-Shadow" or something and it's exactly as out of nowhere.

He bangs her in FFVII in a changed under the airship scene if you get her affection points above 50.

Reminder that Gau (or Gogo) can force Kefka to kill himself in the final battle.


This place is not the same

Well I guess it's kind of like a more serious version of (and I'll probably get lambasted for this) Wheatley, from Portal 2. Kefka pre-godhood is a moron who no one can take seriously, even if he is strong. And there are much more important villains and plotlines for you to focus on to the point where Kefka is practically a side character.
What ends up happening, if you're playing the game without already knowing the events in advance, is that the character you'd looked down upon and underestimated throughout the entire game suddenly has complete power and control. Obviously the player can't help this scenario, but in a way, they feel at least partially responsible for creating this monster because they didn't nip it in the bud earlier on and didn't perceive it as a legitimate threat.

Like the Joker, he didn't rationalize his evil like many other villains, he made his motive completely irrational.


actually, Necron's foreshadowed in one place. A conversation about the Iifa tree after you beat it mentions a darker half of it. Necron is this dark half.
Sudden, but not 100% out of nowhere

I'd say he's playing his part quite well

You're a cheeky cunt, aren't you, mate?

I've known that for a while, but what exactly about their relationship after the movie where he finally accepts he isn't alone?