What does Holla Forums look for in a game review?

What does Holla Forums look for in a game review?

Who are Holla Forums's trusted game reviewers?

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At least minor talking about the game, how it works, and what to expect from about the first half an hour to hour. I don't really care if they played it to completion so long as they're honest about not having finished it.

My favorite game reviewer is __me.

I just expect someone to know his shit, I'm more likely to be interested in the opinions of someone who has thoroughly mastered the game rather than some dunce who played through it once. Replaying a game at least twice should be mandatory unless the game is really fucking long


You should kill yourself mutant

i don't think i even implied that user

Not reviewing games on release/being part of the 'influenced' media.
One user here mentioned antisocialfatman, I've found myself agreeing with more or less everything he says.

Someone who's not endlessly cocksucking the game and is addressing faults. I see explosively popular but heavily flawed games like Warband and Terraria but next to no one points them out and only endlessly praise them.

I expect the reviewer to know about the design technique and make a bit of historical analysis and explain what the developer wanted to reach with that. If he has been successful or not and then the basics based on the budget and studio behind to see if the quality of the work is shit or not.

Story as a last part element, if the game manage to have awesome story together with a solid gameplay fucking kudos to that studio. But between a game with solid gameplay with bad story and a game with good story and bad gameplay , I will choose the former.


I let Holla Forums dictate everything in my life

I just trust my gut and watch gameplay. Hasn't done me wrong.

Point out pros and cons as objectively as possible
Research the developers story of released games and compare it to previous releases
Investigate the game's development period to see if there's anything interesting to notice


tell if the games fun or not.

A review does not need to be a complete analysis of everything that makes a game good or bad. It can be, and that's great when someone makes a huge analysis of a game like that (like, say, matthewmatosis), but really all a review needs to be able to do is say what a games strengths and weaknesses are, why, and how they fit into the overall scope of the game. At least, that's my opinion as someone that's been reviewing games for almost 3 years now.

comments to make sure my free game isn't malware.

I stopped reading game reviews after Age of Empires 3.


If you can review a forty hour game in under a single hour, I don't trust it.

Someone who has played more than the first two hours…
Someone who gives a better explanation on why the game is "bad" beyond "It's shit because I say so."…
Someone who doesn't go (To paraphrase), "OMG THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVAR!!! And, you're an idiot if you say otherwise."…

I don't but if I were it would be similar to OPs. No effort put in - no shit's given.

Oh, I forgot the most vital one: someone who doesn't treat themselves like they're God's gift to the world.

I've been following this one guy, Evilagram, since he did articles on that old Holla Forums-spawned review site, Gather Your Party. He focuses on the game aspects of the games he reviews more than anything else, and absolutely detests the idea that 'immersion' is a real thing in games. Mostly a FGCfag, has a flickr album of hitboxes with like 600 different images from various games. https:[email protected]/* *//sets/72157650671215997

I pirate then decide whether its worth a buy or not. No fucking cucks who may or may not be on a game company's payroll is gonna make me change my opinion. The only thing I look for is whether the version I download is malware or not.

Holla Forums, if I'm unsure I play a torrent demo first

another web page

well okay, in the rare cases i do check out a review i generally prefer video reviews because the reviewer can actually show you what they are talking about, or hopefully at the very least you get a glimpse of what you would be in for.
while i do think aesthetics can be important, unless thats the focus of the game, then what i want the reviewer to actually cover is whether things function as they seem they were meant to, if the controls got on their nerves or load times were a bitch. otherwise whether or not the different aspects of the game compliment eachother. so i do want to hear opinions as well as fects but i also want to know why.
finally to show me what is actually fun about the game. show me the "action". its at the bottom of my list because i can just look at any old gameplay video to see that.

Usually, I'll just watch the first half an hour-two hours of a game and judge it myself, honestly don't really trust any reviewers.

I can tell you immediately what a shit reviewer will do.
1. They will start their review with personal background information that has no fucking bearing on anything. Shit like:
2. They tell you what a game is like only by comparing it to other games.
Fucking useless unless you're already familiar with those games (which most of us are but that's beside the point, good writing requires a common ground that not NEETs might not have)
3. Use of buzzwords and purple, overly flowery prose. Shit reviewers usually fill their rants with $5 words when .05c would work just as well. This is usually a telltale sign that the reviewer is an Engilsh/Arts major and doesn't actually have journalism training (not that there's such a thing as games journalism anyway)

A basic understanding of game design and perspective. If they're using 'fun' as a reason, it's probably a joke, if they can break down design decisons or how some game elements function and interact then they might be worth listening to.

I don't think I've seen anyone in years worth listening to; I just swing by places like Nichegamer or skim lots of player reviews and never buy a game at launch.

in-depth and to the point.

i always come back to >youtuber related

What points of the game he discusses and his opinion on them. If it's favorable I go look at the rating he's given to other games and whether they collide with my own ideas.

If those 2 are positive it mostly works out for me.

Honest criticism from a reviewer that is not a handcapped idiot and actually finished the game
I want to know the game flaws in the most objective way possible

I don't look for reviews in the first place.
I play games based on my own impressions by how they are presented to me through gameplay trailers/gameplay videos and discussions about them on here.

I pirate all my vidya, so I honestly give a rat's ass about reviewers.

The problem with reviewers these days is the they are not objective.

Let me explain.

A game has to be judge first on a technical level. I mostly play on the PC. How graphically intensive is the game, how are the graphical option, does it make the game look better, how well those the game impact certain new and old haedware, and most important of all how is the frame pacing?

Next we have bugs, slow downs, loading time and so on, you get the idead.

Then comes the game itself, what genre is it. What is it trying to achieve? Oh it has a story? How well is it implemented between gameplay? Does it have plot holes, does it have good pace, what are it themes? You know just regular rules that we have used and perfected since the Greeks when it comes to narrative.

Next is gameplay. How simple is it to play and how hard are the mechanics? How do the controls feel? Does it feel tight and satisfying or does it have input lag/floaty unsatisfying control? Are the moves in the game all worth it? Is it well balanced? People don't like things too easy nor overwhelmingly hard? Does it find that sweet spot where feel the right amount of challenge and feeling to get better?

When you see a review that takes less than 20 minutes, it's just a rushed job done quickly to be the first in-line to get page or youtube hits, or it comes down to the reviewers personal taste. They aren't specifically well versed in said genres and can't know or compare whether the game is an improvement or not.

I want them to agree with my opinion. When I finish a game I start looking for a review that aligns the most with my thoughts. When I find something that's close enough then I'm satisfied.

link fegget


I just look up negative user reviews and make my own opinion from that. A good negative review usually highlights good points of the game too.

Not even myself.

you're funny and very original. i bet you get all the boipussy you want.

I got yours but it's far below my standards.

I look for nothing in a review because I won't watch any serious ones.

I am my trusted reviewer, it's really not that hard to watch a few dozen minutes of unedited gameplay and decide if it's for you.

That's my secret user. I don't trust any one reviewer. I read different reviews from all sorts of sites, even the shitty ones, taking each review with a hefty grain of salt, given what I know about whichever site I read the review on.

From there, I watch some non-commentated gameplay and judge for myself whether or not I want to play the game. I don't just blindly trust reviews and neither should you.

The big thing is concrete examples and being able to single out bits that they liked/disliked.

This guy's pretty spot on, because objectivity forms the core around which a thing can be judged, tying back to the concrete examples I went over earlier.
After all, you need to know what a thing is before you can pass judgement on it.

I look for gameplay videos from people that are competent at vidya and decide from there.

I only trust what I read on Holla Forums

I look for someone who's taste is close to mine, and I see what they have to say about any given game. I don't care what Johnny normalfag Gamejourno has to say, if he's constantly giving overhyped AAA shit top scores. Our tastes clearly do not allign.

Techraptor makes some decent reviews

You don't need reviews. Just take all the information you can find and make your own decisions.

It's about how players react to games, not in games themselves, but definitely it's a real thing. Let me guess, he also thinks replay value or challenge are not a real thing either, because both require the presence of a player to manifest themselves.

I, Court Wizard of Holla Forums, do not.
Me, you fucking faggot. I can't trust any game reviewers because I can't expect them to have the same taste in video games as I do, you fucking faggot. It's easy as shit to research video games these days so reviewers are obsolete.

God damn August can't get here soon enough.

Game reviews are worthless for all subjective matters. The only thing they're good for is pointing out shit like performance issues, bugs and so forth.

Mandalore Gaming's reviews are good. He doesn't do many videos, but the ones he does are all very long and well thought out. And he's pretty funny sometimes in a dry way. I'll embed and get called a shill but you could always just not fucking click it.

I mostly just look at gameplay vids to see if I like something. If in doubt, pirate it to check it out or ask Holla Forums. I don't even look at review sites anymore, and my friends are total normalfags that play Skyrim, ASSFAGGOTS, or whatever flavour of the month youtuber shitfest is popular.

I only trust Holla Forums for my game reviews. He is fair and unbiased.

Written reviews are the horse and buggy of internet media. A reviewer can substantiate every single point he's making with actual footage and examples, instead of expecting the audience to believe everything they say. Likewise, gameplay companies can cut certain kinds of faggot reviewers off at the knees by providing footage of the game playing well.

I watched a few different youtubers play the Nier demo, for instance, and all over the screen they are getting tips and tutorials saying "THIS IS HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME!" and they still went on through the game just standing back and shooting at the dinky enemies and bosses wondering what to do.

There's been several games that are more complex or more satisfying to play than a written review makes it seem, but because they assigned some faggot who has no passion for his job to do the review, you get lots of half-assed appraisals that either drastically undersell good mechanics or overhype really bland shit, because the reviewer is such a soulless cunt that they take immense joy from something as simple as a character stating that they are gay.

finding some non-commentary game footage is usually enough for me to tell if i like a game or not cept for a few exceptions. sometimes Worth A Buy is okay since he takes into account if a game is fun but not worth 60 dollars sort of fun. Holla Forums works well enough cuz you will get the most negative aspects of a game told to you hear that you won't hear in a review, you just have to take it with a bit of salt because Holla Forums can be overbearing on those aspects even when they're true

Comedy and actual analysis of a game's mechanics. At this point, reviews are their own kind of entertainment medium, because using reviews to decide on buying is actually far less effective than watching gameplay trailers and discussing it with other people.
Matthewmatosis. Fitzthistlewits.


always try before you buy


He writes about player mental states in reaction to games, he just thinks immersion isn't one of them. Forward your complaints here:

Talk about the mechanics, I can see the visuals and hear the audio so the only thing I can't tell is how it plays.
Make comparisons to other games not "souls like" but how specific mechanics are similar to other games.
And most importantly of all completely ignore my opinion as I completely ignore all reviews except Kilian

A fast torrent.

Any other response is stupid and wrong.

Youtube gameplay videos without commentary.

I don't even know anymore. It's been so long since I've seen a good one.

This, if I really like a game I'll consider purchasing a copy. But the market is so saturated with kikes and lefty propaganda at this point that it rarely happens.


The reverse SJW is real.

Lurk more.

I don't trust game reviews anymore. It may be cancer, but I just search up a let's play, preferably by someone not loud and annoying.

People who actually review the fucking game.

dibs confirm