Villains who were right

Villains who were right

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You've met the requirements to end your life. As a bonus, make sure to drink bleach before sticking a rotten cactus up your cunt.

This is now a MGS/Revengeance thread. Why are the villains in these games always right?

Gutscucks need to go back

They're charismatic as fuck and everyone else is cucked to hell

autists always are misunderstood




Prove me wrong.

The guy from Shadow Hearts 2 was pretty much the only truly selfless person in the whole thing, and the only reason you stop him is because you and your party are selfish dicks unwilling to sacrifice for a genuine utopia.
The man was more than willing to throw his existence away for a world without jews until you fuck it all up

How was he right? He basically willingly let the Combine end the human race just to save his own skin. Unless you're arguing that it was a delaying tactic to let humanity get its shit together and retaliate.


I'd argue that, regardless of his personal motive, the human race would have been fucked without the delay he provided. I'm willing to accept he may have done it for the wrong reasons mind (perhaps he thought he was doing it selflessly) but the rebels (and indeed their logistical support that was so necessary for Freeman's success) wouldn't have been a factor if not for Breen. Hell even if Freeman hadn't shown up - and without that and a whole heap of plot armour the rebels didn't stance a chance in hell - the Combine might have collapsed eventually of their own accord (all empires do): that would have left humanity in a better position than resistance at all costs would have.

Yeah I'd agree with that, although I doubt the Combine would have collapsed of its own accord, empires fall because of internal and external pressures, and external ones are usually the more damaging.

How are you defining external? I mean a loss of confidence/fear among existing populations (internal - leads to mass rebellions) can be caused by external incompetence (see: WW2 and European Empires) but generally those rebellions are going to rely on creating political/economic pressure in the home territories (as internal as can be) more than winning militarily. I suppose that argument works both ways since the final collapses of the Roman Empire - both in the West and in the East - were results of external factors (invasions) that arguably only succeeded because of long-term political/cultural/military stagnation (internal). It rather depends on how far back you want to follow the causal chain.
Either way what I really meant by 'of their own accord' is 'without humanity doing it or having to push them off earth' rather than simply imploding for no reason. My fault for using vague terminology.

Well there's a good chance that by the time the Combine, a fucking interdimensional empire, would have collapsed due to societal rot actual humans may not have even been a thing anymore.

Empires always seem invincible until the tipping point user. Regardless if the Combine are so invincible as for that to be a valid worry betting humanity's future on the slim chance of pushing them off of earth immediately after the 7 hour war (the point at which I assume Breen took over) and their never successfully coming back for revenge is not a good idea. Any competent Empire dedicates overwhelming resources to answering successful resistance no matter how disproportionate it is because the appearance of invincibility/inevitability is essential.
If the choice is between the Combine going full on extermination and leaving - at best - a handful of human survivors or an occupation that will likely leave Earth littered with advanced technology and some degree of working logistical capability if/when the Combine Empire collapses the latter wins every time. Collaborating also gives the opportunity to learn more about the political situation/wider inter-dimensional world too. There is the prickly issue of the field that prevents reproduction but I assume there are options to deal with that (perhaps a reward for loyalty? Breen hints at that but it's potentially just propaganda) and again consider that a (hopefully temporary) halt to breeding is preferable to mass extinction. Worst case cloning or somesuch might be available. Valve also did not go into it but does the field actually cover the entire planet? That's going to take a fuckton of power, more than seems sane to keep on at all times.

Without breeding, all they'd need to do is last for about 50 years until all the women reach menopause.

Except her plans and motivation are completely stupid

I did point out that was rather a concern, I still fail to see how resisting them helps though: they could quite happily come and set up their suppression field anyway and just gun people down in addition to it.

Don't we have a tier list for villains?

Morden literally did nothing wrong, just like this guy.

It would have made sense if she was just a sadistic freak that fingered at the sight of other's suffering. but then they went on the bullshit I LOVE MY OWN DESPAIR TOO LOL and everything went full fucking retard, just like everyone who likes the cunt

because Kojima is a liberal hack and always makes his villains strong.
Skullface wanted to wipe out the language that transmits the knowledge to make nukes with a bioweapon, even the most overtly evil one wasn't so bad.

I mean I guess he's a libertarian.



We sure do.

That's the wrong list and shit list anyways

fight me

With a large enough insurrection, they wouldn't be able to. You underestimate the power of the average retard with a gun – it's not like in the movies where a single soldier mows down fifty terrorists in one swoop of his rifle.

Option A:

Option B:

In the end, Sidious was right.

The stallone effect: Where you are more likely to win when 1 man going up against 20 enemies than 20 enemies going up against 1 enemy.

Reminder that option A is no longer canon


Fuck Disney and fuck their nu-Canon.

Assuming this insurrection happens soon after the war in which the entirety of humanity's armed forces were defeated in 7 hours what are a handful of (demoralised and disorganised) rebels going to achieve? This is the point, roughly, at which Breen becomes a factor.
Also most major anti-insurgency operations have had their hands tied by not being able - or indeed willing - to simply shoot fuckers on site or destroy all infrastructure and starve people out. Once you make that an option you could remove the vast majority of Earth's population in a year or two and reduce the few that survive to mud-huts without much in the way of effort. After that there's nobody relevant left to attack whatever generates your suppression field.

Now if you're talking about an insurrection years after the fact once the main Combine force is elsewhere and rebels are organised etc then yes, success is more likely, but those conditions can only come about if Breen or someone else (regardless of motive) gives the Combine a good reason not to go full genocide.

Really I want to know what the Republic would have done if any non-Sith separatist movement ever showed up. Their governmental model was clearly extremely bureaucratic to the point of paralysis and they had no standing army so it was doomed to failure and chaos. The only remaining options are reform (unlikely without catastrophic events prompting it) or the Empire. It should also be noted that what kills benevolent dictatorship is succession crises and Sheev had that planned out (originally Anakin, post-Mustafar Sheev can live forever anyway).

Out of curiosity, did anyone watch their newest SW movie? I lost the courage to watch it after even my dad (who has shit-tier taste in movies and liked Rogue-one) called it utter bullshit. How bad was it?

you'd need to mobilize the rest of human population

A fraction of the whole population, and they weren't fighting guerilla warfare.

Then Combine can just waltz back in later anyway. Breen's course would lead to eventual extinction of humanity, and humanity wouldn't even fight it.

It actually has really started to bother me, the sacralization of fiction in our society. The use of religious terms like "canon" seem innocent, but then fandom culture and the masses take mass media/fiction as the basic lodestone of social interaction. It's fucked up.

Fuck disney, they're no longer canon.

They'd probably send the jedi to deal with them or start drafting people if it came to secession. Only difference being that they wouldn't have the clones to help them and would have to rely on droids and actual footsoldiers. It'd take too long though, and the seceded movement would probably take a few planets before things really got going. A bit like Kotor 1 but without the mandalorians or any of that other shit. I'd imagine it would tear the republic apart, especially with jedi falling to the dark side during the war.

There's a new one after Rogue one? I watched the Rogue one film with my dad, and thought it was shit. So much of the film just didnt even make sense.

Never mind, I meant force awakens. Rogue one is the new one.

I had to write a short article for a class once, for some reason I made it about how pop culture is the new form of polytheist mythologies. Specifically, that monotheisms make a point of being only about god rather than a collection of stories, and that the need for mythology had to go somewhere. Some of it made it into the christian tales of sainthood, but ultimately it ended up as pop culture. It was a very throwaway thought, but your post reminded me of it.

How? We've just lost every major military and I assume every major government. How do you convince people to run out and die where trained soldiers have failed? The Combine have not, as of yet, set up any administration centres, started to give out food or even started harvesting resources so you have no soft targets. You have no soldiers, no logistics, no officers, no morale and no targets: your rebellion is doomed to fail before it even starts.
Guerilla warfare isn't going to work against people who are happy to simply remove all (human) life from earth and doubly so when their entire army is still around. All they've got to do is paralyse shipping and aircraft (easily done), hit major population centres to cause panic and remove governments and finally target farmland and other strategic resources (let's see humanity fight for long without oil production or electricity, for example, not to mention food) and then wait. Additionally the entire rest of human population are not relevant if we assume they're only permanently based in North America because nobody is getting to North America without permission: you've only got to completely pacify the populations of Canada, the USA and Mexico and wait everyone else out.
Maybe, though it's established in-universe that their understanding of portal technology is poor. Regardless if they can just come back then what prevents them from doing that in your scenario? Do you really think they'll just give up and go home because the first invasion failed? This is a problem for both strategies.
Breen's course gives a potential chance for humanity to survive albeit a slim one (again I point out that Freeman and the rebellion as presented in HL2 only succeeded because of conditions Breen brought about). Your idea of futile resistance at all costs might be honourable or what have you but it's simply not going to succeed. The smart move is for humanity to bide its time, perhaps rise up in rebellion or perhaps wait until the Combine empire fucks up due to other factors.

I didn't even bother finishing TFA and am honestly surprised at feeling a complete lack of motivation to see any of the other new films. It's not even worth it for the comedic value.

As established in the prequels there are nowhere near enough jedi to achieve anything meaningful in a military sense.
That's going to take months at best if not years unless we go the emergency powers route which the films seem to imply are tantamount to dictatorship. Regardless even if that happens it takes time to train people, mass-manufacture weapons and ships etc etc.
Pretty much how I'd see it going down. Even if we remove the Yuuzhan Vong the Republic as shown in the films alone was going to collapse in the face of its first major (military) threat. Now a reformed Republic would be better than a dictatorship but if that isn't on the table I'll take the Emperor over a galaxy in chaos. Peace through power, peace through power.

The combine don't even think like humans do. Don't attach human concepts to beings from another dimension. Their civilization could have lasted for millions of years, if not forever. They seemed like a highly efficient hivemind, not a republic.

I agree in a broad sense, but exclude monotheism from the equation. Active monotheisms tend to have a fairly wide array of sacralized figures and myths, even if is sacred history rather than strict mythology. Religious (in the broadest possible sense) archetypes are primarily the manifestation of social memory and present social roles, so as the amount of meaningful social roles (or rather, societally acknowledged paths through life) and number of vocations (again in the classical sense, not in terms of employment) decrease or are condensed, there's going to be a huge outpouring of dissonance caused by mismatch between the prior expectations of the society and the new roles or lack thereof. You can see this now with the vanguard of the leveling force (the left, more or less) going after every traditional institution, even those as profaned and late as fraternities or sports institutes.

Because they're literally nationalists. The Boss, Big Boss, Liquid, Solidus. Every one of them fights to free America from the globalists (Zero) grasp.

Except they're not, except Solidus. The Boss is an actual open, not just Holla Forums-meme, open borders globalist. Big Boss is a revivalist the way the original (pre-government) italian fascists were, as he wants to revive the Kshatriya as a caste, essentially. Liquid was doing it out of personal loyalty, ideology was secondary.

Perhaps, if that's the case I don't see how our fighting them particularly without waiting a while is going to help. Maybe if someone like Breen would work with them we'd know more about their society. Also it's quite clear that they are not all-powerful given G-Man and how he looks to be employed by their enemies.

Why is Kira "patrician tier"? Solidus, Valentine and Big Boss all were actually antiheroes, but Kira is just a sadistic murderer.

The Combines plan was to completely eradicate humanity though. It was shown in Half Life 2 that they were in the midst of terraforming Earth and sucking up the oceans for use on their other worlds.
I'm sure even they were aware of the logistic nightmare that would be actually murdering 8 billion individual people, so they decided to play the long game, and wait until the last humans are born into captivity.
If Gordon didn't take out the reproductive suppression field in his lifetime, humanity would have been absolutely fucked.

I think it's more that their plan is to harvest Earth's resources and they don't really give a fuck what happens to the humans, except in the capacity as harvest-able resources.

You're so wrong.
You must be confused who we are talking of. I mean the woman, The Boss. The leader of the Cobras. She was a hardline nationalist whose dream was to make the "world whole again", by which she meant making it go back to the way it was before globalism. This is literally explained in MGS4 when Big Boss says he and Zero both misinterpreted her ideals.
Yeah, Big Boss and Liquid were doing it for selfish reasons but their actions benefited nationalism and defeated the kike Zero.
Solidus was a true nationalist who really loved his country and wanted an America the Founding Fathers had envisioned. So you're at least right about him being the most nationalist out of them all.
But The Boss was extremely nationalistic herself.

They enslave entire populations. I believe the planets of the synthed species you fight against have been completely taken over and ruled by the Combine in every way. Regardless, if the suppression field wasn't taken down within 50 years, there would have been nobody who hasn't been borged/kept for replication.

Oh I know, I figured they'd help as leaders/generals/high level saboteurs or assassins. Pmuch the navy seals of the republic or like Elite rangers from New Vegas.
Yep, a big point against the Republic. They'd spend way way way too long arguing about it, until gains were made by the seperatists, and then finally decide to start, but then they'd still need to draft civilians, create armor and weapons, ships, consoldiate supplies like food, water, toiletries, etc. Logistics would be an absolute nightmare. That's not even taking into account most of these fresh recruits would be untrained kids or civvys going into battle with little to no experience.
Yep, that's how I see it too. The best explanation for the Republic is the one given by Kreia in Kotor 2, calling it a sick beast, laboring for breath. It's in no condition to fight, and the very act of doing it will either kill the republic, or change it into something else.

They would have been able to do that in a few days, considering in HL2 lore they actually genocided ALL children on Earth within hours. Would have been easy to do the same for all adults as well, they just wanted to use them as slave labor.

I thought the Boss wanted a one world government without war, which is the ideal she came to when she went into space and saw the entire earth from space, with no barriers, or border lines?

You're completely and utterly wrong. She saw the world without borders from space and decided that it meant nation states were meaningless.

No, that was what Zero THOUGHT The Boss wanted. Rather it was what Zero (who is Jewish btw) wanted himself and just used "The Boss wanted it" as an excuse. It's very clearly stated The Boss wanted nations to be separate again.

Nope, I am 100% right and you are 100% wrong. Go play the games again. It was so fucking clearly stated The Boss wanted to end globalism and make the world go back to how it was before it. Jesus guys, pay attention.

Go find me the word Globalism in Metal Gear Solid 3 or 4. I will be waiting. I doubt you've even played the fucking games.


You are so clueless nigger. Why would the word globalism have to be used in the games, the plot is still about nationalism vs globalism. About nation states vs world government.
Big Boss has an entire long ass speech at the graveyard at the end of MGS4 where the talks about this, about how both he and Zero completely misunderstood her and that she actually wanted to reverse the way things had been going and return the world to how it used to be.
Go watch that graveyard cutscene again.

No Holla Forumsack would even jokingly say Hitler was a villain. He was literally the hero. So the guy you are replying to is ultimately not very redpilled.

The Boss wanted a world where people didn't fight to force their ideals on others, nor fight to crush the ideals of others. A world where everyone simply lived and tolerated that some people do X, some people do Y, and nothing will change that. She didn't want an 'all cultures mixed, inclusive and diverse world'. Simply a world that was 'left alone.' Where agendas, governments, and ideologies didn't try to extend their reach and enforce their beliefs. That's what the entire point of "Let the world be" is.

I don't think wishing to strip-mind earth is the same as wanting to eradicate humanity, that's just a side-effect.
It's less work to just remove all major resources etc and just let humanity reduce itself down into the millions. People don't last long in a resource crisis if you're dropping bombs on anyone who tries to organise things. Consider that occupying earth requires providing food and water, staffing prisons, dealing with rebels (and the possibility of their shutting down your portal however remote that possibility might be) and even mass-transformation of humans into combine troops solely for the purpose of policing other humans. Sure death-camp style extermination of humanity is a lot of work but just removing resource production and waiting a year or two does the job for you: hell you can even get on with strip-mining and ocean harvesting while you wait if you want. I'm not suggesting the Combine would go out and actually shoot 8 billion people: that's the least efficient way to exterminate humanity if you aren't particularly pushed for time.
Humanity would have been absolutely fucked if they had continued to resist at all costs after the 7 hour war. The slim chance of Freeman coming to save shit at all was reliant on Breen's actions.

Fair enough, they're still going to need an army of course and there's no Clones to ass-pull without Sheev.
Potentially defectors or separatist loyalists too.
Yes: the question then is whether or not Sheev's Empire is the best of the available options (or the best likely option).

Pretty sure they didn't actually kill kids since Alyx was a baby at the time. HL2 is set ~20 years after 1 and there just haven't been new kids since then.
That's another good point: if they don't feel the need to keep humanity around (after being persuaded by Breen, perhaps) why bother?

No, it's not, you dense mother fucker. It's about the evolving nature of war. Stop treating nationalism and globalism as if they're historical universals and not simply the problem we're dealing with right now.

It… LITERALLY FUCKING IS ABOUT THAT. Holy shit you are dumb. Are you fucking retarded? Don't come and argue about MGS plot if you didn't understand it. It's completely, entirely about nationalism and globalism you mouthbreather. The themes of war in it are minor compared to the entire overarching theme of globalism in the entire game series. Hello, the plot goes over 50 years during which Zero changes the world from nation states to NWO one world, and the main teaching of the story is all the fucked up shit that results from globalism. War becoming a business was just one tiny part of the effects of globalism. Zero also was going to destroy all cultural, racial and language differences on the entire planet, creating a mongrel race that only speaks English and has no culture and no free will of its own.

Completely unrelated to the topic, what a non-argument. Considering MGS is about what we are dealing with right now. HUrrr, that's where Kojima got the ideas for the plot to begin with, from globalism being enforced in the real world.

Kids, please, there are no wrong answers here when it comes to interpretation.

Hard to interpret the MGS plot wrong when it has a total of like 40 hours of cutscenes that are mostly about nationalists fighting against globalists, and about how the globalist Top Jew has destroyed the concept of borders, has turned war into a business for profit, and is trying to force different races to race mix and get rid of their cultures.
Then this retard comes here and says the plot is not about globalism. I guess not if you play the game with your head up your own ass like 03bcf4 does.

but that's wrong you fucking faggot

Can we shit some more on Outlast 2?
I've never seen such a trite piece of shit game. This is worse than your average indie walking simulator because it pretends to be an actual game.

I don't know if it's the dialogue itself or the voice acting but it gives me goosebumps.
I don't actually think they did nothing wrong but I can sympathize with them, especially considering their backstory.

Their form of slavery isn't even that bad minus the whole slave shielding whole species rather than letting individuals who want to fight be battle thralls.
Forgetting that the Slylandro were a thing was kind of dickish though.

Failed sequel thread?

There's a difference between being in the right and doing nothing wrong. As I said I find their motives sympathetic but their "diplomacy" is pretty much exactly what the Dynarri did to them, complete submission or annihilation. Also they didn't wipe out the Kohr-Ah when they had the chance and that really came back to bite them in the ass.

To be fair being mind raped for generations while also having your species split in two can't be the best on the ol' decision maker. I'd choose a slave shield over that any day.

A true hero.

Breen's actions allowed humanity a chance to fight back properly. The only thing the Combine need humans for is more slaves, if the entire population of earth rose up as one then maybe they could bring a fight to the Combine, but they would always lose in the end. Breen creating a puppet-planet, regardless of his intentions, allows the remaining humans to formulate a proper strategy, to figure out weaknesses in the Combine, to target specific areas and remove installations. Gordon was the catalyst for removing the Combine, but if the 7 hour war had continued he would have woken up into a wasteland of Earth, probably in the midst of humanity being wiped out.

His only sin is that he was born a fucking leaf. Otherwise all his actions are completely justifiable, except the alliance with the Mars People.


If Spike Chunsoft didn't deviate from their original intentions (trust vs mistrust), you can replace hope and despair with those two concepts and suddenly the whole story makes much more sense, at least for DR1 (I don't like the other ones). Literally she shows the world that, given the circumstances, even these goody two shoes bunch of friends will murder each other for the chance of getting out from an imaginary prison. The only reason why she failed miserably is because Kirigiri takes an improbable gamble of having Naegi lie to the crowd to cover her actions, letting him into her own torture device, having said device malfunction, having him fall to his death in the conveniently placed garbage disposal facility, having him survive the fall and some time without supplies, avoid getting caught herself and believing that Naegi could and would deliver the final blow for no other reason than "he's got pointy protagonist hair".

This list is kinda shit tbh
Bowser should replace Big Boss, Junko should be at least on the wrong level, the Mayor is fucking patrician tier, also there's no Todd Howard category


I mean… who wouldn't want to cleanse the world of those degenerate filth?



Wasn't his fault. You can thank Smegmar for that.

"takes the knot and spills it"?

Sure looks like some jojopleb made this. Tell me, did you start sucking dicks yet ? Do you often use the term *boypussy*? Do you put lipstick on ? Did you inject silicone into your lips ?

The hero wasn't wrong either.

Fuck, I quoted something by mistake.

Why does that throne have an asshole?

Because you want to fuck it.


How the hell did they get the logistics for the clones in the first place? An army was explained, but supplies, ships, guns and mobile artillery don't just spawn out of nowhere. Plus, they actively threw their lives away with the way they fought, because Lucas was a fucking hack. The clones are only the smallest part of a much larger logistic issue.

On a side note, it was kind of clever that he followed the basic concept that a tyrant rules through use of foreigners, and their arms. Lucas is still a hack.

I tried pirating and playing Far Cry 4 recently, and my first thought was - "can I side with Gulman instead of those filthy rebels?" Pretty soon I realized that I hate this entire fucking shitty game, so I just uninstalled it and watched the endings on youtube, and it turns out those filthy rebels were actual fucking terrorists, both of their leaders were lying backstabbing assholes and pink guy was trying his best to hold the country together and there is a secret easter egg ending right in the beginning of the game where he explains the whole plot, helps you fulfill your original goal and then adopts you. Quality writing here, Ubishit.

it's not his fault the country is being conquered left and right
you can only do so much, but you can't save a kingdom that's surrounded
even hitler failed, how is harlaus supposed to do any better
let the man have his feasts, at least he'll die happy

Hitler failed because he tried to wage the war on the entire world, with his retarded economic policy of "let's just take everyone else's shit by force". No one was willing to touch him with a ten-foot stick, hell, they even let him annex the parts of Czechoslovakia with no consequences (picrelated), but then he started acting in a way that was impossible for everyone to ignore.

Is this what they seriously teach people in schools?

Yes, and there are people retarded enough to think this is how it actually played out because he was crazy or something so it doesn't have to make sense.

Hitler specifically tried to prevent war with the Allies with the pact he made with Stalin while planning his invasion of Poland. After the Allies declared war on Germany it was just one big domino effect.

Then why the fuck did he broke this pact?

Even after Mega Man decided to have more complex stories, nearly all of its villains are bog standard villains of the week, with two exceptions.
Repliforce did nothing wrong.
Bass.exe is right to act the way that he does, he's just an edgy faggot who has an incomplete philosophy about it.

You must be confused.
The person you described is a faggot, while not all Jojo fans are faggots, many faggotsare Jojo fans. Also, a pleb wouldn't know who Valentine is and would put Le Ebin Za Warudo man on the list instead.

Different user,but if I remember correctly WWII happened because there were all those deals between countries to support one another if one attacked one of them.

Ironically,instead of stopping the war on it's tracks this only escelated the war as Germany required some form of assistance(like Japs and Italians).So Germany didn't so much go to war with everyone else as much as he had to when he started the Blitzkrieg.Then there might've been the fact that he expected a short term war instead of a long one,fucking him over in the long run.The real nail in the coffin was Russia's zerg rush of soldiers,with Japland waking the sleeping giant being a reason to end the war more quickly.

If user is wrong about history,are you not obliged to post the actual correct answer instead of being a smug faggot?

Yes and no,on the one hand Hitler made a pact to avoid war with him,on the other they were mor or less expecting war regardless.

Granted my memory's really fuzzy but didn't he break that pact when he failed with conquering a major area of russia.

Get out Grifith.

Because if he didn't, Stalin would have.
Don't think Stalin wouldn't have, he gobbled up Eastern Europe just fine when the Allies gave him the go ahead.

Because Stalin was planning to break it himself? A Soviet invasion of Eastern Europe and Germany was inevitable, Hitler just took the preemptive strike route in an attempt to knock out Stalin before he could build up a large enough force to do so. Unfortunately for Hitler his whole invasion plan got fucked by his Generals insisting there would be no need to prepare for a winter war because they would get to Moscow before winter, and as history goes they didn't and got fucked.


Yeah, right, he had so many reasons to do so, like, umm, I don't know, because taking over the entire Europe was a part of his "socialism in one country" policy?
Nope, you retard. He only tried to reclaim the territories that originally belonged to Russian Empire and were lost after the revolution.

Said who?

This is your brain on Holla Forums.

To be fair, he had the most straight-forward plan of any individual character in the franchise

Because Stalin was starting to be a threat and so they tried to do a pre-emptive strike in the hopes of causing the Soviets to collapse before they decide they don't really need Germany anymore.

How is Breen right, exactly?

Then why the fuck did he act in an aggressive and predatory manner towards neighboring countries? Annexing Austria and Sudetenland from Czech in such a short time period, then forcing them to give Germany more territory because muh ethnic German population. Forget Italy and Japan's expansionist tendencies, Germany alone had provoked war enough times that eventually the allies looked like pussies for giving in to Hitler's demands.

Staling had no valid reason to declare war on Germany and probably would never have done it, if Hitler played it smart and gave the ruskies half of Poland as a non-aggression guarantee.

Yes it was, you blithering retard. Or, rather, it was divided between Russia, Prussia and Austria.
Seriously, what is wrong with you?

So, it was pretty much "we think he may attack us so we attack him first to make sure we will have to fight with him"?

Yes, he is. One of the themes of MGS is the nature of what makes a hero, and features a lot of shitty people doing good things, for that reason. Nearly everyone is doing right things for the wrong reasons, and the wrong things for the right reasons.

Yes. If the Germans were to, for example, side with the Bongistanis instead (I know it wouldn't have happened but just consider it as an example) then Hitler wouldn't really have to fear being invaded by them at the end of the war as was with the Soviets. The reason for that is that the Soviet Union was even open about the fact that they want a "world revolution", meaning it was not a matter of "if" but rather "when". Obviously this doesn't 100% prove that the Soviets would have done it but the risk was there.

Huh, that's strange. Because I have these pictures of Hungarians taking down a statue of a man that was presumably standing in Budapest. He looks familiar, I can't quite put my finger on it… It obviously can't be Stalin, no sir, you just told me so. And these appear to be Soviet soldiers, my my.
tl,dr: google the Hungarian Crisis, you mong

Stalin was deploying massive amounts of troops on the german russian border. So everyone thought that a russian attack was imminent. And considering that Russia invaded Finland out of nowhere shortly beforehand it wasn´t really a completley unfounded fear.


No they weren't, you retard. You know why Trotsky was kicked out, right?

Hungary was German ally, you retard, and it attacked Soviet Union first.
Which happened, wait for it, in 1956.

I wonder why, because Hitler was such a nice neighbor.
Nope, Finland was part of RI as well.

Poland existed before Russia became an empire m8.

That picture drives me off the fucking chain, I have cousins and acquaintances who are just like this or act like this when minors throwing a tantrum is the issue
I absolutely hate nu-parents
If you look at all of the Germanic history barring the times where it was Germania, the biggest struggle they had was the unification of the German people under one banner. Throughout the latest centuries, Germany has always tried to PREVENT wars from being fought in Europe. Bismarck is a prime example of that, he made sure that every alliance he made was strategic to keep everyone from attacking each other. However, partly because of International Jewry, partly because the Kaiser was a fucking incompetent moron who couldn't even get his own relatives to call off an useless war, partly because the Eternal Anglo couldn't deal with Tanzania being a German colony and partly because the Austro-Hungarians took fucking forever to take action, a war broke out all the same. With Hitler it's more of a "nobody liked him because he killed the idea that bankers are crucial to a nation's existence" kind of deal, the Soviet Union was just a covert operation by the Allies and (((special interest groups))) who wanted to stop Germany's plans by making a kosher version of the German Miracle. Literally Hitler knew that a war with any country ever would mean immediate capitulation, he only ever requested the nips and finngolians to join the Axis because he was outnumbered to hell and back, even calling Italy was a last ditch effort since they never finished their own mobilization and industrialization efforts (later history books would claim Italy joined begrudgingly in 1940 because they totally didn't want to go to war guys - while in reality they just couldn't even conquer a bunch of nigger spearmen with their tech, heaven forbid they had to fight an actual war).

If anything, the big bad of WWII is not even International Jewry, it's fucking Britain who wouldn't sign a goddamn piece of paper declaring the end of the hostilities and the return to the original borders from pre WWI times for Germany and France, even when the Germans were to hand them much more valuable shit in return.

And Stalin was a better neighbor? lol.

He was quite the looker in his early days to be honest.

Kārlis Ulmanis told people to stand down and not attack Soviet forces that wanted to pass through because he wanted to maintain good relations with Russia. Not too long afterwards he died in a forced labor camp and was subsequently buried in an unmarked grave in Turkmenistan.

All of them looked really unkempt and have that a really hipster look to them.

Dude what?

Looks like an effeminate kike, honestly.

It's one of the things that worries me the most, because all of the fucking leftists that I know look exactly like that, so we could get another Soviet Union started by one of these bastards and I could stop it right now but I don't know which one to go for
Also a tidbit of history from an acquaintance from a Soviet controlled region, they used to privately mock him because Georgians are to Russians what the Welsh are to Englishmen, except their stereotype is for Georgians to eat large quantities of food, particularly meat, so at least none of them will start a vegan uprising.

He looks like the friendly guy in the neighborhood who greets you daily with a smile on his face while hiding a massive amount of corpses underneath his house.

You sure about that Ivan?

The Winter War was a military conflict between the Soviet Union and Finland in 1939–1940. It began with the Soviet invasion of Finland on 30 November 1939 (three months after the outbreak of World War II), and ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty on 13 March 1940. The League of Nations deemed the attack illegal and expelled the Soviet Union from the League on 14 December 1939.

He picked the wrong side and had an axe to grind that not many liked?

It's the only portrait I know of and I don't trust kikepedia for information, sue me

That's the price of being a commie.

Who fucking cares, Poland lost, Russia won.

While I do agree that uglosucksons were a global shit midas, but Soviet Union was actually a result of German attempt to take the Russian Empire out of WW1, then it was appropriated by kikes for a short time until Trotsky got kicked out, and then it started opposing kikes, uglosucksons and nazis all at once.

Finland was a part of Russian Empire.

Considering how Soviet Union persecuted mudslimes, criminalized homosexuality and didn't had a welfare for lazy asses, this is highly unlikely.

Next you'll tell me Finland started the war by firing on a Russian town you giga nigger.

Russia fought a war to win the finnish territory from sweden. It did not become a direct part of russia, but an autonomous region.
Finns rebelled all the time. They hated russians. Russians tried to appease them and culturally assimilate them.
It failed once more nationalistic books were published and both russians and swedes tried to repress those works from reaching the public. Finns didn't like that at all.
Later on finns would have a considerably good industry, so much so that the russians became jealous.

Yes well, Big Boss admittedly not a nationalist, but he was at least opposed to globalism and masterminded the war against Zero.
But there's no doubt about The Boss or Solidus being devout nationalists, especially Solidus who is willing to kill and die for the Founding Fathers dream.


No, it was 100% certain. Stalin had already amassed his entire army on Polands borders while going "What? Invade Europe? Naaaah we're not thinking of doing anything like that :P"

Nah, that's an edited picture they made to make the oppressed Russians think he is charming and good looking. In reality Stalin was a manlet with all kinds of deformities, for example one of his legs was shorter than the other and he would always waddle when he walked.
I've read his biography and he was also described as having horrible acne scars all over his face, which were edited out of this picture.
Here's what the rat actually looked like.

You must be a very confused boy to think Finland was part of the Russian Empire during World War 2 when Russia attacked Finland. Finland had become independent in 1917, and the Russian empire sure as fuck did not exist during WW2.
The war against Finland was a Russian (read: Commie Jew) war of aggression.

which is different from what i said how?

Having friends with acne scars, that looks twenty times worse

This is actually false. The Germans were said to have started the commie revolution in Russia after the war was well over to paint them as the ultimate boogeyman before they turned their country into Weimar. It's possible that German spies openly supported the Kikes in Russia, but the communist revolution was their own product and they were even trying to set one up in the final days of the second Reich trying to stir up shit while people were terrified of the incoming American reinforcements.

Cause Kiras only real crime was killing some shitty middle school kid that everyone forgot about after 2 episodes

It's not acne scarring, its smallpox scarring

Shigechi being killed by Kira was why everyone even bothered to bring him to justice in the first place.

Yeah but it was all his fault he wouldn't have died if he just gave kira his fucking sandwich bag, but no the little shit had to act like a big man and get himself blown up.

Can someone explain to me what Jojo is even about and what Kira's motives are?

TL;DR: Dio Brando is an asshole (Parts 1,3) and so are his minions (Part 6), and it's up to the Joestars to kick their asses.
Kira wants to live a peaceful life (Part 4), but he's addicted to murdering women and cutting off their hands because he has a hand fetish.

Jojo is about the joestar lineage, and Kira is a serial killer wth a hand fetish.



Are you victim blaming?

JJBA is a series of adventures surrounding the Joestar lineage. Each "part" (eight in total as of today) is self contained and deals with the adventures of one (sometimes more) of their descendants.
In part IV, which usually gets a spot in the Top 3 by Western fans, Josuke Higashikata (the bastard child of one of the older heroes) lives a normal life as a "delinquent" of sorts in a small Japanese town and swears to protect it from harm after his gramps is killed. It plays basically like a Japanese Ed, Edd'n'Eddy but with mind powers (they're called Stands from the act of the power manifesting as a humanoid being like in Persona). Kira is the main villain of the story who is usually regarded as a "dindu noffin" guy because, despite being a serial killer who masturbates to severed hands and plays them like they're his girlfriends', his goal is to live a quiet life without having to fight to survive (in contrast to all other villains from the series who have muh righteousness or muh power as motivation). Because he's pretty autistic though he manages to get found by the Josuke and his friends (and bigger nephew).


another butthurt guts fan


Arantir was too good for these fucking humans.

Pagan Min lost me when he said where is this artifact, cannonball it in the root? I just had to shoot him.

I remember a video made by either LORE or someone similar (animated) about kickstarter or scam crowdfunding that lasted for maybe a minute or two.
It had a guy sitting in front of his computer, staring at the audience and saying something like: "The game is in pre-pre-alpha: we haven't even started coding yet. But we'll finish it. Wink wink, nudge nudge."
Sage because of shameless request. I just can't find this fucking video anywhere

You're trying to discuss shit with retards on Holla Forums
They have no understanding of History.

Not having this playing in the background.

Armstrong was a good goy who was willing to kill the one guy who saw the hypocrisy. Armstrong a shit.

Well as the picture suggests, he still did do a few things wrong.
While he did take enjoyment out of preparing to make Alyx and Eli suffer the wrath of the ayys, most of his actions can be somewhat justified due to ending the war that could have meant the ending of the entire human race.

It seems you have no idea about history, you dumbass communist.

Hitler actually addressed this himself. He did not realize that the Soviets were capable of pumping out so many tanks. This, combined with human wave tactics, was the ultimate undoing of the Wehrmacht.

Japan attacked the U.S. in retaliation for an oil embargo. The Japs were growing desperate, because they needed oil for their war machine.

If you are referring to the generals wanting to capture Moscow instead of dispersing, you have to understand that capturing a single city isn't going to do much against an enemy the size of the fucking Soviet Union. Stalin would've simply moved across the Urals.

Fog of war, communist.

Here we see the pot reveal his true nature. You say that Holla Forumslacks don't know anything about history, yet you say that Hitler was a leader at any point in WW1. You are an idiot: Hitler was a corporal, and a message runner. He consistently refused promotions, but he was still given the Iron Cross for bravery in combat.

Daily reminder that Griffith died on the lake after killing his own men only to allow a demon to take over his body. Griffith is dead and was replaced by a generic "I am right, everyone else is wrong!" demon.

This is conflicted by your faggots own words.
You said Hitler knew Russians were going to attack by masses of tanks on soldiers on the border.
But he decides what he will do is take his already stretched army to attack a country which historically has never been conquered when they were already scaling for an attack instead of fortifying to for a defensive war that would allow less attrition and soldier death?

And that means U.S is at fault how? Also it wasn't just Oil shit for brains it was steel to.

Japan decided to attack a huge country with endless resources when they were already unable to get steel and oil for their ships and planes?
That's as retarded as Hitler attacking a country under the presumptiont hey would attack first when they are obviously more prepared for it then he.

If you are referring to the generals wanting to capture Moscow instead of dispersing, you have to understand that capturing a single city isn't going to do much against an enemy the size of the fucking Soviet Union. Stalin would've simply moved across the Urals.

No I'm discussing preparation to D-Day where Hitler was fooled by reports of large enemy attack on another front.
Which was a distraction to keep troops away from Normandy.

I love how there is always an excuse.
If I disagree with you I'm a commie.
If Japan attacks a superior nation and get's their and their allies shit pushed in then its somehow the country that beat them fault.

If Hitler thought he could win a war with another enemy that was already preparing for an offensive and do so in less then 6 months that's somehow everyone else's fault but Hitlers?

Awww poor lil faggot his big hero turns out not to be the wonder child he tries to pass him off as.

Hitler would of been better as Chancelor of Germany during Peace, he dropped the ball dramatically during the war.
But saying Hitler was an okay leader or even good leader isn't good enough for you, I have to drop on my knees and suck him off while you tenderly suck his balls.


Yeah I remembered wrong, his scars were not from acne but from pox. Also in addition to that and the short leg, he had a crooked hand and some other ugly deformities.

He murdered 37 women bro. Yeah a lot of them were cunts, but not all, as is proven by the fact that he also murdered Reimi who seems like a chaste and virtuous maiden.
I'd agree if the Patrician tier had the other Kira on it instead, I fully support Light.


A lot of those people would, since its really vague what the spectrum is even suppose to be.

Well I always held Nips not to far up the ladder from kikes.

Are you confusing nips with chinks? It's a common mistake. You cay say that the nips have no soul but worst corea and commieland chinkland are the kike base of the east.

It's literally impossible to explain what JoJo is about, because it's about so many things. But if you wanted explanation to the villains on the "did nothing wrong list".
Two of them are on the Patrician tier
So, JoJo in fact murders the US president so that he can personally walk again, and fucks over an entire country in the process.

The other villain is Kira
He's pretty evil actually, but there are far more evil villains in JoJo than him. I guess he's on the list as a joke.

That single arc made me say "fuck Jojo, what a hypocritical faggot." Dio became more likeable than the turboautist that is willing to throw his morals away if it means he gets what he wants. At least Dio doesn't pretend to be something he's not.

Says the guy who has no understanding of history. Holla Forums has a better understanding of history than /his/, which is fucking hilarious.

I still like Johnny despite the shit he did to the president and the entire nation, because he's a good antihero. It's not like he's portrayed as a good guy unlike the other JoJo's. Johnny is very selfish, feels no mercy and kills almost all of his opponents. It fits the wild west setting of Part 7, he's like an outlaw.
And yes Part 7 Dio is actually a nice person.

there are only merchants and failed merchants who turn to violence

No, that was Tanya.

Even the aztecs and beaners figured it out eventually.

Real life is not an anime you stupid pawns. All he wanted was to save Europe from the Jews.


return to reddit until you can read


w-wew lad

Imagine dissociating yourself from the outside world so much that you eventually end up posting things like this seriously.

This asshole


It never stood a chance

that's cause Holla Forums are mud people LARPing as white supremacists while /his/ are caucasoids LARPing as mud people from their most advanced era.

You need to understand the history of that move: previously, the Germans had a full mobilization of their forces around the Maginot line because they were expecting years upon years of war on that front, because, like, it's not like Hitler and many of his generals were veterans of WWI, when each side would gain basically a few meter a day only to lose it the following week. Instead, surprisingly, they managed to go around it unopposed. They were feeling ballsy and tried to do the same to Russia, except not only did the Russian use a very effective tactic known as "burn down everything" so that the Germans could have no shelter to capture, they were pumping out men by the millions. The death toll for the Russians was so huge not because the Germans were killing machines, but because they were tossed by the thousands onto the battlefield, sometimes inexperienced.
Even the Kosher version of history books agrees that the Japanese's war declaration was caused by the Americans pretending their neutrality while in reality they were screwing with Japan's oil supplies real bad. Consider the fact that Japan was already in the middle of a costly war against the various Chinese cliques at that point, the only reason why they ever bothered to attack was because of a total boycott on their own country. Also no nation is SO EWUL, merely the people who control said nations have their own agendas, their people misguided.
Really depends on the order, but several big fuckups were less him trying to play the idiot and more the intel he was given either false or exaggerated. Also, you gotta understand that many of his own orders, for better or worse, were flat out ignored by his generals with higher experience and/or better intel.

That's one of the cases. Rather, the Allies made a fantastic job at fucking with his intel. They could've landed from more than one position and they managed to trick the Germans into thinking Normandy was not one of them. IIRC the Allies had big plans for an invasion of the Danish regions but they dropped it due to how heavily defended the whole place was.
He had no previous military training, even nigger schoolchidren know he was an artist. How the fuck do you spin this basic history fact.
Also he was no leader, he wasn't even leader of his own party, they literally had to make up higher ID numbers to pretend they were a much bigger movement. He managed to rise into the ranks.

They are all jews, aside from Stalin. What do you expect?

Since we are on Holla Forums, we are obviously talking of Holla Forums Holla Forums, which is hwhite. We can certainly not consider 4chan Holla Forums into the equation when speaking of "Holla Forums", nor should cuckchan in its entirety be even thought of. It's nothing like the boards here.

By annexing nearby territory? That's retarded, user.

user. You're projecting too much. Hitler took land for the betterment of Germany. The other countries weren't fans of being annexed, so war eventually started.

That's how all wars happen and what set off WWI when Ferdinand was killed. Chamberlain stopped the war from starting when Czechoslovakia was taken, but it eventually broke out as Hitler moved towards Poland.

Of course you don't trust a communist. However, the two big parties in Germany at the time were the socialists and the communists, so they were going to get fucked regardless.

That's what the Atzland beaners are arguing for as well.

Finland was constantly getting gangbanged by both Russia and Sweden. Sweden controlled Finland before Russia. Saying that Finland belonged to Russia is silly and not so different than saying Czechoslovakia belonged to Germany.

Jojo is the story of a bunch of vampire killers who eventually get rid of the last vampire and then become vigilante lawmen. Jonathan Joestar's father adopts the orphan Dio Brando, who is the son of a drunk and a thief. Dio, who has a massive inferiority complex over his lineage, gets a hold of a vampire mask and then gets turned into one. Jonathan then goes on a journey to defeat Dio and avenge his family. On the way he learns the Hamon, which is concentrated sunlight that you can project. Jonathan tracks down Dio with the help of some friends and eventually manages to defeat him, but then something happens. The series follows his descendants after that, all of whom up to the final vampire kill, deal with vampires in some way.

Regardless of who started what, the world was going to be fucked. Luckily, it happened before the atom was split or else you would be living in an even shittier world than the one today.

Fuck off Holla Forums.

They're the same group of people. The Japanese were the ancient Chinese that decided to live on an island. The Koreans were the ancient Chinese who thought a peninsula was a good place to live. The main difference between them is that the Japanese cut itself off from Chinese culture, whereas the Koreans stay on the Chinese tit up until the 20th century,

Holla Forums has always been full of larpers. I still remember back in half/v/ and half/pol/ when ironic shitposting started to bring in literal retards.

I can't think of any, so I'll use Skyrim. Ulfric Stormcloak was right, because the Altmer are trying to literally destroy the world. General Tullius is right, because the civil war is going to further weaken Skyrim and make it an easier target for the Aldmeri Dominion.


Well, depends on what you consider conquered.