There are no good mobile games

I don't even care about kingdom hearts and this game is amazing.
Fuck you and your shitty memes Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

It has the shittiest story but ok gameplay. The gatcha and upgrades sucks donkey's shit and same goes with all gatcha type games.

user, I'm probably the biggest Kingdom Hearts faggot on this board and I can with all earnest tell you that the mobile game is absolute fucking trash and should not even have an eye batted at it, let alone have it be part of the CANON STORY
You want a good Kingdom Hearts game, user? Go play Kingdom Hearts 2. That's the absolute pinnacle of the series, and it will make you cringe in pain even attempting to go back to this pay to win mobile trash garbage.
I don't like calling threads shill threads, but this is one so fucking obviously one it's ridiculous.
Never post here again.

Is that you, Xion-user?

>Bouncy Ball

Theotown is pretty good. Although I mostly use my phone to read books and watch anime these days.

There is a PS2 emulator coming along that's made for phones. That's pretty hype. it's called Play! for those interested.

I think Android is a comprehensive emulation OS though. But some of the PC ports on it are really good like Xash. I haven't tried Xcom since I never really played it so I don't know how well that runs. The Tyrian port on android is amazing though. Highly recommend that if you want a classic pc shooter on your phone with music and story by fucking Alexander Brandon.


Yeah those fucking weird shitty graphics. It looks terrible even on pc, it's like the whole game was pre-rendered at some weird ass low resolution and then stretched out.

Impressive trips but I don't care about the story. Isn't it about some gay boys doing gay shit anyway?
I also heard that KH2 can be beaten by spamming triangle, so Union X already sounds better, at least on paper.

I'll check those out.

You have a lot to learn about this shitty series user.


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Nice trips but that would be me

Life is suffering.


posted too early

i mean, it's an interesting hcnage, i don't hate it, but i feel that KH 2 lost all the atmosphere and interesting ideas KH1 had and just focused on being more and more action.

KH1 honestly still feels kind of like an adventure in an infinite universe with a quirky sense of humor and honestly, an almost oppressive atmosphere full of mystery.

I have to agree, especially with how less dangerous everything is to Sora unlike the first game where even on the lowest difficulty you'd get 1/4 of your health taken away by a strong attack and getting a game over is more graphic with his heart fucking leaving the poor kid mid death subconsciously making you not want to see it and feeling tense at times about how much damage you're taking and how threatening the massive mysterious space around you and him really is.

Just things like how distorted and less friendly the stars can look by changing color and shape put me on edge for just exactly how tough the next world was going to be and how hard the Heartless were going to hit this time around to try and take that heart and get rid of the Keyblade.

Comparing Sora from KH to KH2 is just crazy. You have a young and likable underdog searching for his closest friends along with seeing everything vast and amazing what's outside his islands have to offer his thirst for adventure that's also inexperienced as fuck at fighting with his life on the line against literal monstrous beings of the dark incarnate and only knowing what he's picked up playing with sticks VS a matured older self cockily traveling around to protect the worlds from the formerly intimidating Heartless with his buddies who's gained a a shit ton of combat experience and now can really move with his honed skill with the Keyblade that according to Reaction Commands has a degree of insane reaction time and quick thinking to escape and even perfect counter and punish almost any enemy. It's cathartic as fuck, but it makes Sora almost look like he's become way too strong and that could have created major issues with the story and subsequently gameplay in the future compared to someone like Dante who's still flashily OP, but needs those skills just to live as a demon hunter and fits perfectly with the game's theme of stylish challenging action. BBS thankfully brought things back down closer to earth with despite all the trio's powers and skills, they still met a tragic fate they were destined for, were easy to deprive of HP and were often simply not strong enough despite being described as leagues ahead of Sora.

KH2 is still and fun game, but I can definitely agree that it feels too different towards the kind of setting and mystery we saw before. KH has a charm of adventure and discovery that 2 just doesn't.

There are ok games but in comparison to other platforms it's mediocre.

What are the differences between Drastic DS and nds4droid?

What about BTD5 for ports? You can casually download the APK for free off some other website for free.

I'm now highly cautious.

Didn't they port that to PC?


Yeah there are two really big Kingdom Hearts faggots one is lorefag Xionfag and the other is the autistic "KIngdom Hearts 2 is one of the most wellcrafted game of all time" fag I'm assuming he's the latter.

Do you know what gameplay and story segregation is?
Yeah they went full Star Wars prequels story with BBS stories, but psp couldn't handle KH2 levels of cuhrayzee so they got to tone it down.
The most disappointing thing was that you didn't get to use armor in combat as some sort of devil trigger analog. One of the biggest blueballings in video game history.

user it has KotR not TORtanic

Don't mind him. He's the biggest autist in the Kingdom Hearts threads. Besides, everyone knows BBS had much more fun combat than KHII. And DDD's combat was basically BBS but better, aside from flowmotion which completely ruined it.

That's sort of a misrepresentation. A lot of bosses have segments where you need to press triangle to do some special action to proceed in the fight, and the rest have special attacks you can do with triangle at certain points. And a lot of enemies have special attacks like that, too. There's only two parts that are really spam triangle to win, both right beside each other; a certain boss who is, imo, one of the most awful in the series and is extremely unfun and bullshit to fight, "Dance water, dance!" still haunts my nightmares and then a fight with a horde of wimpy enemies that take forever to kill all of if you don't spam triangle. The meme should really be "spam reflect to win", because that spell is insanely OP and spamming it is the fastest, easiest way to kill most bosses.

Have you ever actually played it, user? On anything besides beginner?



Collection for PC fucking when?

Probably after they port FFXV :^)

Reaction Commands are still way too easy to execute to not only completely cancel out an enemy's attack, but to also inflict significant damage before going into a devastating combo taking advantage of them staggering from it.

They're nice and eventful to watch, but basically amount to breaking especially end game bosses in half.

user simply said the combat was more fun, jackass, and I agree with all the things you can do with the versatile and addictive Command Styles and Shotlocks compared to Explosion and Aerial Finish on everything once you unlock them.


Every single FF got released on PC before, so it's pretty likely. In a few years


Your an waifu is a shit and is a man.

And BBS is shit because all you have to do is spam dodge until whatever you're fighting gets tired or leaves an opening the final boss for Terra specially highlights how badly designed that shit game is and then the secret boss for Aqua is almost impossible without spamming dodge. At least in KH2 your dodge isn't completely invincible and you still have to learn the patterns of bosses because not all bosses or enemies contrary to your point have reaction commands that make it easy as fuck to beat.
t. Terra's Armor the best boss in the game

Dodge is literally not that bad, you faggot.

Please watch this video and never post here again.

You're being ridiculous.

I'm too ADHD for this I'm sorry.

Nice to see you again, Guy. Did you get to do a Final Fantasy rundown while I was out or no?

It's this guy I watched in the past who did a Critical playthrough going into everything wrong with the story and gameplay of BBS and how it affects the series from this point on.

BBS is still enjoyable as fuck. Just fluctuating between either easy or too hard. And I can personally testify to dodging not always keeping you safe from enemies having played it countless times on Proud and Critical. He's not a faggot about other people liking it and understands why people do.

To sum it up quickly: KHII is like Dark Souls and BBS is like Cookie Clicker. He does actually make these comparisons.

More seriously, his main points as far as combat goes are that KHII had a variety of different ways to approach combat that were all fun and viable, while in BBS stacking haste abilities to spam commands endlessly was overpowered and boring, and made using any of the other things you could do pointless. Also dodge rolls in BBS were too easy to spam, bosses weren't as fun and mostly not as difficult, and the ones that were difficult are poorly designed and unfun. There are a lot of cringey parts, like random "jokes" and references thrown in for no reason, or comparing a clip of combos in late-game KHII combat to a clip of combat in BBS's tutorial. The section on gameplay starts at around 24:40, dodging isn't even a major part of it until he's talking about the Mysterious Figure fight and why it's worse than Lingering Will.

Bait or not, you need to fucking kill yourself OP.


You have no proof of this, fight me fagit