Only good game of the franchise

What are other cases of good games being trashed by casuals that just want the same inane casual shit?

Your thread sucks.

Fallout 3 writting was fucking retarded, way better game than 1 and 2 tough

I payed 4 euros for that piece of shit years ago, played it for 30 minutes and i still feel ripped off.

I thought people hated the game because of how all the characters were reinvented.

I got it for free and I still felt ripped off.

The first games were decent, for the time, only the endings were always fucking shit. Never played the 3rd one.


how is the psp emulation these days?


P4 is full of grind, though. Combat was its worst part by far

P5 is better in every aspect.

mcfucking kill yourself FAGTGOT


The joke here is that it was already casualized compared to Daggerfall right?

Morrowind was more difficult in many regards.



While OP is obviously baiting I fucking loved FME.

anyone that defends the combat in Morrowind is fucking braindead

You missed the entire point of that post. Good job casual.

Only good dubs in the thread