
The new Link System: ygorganization.com/memberdrawing6/

Where to play Yu-Gi-Oh!
For online: YGOPro Percy - pastebin.com/m2e9Dzt1
Archive with all games playable on PC (mostly through emulation): pastebin.com/0SHfUYyj
Tag Force 1-6 are the best if you want a story (2006-2011, 6 has only the first 25 XYZ monsters).
Tag Force Special (2015) is the best to play for learning the game with many of the new cards.
The World Championship series (2004-2011) and Duel Academy (2006) are pretty good too. Definitely check out Dungeon Dice Monsters.
All are fun for pet/archetype non-meta decking. Legacy of the Duelist is shit.

Useful Links
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/ (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Probability calculator)
yugioh-card.com/en/limited/ (Ban list)

How to get better
Read the cards.
Playtest and try suggestions.

Other urls found in this thread:


So, this is from the old thread but I needed some help on this one. One is the X-Saber/Zoodiac combo, the other is Zoodiac/Fire Fist. Rate, bully…tear it to shreds

Is there a fucking point to playing this if you don't like 1TKs-2TKs? The insane speed killed this game.

run paleozoics then

The speed is the main reason people play this game instead of other card games.

i just wanted my spyral support

Want to start playing again, for nostalgia sake. Figured it'd be fun and help calm my nostalgia to pick up a HERO deck like the one from GX to start, but there's so many god damn hero cards now. Anyone have a good build for one, that uses mostly hero cards?
Are any of the animes past GX any good?
Also these pendulum cards look super gay.

If you're playing for nostalgia alone play duel links instead, It caters to the slower game of the past rather than the hyper paced game of today
If you're instant on playing in the modern day, I'd recommend reading all the cards ya can and watching some other people play to catch on to staples or generally useful cards

GX is the worst Anime, 5Ds has a strong first half, Zexal is good but has the worst design, and ARC-V is the best first 60 episodes the yugioh animes has had, but drops the ball harder than Nordics
This is why I recommend duel links over the modern day for you, if you think that's bad you'll not be a fan of links or the other mechanics

Well, the XYZ cards are good. They basically work like Fusion Monsters, only they don't need a Spell card to work and you just stack the cards on top of each other and the requirements are usually not that specific (barring certain XYZ cards that do require a specific set of cards)

Also note, Link monsters have no relation to duel links

You know, I never did like Pendulum cards. Too much cheese and not the good kind you get on pizzas too.

They represent an all or nothing play style, since they were made basically to be combo whorish.

The new nerf they're getting will be neato, but I do hope they won't be dropped with links. There is alot that could be done with pendulum scales, like an effect that only triggers should you control monsters inside/outside of the pendulum range, or a pendulum trap
But no let's get them blue cards babe

Combo whorish, eh? Too bad, Battlin' Boxers are next to crap or else they would've worked, I assume.

What do battlin boxers have to do with pendulums?

Dude, you know how fast I can get Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke? Or hell, 2 Lead Yokes if I got lucky? All I need is 1 card with the 1 scale and 1 with an 8 scale, and boom, 2 or 3 or 4 Boxers on the field and two Lead Yokes.

Well, in theory anyway.

Thanks I'll try it out. Do you know if they have the Elemental Hero cards on there?

I don't remember if it was or not, don't remember too much of it besides really liking the elemental hero cards. Guess i'll trying Zexal.

Yeah from what I've seen of the xyz stuff seems neat. Though it confused me for a bit before, because I could've sworn there was some specific cards called xyz.

Oh you mean, the XYZ robot cards that Kaiba used? Yeah, they are different.

Alright, I have at best three decks right now that are semi-perfect and I want to move onto making Kaiju, Cyber Dragon and Skull Servant decks (Skull servant first because bones), but I couldn't because my autism got latched onto the Egyptian gods because i got hooked on a yugioh episode binge and wanted to make the legal versions work in a modern setting.

So I used Igknights. all of them. every single member of the Igknight family.

and then that was kinda boring so I cheesed the fuck out of the XYZ potential. Right now the egyptian god cards are more of a looming threat or a lucky draw, as the bulk of the deck is crazy pendulum bullshit.

You can use this deck and win with it without seeing a fucking SINGLE spell or trap card.

I just made joey's shitty retard deck of pretty much nothing but monsters work with modern cards.

A deck without spells or trap? Superheavy Samurai says hello.

I'll never get that Kaiju deck completed, I just remembered that

Is it viable? I have a backlog of decks to make so I can construct them later, then, when i'm rich, i'll encase them in airtight gold lined containers with emblems that represent each deck with a hard drive that is a digital backup of them(in case the cards turn to dust) and put them in a secret time capsule underground, with a set of rules of how to play engraved in stone tablets, with again another hard drive that lists the rules so that when aliens come to earth after we've been long gone they'll unearth this thing and draw the conclusion that it's a remnant of a lost civilization that worshipped card games because that's just one of the things on my list of what to do to fuck with people when I get rich

A whole deck of nothing but monster cards that actually works sounds pretty fun.

With links being a thing will monarchs be slightly at all more viable?

As far as I remember no. If you don't mind playing singleplayer only I recommend you play the first three Tag Force games or just Tag Force 3.

it's got a heavy storm lv 6 synchro which is pretty fun
battleball is the super polymerization of the deck which nicely fucks up the opponent
other than that it's a bit slow though

also that's waaaaaaaay too many gold sarcophagi in a deck not focused on banishing.

I fucking hate how fast this games move. I was starting to get back into it a few months ago and even started buying some real cards and now shit is completely fucking flipped again.

play hearthstone/magic

Percy better fucking update soon.

Is this how it feels to brick card people?

most good decks in magic win turn 3 or 4, with little to no hope of coming back.

/synchro/ is the master race
Prove me wrong

I want to talk about the anime or more the decks they run.
So Atems deck eventually runs down to.
3x 3 tribute monsters (god cards)
a single tribute engine in the form of the knights which at it's fastest is 2 turns of set up (they get a fusion in the R manga)
Dark Magician and DM girls are his only main spellcasters outside of a ritual monster but he still main decks magicians unite.
Summoned skill.
A bunch of >1500 Vanillas with barely any equips to get them past 1900
2 rituals and 2 ritual monsters without a single searcher
Magnet warriors and magma
Gaia and Curse of dragon in the hopes that he top decks them with Poly.
and finally as a way to out the gods quickly the tricky
1 Mahod if we believe he used the millennium topdecker to take it in the movie.
Bafomet and Gazelle

Judai eventually came to run
1x all the vanila E.heroes
1x All neo-spacians
1x non omni hero, non masked hero E.hero fusions fusions
1x winged Koriboh (never used level 10 again)
3 different field spells which 2 support one archtype and 1 the other.
Yubel and Neoswiseman
1x all neo spacian cacoons and probobly all their support
The H E R O spells and their final combo piece
Polys and Miracle contacts
Bunch of mill cards

And like the anime in general shit out some of the worst archtypes in this game that people still go on to defend as if they're god tier or some thing because of a meh combo that probobly came down to a top deck of 5 cards in a 58 card deck, running triple pot and probobly triple graceful charity and triple card of sanctity (anime is both draw to 6).

didn't judai pretty much ditch all his vanilla heroes in favor of spacians?

In season 4 after he's running a mix, he does some combo where he had a 4800+ Shining wingman and 6k+ Flare or magma neos with neo space on board in the end at some point. I don't think he played anything like stratos or shadowmist though ever

NO Startos. Also Shadowmist is very new.

New in the game but it was a card he commonly used in the manga (He loses a hero mirror match to his idol who played heroes so goes out and makes his own heroes the masked heroes of which shadow mist is one of)

wasted opportunity konami. although I haven't watched any yu-gi-oh past GX so I probably shouldn't talk.

Don't mind me

No, he mixes Neo Spacians and classic E-HEROes in

Not in the anime, but he did in the manga because he inherited the deck from his best friend and mentor Koyo that runs all the newer heroes and the omni-heroes which were put into the actual game later, afterwards he switches to Masked HEROes. Concerning the classic heroes like the 4 vanillas, Bladedge and their fusions he only runs them in the manga when he was a kid, before he inherited Koyo's deck. Also, fun fact, the only E-HERO he uses in both decks in the manga is Bubbleman.

5D's I'm pretty sure every villains ran the absolute worst decks while the MC's ran rouge decks at best (I think one technically ran plant synchro but never to any good extent) .
Zexel the MC forgot to put a monster in defense mode at one point and I stopped.
Ark is just like lets give meh archtypes one new support to make people buy cards again.

Given how it guts anything that relies on more than one extra deck monster, anything that's main-deck heavy will be better. Monarchs, Infernoids, Kozmo, Blue-Eyes and Dark Magician to an extent, take your pick.

alright, i've got this retarded idea
back in the day there was this joke of a deck where you draw your entire deck with tethis, summon a few hyperions and then tribute them for a slifer who probably has over 10k attack
so my idea now is to do the same thing with darklords, since they're all faries
anyone got ideas for how to do this
alternatively we can use drascension instead of slifer, but then we need a tuner

well it sort of worked

Pretty fun though. Plus I really need to build my collection back up. I am just afraid my company will see it because when we get packages we have to open them and show our sergeants while the company surrounds you

Why is there still not a new fucking Sound Duel?

And when am I hearing about severe sales drops from nu-shit?

Japanese stores not buying cards seems to be just a gaijin rumour. In reality nothing like that is happening.

In just want the music from when Chojiro summons Five Lights, I need it

this is objectively the best part of the soundtrack from arc-v

The Manly Gongenzaka has a really good theme song, I wish he had more duels. I wish that NEO NEW SAWATARI had one at least one duel on his own.

Fuck you, we Egyptian gods now.

Is this good enough?

I wish for a spin off with Sawatari as the MC

how can we use this

I just want to find that fucking spirit lifting music introduced in the Synchro Dimension where Yuya also summons Nirvana High Paladin and that calm, but thundering theme during Jack symbolically rocketing into the fucking sky while double tuning Scarright into Tyrant.

Same user here. Tried Duel links didn't like it, so messed around with the Yugopro thing and made an Elemental Hero deck. Works fairly well against the AI, but guessing that's probably no big deal since the AI is probably shit. Anyway, anyone got some tips on improving the deck?

As a fellow HERO player I can tell you this when it comes to making a classic E-HERO petdeck:
Some of the old fusions still have really good effects so it's best to turbo them out. Voltic and Ocean are shite, remove them. Sparkman is the MVP in classic E-HERO decks, I personally run 3 Sparkman because the old fusions that are good are usually with Sparkman, Thunder Giant (I run 2 Clayman because of him) and Plasma Vice (which is why I run 2 Bladedge) and Shining Flare Wingman which you can turbo out by fusing Sparman and King of the Swamp. CotH isn't useful in HERO decks, you may want to replace it with 3 Fusion Reserve or 2 Fusion Reserve and 1 Hero Blast because as I said Sparkman is the MVP of the deck. I'd also run 2 Skyscrapers because Skyscraper 2 is shite or replace them with MSTs/Twin Twisters. I'd also remove Fusion tag but because you run Avian and Burstinatrix I guess it's good enough as a tech card. Still I found out through playtesting that fusioning out Shining Flare Wingman the usual way is too slow, so I remove both Avian and Burstinatrix from the deck along with Flame Wingman from the extra deck and turbo out Shining Flare Wingman through Sparkman+King of the Swamp. Also since you run Nova Master I recommend you add one more Blazeman. You might also want to run a few Fusion Conscriptions as well.

Oh and when it comes to the extra deck:
Mudballman, Phoenix Enforcer, Rampart Blaster and Wild Wingman are really bad, if you go with my idea and remove Flame Wingman and Burstinatrix and Avian from the deck (which would cause Great Tornado to be unplayable as well), you should put in 2 Absolute Zero, another Plasma Vice, another Thunder Giant, another Shining Flare Wingman and one more HERO of your choice, however if you stick with Avian, Burstinatrix and Flame Wingman, I'd still remove Phoenix Enforcer, Mudballman, Rampart Blaster and Wild Wingman and add in 2 Absolute Zeroes another Thunder Giant and another Shining Flare Wingman.

you could do a shining flare wingman turbo, that nig does a lot of damage and is easy to summon

Thanks user. Seems like a better build, but I feel like I've been doing a lot worse since I've started using it. Maybe I've just been having bad luck, I'll keep testing it out.

It requires a different playstyle, it's a bit more combo-oriented and faster. It's not the word of God though, you can experiment with a slightly different build and see if that works better for you. If you're going pure E-HEROes the general rule of thumb is that with the classic fusions Sparkman's are arguably all good compared to other ones and if you're gonna mix in Omni-HEROes Absolute Zero is without a doubt the best together with The Shining. I'd say that Nova Master isn't as good as the others except Escuridao, but because of Blazeman you'll summon him more often than say Giant Tornado because you only have Avian as a Wind E-HERO since Stratos has been banned in forever, so making a deck to get Great Tornado out is a pain.

10 more days to VRAINS.

Yeah it's become better as I get used to it. One thing I don't understand is why sometimes when I use E-Hero Blazeman is that I can use the polymerization I get right away, but sometimes I can't I'm not sure why that is. It seems like I should be able to use it every single time. Is it just a YGOPRO glitch or am I not understanding something? Would running one copy of Re-Fusion be okay? The effect seems nice for making a comeback, I imagine you don't want more then 1 though or it'd clog up your deck.

Also why is Stratos banned? He doesn't seem like that much of an overpowered card, I get why they might want to limit him but why a full on ban?

That's the new anime right? Weird name. Does it look good so far from what they've shown?

Hmmm, There are no cards in your deck that prevent special summoning/fusion summoning for that turn, neither does Fusion Conscription prevent the fusion monster from summoning, only the fusion material. This must mean that your opponent played something that prevents special summoning.
I personally never ran it, though for comebacks like that I'd rather run Legacy of a HERO which is a new card. The best thing to do when you consider adding one new card is to experiment with it and see if it's worth it. If it's worth it, then keep it, if it's not then drop it.
He used to be a centerpiece in really degenerate decks back in the day and he's too good of a searcher. While Shadow Mist's search effect is also extremely easy to pull off and its search effect is also as wide (all HERO cards, not just E-HEROes) it's just once a turn, while Stratos searches every time he's normal/special summoned. I'm also on the #FreeStratos camp and I want him to be at least limited or errata'd so that he can only do his effect once per turn like Shadow Mist.

Hard to say. The duels are going to be in VR and the main character will have a flying surf.

i miss the motorcycles
going fast and card games was a good mix

any of you niggas still here?

Around 1/3 of ARC-V was on motorcycles.

anyone know some good spell/trap cards for super quamtum
i wanna be a power ranger

I found out what it was. I was running Pot of Dualityx2 and hadn't noticed that it didn't let me special summon after using it. So my fuck up, I'll be ditching that card.

Guess I'll test out both and find out which I like better.

Yeah I'd like if they'd add him back in some way, whether it be limited or once per turn. It'd be nice having a good wind monster for Great Tornado

Didn't they do the whole VR thing once before in OG Yugioh?

Wait wut? How did that work.

It wasn't futuristic. It was just some casual RPG setting for one arc. And then not much of anything in another filler arc.

Is the most recent tag force translated fully yet? I need my dating sim in my card games.

as the duel progresses you get speed counters, i think it's based on how fast you're going
you can only cast spells if you have x counters, and usually you consume y counters to do the spell
i think in the anime there were also level restrictions based on the speed counter but i could be wrong
you can also save your speed counters and use them to do one of 3 effects from the field spell speed world. one did 800 damage, the last one destroyed all cards or monsters on the field, can't remember what the 2nd one was

Tell me more. Can I be a girl and bang Yugi?

It's been translated for a while.

you mean ARC-V tag force special? its been translated for a while and its how I have been playing yugioh for months now because no one IRL wants to play with me. My IRL cards suck anyway so thats probably for the better

Typically you play as a faceless hero who goes around partnering people in tag duels. The dating sim aspect is extremely minor and at best gives you a fancy shot of a blushing girl once you carry her to win the tourny. And you will be carrying them because the AI is totally shit in these games.

Damn, I've been missing out. Thanks.

I just downloaded and gave it a spin, but it's playing at 2000%++ speed. This is my first time using PPSSPP, can you spoonfeed me?

Nvm, it seems to have magically fixed itself after i messed with some settings.

Shame. Still might try it.

How is it on emulator now that you got it working? Oh and what one should I start with? Like is there any difference between the different GX ones besides updated card lists?

Fuck that shit, I refuse to use anything past Xyz.

PPSSPP lets you speed up games at will, I dont know what your keybindings are but R3 should be the one toggling it on or off (assuming you're emulating with a controller).

I would recommend setting a button to speed things up it makes tag duels a lot better.

It works fine. Seems like you should just play the latest tag force game, because it has multi generation plots.

Yep, I worked that shit out. Now just to mute it while the game is in the background somehow.

If you just wanna play then go straight to Tag Force Special, otherwise…
Tag Force 1's partner system is tedious as all hell, you basically have to either give them sandwiches they like, duel them or say the right thing when talking to them. This takes quite a while because you can only give them one sandwich/duel them/talk to them until they change location (it may be even once per day, don't remember). In every other one you pick your partner from the beginning and you fill up their hearts by dueling, once you fill up one of their hearts you have a special scripted duel with them, this is the case for all Tag Force games after the first one. If you want to play anything before Tag Force Special I recommend downloading all the ISOs right away, the games after 1 have an UMD recognition system which works with any PSP UMD (or ISO if you're playing it on PPSSPP which I'm assuming you do) every single one of them gives you a free card, but if you use the UMD recognition system with the earlier Tag Force games you unlock packs which you can't otherwise (to my knowledge).
On the subject of packs, in Special all packs and structure decks are from real life OCG packs, there are a few unlockable ones which give you packs with cards that aren't in real life packs. Secrets of Eternity is the latest real-life pack that's in the game, there's also a few DLC cards that came out after that you can easily find and download by googling. Those are Tzolkin, Anki, Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon, Holactie and Hi-Speedroid Kendama.
In all other Tag Force games the packs are fictional and you have to unlock them, some are easy to unlock and some have really tedious unlocking requirements, I suggest you check out a FAQ to see how to unlock each pack for each game.

Is this a jojo reference?


oh shit nigger what are you doing

unless this is some army fuckery where you retards are in some form of "basic" or other for half your initial contract

I fucking hope you're either not in my army, or in some pog corps where I won't have to deal with your complete inability to make good decisions, use time wisely or understand perception management.

The army isn't somewhere where you can survive by pretending to be someone else, but you can at least attempt to suppress your autism. Play plenty of Yu-Gi-Oh, I don't give a fuck. Basic is not the time for it though. People will judge you based on what you use your minimal free time for. Don't let it be what is perceived to be a children's card game. Plenty of nerdy shit in the military, there's just a time and place.

What kind of OP bullshit is this card. jesus.

there's nothing broken about it


Are the three god cards OP to you too?

With Obelisk infinity attack damage most certainly :^)

Were the God cards ever used in competitive decks? I could see Obelisk but what about the other two?

With the Timelords actually becoming a thing it's only a matter of time.

exodia was I think but that was banned for obvious reasons.

they hardly work in non-competitive decks
fairy-slifer was a thing since you could in theory draw your hole deck, but usually you end up winning with the fairies alone
frog obelisk/monarch obelisk is also a thing, but obelisk simply gets outclassed by easier to summon boss monsters
ra sphere mode is nice, but it's not that important that anyone would need it considering that kaijus are a thing

Fuck it, this must be fate. I'm gonna go buy the rest of the physical cards of my deck.


Actually I could see Slifer being the best, which God Card is actually the best though?

It's anime only, thankfully. But it's helluva real.

That's acceptable. Deny that fucking profit and encourage anyone you know that plays it to do the exact same.

Hey man, wanna go mano a mano (HERO a HERO) to be precise sometime?

Good ol' tag force.

Release me from this suffering

Does Tag Force even have "stories"?

Tag Force Special*

You have a special intro, 4 story duels and outro for each playable partner, some are just "WOW DUDE WE SHOULD TOTES BE LIKE BFFS 4EVA", but some of them are interesting for example in Ishizu's ending it's implied that she and the player character fall in love so the player character moves with her to Egypt.

Can you even trust the meme fan translation? By the end of the year I should known enough Japanese to be able to probably play it in Japanese. I expect it to be very different.

I have no idea, if I had the original in a text version I could run a machine translation to see if it's close enough.

Eh still just getting back into the game and haven't really done any online matches yet. I'm sure I'd just be getting my ass beat.

you don't git gud by playing against the yugi ai

Besides in my experience when we arrange duels here we usually play with our shitty petdecks.

my sneks are not shitty
venoms/reptillianes are totally gonna win loser bracket of WOTW

I hope the guy who got chosen to play in the loser's bracket has a better snake deck.

Alright fine. How do we do this?

Copy a current meta deck. Play it all day. Switch to another meta deck the next day. Repeat until you have played all of them. Now you are a YGO pro.

I hope Noos wins, it will be just like an anime where the main character has to face a foe that seems Overwhelming at first.

I'm not gonna play Meta shit. I'm gonna use my Elemental Heros.

Didn't the mountain Serb get fucked up on his birthday stream by a Neos player?

Then at least get a current build of masked heroes and grind until you learn how meta works (which is harder to learn when you refute to play it). And until you learn the combos and strategies of a meta deck it will be a lot harder to win against it.

i'm currently downloading and updating ygopro, we can play once i'm done

Yeah was planning to mess around with Mask Heros sometime, but just focused on Elemental heros right now. I didn't start playing this again to play the meta.

Mask Heroes is pretty much as close as heroes can be to being meta right now. From time to time thanks to Dark Law they get pretty strong. You missed. During XYZs there was a pretty good period for Alive Hero OTKs.

No love for Awesome Heroes?

Fuck off frog lover.

alright, hosting a match with my sneks on eu, name is doctard, password is niggers, make sure to check "show locked rooms"

gonna go fix the deck


alright, i'm done, gonna make webms of my sneks getting rekt

h-how I did I do user?

you got lucky draws you cheeky fuck, i'll rek you if i ever draw non-venoms in my venom deck

True, my hands were either really shit or really good. Didn't have much in between. Anyway I had fun user, so thanks.

Wanna have a HERO vs HERO match next?


Sure I'm up for a few more matches.


ok, go to EU server, name The D, password is ded


oh fuck, guess the videos got split up
i don't feel like editting shit though

Thanks user, was fun.

If you've got time this weekend we can play a few more, this time with my autistic child I'm not too proud of… my Evil HERO deck.

Sure, I would be up for that. Don't think I've played against a evil hero deck before, so it should be fun.

did venom or reptilianne get new support? why are you using the swamp if you're using reptiliannes?

I'll probably have to touch it up a lot, last time I played it bricked harder than Cardians.

some of the predaplant fusions have "venom" in their name so they're immune to venom swamp
i'm using reptillianes because venoms only have 1-2 barely usable monsters

..Must not run deck with Extra Thicc Amazons..

I made 8 decks

So far I've finalized 6 decks, with 2 still in testing.

The ones in testing are a Dark Magician deck and a pure Kaiju deck.

Any good input? I'm tired of sorting through the retards just to get a few suggestions elsewhere. Also note that when I mean a pure Kaiju deck i mean a PURE KAIJU DECK.

So far i've found it impossible to have extra deck monsters in this thing. Any pointers for this experiment?

I suggest you put in Apprentice Illusion Magician since she searches out your Dark Magician, Thousand Knives also was never too useful to me, I also suggest you run 2 Terraforming and 2 Secret Village of the Spellcasters, you have no idea how many decks you fuck up by not letting them use spell cards.

he's so innocent

this shit by the way is mid-tier and you can summon it in your first turn with a blue eyes deck

Konami printing the bible on cards like this is a huge turnoff to someone who hasn't been paying much attention since the start of XYZ.

True, but after a while you learn to just look for specific keywords which allow you to shorten the card's effect to 2 sentences.

THANK YOU! goddamn

I didn't even fuckin' know that AIM existed until this point, I tore decks off of reddit i'm fucking sorry and used them as a base while researching tournament winner decks and this shit STILL didn't pop up and it's the perfect card for my deck since it sorely needed more searchers.

You guys are the fuckin' best

I assume that my Kaiju deck is fucked probably, but I'm gonna fuckin' solve that puzzle somehow.

This deck takes the god out of godzilla.

In my experience if you need to find someone else's deck as a base for yours finding youtube vids that have replays are the best since you can see combos and other stuff that the deck can do.

Man, I used to remember when Kaiser Colloseum was around and you can have that basically locks down your enemy..

Honestly I didn't use a single video to make my decks, I just played online til someone beat my ass and didn't use zoodiacs.

Aside from my Igknight deck, which I made myself after a but of reasearch. In my experience it's easier to learn from playing against people who have their shit together, but I guess i'm more of a hands on kind of guy who can't stand nonstop talker youtubers yelling at a screen

oh, but I did make my Cyber Dragon deck based around this one silent youtube vid I watched.


I also just watch silent vids (well, with background music only but you can mute that), can't stand when some guys tell me how xSxIxCxKx that play he did was even though I exactly see why it was good without some guy performing verbal masturbation over it.

Yusei best protag

guess where I got the base deck from?

This is why I hang on Holla Forums, you're not worried about telling people how they fucked up.

Maybe it's just my playstyle, but i've never liked that card. Same with Vanity's, i've never liked having my own,arbitrary card effects screw me over during a duel and tripping over my own feet, as it were.

i've got the dumbest idea for a deck
use magic deflector to stop your jam breeding machines so you can tribute 3 jams for a god card

Get the fuck outta here Marik it didn't work the last time and it never will.

So for a mate trying to get in the game I made toad heroes for them since it's got pretty much all the basics a deck needs.
But I never made a toad hero deck and they all kind off looked similar online so I sort of auto piloted it.
Anything big I'm missing INB4 3 stratos

Alt build after I grasped shadow mist is recyclable

you know, ou could actually put a miracle fusion or two in here for the occasional absolute zero

get rid of a solemn strike and add a Miracle fusion. The extra strike will clog the deck and the warning will cover for the lost strike. You don't need all of them, you only need one to fuck up deck combo. You need to get your fusion monsters on the field to rack up damage and banishment. Also Maxx C is situational, keep it in the side deck and replace it with a second summoner monk, you have no idea how much you need your lv4 Xyzs on the field and a summoner monk is an instant, with your deck compisition you have a good chance of starting with nothing but spells and traps, so summoner monk will help out with that.

There is no reason to not pack the max amount of summoner monks in a deck that even considers it. It's a really good card.

woah nigger, not in this one. take that out and add another miracle fusion for more consistency.

what about gagaga number c1000?

why no one else has metal dragon on their decks anymore?

because why would you use a fusion summon with 1850 attack and no effect when there are other fusion summons that are better and shit

Can't even Instant Fusion it for xyz plays.

so are red-eyes finally good?
their new fusion can protect itself from target effects
their new main deck monsters are easy to summon and not bricky, although the warrior one has iffy effects

I mean, Red-Eyes with Timaeus is good and with a good setup you can Special Summon two Red-Eyes and pop off another Red-Eyes. Still not as untouchable as Blue-Eyes though..and god knows Konami still have a boner for Blue Eyes

its like you dont want to be tier 0 or something.

I've got a 100% winrate against ABC Dragon Buster and Zoodiacs, come back to me when you can say the same, scrub.

Filthy fucking casuals everywhere I go, beware my monsters horrible power.

so d/d ghost and darius are out, are they worth running?
darius kind of seems like a waste, but ghost seems like another foolish burial

I can still win but it's bullshit that they get to run cards that I don't.

Stand aside weaklings

That might have the lowest stats but you still don't need to tribute for it


if you're gonna type in romaji like a weeb do it right.


Is there a password machine/statue/rental whatever for me to enter codes in for Tag Force Special or no?

Yeah it's called just cheating, my.mixtape.moe/qhnkyd.ini
Drop this file in your cheats folder, may have to change the .ini file to match your game because IDK if it changes.

Why is there still fucking nothing about a format split?

Shitnami needs to burn.

People still care about YGO after the GX era?

It died and became shit when "duels on motorcycles" became a thing.


Funny thing is…Synchro got me stumped but XYZ is pretty easy for me.

Oh man all those old players sure left but we're sure glad you stuck around huh (1)?

How, it's literally just addition that never goes past equaling 12

Not the adding the stars thing…it's getting the Tuner to stay on the field.

I think it's mostly the the mixing tuners and non-turners together for the addition. The math isn't hard but getting the monsters right is slightly more difficult. Of course I never had a problem with it but I can see others not being able to grasp it quickly.



This. I thought playing card games on motorcycles was retarded, but when I watched 5D's I actually stopped caring about it. Plus 5D's was the introduction to Synchro summons.

I think Yusei vs Z-ONE is possibly the best final villain duel in all the series.
>summons Quazar a different dragon from what Z-ONEs timeline shown him to use Apparently in that timeline Yusei wasn't a signer and just mastered synchro on his own he had Cosmic Blazer dragon

Nyaa is down and I couldn't think of anywhere else to download, I am very sorry.

Everything after Season Zero is worthless.
You guys can like the card game all you want, but you can't deny that going from the King of Games, to just the King of Card games is a massive Downgrade.
It used to be Yami Yugi was the best at any and all games no mater what, you can make up a game on the spot and Yami Yugi would still beat you at it. because it wasn't about the Game it was about Judging you soul.

That shit was way better then focusing on only Duel monsters.

I ask you, is there a more retarded AI than the AI_Nekroz?

9anime my fellow d-wheeling nigga

It's actually a real shame to because I really enjoyed season 0 and the original manga author/artist is just kinda sitting around collecting all that ownership money

Been a while but I actually disliked the season 0 anime for changes it did.
Like I think for how much darker Season 0 was it omitted content from the manga but then added that one girl who was only in for 1 chapter in the manga as a main stay character and made her always talk in third person.
But what I like is the use of colours during punishment games and how overall characters can look, makes it really nice to look at with how it makes them pop, green and purple flames in the webm are a good example.

Thanks for the advice But I want Nyaa back ;-;

Use the magnets in the pastebin

I'm not downloading all of 5D's for a single 5 minute clip.

After it starts downloading you can stop it and choose only what you want.


I use it to test my decks for dead draws.

AI_Shaddoll will beat your ass.
one fun thing to do is to give the AI your own deck to play, it doesn't know what to do if it's outside the archetypes that it normally plays.

Alright I got the foundations of a gimmick deck.

The idea is to do the same shit that Yusei did in that webm, but better.

The foundations of the deck are 8 sacrificial synchro monsters, Zaborg the Mega Monarch (which is a win card as you can use it to send 8 synchros to the graveyard) and Converging Wishes.

Since the deck needs Light monsters on the whole to use Zaborg's effect, what would be a good archetype that can search a trap card, search a light type 8 star Thunder monster, and is full of light attribute monsters?

I have to sacrifice 8 slots in my extra deck and also use Synchro monsters on the whole without much rooms for XYZ since I also have to pack Stardust dragon.

Can we make this work? 8 x 4000 = 32000 Stardust or Stardust Spark dragon.

This might be our "NO ONE'S MANAGED TO SUMMON EXODIA!!!!!!" moment here.

That's because the AI decks have the AI programmed to know what to search for and what combos to pull off in certain situations and how valuable some of its combo pieces and pieces on your board are. It's not great at doing that, but it's better than the general AI you get when you give it one of your decks.

Wait, made a mistake, only Stardust Dragon can be used in the synchro summon. However, there are cards that get rid of extra deck monsters, one per each name 3 maximum, so in order to counter that there has to be 3 copies of the sacrificial cards AND Stardust Dragon in order to prevent the gimmick from being crushed.

That leaves the free space in the extra deck equal 3 cards, which can be reserved for any type of summon as a result.

So in order to run this card in a modern enviroment, you have to seal off 4/5ths of your extra deck. Wew.

Yeah, paradox and bonds beyond time are canon, because Yusei met jaden he actually put a fusion monster in his deck that was a synchro dragon + warrior, can't remember what it did but Yusei was looking for an anti anime mechlord tech and that was attempt one.

People did that kind of combo the instant the card was shown, it's funny to pull off but it doesn't happen enough.

Burning Abyss. Every time I play against it, it ends up decking out and losing. I never can beat it before it uses up it's deck.

What's the best Yugioh console game?
Handheld or system, doesn't matter

Duelists of the Roses of course.

Falsebound Kingdom for the gamecube and capsule monsters for ps2.

yeah but that was during the 5ds era, surely we have some light support to make it work NOW.

The card was only released outside the anime earlier this year my dude.

Is there any place you can get custom yugioh sleeves made?

This game is neat as fuck and actually fairly complex, especially by the time you get to Challenge Mode. It'd be nice to see what a sequel would look like, but I don't expect this one to get any attention.

I've played this one a few times. My least favorite of the spin-offs, but it's still pretty neat. The "deckbuilding" in it just isn't enough to sate my inner Johnny.

I love this game to death, and I'm startled Konami never continued the True Duel series. Fuck, they went off doing weird shit to try to pocket some cash and BAM was still kinda reminiscent of Forbidden Memories. Absolutely nothing of the kind for Duelist of the Roses. It didn't get great reception in the US, but it actually did really well locally and in Europe, and Konami repacked it several times, albeit not recently. I've never even seen attempts to make anything like it.

My teenage self got a lot of enjoyment out of some of those female monster models.

If they made a new game based on DotR's system with some of the new cards, new mechanics and with some of the tedious shit gone (like grinding for what seems like an eternity just to rank up a card) I'd play the shit out of it.

Been thinking of making a Buster Blader deck or an Anti-Dragon deck in general. Any ideas?


it will be dead when links hit
it's fun if you know a lot of people who run blue-eyes though

I recently replayed Duelist of Roses and the campaign is a complete joke that doesn't require much grind at all I put it down. Is there some secret challenge mode or difficulty setting I could mess with other than handicapping myself with shit cards?

Also considering replaying Falsebound Kingdom but I'm not sure that's worth it either now that I'm not like 10


Get real, nigga.

It's because the Japanese cards don't have the word "ヒーロー" they have "ヒロイック" in their title.

World championship would have rewarded me out the ass for this is bullshit


I remember getting wrecked by hard games as a kid and I got gud as a result. Kids are way better learners then adults.

Go away Nyarly no one likes you


You work at Konami, how do you nerf pot of greed user?

make it cost 2000 life points, it seems balanced when you think about solemn cards

Make it banish 10 cards face down before you draw.

Make it a continuous spell card that charges up per turn and you can cash it in to draw cards based on the number of turns.

Make it draw one card and give your opponent 1000 life points

For the remainder of turn after activation, you cannot add cards to the hand, also any damage you deal is halved.

That is just making the card wortless

Make it a trap card.


i bet you don't even egao

Can only be activated in main phase 1, shuffle 3 monster cards of different types from the graveyard to the deck, then draw 2 cards. You can't conduct the battle phase that turn.

Spotted the Exodia fag

looking on the bright side I got myself one of those card holders and some protective sleeves for my old cards. I also got these lyrilusc cards which are absolutely adorable. I also met an old class mate of mine who told me this one card i drew called "king of all calamities" was really good, another guy even wanted to trade for it.

overall it was a pretty fun day.

Is he one of the TRUE KANGZ?

well he is black and purple so I would say yes.

Went to a card shop for the first time. don't think I'll be going back. Only a couple people before us were there. Had to put in a request for single cards then proceeded to wait there for with a friend, while they check to see if they had any that I wanted. Meanwhile the store filled up with autist of all kind and the BO became overbearing. After 2 hours I just had to get the fuck out so I went to the shop owner and asked if he had finished yet and turns out he hadn't even gotten to looking for my stuff yet, he was still looking for stuff from the first two people that got there before me. So I just left.

Fucking Card shops are the worst, I'll just stick to tcgplayer or something.

Our only card shop in the city just gives us the binders/boxes to look for ourselves, much faster this way
can't say anything about the BO though, my nose is useless, and i probably smell bad enough to not notice at this point
what were you expecting? i'm glad mine only has yugioh and pokemon fags, the old shop i used to go to had magic/dnd fags there most of the time, and they'd constantly ruin our tournaments by coincidentally having their own tournaments at the same day, filling up the place

That would've been a lot better than handing over a list thing so they can look system they have.
It was fucking awful, is it so hard for people to clean themselves properly?
I don't know, but I was kinda hoping the people there would be semi normal. Instead it was filled with people who look like they haven't washed themselves in a month.

I was thinking of maybe trying to go to one of the tournaments there too, but fuck doing that now. The shop's run terribly and the people are disgusting. I mean it was cool seeing how many cards they have and all the boxes/decks/tins, but it ain't worth going 30 minutes away to spend hours waiting for them to look for stuff in a place full of smelly autist.

find a less autistic shop then
i'm in bulgaria where we've got like 60 people in the entire country playing competitively, so in the few shops that are here everyone is treated as part of a big family
if your country is full of autists willing to spend money on card games, it's only natural that the shop owners would easily be willing to treat you like shit

I wish, that's the only one I know of in the area. The only other I've been able to find that's "close" to me is one that's an hour and a half away and fuck that. It isn't worth going that far.
Well it is America, so plenty of fat mouth breaking smelly autist to go around.
You'd think they want more customers though.


I have autism and felt like making a card for some really stupid reason.

You draw 2 cards and then your opponent wins the duel.


Seems like Shadolls AI loses to even the weakest of lockdown, then it bricks like a motherfucker.

this is the dumbest fucking deck ever

I mean, holy shit. This is the first time such thing happened to me in this game. It was quite interesting.

Imagine the frustration of everyone involved if something like this happens in a tournment.

i had a duel like that with a friend, both using a necroface-themed banish deck
we gave up after about an hour

Yeah, it's really cool. Never saw it happen before.

Usually, even if the opponent can endure my slow burn strategy by increasing his LP quicker than I can burn it, I still have the other win condition of dragging the duel for long enough so he wastes all his cards (I can recycle my cards infinitely with Mask of Darkness + Jar of Avarice), but this time the opponent also had a strategy to infinitely recycle his graveyard cards.

His LP increased each turn faster than I could burn it, and he couldn't take out my LP since my dfense wouldn't allow him to attack. At the same time none of us would ever run out of cards. It was a perfect stalemate.

C'mon, it's not that hard to post a deck list.

stall with obliterate/scrubbed raid/unkillable trap monsters
buff up an exodius/exodia incarnate to 4/5k via obliterate and attacking
possibly bring out uria since you've got all those traps
draw with magic planter
worst case scenario make some rank 10s

I finally bothered getting YGO pro. How do I take screenshots in fullscreen mode? I wanna know whats wrong with my six samurai deck

Print Screen into Paint or something.

it's old
and has no new support, unlike other decks from it's era

I tried that but It just takes a photo of whats underneath.

I thought six samurai were good thanks to legendary six samurai, was that just a lie?


Well they lost their big + maker being at 3 which is what the deck needs to keep making plays.
TBH they should put it back to 3 but it's now at the point where konami just wont like stratos

nig, that was 6 years ago
have you been living under a rock?
next thing you're gonna tell me is that fire fists are still meta as anything other than beast-warrior support

kinda? I only recently got into yu-gi-oh again, when I was little though I used to watch the GX anime and played six samurai and aliens. I only found out about all this synchro and Xys and pendulum shit a month ago or so.

Speaking of, is my Don Zaloog hand control deck still good?

why would anyone do that to themselves
when was don zaloog any good

2003 and 2004


With cards being to why would you want to buy anything but the boxes with the current top tier shit in them and only the top tier shit?

anyways, here's a shitty six sam deck that works in current year
still can't compete with the meta though, requires godly hands to barely work

I don't know if I ever played a meta deck in the past 3-4 years, they always end up being rogue at best, not because I'm bad at deckbuilding, it's just that the archetypes I end up playing are either ones I like visually and gameplay-wise or they're former metadecks which are already powercreeped to shit and got no new good support.

Because I'm getting back into the game for nostalgia, not to win tournaments with whatever the monthly meta shit is. I've been having fun playing HEROs on YGOPRO since I've gotten back and wanted to get the real things just to find out they're expensive as fuck.

Hey man, did I play you with my heroes a week ago or so? I promised we'd get a few duels in with my Evil Heroes past weekend but I didn't find the time, wanna do it now?

your best bet is 3 structure decks then, doesn't matter which
ABCs are still good, ancient gears are shit in comparison to dinos but still decent, dinos are good, d/d/ds can still barely keep up with the meta, but extra deck is pricy there
if you can find 3 lightsworn structure decks, get those, they're getting new support
monarchs might work better when links come out, but they're brickier after they got hit in the banlist
also what's pricy in heroes? all the shit that makes them playable right now got printed in their structure deck, other than that you only need absolute zero and frogs

Yeah that was me. Got my shit kicked in. Should be okay playing a few games.

Mainly working on elemental heros right now, haven't gotten too involved with masked stuff yet, but even then the structure deck is expensive
$30 for just one. I don't understand why a two year old deck is $30, even older structure decks I can usually find for below $15 for one.

because the deck is still good, but structure decks are a limited supply
that's how the new ones always sell, they have shit in them that people need and won't be able to easily get once the decks have all sold
do you have any idea how many people i see in my trade group looking for d/d/d cards right now? and the structure deck only came out a few months ago

Well, it's because you went pure E-Heroes and you're relatively new with the game after not playing for quite a while, don't worry my Evil Hero deck is bricky as fuck and shitty. Whenever I got an actually playable and consistent deck without compromising on deck building I noticed that it wasn't an Evil Hero deck anymore but just Dark Gaia turbo. Anyway, whenever you're ready go to EU, name's The D, password is the name of the first wind E-Hero, everything lowercase

Isn't the D/D/D deck the pendulum domination deck? If so I can still find that one for under $10 and it came out the same only a year later.

Not seeing you on my list for some reason.

make sure to check "Show locked rooms"

What year is this

Yeah have it checked but not seeing any rooms with any players named the D.

Not bad, not bad at all.

Still lacks the Seven Sins and Ravenous Tarantula that you could get from your Pain Gainers, you should replace atleast one Galaxy Destroyer because when the fuck would you ever get out three? a 4k Beater for two is better then a 5k Beater for three in most situations.

Wait a sec I'm playing another dude, you sure you're on the EU server?


Ok go now

Please donate stop this cancer

To be fair you went up against my absolute shit brick deck that's not even deck-used-to-teach-your-6-year-old-nephew-tier.

alright, i put an extra deck in here
ain't i a smart one

you hosting soon? i can't see it in eu

Exactly, the match was the cancer that was to ex expected.
But the real cancer is shining mememan turbo

what's wrong with you, at least put some other heroes instead of them for consistency

How the fuck are you supposed to turbo out shining flare wingman otherwise?

I guess I could run shadowmists over honest to make omni heroes to search sparkman additionally but that's about it.
I just wanna play shining mememan and have him OTK man

what's the point of turboing him if you've got a dead hand once he's dead

You've got 3 of them


It's how I choose to live, I am the wall.

hosting dank scorpions on eu, name is doctard, password is jews

Yeah, we were both playing meme decks, but holy fuck

post the fuken meme decks

Had fun user, thanks.

Had lotsa fun dueling, E-HERO user. Remember, A HERO NEVER LOSES!

I made this during a drunken stupor after I found out that Skydive Scorcher existed, never played it before today, I should REALLY revise it (especially the Extra Deck), maybe even remake it into a stall deck until I do the combo because I only need Instant Fusion into Mariner, Skyscraper, Skydive Scorcher and lots of Big Guys on the opponent's field.
The second deck is my old one, I just put absolute powerhouses in the Extra Deck to confuse my opponent.

Any feedback is appreciated.

So it took only around 2 months for people to start playing each other with pet decks instead of bitching about how Konami is stopping them from playing said decks.

Nigger the only petdeck I have that I'll be able to run after Links hit is the Reversal Quiz one. Still, YGOPro will hopefully have a mode where you can play with old rules without the links.


Gee, surprise, it will have it! And even a bigger surprise, you can play a game of farting cards out of your ass if you want to.

well yeah, but i won't be able to play pet decks competitively in real life

You never were.

if i want to run gem-knights irl i clearly can, and i can even win once in a while, even in tournaments
but once links hit, i'm essentially playing normal rocks: the deck

If we are going to get technical about the "play" part instead of the "competitively" then you can still technically "play" them.

but that's the point
as we transition to links, a deck that could have worked loses it's "competitive" ability
i can play a shit deck right now, and it could still be competitive. but in the future, shit decks are shittier than ever and won't work in a competitive scene

Stop lying to yourself and the rest of us.

why can't you just accept that my pet decks were able to compete well enough

Because they wouldn't be pet decks otherwise.

but they weren't meta or even close to it
i literally just had them stored in a box for years and would bring them out every few months out of boredom
they're deader than GX era archetypes
i think that constitutes them as pet decks

Wait..what the fuck? A deck with one monster?

it's a shuriken/wall of light otk, somehow it actually works

What's the card next to Shadow Mist?

I dislike that I have to help these cucks win their battles just so I can unlock the cute grills.

Thoughts on Forbidden Memories or DOTR?

>at the end she tells me she loves To duel with me!
worth it.

I laughed when one of her friends said her brother could rape her them anytime


Post your decklist mate

Every era I'm playing on hard mode with a full power version of a popular deck that was around, played DM with GOAT, played through GX with Omni masked heroes (triple stratos) 5D's with no XYZ six Samurai, Zexel with Ultimate offering gadgets to make it go by ASAP and played Ark V with Nekroz Ritual dimension will win

That's pretty dank

Don't need monsters, I've been thinking of even switching Royal Magical Library out for another spell, but so far I wasn't fucked over by it. It's basically stall until you get down to a minimum of 500 LP (or more depending on how many Fuhma Shuriken or Black Pendants I have in hand for the OTK), you do that with Messenger of Peace and Wall of Revealing Light. With them, the only other combo piece you need is Reversal Quiz, which switches out your LP with your opponent if you call the type of card (monster, spell, trap) on the top of your deck right, before that you set as many Black Pendants/Fuhma Shuriken you have in hand as possible so you can burn the opponent after Reversal Quiz hits since Reversal Quiz nukes your whole board and hand.

Not only does it work, as far as I remember some absolute madman managed to win a regional a few years back with a Reversal Quiz deck, but he used a different version of it with handtrap monsters and drawing monsters like Kuribandit or Cardcar D and it involved another combo piece which is Feather of the Phoenix to make sure that the card on top of your deck is a spell card. I prefer my version since it doesn't need another combo piece.

Vision HERO Vyon, he's new generic HERO support and he's quite good.

someone give me a shitty monster/archetype idea to make a deck out of, i'm bored

Sports deck.

U.A. ?

Anything sports related.


alright, i've got something that more or less works
only problem is that the archetype itself is the brickiest shit i've ever seen, unless i've got support from other places
you only get 1 monster and one spell to start with, everything else is unusable without them
so for that i've got speedroids to bring out said monster, and feast of the wild lv 5 to bring out my two lv 5s
foolish burial goods also sends their trap to the grave, which i banish to add signing deal, which i use to once again bring a U.A. monster onto the field
generally you want to have the lv 4 monster in your hand and the field spell up, summon it, add something with the field spell and then return the level 4 monster to special summon something from your hand
i've also got a possible tzolkin+crystal wing in here because of the lv 5s

US Presidential Election deck, one for Trump and one for Hilldawg.

it's been done before, you can't really do much aside from emails and koaki meuru walls

You could give Hilldawg a bunch of banned cards and then still make her lose

If you think about it aren't Cardian's basically the Trump deck?

That was a really bad 's.

turtlezoics work
i've got a replay, but it's pretty long so it's gonna take a while for it to edit and i'm probably gonna have to upload it to jewtube because of the inevitable filesize

main engine of the deck is paleozoics, but you've also got rescue rabbit turtles as well as silent angler in order to bring out bahamut shark
with him you can summon toadally awesome, or a rank 3 monster to use as material for lancer
you can also summon acid golem and creature swap him
and because we needed turtles i've got crab turtles in here
gameciel helps a lot too

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