Played Dead space for the first time in 7 years will we ever get a good horror game like Dead Space ever again?

Played Dead space for the first time in 7 years will we ever get a good horror game like Dead Space ever again?

This thread never had any chances.

We want the call of duty audiance

yeah there are plenty being made, see: re7 and outlast 2

no, but expect more survival horror games

Fuck Dead Space 3

I hear Outlast 2 tries too hard but is RE7 good?


I had a pretty shitty time with Dead Space until I stopped trying to immerse myself and just played it as an action shooter, then it got pretty fun.

It plays and looks like bullshit-streamer bait until you get past a certain point early on and then it starts feeling more and more like a RE game, cheesiness and all. Combat is decent enough, there's only like 3 different types of enemies and it's kinda short. I'd rate it "solid but eh"/10, I'm glad it's something that's not RE4 but worse again.

I read that RE7 is what fans always wanted, an actual horror game and a lot of people liked it but it's

You can watch some no commentary walkthrough on youtube to get a feel for it, it seems cool but it doesn't seem as good as dead space 1 or 2 in my opinion, it's more gross than scary and tense.


Oh wait, my bad, I'm on Holla Forums rn, I thought I was on Holla Forums. I get that you guys don't discuss video games (unless it's nier or me:andromeda, the ones Mark got paid to shill).

The survival horror element is too forgiving, it never feels tense, there's a bunch of half assed mechanics in it clearly just shoved in to appeal to nostalgia but toned down as to not upset casuals, and the last part of the game starting from the tanker is a complete fucking slog.
It's not outright terrible, but it's the epitome of mediocrity. I'm not even gonna comment on that last sentence.

If you don't like popular things you must be a hipster xDDD. Go back to Reddit, you're clearly too much of a faggot to post on this board.

go and stay go

Stop trying to fit in. The only good thing about your post is your ID


King pleb, of the pleb dynasty !

have your (1)

People are discussing video games, just not the ones you like in a positive light.

Not just paid dlc, but there's nothing besides the base game included. Past RE's had dlc, but they at least had mercs and other modes included without needing to pay extra. Re7 also only has 3 fucking enemy variants, aside from bosses, and they all look very similar. Standard molded, crawling molded, and a slightly bigger bullet sponge molded. 3 fucking enemies! Apparently they weren't going to have any and just have bosses repeatedly pop up before you finally kill them, but decided to not go that route so they added in some half assed enemies which are lame and boring as shit. This game doesn't deserve a cent, so avoid or pirate.

It really depends what type of horror you're after, empowerment or powerless. Considering Holla Forums loves loli there's no doubt the anons here are going to prefer the powerless horror as you are most of the time running around like a scared cute little girl.

You're forgetting the fourth enemy type: standard molded, but with a bigger arm. God, RE7 was so lazy. I only played RE1-3, but I know they have larger enemy variety than this trash.
Resident Evil 1:
Resident Evil 2 added:
Resident Evil 3 also had:

Correction: The only classic Resident Evils I played are 1-3.

Dead Space was never good horror. Is was always a gore porn B movie with jump scares at best. There's a few moments where they build tension but it's mostly lost before it reaches any level of anxiety. It just had the good grace of being a good game and having a fantastic universe. Both then got completely fucked in 3. Two is the best in the franchise gameplay wise though. Shame what they did with Isaac, but nobody in in the Dead Space universe is particularly interesting as a character so I guess I can't really blame them. Also the micro-transaction DLC shit wasn't to great either.

RE7 is close, but that's because we've been so used to shit like RE5-6 that anything close to spooky that isn't a shmup is an "improvement".

I'd have love a game just about repairing a space ship and maybe solving a mystery of what happened to the crew. But the big mystery is "Space Scientologists" and that the government is making monster pillars… for some reason. Maybe they think it ties the whole space station together?

The atmosphere and story are really interesting and can give good creeps, but the game is hampered by its boring combat and lack of spooks. It probably would have been better as something more like Alien Isolation or Outlast gameplay-wise.


That's something that got a big laugh out of me. When Jack goes "Oh we just sorta found her on a nearby ship and took her home" and then apparently everyone forgot about the super bioweapon that can create mass hallucinations, control minds and create mooks from the dead for 3 years. What a huge ass plot-hole.

You'd think there would be a few commando teams sent down there looking for it and not just the crew of Ghost Hunters.

We do see a list of people who were captured by the Bakers, but nothing that implies investigators or anti-monster agents. Only one cop is now investigating the house after all this time.

Because there's two flavors of horror games today - "scary" shooters more tame than a Lifetime horror movie, and zero fighting first person monster closet games made to cash in on youtubers screaming.

Very little atmosphere, zero build up and ditches any in-game mystery for ARG shit.

Dead Space was boring.

Play on a harder difficulty.

If I remember right, they made the pillars (markers) because of the massive energy they provided or something like that. The people in DS are incredibly low on resources which is why they were planet cracking to begin with. Add in that the pillars make people lose their sh!t, so using powerful unknown alien tech seems like a great idea.

Never really explained in game in DS2. At first I think they're experimenting with this one and it goes amok. Typical monster movie stuff. Then the game ends and "Don't worry, we got more on other stations"

Sometimes I feel like an alien.


This fucking bait

Who cares about the story? The fact that it's bland and campy kinda just makes the game feel more like a cheesy B movie in space, which is a plus in my books. I'm sure it puts off others though.
Enemy variety and limb amputation beg to differ. Control wise it just copied a system that worked and improved on it in 2.
To RE4? different games but I will replay the fuck out of 2. Almost as much as RE4. And comparing anything to RE4 is unfair. DS2 stands on its own though in other ways.

Why do the developers never realize that the CoD audience is full of players (that seem hardcore but are actually casual) who ONLY buy and play CoD, with maybe a little Madden on the side.

Event horizon had pacing, which dead space had none of except in 2 for a brief period when you revisit the ship. RE4 also had pacing. Most of dead space felt like running through hallways with the same 1-2 weapons with predictable as fuck jumpscares. I honestly just hated it. Idk why something like bioshock gets hate and deadspace gets a pass.

I tried playing Dead Space recently. Started with the PC version I had, mouse aim was seriously fucked up and had some kind of insane acceleration or something on it. I was able to turn something off that made things manageable but it was still fucked up in some core way. Then I got to some door and it wouldn't let me through because I was playing above 3 FPS. I also have a PS3 copy lying around though, so I went to play that. The game ran at a terrible FPS (which is terrible after you were just playing the game above 60 FPS), the brightness was fucked so everything was extremely dark (the default for PC was way brighter than on PS3's default), and I had to deal with controller aiming. Also I think there was still a bunch of DLC that could be purchased which is fucking stupid. Didn't play the game, wasn't worth the effort.

It's really easy to see why - they like action, things with lots of guns and shooting, but they ignore the fact that there are some audiences that will stick to one thing, no matter how close you make something else like that thing.

Marketing and high yield saleswork looks at people as some kind of "formula" to solve. It has nothing to do if they didn't want that, it just has to do with you selling it to them wrong rather than recognizing people aren't as easily snookered and more complex than they may admit.

These people are better suited selling pringles and clorox but tell designers who either know better or should know better to make their game like this one game played by a group of casuals with poor adoption rates.

Because Bioshock is objectively shit, you fucking faggot.

Only reason I remember that is due to the fact I got bored one day and read the wiki. Can't recall if they allude to it all that much in game though as I have not played in a while.

Op, this is a shit thread. If this was Holla Forums I'd say you were sliding but this isn't Holla Forums so you must just be retard. I never had any problems with Dead Space, it was alright for the first playthrough, but after that it was mediocre at best. It's nothing to write home about other than the story concepts being pretty interesting on their own.
