What is your favourite game this gen so far?

What is your favourite game this gen so far?

Its not a perfect game but its easily Bloodborne for me. Lots of games like Nier Automata i loved but Bloodbornes world, art style, gameplay, music and tone has brought me back to finish it 9 times and starting up a new game again today reminded me that its not just my favourite souls game now its got the old hunters and it fixed invading/sunbro'ing in the city its just a game i consider in my all time favourites like Silent Hill or Skies of Arcadia i know i can always go back to.

What game do you love the most this gen?

Zelda BotW

The waiting game

The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ Special Edition™

nier automata has been more inventive than anything in the past decade. Otherwise there's been quite a few games I've really adored this generation so far. I'm working my way through gravity rush 2, great as it is, it's not as captivating as nier automata.

todd pls

Bayonetta 2, this gen has been a wasteland but not without some gems.

Hard to tell at this point whats my current favourite considering Q1 of 2017 has been amazing for games.

I've probably only played about 3 games from this current gen so I'll just have to go with the best one i've played which was RE7

Although from everything I've seen of Bloodborne, that would easily be my favourite game of this gen and my favourite FromSoft game if I had a ps4

and you will never get a quarter this good this gen again.

Should you ever get a cheap ps4 when they build up a library of enough exclusives/drop in price enough Bloodborne is a 100% must buy.

I'm still waiting on Sonic Mania or Mega Man X Corrupted. Everything else is just timekilling.

Everything else will be trash compared to it

Everything else also will be released

consolefags are not allowed on Holla Forums

So far Nier: Automata has been my game of the gen. Bloodborne came close but I'm a big Yoko fan; the OG Nier was my favourite of last gen too and Automata surpassed my expectations by leaps and bounds.

The fuck is gen?
How can 30 fps locked anything be good?
Is this a bait thread?
Fuck you.

Their YouTube celebrity just started playing it so you'll see lots of underaged faggots posting about it.


cease your furfaggotry lest the mod of triggerhappy bring banishment upon you

shit, you even know the script


Kys turkshill



Eat my shit turdbuckler

i just don't get it, its garbage, specially when compared to every other entry in the souls series (minus 3 which is just literally bloodborne with a souls paintcoat)

>Different even if shittier gameplay
You better believe every retard here will fellate it when it wasn't even the bet game of 2015

its the same gameplay except they removed shields and added whacky edgy "saws" to every single weapon.

If you don't like Bloodborne, then what's your favorite game lately? Let me guess, it's all TRASH, and anyone who plays games anymore is a FAG.

It's not at all the same gameplay, you can't play Bloodborne and DS1 the same without getting trashed. Bloodborne is much, much faster. The "edgy saws" are there and they are part of the lore AND the gameplay, saw edges do extra damage to beasts and there's the whole thing with blood and making beasts bleed is like the whole thing, faggot. How about you share with the class your favorite game so they can all shit on it?

There are 3 saw weapons out of a total of 26 you fucking pillock.

son if your projection and implications could be burned for energy, we could fly to mars right now.

i had a couple good games this gen, but regardless of what i say you'll call it shit because you're butthurt at this point so im not gonna bother giving names. but this gen is getting there, slowly but surely.

yeah exactly the reason im not gonna tell you any names. im not gonna give you any ammo, pointless to talk with a shit tasting butthurt faggotron who likes memeborne.

its not faster, your character is just slow as shit on purpose.
dude the PS4 is full of games now, you don't need to defend your purchase anymore, it defends itself on its own catalog.

The King of Fighters XIV, I was originally worried with the shift to 3D but the gameplay and roster is better than XIII's.
I hope the PC port gets announced soon so I don't have to pay for PS+ anymore



Dark Souls 3

I have not played a single game from this current gen.

If only this were true.

go back to r/masterrace you retard.

Or what, you won't pay for your console's online?

you have to go back

Or I can simply beat the shit out of you.

what are you gonna do hit me with 0s and 1s? you insufferable manlet pccucks…

Roflcofl, I only need a 2 to smash through your pathetic AC

Show your arms.

Ketchup faggot

>My games aren't shit.

You won't be giving anyone any ammo if your games aren't shit.