Installing mods

What's the fucking point?

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I suppose it gives you something to do whilst sitting with your wife's son and listening to her being railed by Jamal.

Seriously, who reads readmes.

you fucking dork


why are PC gamers such fucking niggers?

All the kids who started with the Xbox 360 grew up.

doubtful. mustards are just the ultimate pieces of trash. No wonder the platform is dead.


Are you the guy who complains in the comments when the mod doesn't work when he installed it wrong?


Seriously, was it that hard, you dumb faggot?



could it be he fell for the winrar meme?

I have better things to do than check whether an archive will fuck up my file structure every time i extract something, lad.

Worse, I fell for the Linux meme.


You were the chosen one Evil genius Overhaul, you did everything right but this

Okay so what the fuck do you want? Do you want your archives to extract to a folder so they aren't shat into the current directory or not? Make up your mind, you dumb nigger.
You can do the same thing in Linux too with Archive Manager

You're too stupid to use mods.

I want shit to be consistent.


And yet the things you're saying aren't.

lol niggers

Long war was a mistake

There is nothing inconsistent about this.

oh wow

Try reading the conversation you reply to.

I don't care what other people said. You gay hurricane of electrified faggotry

are you sure you're not describing your own life?

Linux's Archive Manager can be set to automatically extract to a folder if the archive is full of loose files. This is set as default on Ubuntu-based installations, as mentioned here:

Of course you can set it yourself if you're using a different Linux installation. Don't know if you can do this with 7-zip or other Windows extracting programs.
