what do

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you already fucked it up. . .

This is a thread for SocDems


How many people protested Obama?


Those intolerant right wingers




how did they conclude that obama was a nazi? what the fuck is wrong with these people lol

In partisan politics calling your opponent a nazi is always an option.

Yep. Exactly the same.

He wasn't just a nazi he was also a socialist, sharia law loving, atheist from Zimbabwe.

I really didn't care for him, but the conflicting Reich wing caricature just got funnier and funnier as time went on.

I wish Americans would stop doing this.

Obama won with a plurality of the popular vote - twice - and was met with protests. Trump couldn't even win with most of the vote - and it's the second time in 16 years that a GOP candidate has won the election without carrying the popular vote. You could invade Iraq like 5 times over with just Clinton's lead over Trump, and both of them would be ok with it for a decade. The majority of Democrats was also the plurality of American voters, and the party-nominee/winner take all approach to the electoral college isn't even technically constitutional. If anything, the fact that /all/ they're doing is protesting when most of them voted "lesser evil" and still got the other guy just goes to show what a bunch of pussies they are. If liberals reacted like conservatives, Trump would have been executed live on an occupied piece of federal land by now.

What's more, the demographic of Republicans who vocally insisted that Obama was a Nazi/Communist/Islamist/Black supremacist/etc. is largely the same one that dominated the 2016 Republican primaries, if the results say anything.

I am protesting my right to be free from Capitalism, and to have your private property taken away from you, and given to the collective whole of humanity. You are not special, you will never be special, and I think we can all say that any self loving man with a pony tail that bad needs to be taken to the local gulag

American Liberalism is pure aestheticism.

Everyone who matters my dude.

Bikers aren't in Trump's cabinet.
[Although if they were, I wouldn't be that surprised - it's the kind of hobby rich guys tend to have the time and money for, and it's about as counter-cultural nowadays as eating tofu.]

Also, is Hoochie Minh liberal? The means of production thing there doesn't really suggest that.


I know nuance triggers all the edgy teens on this board but it's true

I've been thinking about this actually, a lot more whites voted for Obama than Clinton in spite of the paradoxical cries of racism by Shillary supporters and I think this is because 2008/2012 GOP made the same mistake of alienating voters for the sake of pandering to small, insignificant groups.

In 2016, the inverse basically happened.