"Persona 5's localization is worse b/c of its Japanese references! [Localize it!]"


Western feminists are triggered over Persona 5. A Japanese-made game referencing Japanese literature/culture/hobbies. Remember that these same group of idiots who says that we shouldn't be complaining on how Treehouse butchered Fire Emblem: Fates and Xenoblade Chronicles X because of "cultural differences". Let that sink in, fellas.

Other urls found in this thread:


Of course they are, they want to take control of shit and turn it into a political message. I'm sure they loved the localization of Fates and Xenoblade X

Get your delicious jelly donuts!

I want to like persona but I can't. It is cringe, but the music and art is good.
It seems I'm too functional to use this game as an escapism. Oh well!

Post the porn, these threads rarely have porn.

Just download the jap dub and use that

Or just learn nip and avoid the problems altogether. Anything is better than slogging through SJW shit/translation.

If I'm gonna learn nip, I'm not playing fucking weaboo shit. If I learn nip, I will move to Japan to expand my horizons, making contracts with skilled businessmen to make my vidya empire.


Teenager detected.

reminder that JRPGs are fucking stupid, 0 skill and I don't fucking care what localization or who fucking translated because the game fucking sucks because it's an JRPG not because it's japanese but because it's a stupid fucking RPG and JRPG is four letters longer than RPG making it fucking trash if i have to write more just to state the fact that it's japanese in the first place because some funny fucking terminology bullshit people think RPGs are like bethseda games or to some stupid extent the souls series.
Who fucking cares if it's translated like shit because the next thing you will mutter "wait a minute, the game is shit all along!" except you won't because you're the kind of retarded idiotic ass-hatted baboon that not only thought of purchasing a shit game but also executing the purchase and then probably didn't play and let it rot after it's return-it-get-full-refund date and you look back into the game's soul and clouds draw out "What a blunder!" which is also a reflection of yourself, too.
RPGS and JRPGS are a fucking mistake

About damn time.

Oh hi, NeoFAG.

nice car

Your choice, still would recommend it to anyone on Holla Forums who plays nip game. I learned nip years ago because it adds more dosh to my paycheck (often worked with nip companies), easier time when travelling there, and the bonus is that I get to play non-pozzed nip games.

More dosh, easier time in nipland, non-pozzed game. Why not? It just take some effort.

Am I missimg somethimg?

Yeah they love their exclusives but only if they're made by western devs.

Neofag's hatred of anything anime overrides the sony tribalism.

One thing that NeoFAG hates more is everything Japanese, y'know. Just ask Jason Schreier and how he said that the Sorceress in Dragon's Crown is a lolicon because of its big boobs and how Japanese character designers are "children" for designing such lewd characters.


And a shitload of free time, food, and otherwise low-stress environment, because learning moon with a full time job that's driving you to suicide, while borderline starving, is not conducive to learning and retaining a whole new language.

Basically, if you don't have to pay rent, you're golden.

Not enough stale reddit memes for you burch?

Silly user, games cant have STDs

How long did it take to be competent enough to only need a dictionary some of the time?

And the water is wet; More at 11.

I couldn't even imagine how bad that version would be.Also decided to check his twitter and holy shit he's not even hiding his cuck fetish for black men anymore.

I want to have fun and like persona too but it's fucking gay. They are in a school doing teenager stuff all the time. Why would I want a game like that if 90% of anime is already that shit?

Your N key?

No idea why I did this.

I mean. I'm going to kill two birds with one stone anyways. So I'm probably gonna play a jap game down the line. Thanks for the intel.

is this the real anthony burch?

Just use themselves against them. Call them racist and move on.

To add insult to injury, most black guys don't even look like that. Seriously.

Unless that's an Indian or something, that's a very generous way to draw an ooga booga

Open up a dictionary and look up 'effort'.

Depends on how hard you work at it. I would say one year and a half, or maybe two if you dedicate an hour per day learning it. Most people I know that speak nip also said that it is about 1~2 years, give or take.

Burch is genetically an aloha snackbar so it could be a Paki

The subject she teaches is Japanese, what do they expect? The question isn't about shogi or chess, it's about the Japanese character on the pieces.

Wait, so you mean he's Iranian like Jontron? Holy fuck.

Has ANY semite contributed ANYTHING positive throughout the course of humanity?
Seriously, these people are like walking insects. At least spics are able to build their own societies, but these fucking people contribute NOTHING, I tell you, NOTHING to the modern world.

I wish the US Military could grow a fucking meaty pair and kill everyone with middle eastern genes, white flinging all invaders the fuck out of the country.

are you saying that chris tucker doesn't look black?



Everything looks good in 2D

Did I fucking stutter?

It's supposed to be Chris Tucker's character in The Fifth Element, you philistines.

Never said Iranian
He's an Adopted Arab, not sure what part of the arab world though

I asked a question first

now this is a shitpost

"Oh no! A Japanese game made in Japan and is set in Japan has some Japanese stuff in it!"

Next you'll be telling me an American game made by Americans and set in America, must have something for the Martians.

Too effeminate to look like him, skin color aside.
There's your answer. Cunt.

I don't watch tv, so I wouldn't know.

So he's cut? That explains it.
Pretty much everyone who is cut has a very depressive way to express themselves. It's very strange how I can actually tell who's cut and who isn't depending on their mannerisms and how irked I get when I'm around them.

It's a "6th sense per say."
They just feel so gaudy and gratingly dull. I can't STAND it.
Circumcision was a mistake.

I agree with it tbhimofamalam

So he wants Chris Tucker to be all over him? I'm not seeing how this is any better. Either way the picture comes off as him wanting the nigger dick.

That actually sounds pretty gay.


What the likes of Kotaku and co don't understand is that regardless of most westerners not getting it, what is happening here is giving westerners a window into eastern culture and tricks in questions. It doesn't matter if nearly every westerner gets it wrong because some will go out of their way to find out what is going off in the Kanji subtleties which will then lead them to getting some obscure knowledge about Japanese culture and topics to talk about when talking about their favourite games. Altering stuff like this to make it western friendly completely destroys the charm that can come with these types of translations.

It's just the media trying to control the narrative. They need to sway public opinion against faithful translations, because then it gives them an excuse to let 'localizers' get in and change whatever they feel is appropriate for western 'sensibilities'.

It's them trying to open up another avenue for propaganda.

They are in league with LW1's (I forgot how to spell her last name) vendetta against Japanese titles especially with her perceived White supremacist messages.

They did something up until the 6th or 7th Century. Then Mad Ham and his cursed legacy fucked up everything and has been a plight since. The 'only' decent thing that came after that is the tales of The Arabian Nights.

No. It's not that.
I don't know, and I can't pinpoint it. I can JUST tell if something has a strong semitic influence due to how I feel about it. It all started with post movie spongebob…

Nigga wut?

Dude, touching someone's penis to tell if they are circumcised isn't a superpower. That just sounds super gay.

Why would anyone expect western references in a game of eastern origin? How is changing the original culture reference "preserving" anything. I play non-western games to get away from western culture, to experience something different, I don't demand that everything be changed to something familiar and stale (to me). I know of chess, maybe I'd be interested in shogi, it's interesting to see these differences and learn about them instead of sweep them under the rug. "art of localization" What a fucking joke, some user made a comparison before, localization is like having a waiter remove parts of your meal because he doesn't like them.

Those Hitlers confirm

No, that's bad localization. Localization is necessary if you want to play a game in your native language. Good localization ensures that you understand the content, its tone, and the context in which it is presented. Even if changes are made, those three things will remain the same.
Don't fall for the "translation vs. localization" bullshit.


Cultural diversity is our strength. But only when it applies to Islamic terror and Islamic gangrape. Japan? Shogi? Get that foreign shit out of here.

t. Kotaku

Not news

I have a feeling you are not being genuine with me and instead just wish to rile people up for attention.

Son, you've missed a lot of shit. NeoGaf hates sony now.


I don't get it? Is this internet person complaining because they are being taught something?

They actually contributed a lot to math, science, and medicine once upon a time. Of course, that was back in the days when you could still naively believe that learning more about the mechanics of the natural world would lead you to better understand the mind of god. And even then, a lot of them took a more interpretational view of the Quran in light of what they knew about the natural world… or were outright atheists in some cases.

Long story short.
Gamergate, fighting the White Hetereocisnormative culture infilitrating videogames is their mission.
Sony is their friend whenever the cave to bullshit. Other than that, fuck sony.

Holy shit.


whoops wrong image

The same reasons people watch 90% of anime, except you can actually play it.

At least the Assfagots FotM of yesteryear probably still has more activity than Battleborn.


Yes, that is exactly what's happening. Because if American kids have to look up what Shogi is to answer a question on a video game, they might end up taking an interest in Shogi, and you can't have white american kids playing Shogi. That would be cultural appropriation.

(Black kids can still learn it though. In their case it's empowering and enriching.)

So, if the usual suspects hate it, does that mean they did a good job?

The translation is borderline balls but it's infinitely better than what Burch would have done.
There's points in the game like , the translator thought "Hmm.. This sounds odd! I know, I'll run it through google translate!"

Also, the Non-Union Budget Crew did the voices- - It doesn't help that the guy who speaks Igor's lines does so in a single continious breath. Because, perhaps, his script did not include commas and fucking periods.
And then the honorifics. I know the budget crew cannot pronounce and sound out some names correctly, I get that I won't hold it against them. I will hold it against the translator for slipping into honorifics when previously they never used them.

Best translated character , the Coffee house dude.
Worst translated, the Politician dude and Goro. Japan and America have different…"understandings" when it comes to responsibility.

All and all if you have some understanding on how japanese culture works, the game is pretty refreshing. Which then comes back to, if you know how japanese culture works, every other fucking person in the story is clinically retarded.
In what fucking world is that true?

Such is life when you're in a society where you're part of the small handful that's allowed to read.

I've had relatives tell me circumcision is okay, because the babies are too dumb to remember it hurts. I guess raping newborns is okay, they won't even remember it. No consequences.
It's baffling for a circumcised person to be surrounded by circumcised people that continue to normalize it, and then say it's fine because he doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. It's amazing how much people are willing to argue for people that are incapable of giving consent, but for circumcision it's unnecessary. Everyone just assumes you'd be okay with it.

SJW's don't care about defending chink culture, it's too Problematic. Why bother acknowledging the race that single-handedly disproves progressive stack?

boo fuckin hoo



Guess it's a good thing I stopped caring about most ching chong franchises after 6th gen.

I'd be pretty pissed off if I actually liked a game that some retard had the privilege of translating.

Are you implying the union cucks who are on strike and have no knowledge of how games are made would've been better?

"At least you're not" Anthony Burch
"I wish I wasn't" Anthony Burch
Anthony "Failed Cock Research" Burch
Anthony "r/dankmemes" Burch
Anthony "Davis" Burch
Anthony "Watches is sister pee" Burch
Anthony "Thinking Man's Fetish" Burch
Anthony "I have to buy my own video game" Burch
Anthony "The Ascended White Knight" Burch
Anthony "Jeans in a backyard wedding" Burch
Anthony "Cuck-a-doodle doo" Burch
Anthony "Lives in a backpack" Burch
Anthony "The Anti-Lurch" Burch
Anthony "The BBC needs me!" Burch
Anthony "Trying to fill his sister's shoes" Burch
Anthony "Nihongo out of my country" Burch
Anthony "Japs need to be slapped" Burch
Anthony "Haiku are doodoo" Burch
Anthony "You go black or you better go back" Burch
Anthony "Taking misandry and the d" Burch
Anthony "Stopping misogyny and the evil Nazi" Burch
Anthony "If you make anime, you gotta pay" Burch
Anthony "I'll protect her on twitter" Burch
Anthony "Standing when you pee is misogyny" Burch
Anthony "All inclusive rectum" Burch
Anthony "No 2D for the Kamikaze" Burch
Anthony "Every game you play will be gay" Burch
Anthony "She was my boo but then she took my wii u" Burch
Anthony "I wish my name was Ashly" Burch
Anthony "I'm glad her name is Ashley" Burch

I remember Modern Warfare 3 having a failed shock attempt scene where a suicide dirty bomber parks in a completely vacant mid-day Westminster and kills a whopping three people and a car.
Then screaming and panic erupts when there's literally no one in the scene.
No punctuation.
It's a shame, it sounds so phoned in.

I am a translator.
This cuck is a pretentious piece of shit.

I don't even know who the target audience is with this delightful trainwreck.

It's too hard for the ultra casual LOOK AT ME I PLAY JRPGS too crowd. In fact, all of the rpgs released in the last couple of years except FF15 and Pokemon Sun/ Moon have been way too hard for them. Even the compile heart shit is too hard for them.

It's too easy for the Veteran SMT player. Despair is the most broken status element in the game (only story bosses are immune to it) and essentially makes free battles, if you can stand the battle song for three turns. And the game pulls the same bullshit it did in older SMT games.

It's totally style over substance. Which is refreshing, but depressing at the same time. That's bound to attract the meme and tumblr crowds, but dissapoint the hardcore players in the long run.

I'm just tired of hearing the same fucks in everything. Unless it's famous actor, I should not be able to instantly tell that the annoying as fuck cat is the equally annoying as fuck Gust from the Neptunia games. I know they're non-union, but can't these companies..Hire different people? Or is the voice acting industry that heavily inbred?

Holy fuck. that's cringy. If the game is filled with more stupid shit like that, I gotta play it now.

These fags both need to go drown in a pool of lava

I take back what I said about the lava. I hope Burch gets raped in the ass with a barbed-wire dildo. What's worse is that if it was his sister doing it, he'd still like it

not only that, she's the best damn girl in the game.


His wife's last name.

Ah so desu ka.

There's probably a lengthy list of clauses and overrides there for what they're not allowed to like, what they can like (but only as a guilty pleasure), and which games/series/devs they can fellate to their hearts' content.

It is.

probably depends on who's paid their protection money.

Full thing please.

fine fine

You do know most of those same actors are unionized right?
It's all about time and money. Either they go for cheap and hire kids off the street who can't act at all and waste time having to be guided or you pay a little more for people who hit that sweet spot of being affordable for the hours they work and can deliver an adequate but not good performance in the time they're hired to be in the booth. Voice acting pays shit for nearly everyone in any medium which is why they bounce from gig to gig to gig (and also why they tried to jew game developers with their unions). Highly paid actors like Nolan North are a rare commodity, almost no one makes a living exclusively voicing a handful of productions in one medium.
Like every piece of entertainment, yes.

Really makes you wonder why Burch and the rest of the goon squad were shitting on the game since day one.

You are a scholar and a gentleman. And a bit of a smut peddler.

so are you mentally stunted, or just a fumbling nigger?

Outed yourself Pablo. You were living in jungle huts while the Mesopotamians were building and destroying Empires. You guys never would have advanced beyond the Aztecs if the Spanish and Portuguese hadn't been kind enough to westernize you.

y-you too

There's a few English VAs I don't really get that tired of, like Jamieson Price, but yeah, it does get annoying that for the most part it's the same pool of people they seem to draw from almost every time, unless a company outright can't budget them, or can yet actually opts to go out on a limb and get someone that either hasn't worked in the vidya VA industry, or in some case may not have professionally voiced before at all. There's also the problem of some games where they do at least have talent to the voices (ignoring potential overuse of said actors for a moment), but the voicing direction they are given winds up being rather poor. Regardless, western vidya VAs seem to act high and mighty to the point they feel they should warrant as big a budget as the people actually working on coding/designing the game content itself, and thus had that silly strike. Worth noting that some VAs (the aforementioned Price; don't think I heard anything about JYB or Lowenthal supporting the strike either) did actually opt to stay out of it, though whether it was an actual case of disagreeing with the movement or just being wise enough to not want to bite the hand that feeds them remains up in the air.

Very much so. There's a number of cases where established VAs, writers, and even translators/localizers, can easily get siblings or offspring get a foot in the door with the industry. Not even just talking about the Burchoos here.

I think that's WHY he said they can build their own societies. They actually learned shit and used it.

They're pretty shit societies overall, but there have been worse.

Uh, you don't get to bring friends :^) tits don't curve like that to the shoulders.

Don't suppose you know what the text all says?

And the middle east didn't? Besides China they were the absolute pinnacle of civilization before Islam. Even Alexander the Great went Persian once he conquered their Empire.

They did, but now they've more or less unlearned it.

Fair enough. Spics unlearned it too once their European masters fucked off. Look at Venezuela.

My guess would be a fumbling nigger.

No, sorry.

Still playing DaS3 like a goddamned autist when I should be glazing this cake by now.

Fuck right the hell off with this meme. The Phoenicians were a Semitic people. All the great bronze age Empires were Semitic people. Just because kikery and Mohammed fucked everything up doesn't mean it wasn't the cradle of western civilisation originally.


I don't understand, what's the problem?

SJWs are hyprocrites who cry for more "diversity" yet criticize a Japanese game for being Japanese, insisting it should be whitewashed for their American sensibilities.

So, ordinary Thursday.

if you're using segmented insults with 4 or more portions (ie idiotic ass-hatted baboon), you're salty as fuck my man.

I don't know if stealing from the Greeks and Indians counts as a contribution.


He's partly right, the Greeks got a lot of idea from the Persians who in turn got a lot of those ideas from the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Assyrians, who also got quite a number of their ideas from the people before them.
If you want to look at human history as a stock market, the Greeks we're technically a low point going from the Assyrians. The Roman Republic was the next high point for us.


No. No other medium talks about "localization" (with the revealing exception of anime). You don't "localize" Goethe. You don't "localize" Plato. You don't even "localize" The Raid. You fucking translate them.

Persona 5's actually different in that most of the action is outside of the school and in the city, and after a point in the story you can't even head back to school because you're on the run.

reminder that normalfags only enjoy anime as long as it is easily digestable shallow entertainment like SAO or Attack on Titan

if it requires a basic understanding of cultures other than murrican or has something weird or too controversial they go around shrieking like r9k when he doesn't get his tendies

Was Burch raped as a Kid?

Is that you, Ken-sama?

Ken-sama is fucking dead bro, show some respect.

Frankly, they could have handled that one question about the nip charcter better, but that's a drop in the water compared to all the rain OP Downpour brought. Don't try to defend it as perfect just cause SJWs attacked it, as I'm seeing many faggots do, just remember to point out the blatant hypocrisy.

Don't you dare insult someone who singlehandely saved japan from it's doom so they could deliver anime and games

I don't even like that game and that butchery still makes me livid.

As does the fact they never translated the mute campaign in Awakening. The main character has no fucking dialogue! Yet they didn't bother translating it! What kind of laziness is that shit?!

Bullshit. The Greeks (actually, forget that, just the Athenians) had three of the most influential philosophers in history, right in a row, and none of them appear to have been influenced in any way by non-Greek philosophers. Aristotle talks a little bit about non-Greek politics but never about non-Greek philosophy, and Plato and Socrates almost never mention foreigners at all.

Fuck you for reminding me of this. The Muslim conquest of Persia is one of those things that hits my /his/torian feels

Thebes was the best city state anyway

Philosophers are fucking gay faggots who refuse to get a job. Naturally Marx was a self-described philosopher.

And yes, it was a low-point. The ruins of Nineveh blew Xenophon's mind.
"So fared the foe and so fell back; but the Hellenes, continuing their
march in safety for the rest of that day, reached the river Tigris.
Here they came upon a large deserted city, the name of which was
Larissa: a place inhabited by the Medes in days of old; the breadth
of its walls was twenty-five feet, and the height of them a hundred,
and the circuit of the whole two parasangs. It was built of claybricks,
supported on a stone basis twenty feet high. This city the
king of the Persians besieged, what time the Persians strove to
snatch their empire from the Medes, but he could in no wise take it;
then a cloud hid the face of the sun and blotted out the light
thereof, until the inhabitants were gone out of the city, and so it was
taken. By the side of this city there was a stone pyramid in breadth a
hundred feet, and in height two hundred feet; in it were many of the
barbarians who had fled for refuge from the neighbouring villages.
From this place they marched one stage of six parasangs (about 20
miles) to a great deserted fortress [which lay over against the city],
and the name of that city was Mespila. The Medes once dwelt in it.
The basement was made of polished stone full of shells; fifty feet
was the breadth of it, and fifty feet the height; and on this basement
was reared a wall of brick, the breadth whereof was fifty feet and
the height thereof four hundred; and the circuit of the wall was six
parasangs. Hither, as the story goes, Medea, the kingUs wife, betook
herself in flight what time the Medes lost their empire at the hands
of the Persians. To this city also the king of the Persians laid siege,
but could not take it either by length of days or strength of hand.
But Zeus sent amazement on the inhabitants thereof, and so it was

So their complaint was that there's something culturally diverse and educational that the localization team forgot to sterilize and homogenize.

Do as we say, but not as we do, cattle.

My point was that this was arguably the greatest time in history for this particular field. Three philosophers of that caliber in such a short time is unheard of at any other place or time. Most centuries are lucky to have one in the whole world. You can't claim anything remotely like that in any field for Assyria.

Proving my point further–who is the Assyrian equivalent of Xenophon? There was none.

How? Xenophon wasn't a philosopher, he was a mercenary and amateur historian.
Maybe because Assyria was ancient by the time Greece was even relevant. It's hard to have personal characters like that when what's left of your history is chiseled in stone.

How did they do up the latter?

If I might interject a moment. Xenophon was indeed a philosopher and a student of Socrates. I agree with you on the other shit thougj. Assyria was the super power of the ancient world and it took a massive coalition to topple them. The Greeks were definitely lower on the development spectrum until Phillip managed to forcefully unify them.

So just like Holla Forums?

This. Localization is a fucking meme. Translators are what the world needs. Fucking saved.

Wew, easy ahmed. You don't want to beat your wife in a fit of rage again.

Persians were not Iranians no matter how much those goatfuckers attempt to push that narrative.

Modern Iranians are descended from Persians, but also from the Arabs who raped them (and the institutionalized cousin marriage brought by Islam didn't help either). Even as degenerated as they are from their peak I'd take them over almost anyone else in the region, though.

You really shouldn't. They're almost as bad as Israelis and the whole Islam thing makes them more prone to open aggression.

Opinion discarded.

There aren't any really good options there, though. Everyone's either Arabs, kikes, or people who've had their bloodlines culturally enriched by Arabs.

That's why you gas the whole region to protect the Mesopotamian ruins.

I know Japan loves puns, so I went and Googled one.
アルミ 缶かんの 上うえにあるみかん
It translates to "There is a mikan orange on an aluminum can."
That is not funny. There is a problem with this translation. The words are correct but the meaning and intent are gone. I understand you're upset with translators applying more artistic license to their localizations than they should be, but you cannot do these things one-to-one.

user, what the fuck is this supposed to mean? Is it the way it sounds?

Jews are worse by a mile than any other kind of Semite. Arabs are easy to control and don't have their own version of Ashkenazim that can blend into host populations. On top of that, Iran getting nukes would, contrary to neocohen fearmongering, not lead to America getting rekt anymore than North Korea getting nukes led to Japan getting rekt. What it would do is provide a counterbalance to Israel's nuclear program. A minor point that should be mentioned is that Iran is Shi'ite and therefore marginally less shit-tier than other Muslim countries.

I don't know why nationalists are able to reject the lies that Our Greatest Ally propagates about the Middle East, except when it comes to Iran.

The explanation I saw said it could either be read or spoken as either "There is an orange on a can" or "There is an orange on an orange." It's not super funny, but there's some ambiguity so it's technically a pun.


Ruby Rhod was a good character.
But I don't want to fuck him.

You are one stupid fuck. You have no opinion worth hearing on this topic.

Remember the time that Anthony Burch tried to convince himself he was bi so he could be okay with an open marriage, he went on a date with a guy, the guy tried to kiss him, and Anthony freaked out and ran home and wrote a big wall of text about toxic masculinity and rape culture rather than admit that maybe he's not into dudes

Language is all about trying to express meaning. I'm not even sure how you can argue localization and translation aren't very closely linked. You are literally trying to find a common meaning so you can communicate effectively.

There's no defending them.

But that's what you're doing. 4kids (((localized))) Pokemon. Harmony Gold (((localized))) Macross.


japan pro here to explain the put
in english the sound would be:
arumikan no ueni arumikan

its a joke because you say "arumikan" twice

Please point to a single example of translation in the entire history of mankind that has ever used a "one-to-one" approach that wasn't simply due to lack of skill, you stupid cockroach. You can't, because that's not what translating is. Accounting for idioms, phrases, puns, etc etc, is implicitly part of translation.

You try to muddy this ancient practice with some new made up and utterly redundant word, "localization," merely to smokescreen what you're really doing; censorship, dumbing down, and removal of differences in culture. Localization, as a term, does not cover a single unique concept that translation does. That is because it's stupid bullshit used solely to justify things that are blatantly not translation, and you're an idiot for not only thinking it's a good thing, but for even using the term.

Kill yourself, garbage.

B-but, how can you expect someone to understand anything if you don't force it into a bowdlerized, acculturated form? People might have to fucking Google something!

I will never fucking understand this mentality.

There are so many fucking things I've learned about mythology, history, cultures and other random shit specifically because of names or places or lore in video games that made me curious enough to google something. I literally can not fucking comprehend what kind of fucking mental state a person has to have to look at something that presents an opportunity to learn something, even if it is a completely pointless factoid, and go "oh no we need to change this." It's not even a fucking subject that thin skinned retards could get up in arms about.

I think they could've changed riceball to donut or some other snack, but there was clearly a riceball on screen and Brock is just pointing at it, "This is a donut!" They should've either A) just called it a riceball, it can't be that hard of a concept for kids to understand, or B) call it a donut and overlay some donuts in Brock's hand. Ya can't just be lying.

I got lazy, that's a better explanation.

Can't fuck with the word of God, gotta keep it as is.

I wanted to care but persona is shit.

I want to strangle these people


Especially when there's an explanation of what it is in the name. A riceball is a ball of rice. A rice ball.

How many versions of the Bible do you think there are?

There's a fucking difference between doing that and changing shit for no real reason other than to make it understandable by faggots who don't even play videogames anyway. Localization is a meme for Marxists to push their shit even in fucking Japanese videogames because Japs only really care that their shit sells here and don't really care if some baka gaijin butchers half of their fucking game.

I don't even care about Persona and I wish that guy had his hands chopped so he can't fucking write nothing ever.

That instinctual disgusts you feel is why leftists usually get shoahed.

This shit. This shit right here is what made me began to move away from the left, couple years down the line I'm a goddamn NatSoc. These fuckos that deny real science are creating more and more people like me and someday they will realize that they've become just as anti-science as the fucking neocons.

How can someone be so up his ass?

Dumb shit. If people didn't want to deal with japanese shit they wouldn't import games from japan.

This. The reason why I started learning Nipponese aside from playing shit weeb games and watching shit anime shows that now I hate is because of their culture and how they express themselves differently. It is fun to understand the different levels of politeness in Japanese speech and it is fun to understand how the logographical typology that the Asians use differs from the phonological typology that the rest of the world use. But no, these fucking faggots hate fun and learning is too fucking much for them. The best way of breaking barriers is by learning languages and understanding cultures.

I don't get it.

To me, it is the refusal to condemn BLM.

Neither does Anthony.

All those shit in that webm is something what almost all races had to deal with. Atleast those moved on, niggers on the other hand have nothing and thus cling to it. I wonder how many whites and kikes worked on that video to serve the tears of the nigger.

I mean I agree those tests are shitty but are they really blaming whitey for making the tests too hard for them?

Of course.

persona is shit though, especially 5

It should also be noted, that I am technically a minority which makes shit even more wild for me when I complain about leftist bullshit in public, especially since I am in an extremely blue state. Thank god I don't live in Commiefornia.

Yeah, because they're too retarded to think of cause and effect (there's a higher chance I get a better grade the more I study), they think that DA WHYT MAN does better on it because magic and not because they put in the effort to study. The negro didn't have to do shit to survive, he could just pluck fruit from the trees, so it comes as no surprise when they think that doing badly at something which requires effort is just DEM RAYSIS CRACKAZ KEEPIN' DA BLACK MAN DOWN!

backpack cucked

But user, don't you realize how lost we would be if niggers left us?

Reminder this video unintentionally led to niggers being BTFO forever.


The really pathetic part is that our education standards have been getting lower and lower as the years go by specifically because of niggers, spics and mudshits. They are to subhumans to actually compete with humans in an intellectual environment so the bleeding heart liberals have been inventing new and more moronic ways to fuck with everyone else so the niggers don't look too bad in comparison.


Use the PS3 emulator.


Like they would give up that advantage.

She was obviously violating the NAP first.

They must have forgotten to put a decimal in there somewhere because you're a fucking cretin.

It's showing that the least privileged, poorest whites get test scores equal to those of the most privileged, richest niglets. It's there to show that muh socioeconomics has nothing to do with niggers failing, they fail because they are dumb niggers.

It's ironic that they might be of above average intelligence, but they're still too retarded to know how averages work. I think that this is why having 105-110 IQ or something like that doesn't really mean much, you're smarter than the average retard, but you're still retarded in comparison to people who are actually intelligent, so ironically they're even more likely to believe retarded sophistry like "true communism has never been tried" than Cleetus the inbred legally retarded hick. Their barely-above average brain thinks "Hey if it sounds smart, it must be true, right?"

For example people who live in the rural parts of my country are usually less intelligent, I live in a rural part of my country, I was born and raised there and my IQ is 130, 2 standard deviations higher than your average cityslicker. Obviously this must mean that the statement "People in urban areas are on average more intelligent than people in rural areas" is now completely disproven, right?

I never got that argument.

"Ha ha ha you put your time to collect more info, provide source links you can trust yourself and make a thoroughly analyzed reply, that means i am way smarter than you since i can talk up my ass right away"

Is that because in education you are expected to answer tests without looking up anything during it, so people automatically assume you are dumb because you took your time to "cheat" on the dialogue?

Are you sure you're not reading the graph backwards? It's about how your parents' income affects your SAT score.

Ha! What the fuck do you mean "yet"? You have a normalfag IQ and SAT scores and a worthless degree and you think the world just owes you a living?

lol no

I don't understand what kicks around inside their brains, I just take it as further evidence of their stupidity. Trying to dismiss someone's argument on the basis that they put effort into researching what they're saying is so moronic that I wouldn't have believed it possible if I'd not just seen it.

Mostly it looks like a case of feels before reals kicking in. They don't want to face the notion that they're not special snowflakes being held back by whitey because if white people aren't to blame, then they have to take responsibility for the course of their own life and what do they have left then? Better to just screech some stupid nonsense rather than face that bleak reality.

Weren't you faggots supposed to leave the site because of some temper tantrum?

But user, don't you know that True Communism™ has never been tried before? All the horrific murders, massacres and systematic oppression that occurred under regimes calling themselves Communism were magically not Communism. It's like how Venezuela went from being the perfect representation of a Socialist State right up to the point where it collapsed in on itself and it stopped being True Socialism™.

Speaking from personal experience, i often saw children making that kind of argument, the most notable example being one girl trying to prove to the internet that my friend was a hack, a fraud and a bad person overall because he could answer some obscure fact about sewing machines, on the claims that "he just looked it up, that doesn't count!"

My guess is that they are trying to attack a poster personal skills, in terms of "Ha, you did not recite this fact from your memory, points deducted". Instead of, you know, making a counter-argument based on a presented information itself.

So the entire reason they want Islam is because they actually fetishize conservatism and insular cultures, and as they grow more and more extreme, they become attracted to more and more extreme versions of it?



Nice b8
now kindly never come back

Like neoliberalist capitalism is any different. The crux of their economic system is relying on a perfect state of the economy, the Perfect competition, like it's real. If tax cuts don't fix the economy, it's because perfect competition hasn't been tried.

go the fuck back to your containment board

wew lad

I don't usually get pissed off by this people anymore but holy fuck

I bet all this has cultural apropiation "issue" as the main reason justifiying the article

Some day Holla Forums is going to break my teeth out of rage

All these deleted posts. Looks like this thread got localised.

No one likes neoliberalism, fuck off commie.

Good to know uncultured casuals are feeling alienated. That's exactly how it ought to be.

So, I guess Hiraoka's claim of "culturalisation" was just a false alarm after all. Probably an Engrish error or something.

He essentially said that the game would set the benchmark for the quality of their translation work. We generally parsed it to mean that the game would be butchered because that's happened so often before in localisation, but it seems he meant the opposite. The game did so well in Japan that they wanted to ensure it wasn't butchered in localisation so it would also sell well in the West.

could they just not put the fucking honorifics in?

americans are stupid, the japanese knew this all along and this is originally why they didn't bring many games over. the west only caught up localizing everything when japanese production slowed down because of the economy being rock bottom and it taking longer to make 3d/3dhd games that the ones they were use to.

It can never be implemented period. It's complete fiction that cannot exist in reality.

I think they're just subject to a collective FUCK YOU DAD! mentality they never grew out of.

They seem unable to think through this idea that other races can also be racist too. That's what you get when you raise whole generations within a bubble and keep feeding them Jewish drivel like individualism and egalitarianism. You get millions of cretins that have had their survival instincts scorched away.

oh my god however will I live without shitty music and gorilla food

It was decent for P4, the honorifics I mean. It didn't sound too bad but for P5's set of English VAs I couldn't fucking stand it, I was ten hours in game and I found the voices to be so bland and unbearable and the honorifics made it fucking worse, what really bothered me was the fact that Igor's VA was changed. I had to make a new game for the jap voices, which sound tons better

Thank god they listened to the fanbase and let people get the jap audio, otherwise I would have dropped the game.

Do they even remember who they said is responsible for all their shortcomings? I guess they could try OWS once more and forget all over again.

This is true. I don't think I've seen people talk about "localizing" anything except anime and JP games.

Sega owns Atlus and Persona?

Holy shit. Is the story behind her that she just wants to be a house slut maid? Cause this shit is my fetish.


Honestly as someone who has only watched it and only seen about 6+ hours of the game. The worst part of the translation has been the fucking voice actor's directing. Whoever directs the voice actors needs to get fired and replaced.

Yeah I know there's cringe shit like "Kek!" that shouldn't be in the game, but other than that its not bee too overly bad and honestly I will chalk up some mistakes to, what seems to have been, a complete retranslation of the game done in super speed to remove any and all SJWisms from the translation.

Either way, I want as much of a direct translation as possible and I will say good stuff about any translation that moves in that direction.

Yes and Sega does what NintenDONT. Fucking treehouse bastards.

Wow its almost like a movement based solely around Identity ends up being exclusive, xenophobic, hypocritical and lacking in a concrete ideology.

I'm sure this suprises absolutely no one.

The issue isn't about identity, but the plain fact leftism as an ideology has been wrong about everything for the past 100 years.

Translator's note: "itadakimasu" means "through the dark lord, amen."

People actually defended the translation of this series. A lot.

Everybody was complaining and we even got nonshit fansubs.

This shit right here, I don't want the personality of the translator(s), I want the personality of the original writer(s).

So are the subtitles good, as in not a copy paste of the VA lines like fucking Nier: Automata was?

Added to the cap.

Except that's still fucking lying. If he says donut and holds a riceball, that's just lying with a more obvious inconsistency. Canonically, Brock holds a riceball. There is no justification for this change.

Depends. I agree in the general sense, but Pokemon, and especially the anime, are aimed at children. Timmy isn't a weeb, he has no fucking idea what a riceball is or what it's supposed to represent, but he knows what a doughnut is.

Not very respectful towards the creators of the game. And no appreciation or understanding of Japanese culture and values.

And not to mention fundamental rights of freedom of expression and the implied censorship that these idiots are pushing.

American liberals shame us all.

They don't give a shit. They don't care about games, or books, or anime, or cartoons, comics, anything, they don't give a flying fuck, all these things are to them are another thing to conquer and subvert, all they want is to make sure they toe the line and preach the Narrative. Once that is accomplished they lose any interest they had and move to the next source of wrongthink and distension.

Leftists loathe beauty and success because it accentuates their own failures and insecurities all the more. Why do you think they are so enamored with nigger and mudshit "culture"? They know that's the bottom of the barrel, that if they surround themselves with it they can be the king of the hill (or at least until they get gutted like fish).

No bad tactics, only bad targets goy!

Do you think liberals in Europe are any better, or that the cretins over at Holla Forums don't think the same? The left is a master in indoctrinating their little apparatchiks to toe the party line.

What the fuck is it supposed to represent? It is a riceball. A ball of fucking rice. You're telling me Timmy doesn't know what the fuck rice and ball mean? If you're trying to say he wouldn't be able to connect the words to what's happening on screen you're also retarded. If it says riceball, and Brock is holding something made of rice, obviously that's the fucking riceball. You don't have to be a child weeb to not be mentally challenged. This is literally, the "westerners are too stupid to understand it" argument made using the worst possible example.

Yes, I do. He's likely has no fucking idea what a riceball is supposed to be. He can guess it's food, but not the cultural significance it has to the Japanese, or the general trope it is all about.

Not really, it's simply replacing one thing for a Western equivalent but still keeping the meaning intact. Riceballs are snacks, doughnut are snacks, nothing is really lost in translation if you switch the two. The plot of Pokemon doesn't even take place on IRL Earth so it's even less relevant what "ethnic" food they're obsessing over.

The point is that localization has a purpose, which is to find a relatable and familiar equivalent for things the audience might not be able to grasp without some degree of familiarity with a foreign culture. It is not license to outright censor or butcher the translation in the name of cultural sensibilities.

Well mission accomplished then.

Suck a dick.

Do you have some political agenda that mandates unnecessary "localizations"?

How the fuck is taking a saying in one culture and finding an equivalent in that of another having a political agenda?

Not allowing new stimulus is how you get normalfags who refuse to learn shit they're not familiar with.


There's no need to "localize" it, yet you're extremely insistent that it must be done.

I'll never understand the mindset that enables taking down a game and recreating it for "my" sensibilities, but I know why it's done. It's usually done to remove things that nobody but the native country will understand - wordplay, foreign jokes, and politik get the brunt of it,


Wew lad start figuring how to write before making cucked editorials.

They localized their article from proper English to make it easier for their audience, not you

1 and 6 are both below 10, but 6 is still above 1, 6 != 1, 6 || 1 < 10, 6 > 1

better to support blm protesters than shitlibs tbh, because dick chopping is a more serious topic for liberals

nah, shitaku still just make shitty clickbait garbage now

I think that makes sense if it were using another game as an example. Censorship is removing or replacing content for the purpose of keeping the audience ignorant whereas localization is an attempt to translate a foreign cultural concept utilizing the closest equivalent. For example, in Pokemon, where it looks absolutely ridiculous in side-by-side comparisons, swapping out a rice ball for a sandwich makes much more sense if you're broadcasting the show in the West because the concept of rice balls alone or as a snack is rather unfamiliar to Westerners. The alternative is to put in a translator note, which is arguably more authentic, but all the audience needs is the concept and not the culture. Now, in the case of the Persona series, a player probably understands Japanese culture quite well or otherwise they wouldn't be playing Persona, so localization is unnecessary.

So you're saying, that a child cannot comprehend foods they've never seen before? Better stop letting Mexican foods exist children's shows because little Timmy might never have seen a taco yet. That's besides the fact that you can get shit like oriental food in many other countries anyways. My mother used to make peanut butter and jelly filled rice-balls, you can buy the fucking seaweed wrap (I think it's called nori) in Walmart.

Why does he fucking need to? It's a children's show. There doesn't need to be some deep cultural meaning that a child can grasp.

There is literally no justifiable reason to localize riceballs, just like there's practically never a reason to localize anything rather than just translate it.

He couldn't handle the gay life style which is funny as fuck and ironic if you think about it.

They really try their hardest to perfect the concept of doublethink.

"riceball" isn't a saying, it's noun. Stop moving goalposts.

I don't think poffins are riceballs. I think they're supposed to look like a traditional Japanese dish that's made by making some stuff into doughy blob and repeatedly pounding it with a hammer. Can't remember what it's called.

I can't imagine GitS: SAC without the background politics. Everything was very political, often taking jabs at politicians in general, revealing corruption, etc.

That's censorship by your own logic. It's just fucking food anyways. Eating something is not a foreign concept, only what it is that their eating is slightly strange. Westerners learned what sushi is, and many of them love it, why the fuck would you try to hide riceballs from them?

ID keeps changing. Using a flag.

Let's be fair here, the pokemon reference was for a show aimed at like 10 year olds. I doubt many of them knew what sushi is. But whatever, localization is nine out of ten times retarded. It only really is necessary for japanese puns (which are dependant on the language anyway)

And, you know, god forbid anybody ever gets exposed to something they're NOT FAMILIAR WITH. These safe-space faggot SJWs are probably the least open-minded bunch you'll ever find on the planet.

So? Then kids either learn what the fuck it is or just gloss over it. Going to change sombreros into fedoras next because they might not recognize that silly hat? Kids are great at learning stuff

I've been to buffets countless times with my family since I was little. Many of them have sushi. It's only slightly less common than a doughnut, because it can be considered an ethnic food.

Holy shit, retardation like that shouldn't be possible.

God damn where the fuck did this completely retarded mentality come from to shelter people from shit they dont know? This is why we cant have nice things, lets glorify ignorance while we are at it.



I like how he tries to appear not hwite on his avatar and banner.

It's one of the ultimate goals of cultural Marxism actually. Some real 1984 style shit goes on in the liberal circles. They're willing to destroy anything, and kill anybody, in order to appear to be on "the right side of history". Everything they do is done through the viewpoint of "history". Keep the populace ignorant and under complete and total control of the propagandists.

Why didn't someone remove your shit taste?

They eat different food in a different culture, better "localize" it fast before anyone gets confused.

Yes, I do. He's likely has no fucking idea what a taco is supposed to be. He can guess it's food, but not the cultural significance it has to the Mexicans, or the general trope it is all about.

Not really, it's simply replacing one thing for a Western equivalent but still keeping the meaning intact. Tacos are snacks, doughnut are snacks, nothing is really lost in translation if you switch the two. The plot of Dora doesn't even take place on IRL Earth so it's even less relevant what "ethnic" food they're obsessing over.

The point is that localization has a purpose, which is to find a relatable and familiar equivalent for things the audience might not be able to grasp without some degree of familiarity with a foreign culture. It is not license to outright censor or butcher the translation in the name of cultural sensibilities.

Why dont you want children to learn?

Oh, and if you say Dora is too explicitly Mexican, recall that Pokemon literally does take place in a fictional version of Japan.

So was it not translated correctly? The whole shogi thingy question and answer?

Read the post I'm replying to. I'm obviously "merely pretending".

No need to pretend to be a retard if there are some readily available in this thread

Daily reminder to stop being cucks and learn japanese already

It was translated fine. The Localization shills were trying to use the fact that many Japanese symbols have multiple meanings to try and say it's not entirely accurate, but it isn't and they worded things as if it was flat out wrong. Essentially they dumped some autism to put a smokescreen over the fact that their argument was weak as hell.

Well I was doing it for the sake of argument. His argument about foreign shit is even more absurd if you apply it to other ethnic foods.

No, it isn't. The only thing it's keeping from the audience is the cultural aspect, not the concept. If I were to walk up to a person on the street and say "wena zobungqingili," they wouldn't know what the fuck that means unless they speak Zulu. Both the person on the street and I fully understand the concept I am referring to, but the linguistic barrier is preventing me from imparting my words of wisdom upon this other person. Now, the same thing applies to cultural concepts as well. It's not important that a person knows what a rice ball is because the concept of a snack is all that needs to be conveyed.

Then it's keeping the audience ignorant of something and is thus censorship by your logic

If that is all that needs to be conveyed, then no changes are necessary. You are arguing for an unnecessary change to get rid of the minor inconvenience of fucking learning something that would cost the animation studio extra time and money to censor and replace if they don't want people asking why jelly doughnuts look like white triangles of rice. There is no legitimate justification for this retardation.

Ah, now you get to the crux of why so much of this shit happens. If they don't make inane changes like this all the time how do you expect hard working localization groups such as VIZ or 4kids to bleed the IP Holders, put as much as they can on their work orders and send it back to the Jappos, they don't fucking know any better over there so they just agree to it so releases get pushed back and budgets bloat due to these 'localization experts' input all trying to get their fair share.

So the way I see it OPs article is less of a 1984 dumbing of the masses, though I'm certain that's a big part for some of them, but it's more likely an attempt to further pad their pockets by making pointless work for themselves.

Are you joking? Everyone knows what sushi is. Oriental food is just as popular, at least here in the states, as Italian and Mexican food. There are probably more Oriental restaurants in my town then there are any other kind of restaurant.


I had almost forgotten about this. There are translators and there are localizers. There are five types of reasons localizers censors that I can think of.
(1.) Those who censor to push an agenda/virtue signal.
(2.) Those who censor content they don't like. (yes, this can happen separately from agenda pushing in some cases)
(3.) Those who censor to stroke their ego as writers.
(4.) Those who censor to get more money for more work.
(5.) Those who censor by omission out of laziness.

These are, of course, no mutually exclusive. Not even the 4 and 5 are mutually exclusive, as information can be censored out of laziness to avoid harder to translate portions of a game, while the same time, unnecessary changes can be made elsewhere to pad the lost time and therefore money. Can anyone think of any other reasons for localization censorship?


Also liberals:

Diversity is short for ethnic diversity when they use it. Normalfags don't know that though and once they realize it they believe it would be racist to question it.


I really don't understand. These people try to tell us that diversity makes us strong But when it comes to actually displaying a facet of culture, they bitch. Is diversity just supposed to be virtue signaling, ethnic food, and having people be brown in proximity to you?

Dude ken died in a tsunami.

According to some anons in this thread it doesn't even include ethnic food, at least, when it's Japanese.

It's bullshit user. I thought it was so cool how Yakuza taught you things like Mahjongg, Koi Koi, and ten other forms of gambling. Not to mention all the food porn.

So what is the correct answer?

The poster meant Burch is possibly a pedophile, considering how much we know of their code language by now, and that they find each other by looking for people calling themselves "pizza lovers".

Diversity is codeword for more black people and nothing else. Asians are white for all they care

Neogaf is funny in a sense that they at least believe in western supremacy in vidya and I'm all for that.

Especially considering it was essentially still a white civilization, as it was back before rampant race mixing with Arabs had ruined the Aryans of Persia.

Shoji is just Chess you can't memorize.

you mean improved. or you like references to pedophilia and rape on your games?

Even in the privacy of my own home they hound me. I'll be a good goy in public but just let me FAP IN PEACE to 2D girls.

I feel like Winston in 1984.

Fucking SJWs man

Obviously every single thing this cuck says in that rant is simply false, but the most hilarious one is how he contradicts himself within the same sentence
So if he immediately claims afterwards that all "humans" are genetically similar to each other, then why did he say conservatives prefer people who are genetically more similar to themselves? WEW

There is truly no limit to the cognitive dissonance of a leftist rat. These people are not human.

get better taste

I almost feel like it's a double bluff.

Other elements of the localization was bad ("Kek", wiping out a waifu moonlighting as a hooker etc), so they get Polygon or Kotaku to write up a BS article on the things they did keep correct.

People get mad at them, and buy the game out of spite. Not to mention Sega tried (and failed) to ban videos of the game online.

Kotaku continue to be retards, but the english version & publisher isn't without sin.

I know next to nothing about shoji. How the hell is that gold? 金 looks nothing like that と-like motherfucker. Is it a stylized version of some obscure shoji-kanji that I just don't know?

Here's your reply.

>Ohh I don't understand shogi so it affects my enjoyment of the game

The game literally explains what shogi is and tells you what the question is going to be, if you cant memorize words then fucking top yourself.

swear down game journalists and localizers need to be purged.

How's that a contradiction? People like to have genetically similar friends, but limits between races, and ethnicities are blurry, and socially fabricated. Moreover, genetics affects human thinking, and thus their social contructs.

Just because it's different in presentation doesn't mean it isn't the same thing. The concept of it as food remains the same, but it is merely presented differently so that an audience can understand what it is because the concept of a snack food varies. "蘋果," "alma," and "ആപ്പിൾ" all are referring to the same concept of an apple, but you wouldn't know otherwise unless you could read Chinese, Azerbaijani, or Malayalam. I should've been more clear with my definition of censorship I'm not a lawyer and hate arguing semantics; it's the removal or replacement of content for the purpose of keeping the audience ignorant of the concept.

That's exactly what I'm arguing though I wouldn't call it unnecessary. The reason why the show was as successful as it was is due to it fully embracing the cultural norms of the West to the point where it seems American.

then why are they still rice balls instead of donuts?


To be techincal.
There's two golden pieces in Shoji.
The " Promoted to Golden Pawn" and the Golden General.

On one hand, the translation is fucked.
On the other hand, it's like… They tried but didn't try hard enough.

All they had to do was keep the chess references.

No one defended that except for forumfags and shitposters.

Niggers don't seem to get that people hate them not because their skin is black but because they act like niggers.
It's not white people's fault that niggers chimp-out, are raised poorly, receive poor education.
Connections are an absolutely cancer way to move up the job ladder so I don't view it as something good.
As for standardized tests, how the hell do you want people to treat niggers 'the same' if they demand dumbed down tests because studying is too hard? True, some people have talent for studying and others do not but that's not exclusive to black people.
Fucking social victim-proud leeches


Okay. I thought on it for a moment.
If you wanted to localize this question, you'd have to change it to "What piece is this, that gets a promotion to players choice when they reach the end of the opposiing players board?"
But then, to continue, you'd have to adjust the entire dialogue before that as well since that whole goldern standard discussion is..Blah.

Or if you really wanted to go full 4Kids, replace it with Checkers.
"What do you call this piece?"

It's like if you set up a group of people to fail and preform below standard, they will do exactly that.

Well, we did spend years calling it CHEESE PIZZA

Dammit, now I'm hungry.

but they cut the episodes with guns

why are SJWs have an aversion to learning about another culture?

rootless cosmopolitans have no culture other than to be soulless bugmen and they don't like to be reminded there are other better ways to live

They wouldn't want to be seen appropriating it whatsoever. Most of the time, all they want is to put a front about looking progressive. Note how they want poor brown foreign refugees to come over, but not anywhere near their comfortable abodes.

wew lad


Your idea about the shitty system keeping them down completely falls apart outside of american ghettos


There was a double negative in that sentence. I said they said it wasn't accurate. Then I said it isn't not accurate. I should have worded it better.

Translators of literature have been working with puns for literally thousands of years. It's not a new problem. At no point did they decide that what they were doing warranted a different word than "translation". That's not to say that what we today call localization has no historical precedent–people have been doing stuff like that for a long time, too, they just had the decency to call it a different, derivative work and not use copyright law to ensure that a faithful translation could never be legally published in that language.

Holy shit. You are one retarded motherfucker. Stop defending localization. You sound like some sort of shill trying to justify garbage translations.

dam a pizza sounds good i love me a supreme pizza

so they should have used golden pawn and golden general, instead of using only gold?

I was actually very impressed and appreciative with how accurate the translation was in this game. Almost no forced localization at all. Yes, there were a handful of memes, but they are easily overlooked. Most of them came from the Phan-site comments anyways, and that seems pretty accurate to me.

neat. Though I think the cut away at the end was drakengard's fault.

that's pretty good to hear

It's brown people in general you islamaphobe.

Okay, is it Shogi or Shoji? I've always thought is was Shogi.

I feel the feels.

Because he's inconsistent.

Also . If Tom and Jerry can have guns, Pokemon has no excuse.

Well at least you know how to correct some of your internal inconsistencies when they're pointed out to you. Now, why is it not censorship when the thing censored isn't a concept? It's not censorship to remove or change things in order to keep an audience ignorant of the culture it comes from?

Throwing money at a problem doesn't fix it. The way it's used decides that.

I thought we were talking about the ghettos? Anywhere else I see blacks they act like normal people. No more common as SJW types in proportion to the white yuppie SJWs than they are in proportion to white people.

There. Done. Translated with a pun.


If I buy a game from fucking fatlus of all people I expect it to be the most nippongu laden half assed non-translation possible while still being legible

that's how atlus even gained their following of unhygienic weeboos in the first place.

I like how they are holding to there beliefs and ideals. These guys will the be the phantom thieves for the video game industry. they don't care what any casuals have to say since these casuals aren't really playing the game only for the hype and connection with others on social media.

please bring us hope Atlas

Clearly the localization didn't have enough memes

Put this into context for me. Is there a way to know the answer if you aren't familiar with Japanese board games? Does it matter if you know?

I heard the game literally tells you not long before the question comes up. Need confirmation on this. Also, whether or not it's easily redoable (could you savescum it easily?) and what the reward is are other important factors deciding fairness.

Also, it does not appear to be easily google-able. Google translate give four different version of the word gold from English to Japanese, and none of them are the symbol shown.

whatever you do only makes it worse. we've been mocking them for not really playing vidya and just critiquing it like clueless retards and now they actually decided to play it and felt obligated to tell the entire world about their own uneducated pet peeves about it. these people's egos are bigger than our universe


They can't really do that since Atlus pretty much restricted streams.

it's supposed to be an anti-racism video or something like that but it ends up looking like a gang of black thugs enter a white woman's home by tricking her into letting them in and proceed to rob her.

anyway, if that shit applied, they should probably take their chips and corn rows but leave their clothes, tech and basically everything not mentioned in the video. i wonder who's gonna have a tougher time?

>Atlus restricted stream after a certain point in the game
Does this occur after then? And just because Atlus says don't do it doesn't stop people with cameras. A lot of the types "criticizing" the translation are the kind you would expect to touch a turn based JRPG or dating sim, let alone both of those things combined. Rather, they would normally just denounce it for wrongthink, except here, where they have an industry they want to control and the game is popular even outside Nippon.

wouldn't expect*

Ah true, I think it happens before then but I don't see many people streaming the to just stop then.

Could you repeat that?

*than to just stop then

*then to just stop
I fucking hate my typing skills.

Sauce on the movie?


Ah fuck, I'm usually better than to miss something like that.

The cultural significance of a fucking Taco.

Just…stop. The next time you open your mouth to speak, suck a dick first so that the semen mixed with your spit will ensure SOMETHING intelligent leaves your mouth.

Holyshit, look at what I'm replying to you autist. It's parody. You're the second person to have a gut reaction like that and can't fucking read. Holla Forums is shittier every day.

Sickos usually are.


Interesting you say that user, considering that right-wing parties are now adopting the same Keynesian ideas that 20th century Left-wing parties adopted. Nationalised health care, subsidies for domestic businesses, restricting immigration so as not to oversaturate the labour market. The left can't have been wrong about everything user.