Character assassinating Gaming community figures like Jontron & pewdiepie

Is Google intentionally letting the mainstream media destroy the YouTube community? They done nothing to help Channels Channels besides crackdown on wrongthink. What's going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Google is a pack of kikes trying to shape the internet into the new television. An inoffensive scam that jews you at every point and doesn't allow for le problematic interactions that might decrease revenue somewhere. It's a bit of a gamble, because if they undermine their platform too much and too quickly they're liable to just see alternatives finally take over and make YouTube and their attempts to use it for control irrelevant.

seems like trying to slow down the flow of 'offensive' content by cutting of it's life support, then wanting 'high quality' 'safe' content as much as possible due to advertisers boycotting.

Didn't MySpace tried that once upon a time?

Source on that shit, because I don't fucking believe you.

Pretty much every site tries it as it dies. The typical strategy for someone losing their shit completely is to double down.

TFS isn't down but every episode of DBZA got nuked off youtube.
Check their twitter because I'm too lazy

how come they were nuked off of youtube? what did they do?

My first instinct is to say that competition is healthy and that the old content creators should start their own site, but at same time the sheer amount of traffic that YouTube brings in makes your content more likely to be viewed by virtue of being on the largest platform. IIRC internet traffic is being directed to less and less websites, and the chance of an upstart coming in and gathering a large userbase is minuscule due to normalfags keeping consistent traffic to the largest websites.

Hypothetically cost a hooknose a single precious shekel by being more entertaining than them and actually earning it.

So did Friendster. Didn't work out well for them either.

can I get more detail to the story?

comedy music is in a very strange place


Funny, I thought TFS got triggered by Trump getting elected, and therefore would be treated better than most by (((google))). I guess shekels are shekels, parody or not. I'm still fucking annoyed that pretty much anything that isn't a fucking Nightcore video pertaining to .hack//Sign got barred from being seen in the US on Jewtube, all because Victor Entertainment owns the music rights here and is apparently VERY protective of it.

Wish we had native mp3 embeds here as I have both OSTs for that show downloaded.

Google hates Youtube. Youtube is hemorrhaging money and it always has from the beginning. They'd love to close it down but they can't because YT is such a fundamental linchpin of Web 2.0 that they would face massive backlash.
So they have to tank YT first. Once they drive everyone to other sites then they can finally be rid of that Youtube albatross.

I know this is killing youtube, but seeing these people scream and cry is pretty hilarious

Why did they buy it in the first place? because Google Videos was a failure?

Several reasons

1: Youtube has allowed activists and alternative media to flourish on another platform besides radio. It's also allowed unnatractive truths to be shown and the msm narrative to be undermined which has gone against many of the larger corps aims. And considering how instrumental youtube was in helping to elect trump, as well as signal boost messages and truths like the refugee crisis, and other government backed plots fucking with their host citizens, youtube has become far too dangerous to ignore.

2: Youtube has allowed different types of people to the forefront by virtue of their personality and content. Normally they'd have their shows or content by the balls and nothing controversial would happen. Compare way back in the days comment by kanye about bush hating black people to today, where people are constantly exposing the governments corruption and lies, and it's talked about everywhere on youtube and signal boosted by these minor e-celebs who have their own platforms and are helping to make people aware of the way things are going. This directly hinders how many corps want the west to develop and has horribly broken the status quo and the poorly hidden narratives

3: Those same minor e-celeb personalities are often normalizing controversial subjects, like disliking the immigrants, disliking jews, disliking race mixing, disliking feminism, etc. Normally the normalfag media gives the impression that loving immigration, feminism, diversity etc is the norm, but these personalities are reaching millions of people and normalizing their feelings of having problems with this, when many many people simply felt they were the odd man out, and afraid to say anything due to persecution for being different. Obviously this is a serious issue as the whole point of the subversion of public schools and universities was to try to develop the west into this mindset and it's being undone by some guys and gals on the internet who are actually being paid to do it more and more due to a growing userbase that agrees with them.

Youtube has become too dangerous to leave around unmitigated. It's why i'm not surprised so many companies withdrew ads for a small amount of racist videos on a platform as massive as youtube. Youtube is becoming the new media, and the old media and its handlers dont have control of youtube, which is a serious issue when it comes to shaping the narrative, so these controversial subs need to be convinced to leave, before they cause more issues. Of course, like everything else that gets whitewashed on the internet and becomes stale as a consequence, if google and the big corps succeed in this, something else will simply become big and replace youtube. Of course, it will slow the progress of the counter-narrative to the current one as it'd need to regrow it's userbase as well as people will take time to migrate over, but in the interim it'd probably be twitch that takes the stragglers and those bored of youtube.

They wont destroy youtube for the same reason why twitter isnt destroyed. It would leave an opening for something else to replace it, something they dont control. And this would allow the narrative to be completely broken from them. Google owns youtube not just because youtube was getting big, but because youtube is where everyone shares videos to talk about shit. Google needs to own youtube and needs to try to exert control without losing absolutely everyone so that they can try and control the content and enforce the msm narrative which is consistently being destroyed by big content creators on youtube.

Jewtube hasn't been good in years. It's at best a necessary evil but many of the best videos over the years were removed, the community it even shittier if that's possible, and even its own poo in loo creator had to call out jewgle on their retarded jewgle+ decision and other fuckups regarding youtube.

Same reason MS bought Mojang. IP conglomeration and cornering the market.

What, seriously? What the hell are their political views?

And I don't know what you mean by .hack// So many videos are down now I literally cannot even see the great opening of .hack//sign and a bunch of others on yt.

I miss the early days of yt when the top videos were just a bunch of anime AMVs that somehow weren't complete garbage staring nothing but linkin park like pretimeskip naruto and azumanga daioh.

Made me angry and made me think.

I like how billionaires are pushing pseudo left narrative, putting themselves in position like consumerist company is on the side of rebels. If they push actual communism, no iphones, no starbuckses, no pepsies will be left.
Honestly, its the new age of consumerist communism, which is weird retarded combination of social justice and love towards capitalist economy.
Its like they all gone suicidal with their shit products which value exists only on advertising and brainwashing people into buying it, with zero improvements.
Fuck, even enviromental leftists don't support those companies because they damage environment. Are they trying to brainwash those fags too?

I don't get it. Its a weird hypocritical alliance of anarchists with rich capitalists. Really makes you want to go out and go full "my name is not important".

It's just them depriving people of any meaning in life and having a monopoly on all of the supplements.

Was not expecting it, but definitely pleasantly surprised.

Leftists have always been friends with the (((rich))).

I actually fucking miss those days. What the fuck.

You know, I'm kind of wondering if the Marvel movie craze wasn't a seedbed for all this shit. Summarizing the situation of physically assaulting someone who disagrees with you politically as "punch a nazi" screams like a callback to the Captain America WW2 heyday. And I don't refer to the tendency of marvel comics to go muh diversity, but rather as the "nerd culture is awesome !!!" sentiment that grew after Avengers 1. Back then the burger marvel fan felt in power, comics were respectable after all. We wuz culturally relevant n' shieet seemed a prevalent mentality. And now that they're faced with a political climate they hate, they fall back on the old-ass captain america comics when punching a nazi was all the political statement you needed. And they can ignore how much of a basic knee jerk defensive mechanic this is because it's cool to like marvel. It's probably more correlation than causation though.
Seems sad people would let themselves be defined by pop culture like this, but SJWs definitely do have an obsession with it.

Pop culture is the culture of people who do not adopt a real culture.


It's not weird at all. If you take away a person's identity on whatever level, they'll try to fill it up with bland consumer products since it's the most readily and easily available ersatz. How many self-proclaimed "citizens of the world" do you know whose cultural identity revolves around pop culture pap like Harry Potter? I know shittons.
Racemixing = no racial identity
Open borders = no national identity
Genderqueerfluidmentalillness = no sexual identity

Corporations don't push for this shit for no reason, all of those holes left by all that Marxist crap can easily be filled if you just buy the latest GoyPhone and watch the latest Kikewood Movie.

LOLLLL who asked for this shit
No one
Not a single fucking person

I think they've already adopted the Harry Potter Generation.

Rowling declared Trump a Muggle, which is odd given how Voldemort wanted to rid muggle-blooded wizards. It's an ass-backwards comparison but that isn't so strange given her social switch these days. By her logic, Voldemort didn't do anything wrong by eliminating those that he deemed worthy of magic.

Women are pure herd animals and bend like a reed to the slightest social pressure.

Hide in plain sight? Opportunists like all those millionaire "liberal" celebrities? But there's a real economic reason for them to push for the likes of immigration and more women in the workplace. Cheap labour and dilution of labour for the working man who used to be able to support an entire family of five on his own straight out of secondary school. Now even both parents working struggle but as long as they play face, it matters not. That's the real maliciousness.

The piece of shit has just become a racist, hypocritical monster.

Rowling is just a sad hack who is constantly trying to prove that her success wasn't just a huge fluke, and failing every time, so she goes out and tries to be not a failure by latching on to social media and such and… failing. She's basically george lucas but even less relevant.

They did try to prop her up a while ago with various articles about how she "BTFO" everyone on twitter. Its pretty sad

Given how quickly the books filled up every public school library I'd be willing to believe the whole thing was manufactured from the start.

I want to say someone brought it up in a Dragon Ball thread on /a/ a while back. I don't think it was the current Dragon Ball thread either. Also something about how the way abridging is pretty much fanmade rewrites and redubs apparently attracts liberals that want to be able to say they "fixed" something even when they don't have access to the original material (still better than official localizers doing the same sort of shit). Anyhow, I'm not sure if it was the entire team or just some, but the ones that were had a twitter meltdown or something, I don't know at this point. Ask around in the appropriate threads though; someone might have screencaps or archives (Holla Forums and /cow/ in particular really loved seeing leftists screeching about both Trump's election and inauguration).

I mean you try searching for any of the music, openings, most episode clips, and they're all fucking gone. I would love to be able to embed stuff like "the world", "key of the twilight", "aura", and "in the land of twilight under the moon", but Kiketor Entertainment blocks it all, and I've been having trouble trying to make postable mp4s of them (something about 8ch not liking the way the audio itself handles).

Apparently the jews haven't hit Dailymotion as hard, as you can still find .hack//Sign's opening there last I checked last week or so. Not sure it's as good of quality as the one I downloaded about this time last year, when there was still one that snuck onto Jewtube in good quality (and as it's 45mb, I can't just embed it).

Now that you mention it, I miss watching the openings for shows like Blood+, Eureka Seven, and other shows on there to kill time before heading for the bus, back when I was in either late elementary school or Junior High.

That's because they are made by people who can actually see the changing trend and see that being at least moderately right-wing and laughing at leftists is becoming then new "hot thing".

Even complete normalfags are getting more and more redpilled.

It all starts with seeing right-wing memes, and they are inclined to go "Haha, look at this, they are ironic and it's funny" without realizing that those memes are only half-ironic. But that plants a seed of thought into their brains, they might start looking at right-wing memes more often because they might find it funny, and slowly they see right-wing content creators and moderate anti-sjw content creators showing off the idiocy of SJW and that's something that they can go behind. It doesn't challenge their views, in their mind it just shows them that there are extremists on both sides and that they shouldn't act like them, and by that they become more open to right-wing ideas, until eventually they go "Hmm, maybe those guys do have a point" and adopt at least moderately right-wing or non-leftist view.

At one hand I cringe at normalfags using our memes, but at the same time I think it's doing more good than harm to the world. is already getting more users because of this
honestly I would prefer if eveyone leaves google, they have enough power already


This. All of it.

I still think Harry Potter was solid for a children's book series about magical bloodlines and creatures secretly living in modern times with their own unique civilization and issues blended with a school aesthetic that advances along with the reader into more mature and advanced territory.

Rowling was clearly a much different person from back when she always portrayed Hermione as white and wrote Order of the Phoenix, which pretty much puts the retards in the Ministry of Magic's shoes and conservative and GamerGate or simply anti-esjaydubya supporters in the exact shoes of Harry and everyone trying to get the truth out and being outright persecuted and wronged for it.

Their political views have come up in their game streams before as well.


And with how everyone is doubling down thanks to Trump (what he represents, rather than what he can/will do- not to mentioned the SJW doubling down so hard they are harming their own side)- that might just happened. VidMe fired some shots, and Twitter has a rival in something called "minds".

If alternatives do come up, expect false flags and DDOS attacks. But I'm also in the mindset of

I don't think Youtube will ever die- but it'll be a normalfag website that pretends everyone uses it, while there are 2 or 3 other vid websites for niche content. They might suceed in turning Youtube and other websites in TV 2.0- but they'll be pleanty of websites out there for your needs as long as you know the address.
Unless (((they))) get desperate and go full WW3/Civil War and try to shut the net down.

And how none of them make the comparison to Delores Umbridge.

Scholastic/Bloomsbury pushed the books like a motherfucker when I was a kid. It was a phenomenon that rivaled Pokemon and Disney films at the time.

Google gonna fail because they are getting butt too big for their own good.

No asked for YouTube red ether.

What do you think, fuckface?

What else do you call them?

This fucking guy gets it. It all comes back to money.

The fire rises.

It has to be the immigents! It can't be because we live in a world where it's cheaper to produce everything in a foreign country then ship it anywhere.

Still too many folks in their 60s watching regular TV. Gotta get them on the internet and show them ads for diabetes medicine.

Why pay Manuel a salary to fix their TVs/cable/satellite when their grandson Jimmy will set up Youtube TV for free?

I'm amazed how fucking redpilled Jon is, I used to think he was a bernout but then he started bringing up shit like other races being more violent.

They make parody videos, Toei animation, being the most protective guardians of their animations they are, took yet another boot to their asses and nuked them. This happened last year and was one of the catalyst of the whole Fair Use debacle.

That's the only way the rest of your statement is acceptable. The massive plot holes and world building problems make it laughable as a proper narrative in any other way.

I'm glad this will hopefully kill of Let's Plays and its funny to see all the faggots who thought Youtube was a "job" are scrambling like faggots before the tax man cometh. But there is a actual legitimate stuff on Youtube that deserves money. Shit like Let's Plays and BTFO/Reaction channels deserve to die though.

not a chance m8

Only think that will change is that they will get a patreon or more to twitch. As long as people watch them they will never go away.
Northernlion is pretty good

If we're lucky, it's going to nuke all those niggers who do Youtube exclusively for money and not for love of a craft.

Will people really fucking pay idiots to play videogames? Fuck me, of course they will. And they'll all just move to when it gets off the ground.

This is all I want.

Of course they do boyo. Though almost all of them a TRASH some of them have appealing personalities, similar to radio hosts. Watching someone crush a game is pretty entertaining also.

considering let's plays originated from a forum that forces you to pay 10 bucks before you post, and another 10 more if you're too naughty, this shouldn't be a surprise.

when was the last time ruckasworld was relevant? i thought that he went into bart baker-tier levels of repeating the same jokes

Those I get, but for every one of those you get a hundred autists mumbling into a microphone or making the most annoying over reaction videos.

I haven't been keeping up, what's going on with JewTube?
I stopped using it awhile ago.

I fully agree those people need to be bled out. Let the culling of the screaming hoard begin.


friendly reminder that Vidme's UI is complete shit. it's like the worst of Tumblr and post-2011 Youtube combined

hangnails, not even once


Pic related is really all you need.

Related video

>using icky in any context

I only go on the shit site for Saint's videos.

What do you use? Firefox seems the most stable for keeping a ton of 8ch tabs open. I'm well aware of their SJWism but it's not like I donate to them.

He DID support Sanders but political views are a lot more complex than what Holla Forums wants to make you believe, user.

yes and botnet is by far the fastest , i still can't justify using it though


All your post have been nothing but meaningless buzzwords and greentexts telling people what to use and what to consume with no basis whatsoever.
I don't really mind if you don't like Sargon but the video is informative on this specific subject so it's pretty relevant.

pls respond

That's weirdly kind of cute.

Use a firefox fork, I like Cyberfox.

And just a week or two ago, I had a sudden, powerful urge to save all of Sword Art Online Abridged. Now, I know why. I really wish people would grow a fucking spine and just drop a site/service en mass when they pull shit like this.

and all your posts are full of shit , nigger semen and cucks .How about you fuck off back to where your rightfull place is , lurking >>>/cuckchan/

I don't really get the point of you posting more buzzwords and baseless assumptions to prove my point but OK.

Also, inb4 the funny (1) meme, because that's a good rebuttal.

and i don't see what's the point in raising someone elses kid ,but ok

The vast majority of humanity is fucking stupid. The problem is, people who are reasonably intelligent believe that they are normal, when in fact, they are far and above most people. Anyway, dumb people will keep shitty companies alive forever. This is why Five Guys isn't in the position of McDonald's, and why EA, Ubisoft, and Activision still exist. No matter how many people wise up and move to less shitty pastures (see the slow exodus to Minds), it won't be enough to really hurt shitty companies like Google and Facebook.

Then again, there may be more effective means.

That it's not cuckoldry.
Cuckold means a husband with an adulterous wife. That's it. That's the meaning of the word.
The child that comes out of the adulterous relationship is a by product of that meaning. You're a cuck if your wife cheated on you and you're raising the child she had with another man.
You're not a cuck if you married a woman who had previously had a son before you met her because she didn't cheat on you when she had that son.
Thinking that raising someone else's child is synonymous with cuckold is an ignorant assertion.

And even if it was true, that has no bearing on the relevance of the content of the video with the topic of the thread. The video could've been made by anyone else and the content would've been the same, yet here you are crying about irrelevant information that has nothing to do with videogames, the thread, the topic of Youtube's scummy tactics, or anything at all that anyone cares about.


Trump has literally copied Sanders playbook.
Hes making a shit load of executive orders with the intention of returning the country to a previous state in which it was better off and seeing what sticks. People liked sanders not because he was some kind of progressive force of tolerance, he got support because he said he would put regulations that were removed back. Hell he got some shit for letting the black lives matter folks steal his show that one time.
The progressives were not in the sanders camp they were in camp Hillary from day one and still are.

Many words are attempts at creating simple ideas to represent complex abstract idea. Ultimately there is more to the concept of cuckoldry then it literally describes. There are implications to it. If someone where to say a basketball players is "on fire" they do not literally mean he is on fire. There are implications to the word fire despite fire being a very very very definite thing.

fuck off lib shill

I'm not replying to you. I'm just shocked and horrified by that image.
I get the joke, but hear me out for a second.

Why would anyone want that degenerate offal to cross their lips, even in jest?

A fitting response from someone who cannot tell the character of those he is surrounded by

You're misinterpreting the discussion here.
He's not calling Sargon a cuckold for a figurative concept derived from the real concept of cuckold; I have no problem with someone calling someone else a "cuck" for letting other people step over him, or self censor his political ideas just to fit in with the group, or anything of that sort.
The problem is that he's calling Sargon a cuck because he doesn't understand the literal meaning of the word cuck.
Regarding everything else, Sargon has never backed down on his ideologies despite the huge amount of people and pressure he's had against him, so I hardly see how he's calling him a cuck in the figurative sense. In fact, he literally said why he called him a cuck right here , so you can clearly see it's not in the figurative sense, but it stems from a misinterpretation of the literal meaning of the word.

The former is most likely. Even the dumbest people here are goddamn super-geniuses compared to most people in the rest of the world. If you've ever worked a service job (and it's pretty much mandatory in the US since all of the good jobs moved to India, the Philippines, and Mexico), you'll get plenty of unfiltered exposure to how goddamn fucking retarded most people are. I've dealt with people who thought that Canada was a state, and actually got angry when they were informed that it is not, a man who could not understand the difference between a button on a touchscreen.
Another problem is, you tend to be selective in whom you associate with, be they your neighbors, your family, or random people on the Internet. It becomes too easy to see the groups of people you've set up as representative of the whole, rather than what is unfortunately the cream of the crop. Treasure the people that you love and respect, because they are truly diamonds in the rough.

Getting too sloppy in my editing.

The bizarre alliances like commies & corporations / muslims, feminists & fags / la raza, black supremacists & pale-faced hipsters; It will all make sense when you realize they are all Anti-Western Civilization. Essentially, whatever destroys successful western nations is on board. It's all a byproduct of certain (((influences))) brainwashing & agitating behind the scenes & also openly.

Jesus fucking Christ, Google.

I don't watch TV but just passively looking at news sites and social media and Empire is one of the lowest viewed tv shows currently on air. Its long past cancellation number but stays on because the black. Better show were cancelled for less on FOX.

That place is pretty good but I wish they had more than just shitty American Cheese and also they keep raising their prices and it's getting harder to justify eating there. I can make good burgers at home for less.

Ah, I haven't been there for a while, because I won't dine out alone (since like yourself, cooking for myself is cheaper, and typically better). Well, once in a while will be fine. Shouldn't eat double-decker greaseburgers every month anyway. Still can't be worse for you than the estrogen cardboard sandwiches other places serve up.

It's really quite simple, user.

Independent content creators, even let's players and reviewers and parody anime channels, all have the ability to influence and spread opinions and inspire action within their audience on a far larger scale than television, movies, and radio. JonTron getting into an argument with some commie faggot caused far more people to consider the kind of dangerous opinions that kikes like Soros spend billions to fight, by creating propaganda and astroturf social movements.

They can't control youtube or the internet at large, so they want to shut it down. Twitter went on a banning spree. Google tried tailoring search results and demonetizing videos left and right. Faceberg is investing millions into narrative crafting tools. The "fake news" panic was an attempt to shut down the internet as a source of information, which was allowing people to form their own opinions without a collective of journos deciding through private mailing lists how to tell people what to think.

tl;dr - Kike businessmen and politicians are too far behind the curve, and now that they've finally realized that this internet thing is a threat to their agendas, they are trying to SHUT IT DOWN


Goddamn she wanted their dicks so bad





I'm not replying to you. I'm just writting this explanation for others to see . I get where you come from >>>/reddit/ but hear me out for a second.
Beginning again is a very delicate time. Know then, that it is the year 2016. The known universe is ruled by the God Emperor Trump the First. In this timeline, the most precious substance in this place is sodium chloride. The salt extends life. The salt expands consciousness. The salt is vital to the very existance of this board. The Holla Forumsirgins guild and its navigators from Holla Forums, who the salt has mutated over a span of four-thousand minutes, use the salt fumes ,that gives them the ability to meme things into existence and bend reality. That is, travel to any part of the Universe without moving with the click of few buttons. Oh yes, I forget to tell you. The purest form of salt exists in only one place on the entire Universe. A desolate, dry city with vast amounts of faggotry in it . Hidden away amongst lounge chairs and free wi-fi signs and sugary enemas that pass as coffee of their local Starbucksâ„¢ are a people known as the Cucks whose tears hold the purest form of the substance and who have long held a prophecy, that a bull would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true enlightment and their wives to mutliple orgasms. The city is San Franscisco. Also known as Cuckrakis.

Is youtube even needed. Why couldn't they just put up their own sites, posting videos as .webm? It's a very light format isn't it. Who actually gives a fuck about watching somebody playing minecraft at 4k

lmao, do you even post on Holla Forums?

so who is winning?

Dick always wins.

No one is winning. Even if we are losing, jews are losing too because they're killing their host.

I get so sick and tired of cockmongling niggers like you who like to pretend obnoxious e-celebs aren't almost as cancerous as games "journalism" outlets just because they share your opinion. Identity politics is fucking cancer, and you are fucking cancer. You have nothing, absolutely nothing in common aside from distaste for SJWs, which everyone has. You can't call weak hitpieces "character assassination" unless you actually care what normalfags think
This whole "new media vs. old media" isn't SJWs vs. Anti-sjws, it's cancer vs. cancer. If you want a cancerous e-celeb who at least has the slightest clue about what he's talking about, search for harmful opinions

You should care what normal fags think, they are the majority after all and regardless of if you pay attention to them or not, their opinion can and will affect your life.


"Este Guey es un Pinche Idiota"



I wish people wouldn't come in to threads like this going "HURR WHO CARES ABOUT YOUTUBE E-CELEBS THEY'RE JUST LAZY BUMS THEY NEED TO GET REAL JOBS!".

I'm happy that people who would typically have no chance of getting on TV can make money doing what they want to do but on their own terms, not hoping Goldstein and Shekelberg will let them in. I think it's great we had this platform where people could do all types of dumb shit and make money, because at the end of the day being able to do something you love and make money is great. Regardless if your personal autism makes you think they're not doing a real job and need to go work ten years in the McDonald's burger mines or not.

At the end of the day this is a platform that has been around for over a decade and has just recently decided to start mass censoring, and transgressions against free speech are abhorrent. If you think youtubers are parasites or not is irrelevant and your shit fucking opinion adds nothing to the thread.

Generally I don't take people who act for a living to seriously. But "ecelebs" at this point hold just as much influence over actual actors. Probably more tbh.



Is that the best you can do?

All I know is that the dude that voices Vegeta in DBZA is a gigantic koolaid drinking libshit cuckold and he isn't shy about it. Nobody else really brings up their views and from what I gather of the guys personality he's a control freak psycho so they probably just agree with him to make things easier on themselves.

Fucking what?

Look, I'm not saying commies aren't retarded, but it's no stupider than Ancapistan's McGovernment that isn't technically a state because you signed a physical contract instead of a metaphorical one.

I want to murder communists.

Better phrasing would be
Because Stalin was a comrade too, see :^)

How can you murder a non-person?

You can only murder people.

Typical weebpost.

I feel about ancap the way normalfags feel about communism: It would be great if it could work.


But it can, the state is literally useless and everything the state does can be done by private enterprise. All they do is steal your money and use it to fund things you may or may not want to fund.
It's like a highwayman putting a pistol to your head, saying "Your money or your life", you will most likely hand it over, but not because you want to, it's because you don't want the consequence of not handing over your money. You giving your money to him doesn't guarantee that he will use that money to benefit you in some way, it's you giving your money over because the other option is KNOCK KNOCK IT'S THE IRS FOOL like in 100% Taxes.

Must be nice to be this naieve

That's all great until the McGovernment decides to levy a McTax on you, also you can't leave because the iState, Sony NotaGovernment, and the Sonic Drive-In and Police Force that border your local McGovernment all have extradition contracts for McTax evaders.

But it's not a state :^)

This. To be honest they weren't even bad. I enjoyed reading the first and second book quite a bit. It was a fresh take on this huge, wacky world of magic and wizardry and it was done well. I don't remember much about the third book but I know I didn't hate it. However, I believe it became apparent that she was running out of ideas by the 4th book. It moved away from wizardry, magic and all the fun concepts and focused strongly on main protag's personal relationships, his gf, portrayed him more like a whiny teenager with teenager problems and focused way too much on those instead of wizardry and the wizard kids' adventures. Needless to say, it wasn't really done well and I wasn't reading the book for teenage drama so I dropped it half way and never picked it or the next parts up again.



The NAP is nothing more than moral agnosticism. An ideology not backed by strong belief is doomed to be replaced by other memes.

Please describe how it will look like in your mind.


Just like Holla Forums.

Jewtube benefits from extreme economies of scale at this point and has for a while.


Anyone is free to do whatever they wish as long as it doesn't step on the rights of someone else or their property, if it does, that person or group of persons are free to defend their rights and property. You cannot force anyone to do anything unless they agree to it.

killing youtube personalities can only be good for video games. but i know you dont care about that you stupid nigger

>b-but you wouldn't have to live under a McGovernment
You wouldn't, until a nearby McGovernment (or just a regular state, because did you seriously think everyone would agree to abolish the state?) says "gibs me dat" and takes your stateless land because they have more (Mc)soldiers and (Mc)bombs than you do.

That would assume people would agree to living in the McGovernment, which they wouldn't, because people don't WANT the state or someone taking their money.

The fact that we can't even migrate to a better board on the same site after we've been through a greater migration makes it even worse.

And then people form groups and take shit by force untill a more powerful group comes along.

He means our Holla Forums specifically. Maybe you haven't noticed how cancerous this place has gotten.

Also a botnet.

And they're gonna get fought back by other groups. The only person who can stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

When this site was down I took a look at the rest of the internet, did you? If you found a better place please tell us.

Hey it's like I'm on Holla Forums before the personality cult took over.

Holy fuck you are dense

And who the fuck would ensure that things stay the same? Who could stop somebody a bit more powerful that does want to take things by force?

Your model would just fall apart within munutes

if anyone found a better place they would absolutely not tell you


That would assume the McGovernment lets it's taxpayers customers opt out

Why don't you make one? Oh wait, I know! It's because you know that only and two others will follow you then you'll figure out that you're the vast minority and come back here. The real reason we haven't migrated is because most anons are fine with it.

Problem is that no one is willing to invest the hundreds of millions it would take to put up the server infrastructure necessary to compete with YouTube.

If the government was just they'd tear Google apart, gas all the Jews in charge and their families and then make damn sure no corporation ever again gets that much power.

A better place is not good enough. You'd need to piss off about 80% of the user base or people wouldn't migrate to fucking eden if it was next door. The few people who don't care about the board being slow will not be able to sustain the board by themselves and it will eventually completely die.

Point is there is nowhere else to go. We're pretty much the last living example of a dying culture. The internet has passed up by, and every day it is becoming increasingly hostile to us and what we represent.

Ten years down the line it will have become another corporate walled garden where only kosher opinions are shilled by an army of bots and Pajeets.

Fuck off defeatist shill.

Nazism is centered around low-brow hero-worship. It's how they unite the working class to destroy the everybody who knows how shit runs and doesn't bend down to the government. It's really just a political cult.

Have you ever considered that statecraft and politics is about managing morons?

We want to purge the sickness of the soul, the hedonism, the debauchery, the ones who caused this strife and the ones who can't be helped.

B-but it's okay if some people convince other people to destroy themselves as long as there are markets involved!

I like how they think that either giving the state more power (pinkos) will somehow stop the corrupt politicians or how the lolbergs think that the free market will dissuade big corporations from truly fucking them in the ass and further destroying the environment.

thats not all there is to it. its also about securing a positiong of power, and doing everything you can to widen your grasp

Those are certainly the usual goals, but even if you're the more noble type you still have to deal with the fact that most people are servile idiots.

sure, but you also have to deal with that in nearly every other facet of life too

Name a better place like he said or fuck off.