There are people lurking this board (right now) who still believe in scientific racism

Why do we occupy a website filled with such utter retards? What do we even do with such people? If they're dumb enough to believe a 'science' that was only accepted before fucking germs were considered real, how can you reason with them? Is a firing squad the only solution?

Other urls found in this thread:

Stephen Jay Gould on Intelligence Tests (IQ), the Nature - Nurture Controversy 1995:

Racism was over when Lincoln ended slavery, there is literally no other possible factor than intelligence.

fuck off trot

You just split the party, you sectarian fuck.

I have no interests in bourgeois politics

Let's subject any group to centuries of slavery, segregation, apartheid, discrimination, lynchings, violence and poverty and see how well they cope

but BLM occasionally said racist things about white people?

What the fuck are you talking about?

I agree, they need to take a Stirner pill.

You could have ended your post right there.
Scientific anything is complete bullshit peddled by undialectical positivists who have never read a book in their lives.

This. What's true today in science, tomorrow it isn't.

You mean the guy that completely fabricated the data "BTFO"ing Morton's cranial data?


Exactly! Just look at the history of astronomy. At one point they were convinced the Earth was the center of the universe. Now they tell us the Earth orbits the Sun which orbits a galaxy. Why the fuck should we trust them to be any more correct now than they were previously?
And look at disease. What makes them think they're more correct about germs than they were about bad smells?

germs objectively exist you fucking retard

-t. enlightened logical positivist who derives all knowledge from his own intelligence.

Darwin was a racist.

literally a vapid upper middle class guilt trip that stops short of questioning the broader system. It implies that the capitalist meritocracy COULD work, if it wasn't for the noxious alien influence of 'structural racism'. Nowadays, the great majority of people, regardless of their race, will never achieve the post war ideal of a nice cushy job, owning a house in the suburbs and having 2.1 kids.

Separated twin studies.

No doubt conducted by a bunch of fedora-wearing atheists who will make up anything to prove their precious "science" right.