Magdalen Berns

Is she /ourgirl/?

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couldn't watch more than 1 minute

She doesn't sound high, just tired, like she made this vid at 3AM.

Op is a retard


Most of her videos are anti-idpol. She's basically a feminist Zizek.

Ain't nothing wrong with TERFs. They expose a lot of the bullshit from the ivory tower concerning useless gender theory.

Let's not throw away hundreds of years of theory and struggle just to appease a bunch of arguably ill males.

All the videos are about gender bullshit that any other braindead YouTube anti sjw can debunk

Most anti-SJWs are right-wing and classcucked as fuck.

Yes, and she isn't?

Feminists in general don't have a lot of room to call others' studies useless theory.

She isn't right-wing.

She tells people at the 9:45 mark to read Marx.

Opinions on gender politics isn't what determine whether you are a leftist or not

You guys have problems.


Second Wave Feminism was very Marxist-influenced.


From a Marxist perspective, the TERF position is much more materialist.

Literally every fucking video is calling someone for not being a lesbian or saying why trans people are bad. Who gives a fuck about this shit?

Fucking Russel brand namedrops Marx too, guess he's a bona fide comrade too

It's a class-based analysis of gender.

Political lesbianism is kind of lame I know but it at least has its roots in actual marxist theory, unlike most trans* stuff. That's my whole point. She is an actual marxist and yet people here still doubt whether she is truly a leftist.


It's much more class-based than trans politics.

stop the identity politics

Gender isn't something you can just op out of.

Gender doesn't exist. There is no sexual rapport you stupid faggot. Read Lacan.



I don't like TERFs but FERFs are just as bad if not worse.

ffs…you sound like the retarded fake leftist teachers i had in university. Everyday was Lacan this, Zizek that. Waste of time


And Lacan was an idealist.

He was an materialist with ideas.

lmao yes it is

He was a closeted Hegelian who denied being one.

It seems that way if you're male.

that is the dumbest thing I've read all day

Do you even listen yourself?

are you stupid
you havent established that I cannot opt out, but that I cannot move between the two

A woman can't just imagine her genitals and socialization away.

>"Our attack on the bourgeoisie," wrote Engels, "distinguishes itself as much from that of the true socialists as it does from that of the reactionary nobility, e.g., of the French legitimists or of Young England. The German status quo cannot exploit our attack because it is directed even more strongly against it than the bourgeoisie. If the bourgeoisie is, so to speak, our natural enemy whose overthrow will bring our party to power, the German status quo is much more our enemy because it stands between us and the bourgeoisie. That is why we do not in the least exclude ourselves from the oppositional mass movement against the German status quo. We constitute only its most advanced faction—a faction which through its unconcealed unconcealed arriere-pensee against the bourgeoisie assumes a definite position"

her genitals arent her gender

her socialization never ends in a world of perpetual learning - and can take her in any which way

Why you reducing people to their genitals you pervert
And people's socialization is through their own, not their genitals

ITT: People who aren't women tell women that they can just stop being women as if they have experience doing that.

Female gender essentialists should just never leave the kitchen tbh

Calling a TERF anti idpol is like calling a huwhite nationalist anti idpol.

Transpeople are the undisputed masters of pure idpol, since their "identity" is generally understood as a mistake of biology rather than of the social order.

Decent video with good points.

she should probably legit lay off the Xanax a bit though

ITT: People who reduce people to their genitals tell women that they can just stop being women as if they have experience doing that.

What if it's neither and your attempt to bring it down to your level of idpol says more about you than it does them?

It's obvious that she just wants/needs some big leftist dick. Just look at how stressed out and tired she looks.

Would nail tbh

oooh, oooh, anfem fite

its like watching primitive apes shove shit in each others mouths

We are all eating from trashcan. And apparently you'd like to add to that landfill.

the wonderful place where we all shit where we eat

Love in the time of cholera.

This would be more interesting to look upon than any more of their posts tbh

Terfs have more in common withe rightwingers, they are like old white ladies who thought their "progress" would freeze in the 90's, but they didn't realize liberals are mentally ill and will keep pushing eternal progress without any end goal.

The problem is that the left has left them behind, and the right wing fucking hatesssssssssssssssss feminism in all forms.

So now there is like some cabal of like 20 crazy cat ladies who hate trannies.

So radfems hate trannies like rightwingers
But are feminists like leftwingers.
And they arent accepted by either.

Radfems either need to compromise with one side or get over themselves.

TIL TERF is the left's equivalent of the anti-Semitic Zionists on Holla Forums and otherwise

No seriously, the dynamic is the same.

Your name is now 'TERF anfem'. Please get an appropriate tripcode.

It makes mores sense for Israelis when you think about it, Zionist benefits from antisemitism outside of Israel because it would force jews to move to israel.

Terfs are just : "reeeeeeeeeeeeee no real womans ""


TERFs benefit from hatred of women in that it will scare up women and even well-meaning men into feminism, and since they can now "keep those women under their wings" it is perhaps reinforced in the minds of the men that they are just the ignorant, unfair sex inherently.

user you KNOW that's bullshit
there's nothing "materialist" about excluding people because of a single aspect of their psychology


tbh this board should also wordfilter misandry since it claims to be against idpol

western feminists have pretty much equality, they get to go to work and be slaves to capitalism like men too.
They get to feel empowered in their femininity by consuming products based around the commodification of feminism.

Remember to always drink coke™ or you arent a real empowered and strong womens

well then have fun becoming old cat ladies no one likes then dying out.

Daily reminder that TERF is basically a slur among mtf trans circles and is essentially a form of miso-gyny directed at cis women.


but remember most trans do this by simply existing

t. Misty Blaze (or whatever stupid porn star-esque name you gave yourself after you decided that you were a female.)

Also, you should know as a feminist that women are free to choose to be feminist or not. Just because you criticize a feminist doesn't mean you are criticizing them as a women (because even males can be feminist).

Do you honestly think trans people should think kindly of terfs? Terf is a slur like fash is a slur.

Serious question? Why do MtFs do this? Why can't you call yourself Monica or Laura?


fixed that for you


look at all these girls named misty blaze

it's almost as if you're a SWERF and a slut shamer tooo……~

I could be wrong, but I think it's the opposite, that others are trying to include them in a norm and force them into conforming to said "spook."

It's more like "degenerate" (or any number of right wing slurs) really. I mean they are "punching down" at females from the position of males after all.

clearly the solution to dealing with trans issues is to kill them all

should i switch to stalin flair yet

A lot of trans folk are teenagers when they first come out, and so they enjoy unique, cool sounding names. It's the same reason people that age making OC's will give them names like Ebony Dark'ness.

I can't believe you actually think this

theyre all porn star names or generic white girl names

Yeah, see this is why no one buys your shit when you accuse others of idpol. What happened to standing up for yourself, instead of asking men and "men" and """men""" and """"men"""" to baby you?

Porn stars like choosing unique names too

But they shouldn't. If a person is for equality they should call themselves humanists. Feminism only cares about women and nobody else.


we better get ready for more of these

thank mr wolff

I've used Holla Forums for over a year.

Feminism and humanism aren't contradictory and I don't know why you think it is. If there's so much infighting amongst feminism, what makes you think that "humanist," a definition so broad that it encompasses all of human society, would be at all a useful term on its own?

We aren't asking to be babied. We just want males to stop beating on us and holding us down. We want to work together as equals. However that doesn't excuse miso-gyny on your end.


but vanilla is so boooring

Humanism has as one of the main values that of being internationalist, it aspires to a universal human nation, but it does not want a uniform world, but a multiple, multiple world in ethnicities, languages and customs; Beliefs, atheism and religiosity; Humanism does not want leaders or bosses, nor anyone who feels like a representative of anything. Another very important value belonging to universalist humanism is active nonviolence as a means of acting in the world, or like Mario Rodrigues Luis Cobos says: "Nothing above the human being and no human beneath another."

What's misogy­nistic is that you're pretending to be the protector of all things feminine. What's woman hateric is that you assumed anyone here was trans, or anyone's gender for that matter when you're on a fucking anonymous imageboard. What's woman hateric is that your standards are so low for women that you're basically pleading with an imaginary symbol for tolerance instead of strengthening yourself making yourself self-sufficient and holding yourself accountable for your mistakes.



So liberal tolerance that doesn't put a dent on anyone's MO.

Fuck TERFs

JESUS CHRIST she looks like muke

Ted Cruz…

You know radical feminists think class is idpol right, they think sex is the only meaningful contradiction


fucking this


As far as Magdalen Berns goes, her leftist /socialist views are pretty cool, but the things she says about trans people (such as myself) are honestly fucking ridiculous. I remember she made one video about lesbians having sex with a non-op trans woman and tried to say it was a form of rape ffs.

Anyway TERF is a dumb term. I've literally never talked to a "TERF" who didn't believe that trans people deserve some sort of help and didn't have a place in discourse about patriarchy. So I don't think "Trans exclusionary" is an accurate word to describe them.

Muke got a sex change and got addicted to downers

kek if MFT end up becoming over the top women embracing bimbo lifestyle and fill they face with make up, i bet FTM become super macho dudes that enjoy getting drunk and getting into fights with random people that look at them funny.

Well from what i have seen in resaerch a lot of mtf trannies are porn addicted sissies who want to look like porn stars, and ftm's are a bunch of autistic retards who read too much yaoi also have Frankenstein penis's

I have one FTM friend, he's a bit of an edgelord but more in a goofy weeaboo/metalhead way than a barfight toughguy way.
He's really sweet tho.

kill yourself freak

This is very strange to me because almost every trans person I've met IRL has been a trans dude. I'm glad trans guys haven't been sensationalized in media the same way trans women have, I think that's the reason why reactionaries don't usually bring them up

It's true, and there's a ton of implications that come from this observation. I think Julia Serano was right when she said that society has an unhealthy obsession with "men becoming women" be they gay, drag queens, crossdressers, trans women, some kind of fluid agender (but MAAB). This of course inevitably results in the invisibility of FAAB people. Trans men, lesbians, the rare "drag king" et al. completely ignored by society.

Now here's the most disturbing part: even within the LGBT this occurs, in the form of the way in which lesbians and FAAB people are more harshly criticized than cis men and MAAB people. Trans men will begin transition and right off the bat be told they are entering a world of muh privilege. There are articles like "Do Trans men have a place in feminism?"
Lesbian bars are being shut down or reformed left and right. Bars will attempt to have WLW nights (which are almost always inclusive to trans women) and they will be attacked by various queer, nonbinary people etc. for not being inclusive enough. This does not seem to stop until the word "lesbian" is blotted out completey. Meanwhile, gay bars go on without a hitch. Despite making it clear that they are a male space intended for men, nobody criticizes gay bars, nobody called them "non-inclusive" none of that.

And then of course, I point out that while people are making statuses that say things like "kill all TERFs" "Beat up a TERF today!" meanwhile every TERF I know has been entirely open to discourse. I've come to common ground with what people call "TERFs" quite regularly. Meanwhile there are cis men, even GAY cis men (I'm looking at you Milo) who throw shit at us, call us freaks, call us subhuman and yes, actively beat us, assault us, even kill us.

further proof tankies are cancer

Transgerderism is a consequence of capitalism and our narcisist times. Those people need help and no, i'm not a tankie.
Ultimately i don't care about what people do to their own bodies, but then don't come crying that it wasn't like how you expected and making videos like that one Riley MTF shaming me for not wanting to have sex or a relationship with him.

i think

This is a good post, user. You're luckier than me with your interactions, I've never met a terf that had any respect for trans people. But I think you're spot on, the LGBT community can be pretty garbage. "Is X really a part of Y?" is always a red flag for me.

This is a major problem for the left, and accounts for most of my sympathy for places like /r/socialism, no marginalized group is going to want to fight for a cause that treats them like dirt or like an object, especially when they regard their own cause as a diversion at the same time. Solidarity is powerful but extremely difficult to cultivate and maintain.

That's probably because your idea of"respect" is "let's transwomen speak for the cis women experience" which is of course something that no feminist group should ever do.

Feminism is CIA you fucking idiots, "hey err working class trans people are oppressing booj academic feminists"


But nobody does that you greasy nerd
Transwomen speak through a woman experience and they won't ever speak for "dae cis women experience".

Nope, you should never attempt to make your politics conform with the trends of the day. And all of politics can't be divided into a monolithic left-wing and right-wing in the first place you idiot.

They do though– if they decide to. There's no language that you can use to challenge them. See Brianna Wu.

Well I don't care for Brianna Wu
POWERWORDS: If they decide to
Don't feel threatened

The only thing TERFs have going for them is that they're not SWERFS.

How the FUCK is transgenderism consistent with DiaMat?

TERF's are SWERF's as well 90% of the time so you can't even say that about them.

"transgenderism" is a great way to signpost that you have no idea what you're talking about. People having gender dysphoria has nothing to do with dialectal materialism.

Because their conception of womanhood comes from male experience. anime, videogames and comic books.

This is pure ideology.

I agree.


Thank you OP. I now understand what a 'TERF' is.
If I expressed my opinions about gender and sex on Reddit, I would've been banned from nearly every left-wing subreddit a year ago.


"Trans women are willful women; women who have to insist on being women, who have to keep insisting, again and again, often in the face of violent and repeated acts of misgendering. Any feminists who do not stand up, who do not wave their arms to protest against this misgendering, have become straightening rods" -Sara Ahmed, Living A Lesbian Life

Radical lesbianism was wrong on every particular as well as in general

Transwomen are males who have been socialized as men who for whatever reason decide to live life as women. Let's not romanticize them.

wowww i wonder what that reason is

The hypocrisy is glaring.

This is why no one likes transpeople. It's also why most left wing forums are fucking impossible to use.

there's a special gulag for people like you.

Oh I see. It's OK when cis women are the target but god forbid someone slight the trans* community in a minor way with their language. I guess that's what happens when you live most of your life as a man.

I haven't used those words even fucking once.

Reminder that Janice Raymond thinks pointing out that class exists is oppressive identity politics

Also why do the radfems say trans issues where created in the 90s when this book came out in the late seventies?

fuck off you american cunt, it's a gender neutral term

I've honestly never met or talked to an anti-trans radfem that actually knew what gender dysphoria was and why trans people transition.

Capitalist here. It warms my heart to see our idpol psyop tearing apart the left in this thread. Too bad Evan McMuffin has made the CIA into a bunch of Hillshills. He needs to shut up.

This is how we destroyed Occupy Wall Street.

This is how we will transition into AI gaining the legal status of corporations and owning everything. The proletariat will become extinct.

10,000 years of property and hierarchy awaits.

God, it's incredible the amount of time out of my life I have to take to tell you why you're a fucking asshole. I'm so ambivalent about it that it split my post in two.

I've talked to a woman who heard that word from a moving vehicle accompanied by a glass bottle aimed straight for her fucking head. Don't tell me I'm whining.

It's not minor. It's like nigger. It's not funny, its not casual, it's not normal. It's dehumanizing. It inextricably links us to porn and the sexual interests of men.

those sexual interests arent those solely of men
youre movement is shit and youre a retard

mods why is this thread still here

Get some class analysis you stupid borgie.

How the fuck is not changing your productive forces not dialectical materialism????

-1 not*

eh bullshit. Consider transgender oppression. Of course input from other people is permissible. But if you want to know what it's like to be a trans person in, say, America, ask a fucking trans person. That's all we're saying. Discourse can come from anyone, but those who live as trans people are the only ones who can provide accurate information on which to base said discourse.


I just want to say this is some high quality bait. Nicely done.

Childhood sexual trauma?

What does one opinion matter to the advancement of all? I am not saying we need to exclude people, no, I am saying that even among transgendered people there are a diverse amount of plans for what should be done, and how we should be doing it. Rights-based equality encounters this distinctive problem all the time; there are just too many rights. The conficting interests of different groups set equally basic rights in conflict with another. For example, the equal right of all to be left alone by government and the equal right of all to effective participation in government are independent and important aspects of rights-based political equality. In a class-based society, however, they inevitably conflict. Without collective ownership dominated by a worker's state (with the interference that it entails), economic power power becomes concentrated in the hands of a few, who dominate effective participation of government as a result.

P.S. I would not want nor trust someone like Caitlyn Jenner to represent me.

You're not looking at the big picture I feel, even if you might think you are.
Sure we shouldn't base an entire ideology off of one person's experience. No shit. That's why you foster communication between and projected from a wide variety of trans people. This gives you the proper information you need about the cis-transgender dialectic to create political theory and praxis.

Personally, I feel like transpeople don't necessarily want to be heard anymore, that they want to be put on display for what they know to be a cruel world, that they're tired of being probed for the advancement of someone's political agenda. No, what they want is concrete solutions from their doctors, from their families, from themselves. We have the information. We just don't know exactly what to do with it yet.

There's always room for more information. I'm describing a long-term relationship between trans and their cis allies rather than a specific moment in time.
Trans in the third world, for instance.