Reviving the siege thread, you know the drill

reviving the siege thread, you know the drill

they're going to be creating a TTS (technical stress server) soon to start working on changes to matchmaking and menus, so we should finally be able to adjust loadouts and operators while waiting 2 hours for a match soon

there was some rumor mill stuff going on that they'd be adding some form of lootboxes, i can't say i look forward to it but i guess it's something to do with the excess renown players who have the DLC ops have stacked up

Who needs hats anyway. I don't feel glaz is too overpowered, I still kill him often and I've only aced with him once since the change. Though that may be because my aim is shit. Also for some reason I've been gravitating towards shotguns recently, I got valk and hers is so good I started using them on everyone and now I just play doc all the time and roam with his shotty.

a large majority of the headgear is fucking ugly, and any player will already have all the scopes and shit they want within like 2 gameplay sessions

Fuck. Off.

There are a few I want, mainly just so my mains look pretty, but like I said I'm too paranoid to spend any until I have 50k stashed for the next ops.

I havent posted too much lately, I will post some more when I can get the time for it


Have you tried roaming with Jaeger and the M870? The M870 is really solid and I thought it was fun to toss things up with him.

How do I have fun again?

Titanfail is even slower than Siege

Yeah, but for someone reason I like being a 3 armor roamer, especially because no one fucking expects doc to creep up behind you.

roaming bandit m870 seems like a better idea since he has nitro, and jaegers carbine is too valuable

whats a better gun pick for capitao? i'm using him a bit for this weeks challenge

The FAL, because if I remember right, the SAW does babby damage and has a shit ROF.

but his lmg is supposed to do the same damage and have the same ROF according to the stats page.

That shit's just plain wrong, the FAL, post nerf, does between 42 and 21 damage, depending on armor and distance, while the SAW does between 33 and 16 damage.

How does one effectively roam? I try it and it feels like a fluke when I get the drop on someone.

hide somewhere before set up ends, check cameras to figure out what direction enemies are coming from, creep towards their backsides, strike when they engage your teammates

Your main goal as a roamer isn't to get kills, it's to waste time. So bash out windows, run outside, just generally make yourself known, but don't engage unless you know you can get the kill. Run rings around them as a 3 speed.

You have to go back.

i don't often hear people calling the main purpose of roaming to harass the enemy team, especially when defensive options aren't as strong for harassing

depends who you pick i guess though, sneaking up for the big flanks always feels ideal to me

No one gives a shit, fuck off.

Are they ever gonna fix ranked? Or at least make it worth playing? Also any theories on what the new ops will be?

Nope. Time for you to crawl into some ditch and die a dumb fucking shill.

Headphones help, as your best bet is patience and listening for enemy noises. But there will always be an element of chance. Something as simple as someone thinking of checking the team's back can effectively ruin a roamer's entire shit.

im really enjoying the new feature ubisoft added to the game, playing the game was too overpowered im glad they removed it

that sucks dick, have fun emailing some dickhead to contest that

it isnt a ban, its just a kick, it happens randomly for no reason usually mixed with shit like not being able to fire, aim or reload, or not being able to pick an operator

did someone say DRILL?


its like they don't even like filthy wallbangs


It's a feature :^)

is this true? because i have reflex on my glaz from pre-patch and do feel like some shots went way wayward but just assumed it was me being a shitter from not using him much

Same thing on every other bullpup; ACOG's misaligned on all of them.

huh good thing i use red dot or holo on most of my guns

Well shit.



kinda funny but guy needs to sound grumpier and use UK measurements to really deliver the thatcher experience

Is there anything more pathetic than a Jackal getting killed by a roamer from behind?
Literally one job.

My god i fucking love Echo. If he wasnt a three armour piece of shit the guy would be absolutely perfect, I put suppressors on half my guns anyway, so that's scarcely much of an issue (I know i probably oughtta use muzzle breaks and compensators) and he has both an amazing SMG secondary, and a servicable (But incredibly controllable) SMG primary, with a fairly good shotgun as well.

The yokai is astounding, it's like a valk cam i can move with no threat to myself, with the ability to panic people at the click of a button.

Being this Jackal

Needs a buff imo. His yokai is quite unreliable. The shotgun+smg combo is good but being a 1 speed really hurts him.

Fucking die already.


He's just that convinced all R6S players are shills.

Cancer? Cancer.

And pissed there is no porn to spam with

True, sometimes I hit them with the blast, but don't get the points, so I'm not sure whether they're drunk or not. They do the animation though.

I normally just use it as a mobile camera, the blast is kind of a bonus.

Don't you have any overwatch thread to be in?


I mean he should at least be 2 speed. Then again, you have the "1 speed roamer". So it seems like they just throw the Speed/Armor around completely at random

Oh fuck

Anyone want to play? I'm sick of playing with people who don't communicate, it's making it incredibly hard to rise from gold to plat.

It feels like you're by yourself when the entire team runs around entirely silent, not letting you know where they might have seen people, where they're covering, what they're doing etc.

If people actually talk this game gets SO much easier.

add "Jakkarra"

Pls, I need people who can make use of my callouts and Yokai blasts ;___;

There's your problem

Explain yourself.

Anyone else think Kapkan should be a 3 or at least a 2 speed? I always end up just barely getting my traps set up before the match starts, and that's only if I immediately go and do it.

Ranked sucks. Other than the ability to choose your spawn, it has no upsides. If someone leaves the spot won't get filled and the matches are longer for barely any more renown.

I think frost and Kapkan should just trade gadgets, because the best place for frost traps are in and around the objective and the best place for kap traps are outside.

Choosing the spawn is a major upside, particularly for the defenders. Plus the rounds are a minute shorter, which is a pretty significant difference. The attackers have it rather easy most of the time, particularly in Casual.

Also there's the ranking system itself, theoretically it'll put you with players who're nearer your skill level

Added you old friend, accept Sierra and we can catch up.

Apparently some upcoming content leaked from the technical test servers.