Is it time to reclaim the ancient svastika as a symbol of universal human solidarity?

Is it time to reclaim the ancient svastika as a symbol of universal human solidarity?

No because autistic nazis have ruined it
I don't think there's possible redemption for the svastika

That's a cool commie swastika

No and there's really no reason to.

To this day the bismirching of what could have been the coolest flag ever is the worst thing the Nazis did.

The one thing that has made me doubt communism and accept Nazism is that they obviously had the sickest uniforms and symbol

I think we have more immediate and pressing concerns, comrade. Those are breddy cool tho.

Can we at least wait until everyone who lived through the third reich is dead? I'm all for taking back symbols, but Jesus.

Probably not universal. The Hakenkreuz is beyond redemption in the West for historical reasons, but most of the rest of the world still happily makes use of it.

I wonder how much less popular Nazism would be if their symbols and uniforms had looked incredibly lame.

Killing millions of people is a close second though

The nazi couldn't have chosen lame symbols for all their idology rely on aesthetics.

It's probably too far gone at this point. But why bother with recovering the past when we can create a new symbol for the future? One that's better.

it'll start to happen in a century or so when people forget and larger atrocities strike themselves in the historical record

most asian countries already don't give a fuck


The only people that will profit from that are nazis themselves.

Why tho? If it's done then nazis have basically one more way to try to present themselves as legitimate.

Get better bait, pol.


The Swastika is the eternal symbol of the Sun.
One only has to think for a minute to realize that, if Hitler was such a "white supremacist" and a "euro-centrist", why did he use a symbol that has appeared in civilizations all throughout the world to represent the not socialist(lol) movement

Hitler and Nazism was about German superiority, not white power. Only liberals think that

We're gonna bash the fash – that's a given. Sure, we'll be dressed the same and that might get confusing in street confrontations. But people need to know the swastika is a cross with shafts of light coming from the ends and not a nazi thing. We're also going to rehabilitate the Charlie Chaplin moustache.

Completely wrong, and refer back to my main point.

It's well-known that Hitler exaggerated his rhetoric of Germanic superiority in order to rally support.
Eurocentrism and Germanic superiority was certainly not something that Hitler started, but was the status-quo that developed in the Weimar Republic and Hitler had to flow with and use in order to gain power.

Explain how I'm wrong. German superiority was always Hitler's main motivation. Why did he claim Germans were a superior race and basically responsible for creating civilization?

Because they weren't responsible for creating civilization? That's complete bs

He never said that Germans were a superior race, he said however that the Teutonic element of the Germanics was purer, than say, the Slavs.
This argument was purely against miscegenation, oftenly misniterpreted.

The superior race becomes tainted with the blood of the inferior. That does now mean however, that the superior race is superior to all. I am taking this off the Murphy translation, so please acknowledge that I might be wrong and the translation is wrong aswell. Race in Not Socialism means quality. There is no superior or inferior peoples, the Untermensch exists in all. Judging people by the collective is stupid, foolish and juvenile.

This, its irredeemable, sadly.

I remember almost a decade ago, some libertarian nitwit using Red Kalmyk insignia as proof that the swastika and thus Nazism were socialist.

I hope you aren't implying that 20th century communism (aka left-veiled fascism) didn't rely only on aesthetics as well. The USSR and Mao's China are nothing BUT aesthetics (and a huge body count kek).

It's really not a good symbol for that tbh. It's a nice symmetrical symbol with aesthetic right angles and a spiral (bonus points if it's proportioned according to the golden ratio), but it's not really evocative of humanity.

If you want something evocative of human solidarity maybe try a symbol that resembles humans. Human physiology, human minds, whatever. I'm a fan of hands. They're easily identifiable as human and associating with both socializing and productivity.

Wew, something ate my second picture.

sounds like ideology to me