Post your three favourite films, and other anons try to guess you personality

Post your three favourite films, and other anons try to guess you personality.

I'll start.

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Other urls found in this thread:


/r9k/-tier edgelord who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and unironically identifies with school shooters despite not having the balls to ever follow in their footsteps.

now r8 me

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Flying Faggot


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Type B

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Holla Forums

Introverted male with limited sexual experience, has frequent violent fantasies in which he asserts himself, in real life he is quite docile and friendly but with some weird quirks

30 something horror buff who unironically enjoys old TROMA flicks, has on and off relationships with women he sort of likes, possibly divorced, likes hobbies where he is isolated like fishing or birdwatching

Fractured male, no strong father figure in his life, slightly below average height, has been addicted to porn or is addicted to porn, browses Holla Forums and is firmly right wing, lifts and undertakes other masculine activities but still struggles socially

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Top 10 (I'll only list popular movies that majority of you probably saw)

American Psycho

Eyes Wide Shut

Falling Down

Fight Club


Killing Them Softly

Office Space

Pain & Gain

The Counselor

The Salton Sea

Attached: Last_Temptation_of_Christ.jpg (1200x1748 21.2 KB, 446.75K)

30 - 35 year old straight white christian american male. Only had a few girlfriends. Still fantasizes about his high school sweetheart.

35+ straight white male, Trump supporter. Has a few good friends. Lives in the North, wanted to join the military but eventually started his own business.

need more than 3 for this

Nostalgic, virile guy.

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I'm just now realizing all my favorite movies start with M.

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The phantom menace

Fuck off you lazy asshole.

Actually I mostly fantasize about recent girlfriends. My high school sweetheart was kind of a bitch.

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Wicked intelligent with a nihilistic sense of humor.

do this you fucking faggots

reddit user. you like beer. overweight.

south american, kek edgelord, under 25

20+years. Has a friendly personality and average social skills.

How could you be wrong on every account?

theres a bunch of keynotes that I wanted to "say" were my favorite films, but that I didn't actually watch fully (Like The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, Full Metal Jacket, American Psycho, Lolita, etc.). I also took out stuff other people had posted like STALKER and NGE.
Pretty hard to narrow down to like 5, but here it is (can't post multiple images so i just edited them together)

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if it wasn't clear, I was saying it was hard to narrow it down to EVEN 5, much less 3.

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Pseudo-intellectual with an attention span too short to actually read anything substantial.

/r/the_donald turned Holla Forums natsoc

pretty cool guy but your music taste is faggy

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recommendations then?

pure, unassimilated /r/the_donald

Introspective dreamer

Ironical traveler

Normal numale

Edgy gamer

Antisocial common man

Vintage weirdo

Bush era memekid

Good soy

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You're right on my musical tastes.

That's pretty vague, but you aren't wrong.

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I don't know.

What do you mean? Two are from '99, and one is from '88.

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You like sequels. A man of establishment.

88 is thirty years ago, fam. It's a pretty long stretch, enough to be called vintage. If we were living in 88 right now, thirty years ago would be the freaking fifties.

Values relationships and seeks goals to their end.

probably 19 years old, and just discovered Holla Forums.

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Prisoner of the system. You have your own tastes, but struggle to assert them over the academic best - which you've been taught but isn't really part of you.

Dear Zachary…

Movie horoscopes general

Unreconciled normalfag. You know the game of human relationship, but you carry around the ghost of the identity you've lost for it.

Hungry social climber. Movies, culture and life experiences are steps to be accumulated to gain advantage (no one can seriously like that shit, it's just tools to be used). A leftist would have said: insecure brainlet, but that betrays projection.

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The Salton Sea

Office Space


Patrician taste, understands the mysteries of the universe, cool guy to shitpost about enlightenment.

Holla Forums user. college education. tall.

european. mid 20s. has long hair.

need more


was bullied in school

in his late 20s. stuck in retail job. 80% white.

never saw 2 and 3

libertarian. skinny.

around 30. laughs at memes. went on a few failed dates.

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Soul stretched between light and darkness. You wanted to see, and were unafraid to see both.

Leader at strange crossroads. You analyze situation with spirit, but reality is farcical.

Drifter with a heart.

Pretentious redditor. Keep looking for that downvote button.

Still, that's only 1/3. I do tend to like old shit though so you're not wrong.

lol why?

"Socially awkward" edgelord retard. Never had any meaningful relationship with anybody and hates authority and his parents.

Deadpan INTJ. Fun, but too weird for most people.

Tries to be cool and independent, but is deeply insecure. Probably works out and owns guns to prove his masculinity, not to actually benefit from that lifestyle. Is awkward socially, very self-aware and has an inferiority complex.

Overly analytical and anxious man. Has above average intelligence and is probably skilled in his field, but his need to prove his superiority, along with his indecisiveness leaves him unhappy and stressed out.

History-fan and either serves in the military or is an armchair general as a hobby. Good person, but a bit introverted. Likely anti-nihilist and well-read, probably gets along well with his close mates.

Lazy and indecisive sloth who only watches "trendy" movies to impress his friends. Most likely bitter and insecure about his achievements.

Youngfag. Likely European or South American. Has some friends, but is too immature and edgy for a deep and long-lasting relationship. Plays video games religiously.

Fucking normalfag.

True patrician thinking man. Likely an expert in antique architecture and ecclesiastical theology.

"WOKE" smartass who thinks he can find the meaning of life in movies. Very passive and cynical, but can be diligent if needed. Likely in uni, but still very inexperienced and lonely.

Reddit "nazi" "right-winger". Primary hobby is video games. Never read a book for fun. Still in education.

Unhappy and jaded. Longs for affection, but is too depressed and broken to know where to find it. Struggles with some mild addictions.

Probably an oldfag. Might be a bit unstable and is deeply distrustful towards people. Doesn't has many friends, but certainly has a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on his computer.

Ironic magapede. Gets off at the thought of triggering others, but is actually an incredibly boring and unambitious boy. Always follows the latest trends to validate himself.

Contrarian for the sake of being one. Doesn't has many interesting hobbies or stories and is probably not older than 30. Browses Reddit and has a YouTube channel.

Redditors don't hold varied opinions, variance has to be limited within a certain degree or they get downvoted with made up jewish psychiatry.

And we get the second numale in the thread. To think there's actual soyboys here, thanks Holla Forums

Damn. Maybe listing 10 of them was not a good idea. You are 100% right.

I'm not right?

Right about the age.

Right about not having interesting stories and not being older than 30, but those are my favorite childhood movies. Wrong about Reddit and Youtube.

No those are just my favorite childhood movies. I watched them like 20 times as a kid.

I wish to have relationships but I'm too scared of people.

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there is still hope


Uncannily accurate

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obvious pedophile

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maybe u will in jail

>maybe brade runna, maybe army of darkness, maybe drive

Make something out of it, Holla Forums.

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Some GenX'er who hates black-and-white movies with Dr. Strangelove being the exception.

Someone intentionally getting Holla Forums riled up, and those aren't his or her favorites

Introvert who likes impressionistic art

Nevermind, replace last slot with
>1950's cyrano


in his early 40s


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Memelord who loves interracial cuckoldry and probably contributes to /trannypol/'s low UID count.

Family oriented in rising challenges.

Sentimental goodguy threatened by unseen forces.

Hero in a modern decadent world that has no need for heroes.

Self-destructive conformist of the meme age.

Wanderer who foolishly tries to find himself among the suggestions he receives from others.


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If it helps you add to the puzzle I also secretly love several romantic comedy movies but tell no one

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nigger or muslim

comes from Holla Forums

everyone in here is a gay except me

Redditor fedora into rape fantasies, has already searched for pedo material.

Latino chad with a go getter attitude.

Gay man.

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Some of the people in this thread are actually serious…
Oh no…

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so wut

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I'm full burger, but close enough.

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Absolute shit taste. Not even a miyazaki the elder ghibli film. Fuck even the nips were universally pissed about how shitty it was.

You aint no anipuro

Alright, seriously this time. There was a very very close fourth but it just couldn't make the list.

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Face me!

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Eh, I actually really like most of the textbook "best x's of all time" (for example, akira as the best OVA, 2001 as the best sci-fi movie, Primer as the best microbudget film, etc.), I guess I'm just not contrarian enough.

former Holla Forums user
college credits as HS senior (18)
You got everything half-right.

I actually don't like "deep" movies specifically. The movies I named specifically are enjoyable even when you disregard all the pretentious shit, especially Synecdoche NY. In fact, I think Synecdoche NY is sometimes the opposite of deep because of raw emotion it can make you feel without even thinking very "deeply" about any of the symbolism or what's going on. The same goes for 2001 - the music and production is orchestrated so well, just hearing "requiem" can immerse you into a completely alien atmosphere.

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Not really

I guess? That seems a bit vague.

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your mom is a flower

1.) Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
2.) Ernst Thalmann- Son of his Class
3.) Tarkovsky's Solaris

Degenerate phone poster

Hate to break this on you but the soycuck in is checking the movie release date ad adding random SJW nonsense against conservatives from reddit. See toxic masculinity, fragile white etc

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not enough anime itt tbh
anime films make up most of the 21st century's essential cinema

Pretty close to all of it post-1990.

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antisocial underachieving weeb who only perks up when around other weebs. Follows lindybeige

boring pretentious insufferable hipster who thinks he's way cooler than he is because he fucked the same fat girl everyone else did and then was crushed when he found out how many dicks she took and wrote boring poetry about it

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Extremely introverted, but doesn't seem to mind. Had a few hikikomori chapters in his life and in general is a shut-in. Interested in drawing.

American. Oldfag, probably 35+. Married or divorced. Had a more interesting life than most anons here so far, but still seeks adventure. Unironically hopes that the Yellowstone will erupt one day and wishes to experience some happening in his life.

Nice person overall, if a bit boring. Likely not very assertive, but not too autistic either. A father or has always wanted to be one and just seeks to settle down with a non-degenerate girl. Couldn't forget his first love.

Good person at heart, but disappointed and confused about his life so far. Probably young and inexperienced.

Romantic and idealistic, but disappointed in and tired of the current state of world. Introverted and a bit lonely, but gets on well with most people. Around 25 and big into vidya.

The kind of guy who shits up every thread for no reason with (1) and gone posts. Almost underage, never had a girlfriend.

Probably bait. If serious, he most certainly has guro saved on his hard disk and has fantasized about raping his former classmates.

American. Might have latino heritage. Under 30. Socially competent and pretty popular with his friends. Insecure about relationships, but already has some experience and had sex before.

Most certainly American. Probably works in millitary or law enforcement. Well-adjusted guy, works out, but a bit of a loner.

In his 20's. Can hold a conversation, but fairly awkward and very arrogant. Often seeks validation from others. Likely had a fedoratipper period in his life and is insufferable in general.

In his twenties. Actually went to some AnimeCon before and has a huge anime collection saved. Unsuccessful with girls and is a bit bitter about it. Has a few close friends, but most of them are likely online.

Probably one of the most balanced and well-adjusted people in this thread. Actually worked in his life, over 30 in age. Relatively successful with relationships, but not degenerate about it.

Manchild NEET. Lives with his parents. Had a girlfriend years ago, but it didn't last long. Every second post he makes is a low effort bait. Unhappy with his life, but too depressed and clueless to do anything about it.

First part correct, second very wrong, third one it's been so long it may as well be.

Nope, never, very. Yes, nope. None, not even online.

Absolutely wrong.

You wish.

Pretty close.

Spot on.

Imagine knowing this word salad of SJW terms and pretending you're not a soycuck

Shut up, amerimutt. You will never be white.

His list of shames and broken taboos is very informative, it tells you what's ruminating behind the eyes of a leftist progressive. They trade apparent respect for sexual degeneracy, with bottomless hate for normality.

It's literally all shaming about social, sex, personality, political, mental health and gender. People around him don't suspect this jew has this hate for them.

virgins deserve to be shamed tbh

Hapas deserve to be gassed, even ahead of Jews.

Move over, plebs.

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Mister Nobody

Definitely something/somebody I can relate to in terms of always thinking of the possibilities too much. I tend to be drawn to thoughts I shouldn't have but keep pressing me so it fits. I suppose that's what happens when you've done a lot with your life. It's a shame he made a terrible joker, Wiseau truly is a lot better even unironically but such is the way things are. I especially can relate to the birthday party scene with the mother coming out drugged and drunk. Brings back memories to say the least…

They Live

Always a fan and always will be. Seeing the truth is hard to wake up from and waking up is hard to escape but once again this is the choice we make and these are the demons we face in this oh so vicious cabaret.

Padenie dinastii Romanovykh

A bit on the nose for this board, but I suppose I'll see if I can atleast get a few to watch it. The one from the 20s that is.

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OP is a faggot. I don't even need the movies to guess that.

also a homosexual

No I want good taste.

Everything nigger.

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You're a big guy.

Kike, is atheist but believes in blood religion, spends his days complaining about antisemitism while simultaneously hating on everything the goys believe.


spends most if not all time on Holla Forums or making half serious threats against jews or suspected jews on youtube which are later deleted when you sober up fearing getting V&, can now type "nigger" in three nanoseconds, Varg serves as surrogate father

Absolute patrician shitpost king, you get to bring friends

Brain damaged 56% poledditor, no fucking taste, repressed homosexual who likes beefy dudes, did I mention you are gay and dumb? lol

Alpha male, natty physique, likely ten inches plus thick circumcized cock. An exceptional athlete and artist, but you always find time to pray at the Synagogue and do charity work for the faith. Though many shiksas have begged you to fuck their tight and needy pussies, you have only sodomised them as you are saving your virginity for a nice Jewish girl.

Either over 40 or identifies with that generation. Finds movies without violence to be slow and boring, and any ideas you've ever had for creative writing are simple action stories with simple motives such as revenge or saving the world. Anything that's even somewhat unusual repels you, and when faced with something unfamiliar you get uncomfortable and say that it's weird. Dreams of being famous, probably as a rock star, author, or athlete, but doesn't count on it and has pretty much settled for normal life.


For you

Hapa loser, has a hot mom. Pines for a white woman who moved on to a Chad of her own race. Face is a disaster. Mind is mostly insect-based, cannot handle imageboard culture without sperging.

Imageboards were invented by azns you newfag redditor scum.

I don't think Moot, the creator of 4chan if you knew anything about our history is asian. Not only that supposed oldfriend but everyone hates reddit, this is a meme and not a good comeback. Nice try but you need to try harder to seem old.

The absolute state of America.

Moot created 4chan from Something awful, common knowledge

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Can we ban American IPs?

He did though. He made Holla Forums Because SomethingAwful didn't have an anime board and he wanted to make his own, lowtax as has even said he posted there advertising and got banned. do you even internet?

america owns the internet sweetie

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Jesus Christ. Can you at least spend some time lurking before straight-away being a cancerposting newfag who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Excuse me? I've been here longer than any of you. I've literally been here since Looooong Cat, Habbo and raiding JessiSlaughter. I've been older than most of those who don't know that Holla Forums started as ironic /news/ and then changed when new members came in and forgot about it. Did you buy the cool guy mask? Oh sorry you know it as the anonymous mask. Did you raid habbo? No, you've just got your knowyourmeme articles.

Come on, faggot. Even I was there for that and I'm nearly her age.

pretty wide of the mark, though I have been feeling cooler recently

And? You're proving my point…

Seriously, newfag?

Yes. Cool guy mask. It was from an internet meme known as cool guy who would go on Holla Forums and post under his avatar. He found it in the trash around the time V for Vendetta came out and donned it for an event known as Chanology which then shaped the format for 4chan for years to come and spawned the "never forgive, never forget phrase"…you know that right?

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LMFAO, srsly? You're calling Epic Fail Guy, "cool guy"?

Ok, now I know you're just a fucking troll.

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cool guy was his other name, you'd know that if you were around at the time. People would shout "Hey there's cool guy".

Right, tell me more, oldfag.

Looks like I won

Sensitive Gen X'er who appreciates close friendships and longs for a better world now past.

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It literally doesn't get any better than Cube. You probably have a 10 inch dick.

fun at parties

No you haven't.


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Arty for the sake of looking intellegent, i get a feeling Apocalypto is the only one of those you truly like.

Good luck finding any similarities between them

An outwardly normal, sociable guy that can get along with normalfags but you aren't necessarily one yourself.

Somewhat autistic, you generally avoid talking to people you don't know but have some close friends that you are very outgoing with.

Attached: toy story.jpeg (1280x720 314.96 KB, 171.3K)

The movies you picked can be enjoyed by autistic people.

Can't anything be enjoyed by autistic people if they have the right brand of autism?

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Me again. Throw Starship Troopers in there as well. It easily ties the others for me.

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romcoms are a guilty pleasure

possible closet fag

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Pretty sure everyone on Holla Forums has looked at gay shit. No desire or have I ever been gay irl. Though I do find men attractive sometimes.

What's that second image from u posted.

Not him, but that's from Time Bandits, which you should definitely watch.

OP for here.

Whoa! Hit the nail right on the head there! I'm a simple man with simple tastes. I have my own band and I want to be a rock star but I know there's no money in it. Not over 40 though, but close. Actually 34.

You guys are wrong on that. I do prefer the company of men though. I'm what you would call a "hopeless bromantic". I admire and aspire to be like the big guys in those movies.

I love women but I don't truly understand them. They aren't straight forward with what they want and you have to figure out what exactly they want without just directly asking them. It's very frustrating.

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I doubt u guyes have seen the two other ones

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Either a betamale orbiter or a woman.

definitely the beta male, there are no women on Holla Forums besides the women posted by us.

So I was perusing through the thread looking for kino and just finished Miracle Mile. Wow, what a ride. I regret going to youtube and watching someone spoiling what its about for 5m before seeing it. Its only (1 hr 30m)

If anyones interested.

Well i think your probably describing most preople on here, but credit where credit is due your pretty much spot on