Be on reddit socialism


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Why were you on reddit?
reddit is trash

What is that?

You must be new.

Polite sage to stop this dance danced many times.

Probably "sealioning", which essentially means violating muh safe space.

Just don't bother.

Stay here with us.

Pisses me off their community is bigger and people will believe that's actual socialism

Fucking hell I have to censor myself at every fucking left turn

This. Shitpost if you will but leftypol >>> any subreddit.

you guys should raid them tbh

we should raid the anarchocrapitalist subreddit

This is sealioning. Pretending to be ignorant as an excuse to politely bother people with basic questions. I doubt it's something that happens much in reality, but it's a great excuse to avoid having to explain things to anyone ever.


pick one

r/Socialism has been fucked by PC politics, which is really just a symptom of the amorphous, cancerous mass that is the New Left.

I've found that r/Communism is a little better, but not much.

If you think reddit's bad try facebook groups such as "disdain for disdain for plebs" and "sounds liberal but okay"
They're essentially /r/socialism but with extra kangposting

What gets me is how the couple are essentially saying they're bigots and can't explain why to someone they hate. It's the equivalent of a homophobe saying he hates AIDS ridden faggots and sperging out when a fag calls him out for it.

The sealion is not supposed to be the good guy in this cartoon?

It doesn't happen, like, ever

It's a cop out so that morons don't reveal their own ignorance by pretending that everyone else already knows what they're talking about

No, that's why the author changes the setting to personal spaces, implying that people asking polite questions online are invading your special fucking safe spaces to ask questions - thus making them the rude ones.

Yeah, it's kind of like walking to a poor part of town to eat your breakfast in the morning and being bothered that it smells. People have a hard time understanding the difference between public and personal space.

Respect my trips, fag.

No wonder this low-energy board lost the election.

It's apparently part of Gamergate's rich World Historical Legacy.

Lol, that sealion has literally done nothing wrong.

Why not both?

Because we'd have to go to reddit.

That sea lion is me.

This. It's a variant of the 'it's not my job to educate you' pissoff line.

wtf, the sealion is just being a rational being. The couple is absurdly bigotted. How the fuck do sjws defend this?

Or could be I'm just an easily triggered cuck



this justifies wordfilters

It’s not just on reddit, but on quite a few left or left-leaning online spaces.

It’s not just the usual “SJWs are opposed to debate” bullshit, but an actual, active hostility to debate. Violate one of their special jargon rules—even if you agree with them on issues of substance—and you get a smug, self-righteous demand to prostrate in some “self-crit” struggle session (if they don’t just ban you outright).

Go back

there's a lot of stupid bourgouise

Guess I'll be the devil's advocate here.

I cannot make a case for anyone in that sea lion comic being a good guy. The woman is a fucking asshole for broadly depicting all sea lions in a wide brush, and the sea lion is a dick for following them around and invading their personal space to ask a question that they clearly don't want to answer.

It's like if some Trump supporter straight up said all Asians are smelly, and I responded on the street asking him for some kind of proof. If I proceeded to get in the bus with the dude and follow him home to continue badgering him, I'm at that point also a fuckin asshole.

The funny thing is r/socialism literally stickied that fucking comic, and expected people to be on the side of the lady in the comic. It could not be funnier that they identify with someone so clearly being a dickhead.

Holy fuck this, the logic of these groups drives me up the wall

Both r/socialism and r/anarchism are controlled by idpols, snitches, and regressives. You'll learn quickly that both of those places are full of cancer.

Honestly the attitudes in these groups depresses me. They act there is some established truth, and anyone that questions the dogma gets banned. How does the left hope to become a mass movement again with these people?

except that doesnt happen irl

"sea lioning" is conflating public questioning (online mostly) with the invasion of private spaces

Stopped right there.

Basically this.
"Sealioning" is a bs cop out and why Holla Forums is winning.

I got banned for this comment top kek

I'm trying really hard to believe they're sectarian idiots and not COINTELPRO plants.

Really hard.

COINTELPRO would naturally target and imitate sectarian idiots (and has done) so..

why not both?

Holy shit, fuck plebbit.

I like how they put the sea lion in the house as if that's what's happening when you go into someone's safe-space. I wonder why they used a sea lion tho, probably not to use any IRL groups?

nuke reddit tbh

On of the mods of them fempire

It's just sectarian infighting, and some manipulation by various fucked up individuals

Laurelai's still at it?
I thought she got banned from, well, everywhere?

Becauss if they used a black guy it'd make them look bad.

It's not my job to educate you, it's your job to change your opinion until you agree with me. Or do you want to go for a [s]helicopter ride[/s] hemlock tasting session?

Reddit's /r/Socialism and /r/Anarchism are strangely identitarian.

/r/Communalists is a lot better through and has good information, if you're at all into Bookchin

I never said it did happen. I think anyone here agrees that those moderators using this comic to explain their heavy handed moderating is hilarious.