"T-Trump can't won't bring any more j-jobs back!!

"T-Trump can't won't bring any more j-jobs back!!

H-He won't help the w-working class!"


Other urls found in this thread:


These things were happening before Trump, dumbass. Furthermore, globalization will fuck anyone that tries to enact trade barriers. It's over and wages will keep dropping. There is no way around it.

He hasn't even been inaugurated yet


Globalization is a process that can be reversed by a legislature and executive unbound by special interests/elite capital, as well as an informed/aware citizenry properly motivated to keep them in check

Trump isn't the president yet idiot.

New line workers start out around 10.25 now. Thanks UAW.

So, woohoo I guess?

You're going to be very surprised.


No, it isn't. The supply chain for goods has already been globalized. All you are doing is making companies dump you. There is no way back, and you are delusional to think so.


Enjoy your expensive and shitty commodities under protectionism yanks, I'll be enjoying spending my bennies on the glut of chinese goods coming to europe soon.

I'll definitely enjoy my newfound prosperity, be sure to enjoy your cheap plastic crap


How exactly do you think contemporary supply chains work


"America will always be 90%+ white"

"The sun will never set on the British Empire"

"The 90's are the end of history"

etc etc

Okay, name one instance of history reversing.


Just named three, bud

None of those things are history "reversing."

But they are.

No they aren't.

Why do you get to be the arbiter of what "history" is?

How are any of those things history reversing?


Also, I guess I should clarify what I mean by this.

So, you have one socio-economic order. Things change and a new socio-economic order arises. Reactionaries arise who want to restore the former socio-economic order.

Name one instance of them actually accomplishing this.

The revolution is here comrades

Because I'm not retarded.



wtf I love Trump now

I read on WSWS that thanks to union concessions there's no "probably"about it.

A good sized chunk of those jobs will likely be for engineers and technicians, so even fewer will actually be for "workers" proper.

So they're investing 500k per job that will pay 10.25 an hour.

Fuck it guys, time to pack it up. Capitalism has won, heil Trump, heil our people.

What? The barristas at the local coffee shop make $15. Has factory work really been so ridiculously devalued?

If it's Michigan, they've really been hurting a long, long time. They never really recovered from 2008, and things are only getting worse, like Detroit and Flint. The UAW works hand in glove to undermine the workers, who can't possibly compete with plants in Mexico where they're paid 1.50 an hour.

It's not just factory work though. The reserve army of labor is vast, and wages are down everywhere.

We're going to make China pay for what they've done. And they're going to pay for it big time.

Are the Chinese going to build the wall now?

They already did

Fuck off neoliberal scum.


The capitalists created this mess. It is entirely possible to undo it.

The most important power the President has is the bully pulpit, and you don't need to have taken the oath of office to get it. Pretty much everything else is taken care of by agencies or the other branches of government. And the President is porky's puppet anyway. He exists to put a human face on the US government.

I just applied to an IT job that requires a bachelors degree that pays $15/hr

No, it is completely impossible to detach from global capitalismwithout crashing the economy with no survivors.

Not under capitalism.

okay lol

Do you think the auto workers will have to wear paper hats and aprons?

better than the billion 10 hour a week minimum wage jobs we're dealing with now bitch


yeah, we get to wipe out some of the chaff retard

also, that arrow is facing the wrong way, retard
unless you're making fun of your own argument, which i wholeheartedly support

sucking capitalist dick for 2k jobs kys

Just because we wont be going back to the 19th century (really the heyday of American protectionism) or an idealized 1950s doesn't mean that globalization can't be reversed.

Economic historians often masturbate to the period before the 1930s and some of them are bold enough to claim that was a world more open to free trade and globalized then our own. In many ways they are right.

The elites are intensely aware that globalization can be reversed thats why there was such great panic and fear of the Brexit and Trump waves. In many ways, globalization is already being reversed, world trade is slowing down and deviating from the 40 year trend of growing twice as fast as world gdp.

The political wave against globalization in many ways reflects the economic failure of globalization born out of an unsolvable (in the short-term) crisis of capital.

Global capital already exists, you retard. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. If you will not open up your borders, someone else will and you'll be cut out. This is never going to change. Get over it.


That is not at all how political economy works.


Thats why most countries who got rich actually went through a period of protectionism.

Your big mistake is to think global capital cannot exist without free trade/open borders, or alternatively, that capitalist nation-states cannot exist without subordinating themselves to every single diktat of global capital as an abstract godlike entity.

If it's all so inevitable then world trade wouldn't be slowing down right now, capital flows as a percentage of world gdp have also slowed down enormously since 2008.

You seem to misunderstand that just because I say globalization isn't inevitably doesn't mean the kind of capitalism that comes after it will be good. A Trump lead protectionist wave will force the capitalists to exploit the working class harder and a dial back consumption–that's not good for many people, although some are so desperate for a job they really don't care, but you can see how it makes sense for American industrial capital.


Protectionism doesn't work. Trump seems to be actively undermining American hegemony which is based almost entirely on our extremely liberal trade policies (basically we trade political allegiance for access to US markets.) Not sure what his ultimate goal is but I do not like it. If we do not contain Russia and China we may slide back into a multipolar.world.

Capitalism demands constant growth, and this growth has long since become too much to contain in national borders. All trying to undo globalization will do is annihilate the economies of most countries.


Oh, absolutely. I'm just giving him fair warning.

In capitalism, it is not only natural, but it is the only thing you can do. Capitalists, like the proles, do not have a choice. They must dance until the music stops.

You are implying that anyone but you has the motivation to "make the country rich" instead of just themselves. The wealthy do not need you to be able to own a home for them to increase profits, so why would they do that for you?

No, it's more like these things must happen because global capital exists. This is how capitalism breaks down. It must happen.

It's a minor dip in a trend. You cannot reverse it. It's already been done.

Trump has no power to do this, and the capitalists will always go after more profit, not less.

Excuse me?

I was wondering if you were one of the mods from Avante-Garde Memes From China

No more slaves in the third world!
More slaves in the first world!


It really isn't. People are poor because capital likes it that way. The economy is simply a sea of alienated human labor.

Did you just fall off the turnip truck?

You're gonna think I'm a Holla Forumstard here shilling but Nazi Germany is a good example of an international capitalism throwing off many of the accepted norms of global capitalism. Their policies didnt make their workers better off all of course but it did improve the profitability of capital in that country. Eventually, even that strategy was heading for failure so they had to embrace war.

The Nazis didn't embrace those policies because they were too dumb to understand capital's interests, on the contrary, they understood the desires of German big business (particularly industry) quite well.

Free trade only works if all the partners are willing to say in no matter the weather and not result to dirty tricks like shadow protectionism (which is common) and devaluing the currency.

Your mistake is thinking that the capitalists in a particular state will embrace getting beaten to death by the global market instead of opting out or attempting to mitigate the damage.

How do you think that would work in practical reality? How does an industry opt out of the system that both supplies it with resources and provides it with customers?

You do know why Lebensraum was such a big thing in Nazi Germany? Because under Hitler's policies which were still pseudo-capitalistic in nature, the major industries and the bourgeois who led them were in dire need of labour and scarce resources that the German state couldn't supply. That's why Hitler was constantly jerking off about building a road lined with villas from Berlin right to the Caucauses.

And this has anything to do with Trump how?
Apple started building it's first factories in the US again under obama. They are just highly automated and barely employ anyone
Manufacturing never actually went down in the US, it a higher than ever. It just doesn't employ hardly anyone because it's highly automated
And what is Trump doing for jobs? He already reneged on his tariff threat (trumptards just plug their ears on that one). And every other manufacturing country is planning on lowering corporate taxes in anticipation of the is doing so. It's cashed a race to the bottom. Learn economics :3

Fuck you rightists are retarded, I'm becoming more b extreme left every day just by taking with you.

He isn't even the President yet you dumb faggot

The second largest crash in Capitalist history
Learn economics


Us hegemony is based on ownership of foreign capital. Protectionism in the US would only hurt IS capital lol


And yet this didn't fuck the people running things. It doesn't matter that the ship is burning. They're not on it. Capitalism is still profitable.


For the most part it doesn't but it changes the terms of its engagement with the market. Economics is an intimately political matter even if somethings are beyond the control of bourgeois politicians.

yeah but Hitler's early policies were successful at raising German profit rates before Lebensraum just not sustainably or in the long-term.

Yeah and Trump got elected rather than Hillary
Lucky for the pigs that Trump won't do anything to hurt them, but you saw how upset they got when they didn't get their pick (Jeb for energy and low manual labor harnessing porkies, Hillary for silicone valley porkies)
Bernie almost beat Hillary even with foul play.
And no Capitalism isn't profitable right now. The only thing to invest in is bonds, assets, and stocks (propped up by buybacks, mergers, and increasing dividends). No actually expansion of production is being undertaken, it's not profitable. The only investment in physical capital is in replacing labor and keeping production the same or declining.
Growth had been 2% for a while now. Anything less than three is recession. But the rest of the world is doing even worse, which makes the US relatively better off.

Not necessarily the case. Wealth is still being extracted from the workers even if no new production takes place. This is all that matters.

Capitalism has to grow to function
Imagine if there was one capitalist employing everyone in the world in one big everything factory
He pays out 1 million to all his workers in wages, and 1 million in buying raw materials and capital. He then produces 2.5 million worth of products.
The workers buy 1 million with their wages. He buys 1 million to reinvest in capital.
But what about the remaining .5, the surplus?
Well, he owns a bank and lends .5 to himself to invest in more production. He can pay that bank when his solid next year is .8 million. But this only works with the expectation of future growth.

Surplus is*

Nobody said the system isn't breaking down, but if you think that means anyone can turn back the clock on globalism, you are deluded.

And yeah capitalism is an extremely interconnected system

Yes. Nazi Germany was different because it was open about its violent property seizure.



lmaoing at your life.

Holla Forums on wages:
Holla Forums on so-called "globalization"



He's not in office yet, m8

This is neoclassical drivel. Tariff wars are beneficial, how do you think first world powers got so rich?

I'll be honest and say that we'll probably see decent growth under Trump. If he does all the deporting he wants to do, he'll probably have a similar legacy to FDR. American Keynesian's like his plans.

Because America was the only country left standing after WWII, and America propped up and helped in the rebuilding of European countries to check the USSR.

With that said we could see more growth under Trump, since he's promised deregulations and tax cuts and seems to realize that he can print money to pay for government spending.

When the fuck have we ever claimed that?

The market doesn't set wages. That is a capitalist fiction and you should feel bad for believing it.

There is quite literally no way in hell he can help the working class without becoming a communist, as there is no other way to help the working class.

This is inarguable. This is not debatable. You are not correct in suggesting otherwise, and you are liberal for proposing an alternative.

There is no alternative. Jobs gained will equal jobs lost, labor loses in either nation, in a world where feudal lords don't care about the individuality they claim you have.

You have no agency. You will have no agency. You will never have agency.

Trump could have you raped in the wrong country just as Obama, or Hillary, and you could scream at the sky, look man at what you have done, and you will be met by the jeers of liberals like you.

Your opinions will never matter. Trump doesn't matter.

You are a gigantic disgrace to politics and I want you to commit suicide. You are too stupid to ever have the desire to end your pointless existence though, I cannot stop you from wanting to continue living in the face of the horror of your own arrogance in trusting men to elect men who act only in self interest to help yourself. That realization will come to you at 58.

Hopefully by then, the traditional white middle aged crisis will be replaced by homelessness, and perhaps America will get it by then.

But I have no doubt you are too stupid to ever save yourselves.

In this fate, you will not want to die.

Trump 2020.

This time, he'll make America great again.

Give me a fucking break. The world is absolute shit, you need to grow the fuck up and stop believing the stars and stripes will help you get a job. Fuck off and die homeless from the grasping you have of neet nationalism

Fucking stupid arrogant parasite.


Here comes cointelpro again 😒

The infrastructure plans he wants to do will provide growth, and I didn't mean post WWII countries I meant pre WWI, Britain got very wealthy off using tariffs. The "tariffs don't work because they increase the cost of consumption" is a Neoclassical theory, but it falls victim to the "lump of labour" fallacy they often accuse others of using when talking about immigrants and automation.

First of all, why the fuck would cointelpro ever be as obnoxious as me or ever put on a trip that can be filtered and not just go user

Second of all, the first people you should ever accuse of being cointelpro is always the admin and the moderation staff. Never blindly trust control with its own self regulation, or hiring of members. On the internet, anything can be sabotaged.

Thirdly kys

Some of the key cointelpro tactics is to sow as much division as possible among your allies, be as extremist/obnoxious as possible to scare off casuals/the public, and derail discussion to keep groups from getting anywhere or reaching a consensus.

You openly admit to derailing threads, so that's checked off the list. You more then match the other two.
in b4 i-it was just a joke!

You can do that just as well as arguing with me.

Your argument also only works if I'm convincing anyone of anything than I'm an annoyance

Thirdly, I'm just a fucking trip that decided to trip because I piss people, not everything is a conspiracy.

You can't point out "COINTELPRO COINTELPRO" without it devolving into The Thing levels of paranoia.

I doubt cointelpro gives a shit about this place more than it does Holla Forums, it does more favors for manipulating Holla Forums than it does us, because it only gives a shit when we start organizing. It always gives a shit about influencing the right. Or at least the state has.

My jokes and your offense to them are not of my concern. If you think I'm Agent Smith because I make jokes at the offense of white people, you need to have your priority checked as to what cointelpro might actually say to piss people off, or where to find them.

I'm siding with AnFam on this one, as repellant a proposition as that is and how badly I want to see her crypto-cointel ass kicked back to the curb. You're perma-assmad that she burned you, as evidenced by you posting this cap with the (You) included everywhere.

Oh god is this board going down the drain.

It's the same one genius. I just heightened the discourse by off-ramping another contradiction at her, this time in pun form.

It really is. People are starting to understand less and less what a trip is or how to even recognize it.

I thought I filtered her but she changed it from "le Asian Cunt Trip XDD" to this equally retarded shit.

Get out.

he said he filtered by trip but the trip changed

you get a pass because that's funny

I posted this in three places (including here) so I wouldn't say it was "everywhere". My own skin is tough enough to take whatever insults she throws my way. Anyways,if I thought she had anything to say of intellectual merit I wouldn't really be against her, friend.

I just want to know what it'll take for Holla Forums to see that she is a wrecker. Does she need to admit that she's been working for the FBI and all sorts of other crimes in some kind of long Moscow Trials-esque confession? I honestly don't know what her motivation is but most people that come into places to wreck don't admit to it like anfem does.

You yourself referred to her as crypto-cointelpro, deep down you know I'm right fam. Whether she's really cointelpro or not she's dead weight dragging the board down who would've been banned a long time ago if she was a Holla Forumslack or claimed to have a penis.


Not cointelpro

Do you understand?

She's a fool that's geeked up off bars and twitter mentions and can't see outside of the anuses she's continually rimming enough to examine her own idiosyncratic form of schismatic disruption, but you simply come across as autistically mad by doing this. Try making it clever. I'm pretty sure she's ban evading right now any way.

This is so hilarious