Hey miners, robots don't give a shit about your working class culture


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It's like the liberals are doing our job of making left-leaning working class people hate them for us.











What the fuck is this liberal bullshit? Also I have always thought that the automation meme was just an excuse for the bourgeoisie "left" to ignore the working class even more and this just confirms it.

That's what we tried and it didn't work.


Sadly due to the lack of real socialists reaching out to those people they are being snapped up by the right-wing. Those on the left prefer try and convert neo-liberal democrat kids than actual working class people in this day an age.

My father and grandfather were coal miners and are still alive, my great grandfather would probably have lived a long life if he wasn't killed by fascists too.
We need to purge liberals even before reactionaries tbh.

You might want to check the history of the 20th century someday. All the countries where a revolution happened were poor and predominantly agrarian, even the European ones like Russia, Hungary and the unsuccessful revolution in Spain. It didn't work, because poor countries that are diplomatically, economically and militarily isolated have a difficult them developing themselves regardless of the economic system in place.

Meanwhile in the developed, industrial countries, the Reformist side of the Second International was far more influential, and it gradually descended into some type of progressive liberalism because the bourgeois institutions of the First World were actually powerful enough to fight reform.

The next attempt should be the opposite. Revolution in the main nations, as Marx said, and let the underdeveloped ones modernize, industrialize and develop themselves through any means they find necessary, even if that means some degree of historically necessary liberalism. Without powerful blood-sucking capitalist nations to fuck with them, it will be a lot easier.

Does that mean that I may get to kill the bourgeois fuck that wrote this garbage some day during the revolution?

what a meme

Revolution in the exploiter countries has failed but you can try again. I'll probably die by 2070 so if you could at least make it happen in this century that would be great.

I can't wait for automated clickbait to put this classcuck out of business: silentcrownews.com/wordpress/?p=4689

Alternatively, losing his job to a third world trans-survivor of genocide whose willing to work for 95% less would be cool too.

pic is just for any Clintonite liberals lurking here

Who gives a shit. Donald Trump winning was a god send for us.

this is what the reactionaries want you dumb fuck
otherwise the article isn't wrong

The article assumes that people work in those jobs because they choose to. It also does not examine why they would even make that choice, instead implying that it is all due to some kind of combination of idiocy and ignorance. It's your typical liberal bullshit really. Guys like this will be lined up against the wall in the end.

The wall is too good for them. Hang them up until their feet stop kicking.

This should be a good thing, except that more automation will just result in exterminism instead of more free time for workers.


Honestly the author seems pretty close to socialist thought already. He's smart enough to see the problem and the lack of solutions offered by capitalism, which is more than can be said for the overwhelming majority of people. You don't have to respect the working class to support socialism.

I honestly doubt this is what this is about. This guy is prob just a liberal assblasted that miners and manufacturing workers didn't vote for Shillary


I see a lot of "apolitical" workers tbh I think its wrong to think their all liberals or reactionaries. Many of them feel so beaten down by life that they don't see how politics can bring about socialism to their problems.

Liberals who concern troll on this board think that those apolitical workers are fascists and reactionary because they did not rally in mass to #voteforher.

I'm aware most of them are apolitical. I don't know of anyone is disputing going after apoliticals.

I was talking more about the fucks that think we should go for the fascists/reactionaries.

This single sentence contains approximately as much class contempt as a cotton plantation owner shopping for slaves.

Why did so many liberals get buthurt by this article. It's literally true.

All those miners are fucked, who would want the labor of unskilled workers like that in the US. Unless they're willing to live like undocumented immigrants they are fucked. Saying so in a smug way seems to be a bigger crime then the actually loss of these jobs by porky.

I'm an activist, and it's fucking true. Stop getting so butt hurt at smug liberals, and stop romanticizing fucking lumpenproles. They'd throw your ass under porky's bus for a few buck in a heartbeat.


Good trall.

You saying they're class conscious then?

I think the equation needs to be reversed. Third world needs stability and development before the revolution. The first world needs the passion, hardship and suffering of a real cause to reinvigorate the political system, reform cant bring those things and to the extent that it can it gets redirected or eaten alive like with Corbyn and Bernie.

It is quite amusing when a liberal like yourself show your face to show the typical liberal disdain and hatred of proletariat.

It is almost as amusing as your lack of understanding of the term lumpen.

You would fit in better on back on reddit with your liberal kind.

He states it pretty fucking clearly in the last two/three paragraphs.

lumpen are the permanently unemployed dipshit. maybe the miners will be lumpen soon but they are still proles for now

*yawn* another fucking arm chair leftist that thinks his righteous indignation can cover up for his lack of experience in the field.

Lumpenproletariat is a term that was originally coined by Karl Marx to describe the layer of the working class that is unlikely ever to achieve class consciousness and is therefore lost to socially useful production, of no use to the revolutionary struggle, and perhaps even an impediment to the realization of a classless society.

Lumpenproles are proletariat dumbass, its in the fucking name.


You just triggered cause all these miners are white. They've lived their entire lives in poverty, yet they still reliable blame all their problems on minorities, I can guarantee you every single one of them voted GOP

Alas the demon has once again fooled me into believing I am interacting with morons on the internet.

blue-collar workers in the US hold reactionary views because the Democratic party decided they could get more money by abandoning class-politics and focusing on minority rights while selling out workers in the background
And it's why the repubs have more power now than they have ever had. And unless the Dems bring back class politics they will be a dead party.

he thought they wouldn't achieve class consciousness because they were unemployed/criminals and wouldn't engage in class struggle directly through demanding higher wages and better working conditions. He was incorrect, and lumpen doesn't refer to reactionaries it refers to the unemployed.

This is simply false. It refers to any member of the proletariat who is unlikely to ever achieve class consciousness.

the world is not the US
and they are brainwashed because the "left" only targets minorities in the US and has done so for 30 years.
Are you fucking dumb or what
Hillary didn't even campaign in key white working class areas because historically they voted dem back when dems stood for unions and working class interests
"I'm with her" doesn't exactly resonate with people who aren't already with her

marx thought they were unlikely to achieve class-conciousness because they were unemployed/outcasts of the rest of society

And it's why the repubs have more power now than they have ever had. And unless the Dems bring back class politics they will be a dead party.

Haha this is a favorite bed time story white bois tell themselves.


Those same voters supported the gutting of the Voting Rights act, and support the Electorial College.

Hillary Clinton won by 4 million votes. We have ridiculously strong fascist institutions like the EC that have over turned the will of the people 40% of the time since they've exsisted.

I voted for Jill, but the definintion of democracy is who gets the most votes, not all these bullshit rules like teh EC.

Unskilled laborers are also considered lumpenproles. Like miners. And fuck me have they proven that. These miners vote GOP because they are voting for the illusion of white supremacy.

Yes, the unemployed are a subset of lumpenproles.

Democracy is a terrible system anyway to be honest. It makes very little difference whether Hillary or Trump "won" by 4 million. The winner of the popular vote is entirely uncorrelated with the best interests of humanity or even just America. People just vote for whoever they're told to vote for by the system of propaganda.

Jesus fuck I'm all for automation but I want to curb stomp whoever wrote this.

Bullshit, there's more proles than porkies. And democracy is way better than elections determined by property like the EC (ie "low pop states get more representation then high population states)

nah dude you're pol
not even liberals are this dumb
definitely pol
no, they don't even understand the voting rights act. they have been fooled into thinking voter fraud is a significant phenomenon, and right-wing news doesn't report cases of outright voter suppression (suddenly closing down every voting place in ten miles, or shutting down DMVs so people can't get voter IDs)
if the electoral college favored dems, dems would support it.
I mean you're not wrong
Unskilled laborers are also considered lumpenproles. Like miners. And fuck me have they proven that. These miners vote GOP because they are voting for the illusion of white supremacy.
i think the term you are looking for is average labor power
when every kid learns programming in 8th grade, programmers will be making minimum wage. When china cranks out 1 billion engineers/doctors/scientists who will work for 2 dollars an hour or starve, all those professions will get paid dirt

I imagine most of them actually voted for Trump because he was the only one who even pretended to give a fuck about them. If anything Trump's victory can be attributed to people like the author of the article in the OP.

I'm against democracy in the long term. I want communism AKA no government, let alone democracy.

8% of Hillary's ads mentioned jobs or the economy
of fucking course she lost

not even liberals are this dumb

no, they don't even understand the voting rights act. they have been fooled into thinking voter fraud is a significant phenomenon, and right-wing news doesn't report cases of outright voter suppression (suddenly closing down every voting place in ten miles, or shutting down DMVs so people can't get voter IDs)

More fucking excuses for white supremacists fascists. Fuck them. Just cause they're poor they get a pass for being fascists.

Sadly fascists sympathizers like you really are that dumb.

when every kid learns programming in 8th grade, programmers will be making minimum wage. When china cranks out 1 billion engineers/doctors/scientists who will work for 2 dollars an hour or starve, all those professions will get paid dirt

No I mean unskilled labor. We don't live in that world, and you're so anglo centric in your world view you believe that BRIC (Brazil, India, China) is going to gladly let the west exploit them into the far future.

You are so fucking wrong, please read even fucking porky published lit on geopolitics before opening your ignorant mouth again.

More fucking excuses for fascists. Can't wait to see all these punk as leftist get dimed on by lumpenprole facists
c-c-c-c-cause they're were just mislead

You don't understand. Democracy is terrible because humans are really, really fucking stupid. The dumb end of the bell curve just end up getting manipulated by propaganda engineered by the "smart" end of the bell curve, but the people making the propaganda are themselves too stupid and selfish to direct humanity in a beneficial direction. It's the very definition of a clusterfuck.

pol pls go.
Not even lumpen proles want to see an end to the bullshit democracy we have.

Trump is just gonna cause another depression.

Something doesn't add up here…

>does not admit that bourgeois democracy in general, especially US democracy is a farce of little consequence to what actually happens in politics and society.

Blame is a meaningless concept since the universe (including human decision-making) is just a combination of deterministic physical processes and (if the Copenhagen interpretation is true) random dice rolls. If you want to actually solve problems you need to stop getting emotionally invested in them and instead think of them as engineering problems.

Of course none of us are smart enough to come up with provably good solutions to the really big problems. The best we can do is guess what policies are likely to work well and try to promote them.

Not Holla Forums. Just cynical.

Unlikely. As much as I like to fantasize about murdering liberals and business owners, it's substantially more likely for any given person to do very little of importance or simply die.

You guys fetishize Hilary because you don't want to address the fascist white supremacy that got Trump elected.

I don't criticize Hillary because she lost and is irrelevant now. I think Hillary is a warmongering imperialist, but not as bad as Trump.

Our democracy is flawed and allowed to be so because of fascists like Trump. Sorry all the SJWs and smug liberals you shit on not one of them voted Trump.

Trump, GOP, his supporters are the most culpable for his presidency. Everything else is peripheral.

But white people are trying to escape culpability now by putting the entire onious on the DNC.

I hate the DNC, but Trump isn't their fault, white supremacy is

I said Trump voters were fascists white boi. Nice try on trying to paint me as some prole hater. If you voted Trump you're a fucking fascists, and most likely a lumpen prole voting against your own interests for 50 years,

Trump is a right-wing populist à la Berlusconi, not a Fascist or a white supremacist.

You already showed your hand. Give it up.

I'm sure they'll become class concious any day now and totally not turn on you for you leftist belifes

Trump was a virulent racists and crypto fascist and ran on a campaign as such.
All his supporters are are racists fascist. Not cause they had it so tough they didnt realize it and just heard him talk about NAFTA.

Just because I rejects the excuses dumbasses like make for them doesn't make me a hypocrite

I don't know if you're a hypocrite but you are massively retarded.

College liberals and young people who are basically socdems in all but name can be converted to socialism. Demagogues and ideologues like the one in the OP are always going to be enemies.

That writer is a douchebag, but he is raising a real problem. What is it that we do with all those unemployed people in the future?

Stop it all these ad hominem are going to hurt my feelings


dafaq is that. Can you stop being a sheltered weeb and insult in some salient way sheesh

I can't stand people like this.
The same ones who shit on Trump supporters blindly.
Everyone will live in a cosmopolitan society and no icky dirty poor people will be allowed

When he sends the country into a depression I guess we'll just have to blame it on the rain


I said blindly.
Or do you still believe that she will win?

You sure are one stupid nigger

I don't understand why so much anons got triggered at the tone of the article.
Yes, he sounds like a smug Vice junior writer, so what ?
He is right because where I live, the unions only demonstrate and care when it comes to saving the jobs of some 40/50-years old workers who are well-off but would get fucked if they would lose them because they have a loan to pay for their house.
But ultimately, they are short-sighted. They have no response towards automation except "we need these jobs !". No, we don't need these jobs, we just need money, that's why we want a job. And we need to make sure we won't get fucked by porky when everything will be automated.
Same shit with 20-years olds who can't find jobs because of ridiculous experience requirements, and shit like that. These unions don't give a fuck. They just want to save a few jobs there and there.
I listened again to the CTH episode with Adam Curtis last night, and it reminds me of this. No one there has a vision of a possible better future there, we just concentrate our efforts on saving a few precarious things from the flood.
Also we should stop idolizing work, Marxism-Leninism and the 20th century are over.

Hrrmmm, I wonder who might be attempting to agitate for RaHoWa with generic false flags?

most coal mines in North America are closed anyhow, either because its now a gigantic underground perpetual inferno that has quarantine zone above it where a town used to be, or regulations and EPA violations shut them down

the fastest growing production isnt even mining, its blowing the entire fucking mountain up and spraying sod on top of the rubble after you haul the coal away

Zizekians and post-leftists repeat this phrase like clockwork imaging their saying something profound. Anti-work or limiting work has always been important in Marxism its just one class happens to be saddled with the burden of working whereas machines have been constantly allowing humans to do more with less since the industrial revolution started.

Even Stalin believed in Engels line that a time would come when work was "life's prime want" meaning it would be like a hobby.

Also, I wouldn't underestimate porky's capacity to invent bullshit jobs, automation has always been tool to undermine the security of the workforce. The idea of the death of the proletariat has been a liberal concept bandied about for at least a century if not earlier then that.

For money to mean something Porkies have to exploit labor-power that's just how it goes. Their not just going to automate themselves out of existence, if anything they'll use their power (if we don't fight) to ascend into a new category of super-wealth–think trillionaires instead of billionaires.

That's why the capital-labor relation is really a death-struggle. I suppose they could kill us all and enact post-scarcity luxury communism for themselves, we definitely aren't at that point yet. But what who will repair the machines in their paradise, or if they are super-intelligent self-repairing machines, what would stop them from simply killing or abandoning small group of human rubes.

Just my thoughts fam.

And driving them into Holla Forums's outstretched arms.

stopped reading at that moment

I know. That is why I was criticizing unions. They just slightly postpone the moment where everyone will get fucked, but nothing more. And I think that, behind his annoying smugness, it was the point of the author.

Ok I just browsed the comments section, and I just realized everyone there is actually a salty Clinton supporter. Their response to this isn't "we should fight because we are going to get fucked", it's "who cares since I have a cushy service job, the thing is that TRUMP LIED TO THE IGNORANT MASSES ! THIS IS NAZISM ! "
Fuck them.

I highly doubt that the numbers of college liberals and young people who are actually socdems in all but name is really that high to be honest. Most seem to be disgusting liberals and those whom are socdems often end up reverting to being your typical capitalism loving liberals after a few years.

Leftists don't kiss the asses of sub human fascists. You believe others races are sub human, we'll get ready for people to treat you like that.

Haha well WII was a crisis of capital too but we still sure as fuck hung those Nazis when we got a hold of them.

Fuck Trump voters, and yes when the shit hits the fan they'll get the blame and I will fan those flames of hate

I don't think the poster that you were replying to was saying it is a good think that liberals are driving working class people into the hands of Holla Forums and Holla Forumsesk folk.

t. guy who probably idolizes a whole host of hollow-brained "black intellectuals" and "third worldists".

The majority of poor non-white people are racial nationalists too fam, or at least, to the right of the average GOP voter.

You think your average Chinese steel worker would be cool with his hometown being flooded with Pakistani migrants?


Do said Chinese vote against their own best interests for 50 years because of said racist nationalism

They don't need to dumbass, the CPC is well to the right of Trump on just about every single issue. Chinese immigration and naturalization laws make Australia's look permissive.

This is the same CPC that enjoys 92% approval ratings.

And the DNC is not in the interests of White Americans. It stands for free trade, free movement of labor, increasing dislocation and destruction of any sort of traditional moral norms that once held these fractured communities together, combined with demonization of these same heroin-addled people as the source of all evil in the world.

What fucking planet do you inhabit where it's "in their interests" to vote for the fucking DNC?

In spite of all their faults, the rustbelt don't want handouts. They want industrial and manufacturing jobs like they had. Dignity in other words.

The point is you're not consistent. All of these "let's shit on the working class" articles would never for a minute adopt that same scrutiny and hold Blacks, who are far more welfare dependant, far more criminal, far more destructive, far less likely to be gainfully employed to those same standards.

Blacks are always exonerated. Always romanticized. To the point completely platitudinous bullshitters like Malcolm Xcrement are held up as sui generis "philosophers".

Race is not class, you retard. Even milder liberal sites like DailyKos would have torn the author a new one if the article was straight up racism against whites.

You are merely pointing out that liberals do not believe what we believe.

Assblasted Trump supporter detected. Whatever the DNCs faults, and there are plenty The RNC supports neoliberalism 10 times harder. Yet broke dick racists like yourself think as long you don't stop talking about the failures and malfeasance of the DNC they'll get blamed for the ass reaming that Trump and the RNC is going to bring on all workers but especially poor white workers because they won't see it coming.

Get off this board and listen to Rush Limbaugh until the pitchforks come for your dumbass

Kill all libtards tbh fam