Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?
I agree with every user who says that scores don't matter and are usually paid for anyway, but the normalfags think different.

75% might seem relatively low but seems still way too high for such low quality garbage.Is this going to be another signal to the industry that quality really doesnt matter?

Other urls found in this thread:

A 75 is going to put off so many normalfags, glorious (but it still deserves a lower score)

Daily reminder if you buy this garbage game you are part of the problem

are you kidding? a score like that locks them out of so many payments because they have it in their fucking contracts now to not get like half of their wage unless they get a 90+ metascore.

We had this thread 1000 posts ago, fam.

This is 100% because of the normalfag backlash. If that didnt happen this shit would've been received just as well as me3.

This means it's unsalvageable garbage by normalfag standards.

Gamespot gave the game a 6

It might yet be an economically successful game, but ME's dead for the next decade

Makes you want to cozy up with a drink and just watch that score drop lower and lower. The salt from the fanboys and the Bioware Internet Defense Force will be good enough, but watching the employees go nuclear will be even better.

How low can it go? I'd bet around 66, give or take, once more reviews start coming in.

A thread which become bumplocked (For uknow reasons)

It should get a lower score. The only person who did their job was the composer, the level designer and the prop modeler, everything else was shit. Even the programmers suck.
Someone really needs to get meta-critic to add a technical score. When the 0s start coming in they'll start hiring people who actually work.

Apologize you homophobic shitlord. Andromeda is the GOTY of all years. It's an unrivaled masterpiece the likes of which you plebeian scum lack the intellect to fully understand.

So did this game not have enough trannies or magic negroes to get a higher score?

This is so bad that I don't think the average person would believe it was real.

Reminder: Rating for an AAA title starts at 7.0 at the absolute lowest. 7.5 is as low as you can go without risking to end up on a shit list. User score will be even lower.

Alright I got a question.
Why does the score rating go from 1-10 if every game usually gets a score above 5 anyway?

I mean what the fuck is the point in having a 1-10 scale then? Just make it a 1-5 scale you fucks.


Same reason you pay $4.99 instead of $5.00: Psychology of numbers.

It's so you can score a game 2 or 3 and write an hilarious review when it becomes a meme because of how bad it is.

Always hated this bullshit and how easily normalfags are influenced by it.

Holy shit is that the actual dialogue? Jesus

That's not only the dialog, but that's the voice acting take and the animations they chose to put into the final product and ship.

It's almost as if a numerical scale doesn't work as a marker of game quality

It's almost like it didn't even matter because cunts will just get paid off anyway or publishers will squeeze their balls and put them on the shitlist.

The issue isn't what scale you use, but the fact game reviewers are in the pocket of publishers and won't give low scores to games from big name studious, no matter how fucking shit they are.

Bravo Bioware, you've really surpassed yourself this time, stunning and brave making all the characters mentally challenged.

the lowest possible score a AAA game like this will get is 7/10 from (((major))) reviewers. So 75% this early is telling.

Bioware is dead, it's a brand name with almost zero of the people who founded it working anymore.


Autistic screetching… the game.

This is the journos way of saying it's shit but EA paid us money.

This, to them a 75 is a C like in school, so they'll never touch it.

A three star scale would be better. And, the game receives a star for doing well enough in one of the three departments: gameplay, story/premise, and audiovisual/aesthetics. If a game succeeds in all three aspects, it get's a 3/3. If it fails in all three aspects, it get's a 0/3. 1/3 games show that things need to be vastly improved, and 2/3 is reserved for the average titles.

The google search changed yesterday for this game on the results, earlier in the day the front pages were filled with sites shitting on the game, then it was wiped and replaced with Kotaku and Polygon screaming Soggy Knees and links to stores to buy the game.

I bet you there is a scene with actual screeching in it.

I do wonder how EA allowed the situation to get this bad. Surely the project lead had to present milestone to someone higher up in the corporate chain that wasn't BioWare.

How the fuck do you allow this kind of situation to go on for five years without intervening?

Gee I sure wonder (((whooooooo))) could be behind this.

EA is probably looking for an excuse to cannibalize Bioware like they did with any other company they bought.


Try it was so shit that they couldn't even hide the fact.

I think this might be it for Bioware.

Start bitching on IGN about all the game problems to drop ME's score.

it took a long time but bioware games are starting to get the reception they deserve. The sad part is people will reflect back on their earlier games and refuse to admit they are equally as poor as mass effect andromeda.

There is both of those clips of Ryder screetching are taken from the game.

Holy fuck that head turn.
I just about died from laughter there.

This isn't that bad. Honestly I think people are just blowing it out of proportion. Though 78% would be the ideal score. Not too bad and not too good.

i noticed this too. a few days ago it was nothing but articles about the faces and animations.

Yeah, now EA, through their faithful lapdogs, Kotaku and Polygon, are trying to pretend the "very experienced" cunt they put in charge of animations was actually lying.

I don't know what's more hilarious, the fact they did allow such an untalented person to be in charge of a flagship game or that they think painting themselves as incompetent and bamboozled buffons is seen as the lesser evil here.

What will be written on biowares tombstone guys?

Can you punch the reporter?


It changed the moment people found profiles of the lead animator, who is a woman btw.

What did Bioware mean by this? Were they seriously refrencing a meme taking the piss out of their earlier games?

It should be a moral obligation to punch out reporters.
Just not in Ass Defect 4


We need something like the Amiga Power magazine:

They got publishers pissed off with that.

a bunch of inane dialog to fill a few seconds of dialog between two retarded carnival animatronic clowns.

Try mass graves, also pretty funny this comic finally became true.

I should have really taken a screenshot before, but I didn't thik that google could be so blatant with rigging their searches, by removing all the top searches from the mainstream sources which shat on the game.

We'll, Mass Effect 1-3 was pretty good. Has better story and animation compared to this one. Only thing Andromeda has it better than the previous titles is the superior gameplay.

So when will there be a stream of this failed abortion, I want a good laugh.

Very subtle.

Hey guys remember that character Alister from Dragon Age? People loved his silly banter right? Lets do that again, but this time make it even fucking dumber.

This should more like a pile of shed skins and in the last frame some eldritch abomination crawling out of the bioware skin to drop it on the pile.

The plebs are getting their hands on it in eight hours.

Are you saying the trilogy was bad? It's widely known as one of the top games at that time.

Any of /ourguys/ going to steam it so we can shitpost in the chat?

This is probably the absolute worst dialogue I've ever heard in a video game barring Gearbox "comedy". It was already complete shit with Inquisition, but I didn't think it would devolve this quick over 3 years or so.


Reminder that this game took 5 years to make it this far.

Almost the whole game is written in that level of quality. Even just watching a no-commentary walkthrough is painful.

Smudboy might, though he said he's more likely to just take someone else's videos and cut them down for his plot analysis. Broteam might try but they're likely to pass out before they really get anywhere.

none of the games with biowares name on it has ever been better than a 7/10. They all had shit game play, shit stories, and shit writing. And none of the visual presentation has ever stood out, the games have always been some of the worst looking of their time.

I can believe it. The game looks like shit. 75 is a noncommittal score that shows the reviewer is a coward, though. They want to score the game lower, but they're afraid of losing advertising bux and exclusives by losing favor with the publisher.

I wonder if EA knew that had an amateur doing the animations?

Broteam would die of alcohol poisoning before the intro.


I think they looked at the budget, saw the savings it brought on, and proceeded to light their cigars with 100 dollar bills.

Buy me the game, and pay me for the time I put into it, then sure - I'll stream it. Not like I haven't worked shit jobs before for a little side money.

At least them white men won't get to enjoy themselves now!

This has Denuvo anti-piracy in it.
Imagine a game no one wants to pirate.




prophetic. games just tout numbers and hyperboles in advertisement, and magazines/websites don't really expect you to read past the numbers.

I saw a retard on Discord saying that Bioware is good at relationships and representation and that their games are always solid. He was actually defending this turd with those talking points. Bear in mind he had in the previous moment told someone else that motion sickness isn't an issue a dev should deal with and to suck it up. So physically being unable to play a game is ok, but pandering to transexual dragon kin gives a dev a free pass. He's the kind of guy that says hating content behind amiibo is fine because you're not paying for the content, you're paying for the figurine, and the content is just a bonus. A true fucking cuck. I'd pull Poe's law on him if he wasn't so consistently retarded.

So she slurped some hambeast pussy to get the job at bioware?

It's an amalgamate of distilled cancer: EA, Bioware, Origins, Denuvo.


Might have just sucked some feminine penis. BioWare is nothing if not diverse.

her head looks like a thumb.
that is a biological woman, right?

Ah yes, forgot about those trans "lesbians"


Why do feminuts who supposedly hate men end up looking so manly? Maybe their actual problem is envy.

There are no other kinds of women than biological.

You realize those are all paid, right? Dipshit.

Sorry, i mean like was she born a woman or what?

I don't know why some anons feel the need to go misrepresent things on clickbait-tier levels but oh well.

Well fuck. Thanks user. I knew it was a mistake to go with whatever program my friends were using and not do my own fucking research. I did try to get them on something else but it was "too hard".
BRB scrubbing myself raw and wiping the PC with a cloth or something.

You can only be born a woman.

Ok is he a dude in a dress?

I would've posted it before them but it took me that long to sift through my pictures folder to find it


Happened to me a couple of times too.

So all people who buy the game based on positive review scores are paid to do so?
Go read a book, you idiot, and maybe then you will be able to understand basic sentences.


Absolutely. They hate that they can't fuck someone because of how hideous they look, so they lash out at every man and at beautiful women. Why do you think they have a problem with every female character in vidya that isn't some ugly piece of shit like Shrek Asari?


You’ll be fired by the end of the day.

Well, technically, if you create a female clone of yourself while being a man and then transferred your brain into that female body, you would then be able to be a woman while not being born a woman, but technology has not advanced so much in our time that we can transfer brains from body to body, so your assertion will be correct up to that point in time.

Is the Red Army ready for action on Metacritic?

Assuming there was no temporary brain death or shutdown your brain would still create chemicals for a man and not a woman. The only difference between the bodies being that now your body gets trashed and destroyed because you have a male brain creating male chemicals in a female body that needs female chemicals.

Thats fucking horrendous
They're already physically ugly and their design choices only helps with that.
What the fuck is up with that hair and clothes?

Quads confirm

damn right

Yeah actual women are so much prettier. Just look at this.

I can't stress how much this needs to be spoilered.

why did everyone stop using vent and start using discord. also why not keep using team speak?

But… the brain doesn't produce testosterone nor estrogen, does it?

they either have horrendous sense in fashion, or they think it makes them look "quirky" and why bother giving a good impression to others when you can just cry bigot to anyone who questions your fashions.

is CurryCunt having a breakdown yet?

But it does regulate the parts which do. You have testicles which I believe is where testosterone comes from, whereas a woman it's developed elsewhere. So in the end your brain is wired to your balls, you'd be feeling really wonky as you also have more male chemicals developed too with no testosterone.

But notice this, Satan: they often start out looking fine, but become total hags after being infected by feminism. They let themselves decay. Why is that?

Attractive, streamlined, user-friendly interface?

The brain produces/releases chemicals and is responsible for how your entire body functions. Your body does what the brain tells it to do. Nothing more and nothing less.

In short: YES IT DOES.

Your only hope of becoming a woman is to travel to Jusenkyo.

dude can you please post the original of those pictures without her being shooped to look like a no neck earthwormjimlethimselfgo cosplayer?


if vent and teamspeak work and discord is cia garbage why not go back to what has not been infiltrated?

Who are you quoting?
I'm talking about SJW lefty subtypes in general, not just transnigger queer snowflakes.

That's a 75%. Could do better with patches and extra make up.

Yeah patches after the fat removal surgery.

Curry Nigger left Cancerware a month before release, pretty suspicious, either EA decided he was a liability or he looked at what he helped created and just Nope to the designated shitting street right away.

I for one am looking forward to preordering this paragon of facial animation and dialogue. I bet Todd Howard wishes he had made a game as open world as this.

forgot pic

I'm starting to feel like a magic 8 ball.

Try again later.

I wanted an excuse to make fun of the left wing by posting their standards for beauty.

I heard that he was contracted to work on the game and left when it was done.

typical behavior of Indian immigrants.

answer me this then, magic 8 user
will video games ever be good again?

dude magic 8balls are great to help you balance out a meal of mountain dudes and doribos before you launch into a hardcore gaming sess. you feel me brahfam?

When you make them.

Don't count on it.

I still can't believe Jim Sterling gets fucking 11k a month.
At least he'll die within my lifetime

Takes a shit wherever and then moves to the next spot?

Yes but first they'll get worse

video games were never fun, until ME:A culpa: the facialning.

fucking forgetting picture

Probably not. We've got nothing this year but a pedo blindfolded game, console only open worlds, and broken consoles. At least this game isn't as bad as the other games released this year.

She looks like she's in her 20s you dunce. Loli don't have legs like that.

are you referring to the new Mass Effect?
you are wrong

is that supposed to be a fucking irish accent?


No. In the near future white people will be ded and she's a pajeet who at one point had a white ancestor who was raped of course

you know, her face isn't THAT bad when she isn't grinning. Not GOOD, and the eyes are poorly done, but I think the facial animation is more of an issue than the modeling

Yes it must be DA JOOS
Tottaly not greedy fucks from EA management

i keep seeing this character, why do they wear make up like that of a child trying on their mothers makeup?


also here's the ending for the salt party purposes


She goes from Shrek to Giovanni Ribisi to Sigourney Weaver.

the designers literally fuglied up the entire cast because sjw reasons.


lost at :26. those eyes, gravity too much, can't hold the pupils up,


Kill yourself.


This is bait

In the Polygon and Kotaku hit pieces they are very butthurt about Zelda, repeatedly saying how Andromeda is the superior game.

You misread what I said. I was talking about 2B.

Kill. Me. Now

Crawling in my Skin instrumental on the background would make this moment perfect.

Sorry, meant for this idiot.

fucking how, you don't need to be a zelda fanboy to realize the game is simple constructed better than whatever the team of monkey-coders achieved at bioware

does Zelda have gay sex you fucking shitlord? didn't think so.


This is actually pretty good, due to how scores are massively inflated, something like a 75% is extremely low to your average fuck.

Who just happen to look like this

nier has lesbian androids, your move bioware

But in Zelda you play as a blonde, blue eyed hero saving everyone from a brown guy.


I've noticed that the voice actors don't give a shit. They deliver their lines too forced like nobody is overseeing them or like they don't believe they are the character they are playing. Like for example, Mark Hamil believes he is the joker.

Yuri is different from Western dykes. Yuri is made with a male audience in mind. Dykes are dykes, just fit for the oven and nothing else.

With the internet, patches can come put continuously to improve the already great product, so games never need to be complete :)

A brown guy with a harem who wants to fuck a blond chick.

My time has come.

Unless BioWare plans to reshoot every mocap and redo every cutscene and dialogue from scratch there will be no fixing the game.

Actually this dyke is too big to fit in an oven.

geology jokes


The game was DOA, user. These ME games are already absolute wank, cinematic experience shit. This is what happens when you hire niggers and indians who can't program for "diversity." I hope the game drops to a 65 or worse.

Kill. Me. Now.

when will they update this to include eyebrow zelda

it honestly wouldn't surprise me if some DLC replaced all the dialogue parts with paper doll animated faux comic book shit.

The new aliens are really fucking poorly designed. Also, no Quarians? Elcor? Hanar?

Don't forget cunts, they're as useless as the vibrants.

Also, plenty of Western AAA titles are just glorified movie trash, but at least they look presentable even when they play like shit. BioWare manages to fail where basically everyone else succeeds these days, it's fucking impressive.

Now I want this to happen just for all the extra asshurt.


They're the very image of the definition of generic.

Only cool races get to visit the new galaxy and escape the Reaper Holocaust.

It's a scottish Girl going for an irish(?) accent.She also voiced Cait in Fallout 4. I don't know it sounds fake.Maybe we have some scottish anons here who could give an opinion.

I like my coffee like I like my niggers, foreign and grinded.

not "drenched in boiling water"?

Something poetic about perfection being tarnished by imperfection.

>not liking sexy, dark haired Irish goth girls with nose and tongue piercingswhich feel great during a blowjob

2/10 shiggydiggy



No user, you are the shits taste



I can understand the tongue piercing, but the nose piercing just makes me think of snot and boogers every time. Noses are hard enough to make look pretty given what they do, there is no need to draw further attention to them.

webm'ing some shit from the ending.

He is pretty upset.


Did they auto-tune her voice?

That's like a two in human numbers.

I like to think of it like this

Was also gonna say.

Gamespot gave it a 6/10.

Which would be a failing grade in my book. Maybe worth it if it was 5-10 dollars and was actually decent.


For a AAA title, anything less than an 85 on metacritic means the game is shit

A 75 is like a failing grade

ah, the Asian kid grade scale.


Nobody gives a fuck what you think, he's talking about why people don't use scores like they should be used you fucking autistic piece of shit. The current scoring system might as well be starting from 5 going to 10 scale.

I recently got all the memories in BotW and read Zelda's diaries. I feel sorry for that girl in a big way.

It is a cause for alarm as there is some correlation between how a game is received by press and whether or not the audience may be interested.

I think following MEA bioware will be getting looked at fairly closely by EA if the sales are inadequate and fail to sustain typical bioware sales receptions. I think it's going to be a matter of waiting for sales information before we can really draw conclusions where the series and bioware themselves are headed.

Fuck off faggot go back to cuckchan where you belong


Guess the shit got flushed but there still some shit left in Bioware.

oh my god that poor krogan needs to be put down. just end his misery.


wew, what a bunch of lying kikes. I guess starting at a boring, unskippable animation that repeats each time you click on a planet is what passes for space travel gameplay these days.

bioware as a studio is like a pillar of shit. I'm not convinced they have any actual skilled employees.

Kill yourself.

I thought Denuvo got cracked a while ago

Supreme writing.

So what's the comment space on that look like? How salty?

1. Just because CPY can crack games with Denuvo doesn't mean there will be one on the first day. Record is 3 days or so.
2. A new shittier brand of Denuvo was introduced with Sniper Elite 4 that hasn't been cracked yet. I'm wagering that this has NuDenuvo.


Ladies, you're both ugly. Now stop posting.

well great.
was gonna pirate is just for the yuri-potential.
guess I'll have to wait a while longer.

i like how this bitch has shit quippy one liners that go unchecked. because nobody dares challenge the alpha-girl

u mad bro ??? XD

i was only pretending to be retarded get trolled nerds

Kill. Me. Now.

Who's the Sean Murray of ME:A?

and again, this characters makeup is fucking bizarre

Get better standards.

oh my god


here are a few comments. It seems most of them expected a higher score or have been privy to EA's bullshit for a while. They are still tame compared to what this shitshow deserves.

Also have a few turning against the author for not drinking the koolaid.

there isn't much else for /u/-fans out there.
well, outside of shitty fake-anime VN n°15897567


laughed so hard i think it blew out my wisdom-teeth stiches

This is really, really weird.

Main chick just sits there the whole time with that stupid look on her face


ignore the scores, read the reviews (assuming you care what 'journalists' think). there are plenty of 80-90 ratings with "this game has major problems," "poor story," "poor animation," "serious bugs that should not have made it to release," "severe disappointment," and "this is terrible, but I want to like it because it's Mass Effect" hidden in the review.

In other words, many in the lugenpresse are putting a cherry on the turd by scoring it high, but can't help but be honest about the flaws in the game. As others itt have noted, they're probably under pressure from their publisher not to pan it too badly, as the crave that sweet, sweet EA advertising cash and don't want to burn bridges by telling the truth and exercising some journalistic integrity.

I know. It's why I'm here.

I haven't played it, but looking at it it could be like The Room of video games. I dunno how the game play is but if this shit kept popping up now and then and the gameplay is solid I could easily find a lot of enjoyment out of playing it and watching others play.

The fact that this is a AAA title and has all this money behind it just adds to the joke of the whole game.

I want to laugh about it, but at the same time just rip out ears and eyes.

How long until ME:A goes into the EA/Origin Vault? 6 months?

Yeah, at this point I think the studio is going to undergo a Stalin-style purge. The Bioware title won't be elimited outright but I'm willing to bet the studio is going to suffer from massive layoffs, or get shut down and rolled into one of their other studios. Either way I'm sure EA is going to be watching Bioware's next project very, very closely.

here is some oc I cooked up

No one has yet answered my question. How the fuck do you keep funding a project for 5 years and not notice it's this level of shit?

hubris is the answer, EA is probably pretty confident that this game will sell on title alone

Fuck I hate this industry

constant shitting on fucking white males

if that nigress is actually a robot then this is fantastic voice acting and animation

It's even worse (pic)

The multifaceted failure of this game pleases me on a visceral level.

You are wrong. It's face is objectively bad, and subjectively horrifying in every way. Even worse, and I could be wrong on this because I don't give a fuck, but aren't Asari - by lore - a race of mind-fuckers who subconciously use telepathy in order to make the viewer perceive them as their ideal mate and the exaggerated height of sexual attractiveness. An Asari looks different to a Turian, than she looks to a Salarian, than she looks to a human.

This is Bioware saying that PeeBee is Ryder's idea beauty. Worse, because Ryder is a proxy for the player, they're saying that PeeBee is YOUR ideal beauty - whether you want to admit it or not.

EA saw the financial successes with ME1, 2 and 3 (and TOR) and probably made the assumption that Bioware could be trusted to deliver a decent product.

The managers at Bioware could have also been feeding them false or misleading development updates. They were perfectly okay with hiring anti-white racists, so I don't see why they would have any trouble lying to the Evil White Men In Suits who gave them money.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, he's talking about why people don't use [x] like they should be used you fucking autistic piece of shit.

So wait, is this supposed to be actual voice acting or are they doing some thing where they have a cheap AI performing various responses?

Jesus fuck, they're staring right at the camera

why the fuck does a human have a quarian name

This board doesnt give a fuck what you think

The Hyperion is the human Ark. Why the fuck would a human have a quarian name on a human ship?

haha, long boy

p r o g r e s s i v e

imagine being this much of an autistic faggot

It's simple; the entire company from the top down is staffed by lazy creatively bankrupt shitlibs.
By the time things got to the point that a twenty-three year old open misandrist fresh out of a diploma mill was immediately hired as the lead face animator, everyone above her in QA had been replaced by the exact same brand of hateful inadequate minority figure that can only hold a job thanks to diversity quotas. AAA executives are all kikes obsessed with exploiting cheap labor and marginalizing white guys just trying to have a good time. Long term financial catastrophe and disrepute doesn't matter to them so long as they feel they can get away with screwing everyone over in the immediate future.



I have nine yous in this reply pillar.

How many yous do I need to unlock new content?

What the fuck does it had to do with anything, reminds of that one tranny in that new Baldur's Gate addon who talks about it's sex change out of the blue

And remember to filter the autists who quote the entire thread

I wonder if they're going to put in her a (((progressive))) relationship with a Quarian man

bioware didn't study basic real life idling poses or human interaction

but now you definitely can't misgender that npc!

You're probably right. Still, it's kind of amazing things have been allowed to deteriorate to this point. I wonder when DICE and their sport divisions will hit the tipping point and chase out all the white guys keeping it all afloat.

Going to Andromeda is basically the hipster thing to do.

c50d10 confirmed for spending $260 on the collector's edition and preorder.

How do PS2 games made almost 20 years ago look better than this? How can you fuck up this hard? Say what you want about ME2 and 3, they at least looked nice. Did they fire everyone after the shitshow of ME3? Did they all quit? How does a game you made 7 years ago look nicer?

this really is a fantasy game

Wew, which biodrone cuckchanner did we trigger here?

So is the plot of this game actually what is seems? We go to a new galaxy and just happen to find a magical robot planet that can make everything easy forever? Did these people learn nothing from the fucking Citadel?

True communism has never been tried before goy.



apply this every 30 minutes curry thunder you failed at this game like you failed at grasping the main purpose of the toilet


Is this a curse?

Or some kind of punishment?

I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle, and wonder if we'll ever have the chance to kill him.

It's dragonspear all over again. Didnt they receive massive critiques and said they'd not do that again in the future?

Designated culture, pride of civilization!


Don't forget to filter by ID.

I thought it's invading a new galaxy, and kiling the natives becasue they don't welcome the shitskin invaders with open arms.

Holy shit, imagine you're so buttblasted that you quote the whole thread several times while ban evading.

all money you could have spent on vagisil

sorry to white and therefor racist to care

As bad as canada is a visa is not equal to citizenship

It's pretty pathetic.

So is being a BioWare fan.

Oi chaps, what's going on in this thread?

We didn't even have to spoil the ending and the salt flows

no that is the ecoli my dude

How did it feel getting fired by your all-white management staff?


You filthy native wad.

A new EA intern is trying to shit up the thread.

what if Nintendo paid that person to make that comment to make it look like they aren't the ones shilling?

I bet he's too new to know anything about ID filters.

Andromeda is on a different game engine. I agree with your point but it's worth remembering that ME2 had a massive jump in visual quality (sharper textures especially) in part because they'd made a game with it, and even with some 'shuffling' of staff there were people who knew what they were doing with the engine.
This does, of course, raise the question why the team on Cisqusition made their game look so much better than this festering mediocrity.


Inquisition was a different studio entirely. I guarantee if you check the credits for both games you won't see a single repeating name.

It's using Frostbite. There is no excuse for looking as bad as it does.

It is (or was by now) a new team.
Apperently they have three different teams at Bioware and the ones working on the newest Ass Effect did only mobile shit beforehand.

Its XD, you pathetic looser. You even failt at shit posting for fucks sake.

What fucking difference does it make? TOR was a festering pile of shit, Inquisition was a festering pile of shit, Andromeda is a festering pile of shit.

Three studios, three different teams, all making shit games.

He's entered the post-ironic shitposting phase. He'll grow out of it by the time he graduates, hopefully.


It's telling then for EA mismanagement that they did not move people with experience on both the engine and the game style from DA:I to ME:A.


No wounder it looks like shit. They still havn't made a good game in over a decade, so I don't think it matters that much who made it for them.

But all under the same banner

They didn't move them because they knew they would not do a better job.

There was going to be this World of Darkness looking game but it disappeared like a week after it was announced so I expect the DAI team was already laid off.

Reminder that shit games must not be played, period. They mustn't be played ironically, nor played after pirating them, or played together for the lulz.

Use your time wisely.

But if no one is gonna be streaming it how am I gonna laugh at it?


Eh its fine to play bad games as long as you never ever support the developers. You can't appreciate the good things if you don't experience the bad things.

That doesn't mean you have to play Andromeda or any other AAA piece of garbage though. There's enough garbage out there for you to avoid them forever.

It's okay user, take your time.

Bioware doesn't deserve to lie with good studios.

You pick and choose those few with some potential for learning and drop the rest. I mean, facial animations in DA:I weren't great, but still better than the bubbling jelly fish in ME:A.

nu/v/ in a nutshell

why is this thread being spammed by an autist

There is your answer.

Look at this pathetic cuck, look at him and laugh

Xir's hormone shipment is late, probably


Game is launching in an hour or so so EA must be getting desperate.


The salt mines have been opened and the initial deposits were closer to the surface than expected.

Please be patient while we sort out the resultant excess sodium.

I must sate my morbid curiosity. I pirated DA:I and it was boring and shit. Still no regrets since I had a good laugh with my friends

you need to post rare tired faces to keep us interested.

all games are not shit. Kind of funny people are crying over a game that is in third person and console based. I played one ME game for a few seconds and then did a 360 and walked away.

I am going to play F4 sans irony after this thread gets boring.
Witcher 3 felt too consolely to me, open world but you can't go back?

Who talks like this? I have a feeling even the most sublime arch wizards from /r9k/ are capable of more human dialogue than whatever the fuck this garbage is.

I think insteading spending 60 bucks on this game everyone should just punch themselves in the balls. Same feeling as buying it and you still have 60 bucks.

Mass Effect: Amdromeda CBT

I've seen plenty of dialogue like this in LOL thread with comics from tumblr

please just buy mass effect

The writing is tumblr webcomic tier.

i forgot about that, this thread truly is magical

Extreme, rampant nepotism and virtue signaling to the max.

Has this been posted here

not even hitler dubs

If it looks this bad from the outside looking in, imagine what it's like inside:

Meanwhile EA just shrugs and looks over at the money-printing machine, uncaring while the studio falls apart.



thank you jewtube

Bioware has a 75% turnover on their staff… so its likely that none of the people who worked on the game stayed for all 5 years.


This is what rape looks like.


Hot damn





That liquid at 0:33

Nuke Canada.

Why in the holy mother of fuck would anyone want to buy this?


People who unironically believe everything the gaming media tells them. Yes, those people still exist.


Ugly people can still (try to) recreate their mugs with the character editor. Fuck this lowest common denominator bullshit.

Welcome to the Marxist game development method.

These mother fuckers need to read some Kaczynski.

Now we all know where the harassment came from and why it happened. Couldn't be any more transparent than that.

I thought that was an average teenage boy from like 10 years ago.


That was impressively bad. That was the longest continuous piece of footage Ive watched of this game that did not contain obvious bugs, and it still looks fucking awful.



kys post haste

ME2 has an enjoyable plot, the only things I can fault ME2 for is for getting rid of the overheating mechanic and a streamlined boring character building. It improved on every other aspect of ME1, removing the Mako was bad but so was the Mako exploration of ME1.

You're both failures.

What the hell are you talking about? It was a nonsensical disaster that came out of nowhere and had absolutely zero meaning.

I also want to point out that zero fucking preparation was done before the reapers showed up. Everything after the ending to ME1 was a shitshow.

The third one was shit. It started to fall apart right before it sealed the deal with its ending. The second one was alright, but it was basically filler and it took out a lot of the stuff that the first game a flawed gem imo.

Reminder to everyone that you don't need to pay off reviewers like you used to. You only need make your game's development highly politicized, then pay off two or three reviewers to give fantastic glowing recommendations, blame the negative reviews on misogyny and racism - then sit back while semi-pro wannabes on Youtube desperate for legitimacy muddy the water even further by claiming reviews are "mixed".

All the while, the negative press from the PC shitstorm to follow is still free publicity.

It is 95% filler. It's like they were forced to do a sequel at gun point but didn't really know how to go on with the overarching Reaper plot or if they even want to go anywhere with it.

I wasn't there for the hype so I don't get to have my experience tainted by it. I very much enjoyed the whole "coming back from the dead as the perceived bad guy", even if the execution was shite at certain points (such as nobody going "weren't you fucking dead m8").

How did you read 'hype' from what I wrote?

How do you explain not liking the plot of being the bad cop?

"Bad cop" doesn't mean the plot or the writing is good, you fucking infant.

That's a real fucking shame. It would have been nice to see the entire galaxy come together to militarize as cohesive whole, maybe even with the Citadel becoming more totalitarian towards lesser species in order to get them to cooperate. Spend the entirety of ME2's background events building up a giant galactic version of the Maginot Line - only to have he Reapers show up and blow through it like it was tissue paper - leaving the plot of ME3 to still be a desperate scramble to either find some other means of leverage against them.

That's a premise, not a plot, you mong.

It's particularly dumb because the ending to ME1 can be summarized as "reapers are coming, we need to work together and prepare".

The gameplay in 3 was good, the overarching story was dogshit but there were a few key moments in the krogan/quarian quests that were ME1-tier. The miracle is that despite 3's gameplay being the only truly GOOD part of the entire game, they managed to fuck it all up and go all the way past ME1's clunky combat into a new dimension of shit for Andromeda. There's not a single redeeming feature in the whole shitpile.

No, there were not. The entire game suffered from shit writing. This "Tuchanka and Rannoch were good" meme needs to die.

These people made a shit game because they're shit people who think standards of any kind are discrimination. They actively fight against the pursuit of beauty and hate the idea of self-improvement. It shows in their work and their attitudes of entitlement toward gamers disappointed in the product, instead of being conciliatory and embarrassed like anyone with a modicum of pride in themselves or their work would be after taking 5 years and $60 million to produce an abomination like this.

Yeah, the gameplay in the first game was anything but smooth.
The way I see it, Mass Effect 2 was the "best" out of the original trilogy. Gameplay was more streamlined in the first and it didn't suffer from the shit-tier writing of the third.

more streamlined THAN in the first
Fuck I'm retarded.


The shit-tier writing started in the second game. It just took until the third game for it to really start collapsing.

Oh, look, it's the entitled shits from the ME3 debacle back again to tear Bioware down for producing a work of creative expression that does cater to your personal desires.

Bioware owes you nothing, shitlord. Check your privilege.

I'm replaying the trilogy to remind myself why I only played ME3 once, if my memories are indeed exaggerating how good they were solely because everything else is dogshit, then I'll concede.

Doesn't - cater to your personal desire, I mean. Goddamned keyboards only registering what I type rather than what I mean. I bet a fucking man designed it.

Because it had better combat than 1 and better story than 3? I guess.
Each part of the Trilogy feels so different.
ME1 had objectively the best Story and atmosphere and set up a great World.
ME2 cut out the majority of the roleplaying and replaced it with coverbased shooting, removed the exploration and replaced it with straight corridors.
ME3 in my opinion had the best combat but everything else about it was bad.

They are all shit with copy-pasted story and characters from SWToR1 and Jade Empire.

Hence why I put best in quotations. Whole series in itself is a mixed bag.
Pretty much this. While the gameplay was clunky, it did try to go into some new territory at the time. I really wish they would have retained most of that stuff for the rest of series.

Just remember that Mordin and Legion's sacrifices both made no sense on either a personal or technical level, and were written in only to provoke an emotional reaction from you.

ME1 was a technically flawed product with good writing, decent characters, and an amazing universe with a rich backstory.

ME2 was more well rounded, with some really good squadmates (Mordin, Legion, Thane) and some really, really shitty ones (Diversity Hire, Bald Edgelord Lady). The overarching story made no sense in relation to the Reaper issue but would have made a good plot for a standalone game. The locations were interesting and worldbuilding focused less on the universe as a whole and more on individual locations.

ME3 had a better inventory system and combat felt a bit better, but literally everything else about it was shit. Squadmates were shit, characters were shit, writing was shit, setting was shit.

So, generally what is the ending?

Is that all?

I pooped a little.

After the credits you have the option to make the tranny krogan head of the not-council.

a quarian was the mother's husband, obviously

get with the times, you piss baby

I want to believe not even people who cut their dicks off talk like this. That is awful awful writing.

I'm curious why the artist knew about how shitty the ending was, but then mocks the people who want a better ending.

This should have happened after Before they made Dragon Age 2 and everything after.

I hear his indie game is going to be called sim shitty. Manage your designated streets with the ultimate goal of becoming a massive landfill.