Leftypol, why do you hate liberals more than fascists and other right wingers?

Leftypol, why do you hate liberals more than fascists and other right wingers?

Liberals are right-wingers and they have actual power. Fascists are powerless LARPers and are irrelevant.

We do you make stupid threads with loaded questions?

See this post. Liberals don't really believe in anything. They just adopt whatever positions they're told to adopt because they're status seekers. Fascists are actually easier to convert because regardless of how misled they are, on a fundamental level they want the system changed. Liberals don't.

Have you ever met someone in real life that shares 90% of your views, but that 10% of whats different makes all the difference in the world? It's kind of like the same situation but on a grander scale, it also doesn't help that well meaning liberals the hinterland between liberals and socdems are in the same category as neolibs and classical's. Still wanting capitalism to exist is the main problem.

Almost literally what I was gonna say. This is basically a form of American Newspeak where "liberal" has been redefined to mean "leftist" whilst actual leftism is just removed from political discourse.

Liberals wear "leftism" like a disguise while preaching their counterproductive and harmful ideology. It reflects badly on us as well as hurting the world. Fascists are much less effective at disrupting and fracturing the left, even though their message is in some ways worse.

It's the same reason you'd hate someone more for dressing up as you and murdering a dozen babies than you'd hate them for just murdering a hundred babies in their own name.

Anybody who uses the word "liberal" and isn't a babyboomer probably doesn't understand politics.



>Anybody who uses the word "liberal" and isn't a babyboomer European probably doesn't understand politics.
Actually fixed.

Because they often echo our slogans, demands and concerns in an empty and cynical manner, channeling the energies of a discontent proletariat into the wrong efforts.

This is especially true with regards to women's rights.

People really need to stop using the American definition of "liberalism" on here. That is unacceptable on a leftist board.

It really isn't a problem. You can guess the meaning by the context unless you're utterly stupid.

Also, both are used in academic and even Marxian discourse without any problem. It's not really an obstacle. "You guys use Liberalism wrong!" is the sort of pet peeve a 16 year who interrupts class to talk about how littering creates jobs would have.


Don't post pictures of my queen or else.

We don't.

If anyone here says that fascists or other members of the far-right are "better" than liberals, they're just Holla Forumsyps thinking they're being sneaky.

Yeah, this is more accurate than what I posted.

Depends on how you define being better. In terms of their beliefs, they're equally shitty. The difference lies in the likelihood of converting the two groups. You're more likely to convert someone who's had to deal with actual strife in their lives, and almost every liberal I've ever met is a pampered petit bourgeois faggot.

Liberals are more effective at propaganda.

Because liberals present themselves as the left-wing and left-wingers and any dumb thing they do,endorse,and say will be correlated to the left-wing.
Basically they destroyed the left and created the shitty neo-liberal pansy "diverse" pro-capitalist """left""" that is known today.

Forgot my pic

Because fascists and right wingers don't hide what they are

Liberals always claim to be progressive when in fact they suggest no changes to the issues at hand. In other words, they actually don't believe in anything because they don't change anything. Liberals claim to stand for equality while they don't have any actual changes to the problems.

Fascists on the other hand are very mislead and therefore they're easier to convert.

What i have noticed is this, sunnis hate shias more than christens or jews, because while they hate Christians and jews, shias are considered "heretics", or whatever the Muslim equivalent of that is.

Malcom X, preferred dealing with rightwingers because he knew what ground he stood on with them, there was no hiding it, he referred to liberals as backstabbers, smiling to your face and pretending to be your friend.

Liberals maintain the oligarchical status quo, they maintain capitalism, the modern liberal is a useful idiot of capitalism, what has been called the "social justice warrior", these people are pure idpol, they are agents of capitalism, used to divide people of the same material conditions, working purely off of emotion and narcissism, a complete ignorance of the worker or economics.

They work off postmodern contradiction, not logic, or reason.