Post your most "progressive capitalist" image

Post your most "progressive capitalist" image

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safety pin box

I can post like a million of those pictures from my fb feed from trust fund kiddies that went to the most prestigious business school in the country.

They were the dumbest fucks in college too. I remeber I'd be talking about independent film production as what I wanted to do and these fags would go on about working with their father's company. The girls are terrible fucks too.

t. Cletus who fell for small business meme

and then liberals wonder why everyone fucking hates their guts

must be racism

Holy fuck.


how mad can i get




you win


but the plane is cute

Aka most progressive progressive

BLM is liberal trash, it's conservatives behind alllivesmatter

if you look at statistic blacks are getting off easier

Easy guys.

BLM is like antifa or the IWW.
The quality really really really really depends on the chapter

That's because they don't believe in equality.

The vast majority of them do.
Don't take memes at face-value

You silly sausage





kek, every time

I'm so dumbfounded I can't even be mad

Good job objectifying sexual minorities and using them to serve toxic male sexuality.

I really hate how the capitalist patriarchy has appropriated lesbianism. I also hate how it has made me hate lesbians in general because of how often I see bland corporate pandering to the gay community which involves gay women. I mean if I have to sit through another show/franchise/etc that features a conventionally attractive white girl turning gay (like in The 100) I am going to fucking flip.

but what? why safety pins?

why are you watching the hundred? That is the only real question here


I too find the lack of diesel dykes disturbing


Well, looks like Poe's law is still holding strong.


Holy fuck that EA pic. That's what I was looking for. Please more examples of corporate liberalism.

Is that supposed to be a poly couple on the far right? Disgusting.

It became a liberal meme in the US literally the day after Trump won. Wear a safety pin to show oppressed/minorities that you are a "safe" person. It's blatant performative wokeness but so many liberals ate that shit up because they care more about patting themselves on the back than actually affecting change.

I actually don't think the boxes were a terrible idea. And the video has a point, they're at least better than just wearing a fucking pin on your shirt.

To be honest the oil lesbian pic is kind of sexist anyway.

can't make this shit up


What is Airbnb? I feel like I am missing some important context here

How does it serve male sexuality? Making lesbians 'cute'?

it's an app that lets everybody become a mini porklord

We have truly entered some kind of strange world where reality is a bad parody of satire.

I was shitposting. I didn't actually expect to be followed by an almost identical post by a (seemingly) real feminist.

- Joseph Stalin

I thought you were the legit one and the other one was shitposting.

Seems left enough to me, wouldn't you say so comrades?

but what does the box do?


Airbnb is like the Uber of hotels. You can rent out part of your unused house on their site and dodge taxes, and they make money from it. Basically what happened was that people we're buying apartments purely to rent out, effectively making them a normal hotel company and driving up the prices of houses in the inner cities. Cities then levied taxes on them because they run a hotel service, and the porky's of airbnb got butthurt because they can't exploit a loophole in the law.

Its the same situation with Uber, they dodge taxes and permits.

Thread reminded me of when all those identitards were praising the shit out of Intel because it was going to diversify it's home offices ignoring of course that they wouldn't be doing a damn thing about their sweatshops.

That is ironically the the anti-feminist position.

Christ, FF is just as lazy with their feminism as they are in their criticisms of video-games and the effects it has on society.



McIntosh is like a caricature of white male liberal activists. I would not be surprised if he was doing all of agitating as part of a larger campaign to strengthen the reactionaries.

Its a good quote though, if his actions were in line with it.


It's a box. The box doesn't do anything.

Okay but seriously, from their website:

I'm not a fan of the box bc it's liberal idpol af, but at least it inspires some kind of organization and activism, unlike the act of simply wearing a pin.

read engels faggot

anfems first encounter with COINTELPRO, and true to their ideology, they fail to identify it


What? I'm not doubting the possibility that McIntosh is COINTELPRO. I wouldn't be surprised if he was honestly. Some of that stuff he was saying was pretty dumb.

Why do liberals always seem to use the soundtrack from Stomp (or some knock-off) in the videos where they talk about black/poc issues?

4th image takes the cake. There is just no possible way to get more liberal.

God I hate pussy riot so much


consider my synapses fired

There's a big difference between SocDems and Liberals, comrade: We don't play the IdPol game.

In any case, we will have plenty of time to vilify each other once our common enemies are defeated.

Socdem, just curious do you believe in the LTV? I'm bipolar regarding it, I switch between thinking it's a comprehensive theory of how labour is allocated in our society that bridges the divide between macro and micro economics, and then other times thinking it's incoherent mysticism. PK theory seems cool, what is your view on marxian econ and class? I know "social democracy in the 21st century" fucking hates Marxian economics (though I think he strawmans Marxian and Austrians, and isn't good at dealing with arguments. Take for example).

Suck dems still value their property above the revolution. Being opposed to muh idpol doesn't make you not a liberal.

Jesus what a fucking cunt.

I don't think this is "progressive capitalism" tho, it's a retarded who has ancap-levels of classcucking sociopathy. He's almost celebrating the fact they're trapped into poverty.

Kek, i'll make another thread i guess.

Man, I knew a kid in high school that though Japan was "all mud huts and shit" and said that while holding a Sony PSP. He's a bank manager now.

3rd image was done stupidly, but his point is valid. Breast are breast.


A scam for some petite burgy to live off the misguided self hate of whites, how IDPOL casual.

please make my eyes stop bleeding

Men, by definition, cannot be victims. It's like how the wealthy can't ever be victims of poverty.

Here comes the anfem cointelpro.

That's the anti-feminist position.
In fact it's the same argument thundeef00t uses to justify rigid gender norms.

So drop that flag or get your mind right.

It's mostly just that they are unable to say that men experience sexism even when their own logic says that should because their definition of womanhood is that only women experience sexism and experiencing sexism is the only thing that makes you a woman. There is no way to resolve this paradox– they just have to say "it doesn't apply to men because I said so, and I'm the authority".

How unsurprising that a white man would try to defend the patriarchy.

It is a problem when it happens to women because women are an oppressed class. Men are not.

Did the patriarchy sabotage your reading comprehension too?
you're doing a bad job Holla Forums

No, having two X chromosomes makes you a woman. It also happens that by every metric women are treated worse in society and suffer greater hardship.
Sure it's unfortunate when bad things happen to men, but those are always isolated incidents. There cannot be any systematic problem which needs fixing.

Men are restricted and reduced by gender-norms also. That's the entire point. To breed a mindless warrior caste that cannot deviate in thought or in practice to be manipulated by the elites.

So yes. Masculinity is an oppressive construct. It opresses men.

What in the actual shit?

What? No, you totally do. Unless you're referring to your American LARPer SocDems or some nonsense, but actual parliamentary SocDems go along with idpol just fine. Why wouldn't they? They can't change the economic system so they need to find some smaller issue to seem relevant about.

That's not what Anita Sark and Jon Mac would say– there are also a large number of metrics by which men suffer more than women– such as work related deaths and combat deaths, homelessness, physical violence. I think the most recent phrase for this is "toxic masculinity" (a favorite phrase of those two mentioned above, ironically) but it's been called alot of things and used to be more sympathetically framed as "sexism/patriarchy hurts men too"


Underrated post.

Pretty sure that was not implied anywhere. The thing is that poor are getting fucked by both parties and socialists get it, liberals don't.

I think the fundamental problem of academic feminism is that it insists on labeling everything bad using male-gendered terms. When something hurts women it's the patriarchy. When something hurts men it's still the patriarchy, or "toxic masculinity". There's a constant implication that everything bad is related to men.

Assuming you're being honest when you claim to support equality, you have a severe self-inflicted PR problem. It's as stupid as starting a left-libertarian movement in the US and marching through the streets holding a giant picture of Stalin.

It certainly is more "empowering" than starvation.


This is the kind of shit that makes me think the gulags weren't such a bad idea after all.

progressive capitalist: the post

enjoy pink capitalism fam, your once marginalised identity is now being accepted, repackaged, commodified and sold back to you.
oink oink etc.



Bono is woke capitalism made flesh


Gulags were progressive and necessary fam, that's just dialectics:

It's funny that Thomas Frank outlined and predicted that this is the reaction liberals would have to people criticizing globalist economics in Listen Liberal.

MovieBlobs last statement is basically his own internal narcissism, colliding with peak liberalism and cognitive dissonance about the Clinton's.

The irony here is that even though millennials are far more educated than just about any previous generation they are also far poorer. Neoliberal/globalization has failed to live up to its promise in the developed world. I think there might be a serious opening for a revolution in the near future if the situation continues to deteriorate.

When will liberals learn that it's easier to hate than love

Holla Forums is really upping their game

except this one, you could do better


I think that but then I think the fact that college loans and medical costs alone aren't enough to convince these people the system is unfair to those trying to make their way in life then what in the hell will be enough? I think the recession would have looked like the great depression in America without Social Security. When republicans and neoliberals finally get their wish and see it gutted maybe we will finally see some action because old people will then have to compete for the same jobs as everyone else.

This is a massive assumption.
Calling the Elliot Rodger affair a result of "white male entitlement culture" and glibly saying your "real, lived experience" - the entire epistemic basis for intersectionality - a priori doesn't matter and you should work to deny and dismiss it simply because of the demographic you fall into (or almost fall into, in Elliot's case) really is a bridge too far.
Academic feminism does not have a "PR problem." It is fundamentally rotted at its foundations. Under current events, it repeatedly and spectacularly reveals its own uselessness and failure as a theory of social liberation.

your 'revolutionary theory' was written more than one hundred years ago by people who were all white and pretty much cishet and male. Theory becomes an instrument of racial and gender hierarchies and axes of oppression, that's why we have to center lived experiences. Marginalized people have been told to just shut up for too long.

Gonna be hard to top that one.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Pretty much the most cancerous thing to ever come out of idpol bar none.

Didn't Muke make a video on this

Liberals absolutely can't resist inserting trendy pop culture garbage into their sermons.

Honestly user, did you actually doubt it?

Standpoint theory is a logical development of marxist theory. The working classes have a muh privileged perspective regarding inequality, because they suffer most from it. Just as POC are better able to understand White Supremacy or Queer people are better able to understand heteronormativity. Oppressed people depend on empathy to survive because any misunderstanding might prove fatal.

Wow there's a lot of bullshit in this post. Whoever is spamming idpol here lately really sticks out like sore thumb and its pretty obvious its the same guy writing all these b8 posts.

It looked like an Onion article.

Pretty sure the Silicon Valley limousine liberal stereotype was present.
Pretty sure I've never seen liberals depicted as poor or working class.
Pretty sure nothing lives in a vacuum

Class consciousness has historically been extremely low among the American worker. If being oppressed gives you a "special understanding" of oppression, why don't we see evidence of this?

If anything, porkies are far more class-conscious than their workers, because their position in society is largely contingent upon understanding class forces. How can this logic not be applied to conclude that "oppressor" races, genders, etc. are more conscious of such oppression? How can you assert that being "blind to oppression" is evidence of oppression and claim even a shred of intellectual integrity?

You're still skirting my central point. In order to deem some group "oppressed," your argument structure needs to first assume they are oppressed. It's circular reasoning.

The real sad thing is they need to ask whether it's a social critique when it's the most obvious on the nose critique ever. It would be like asking does Avatar have something to say about environmentalism?

Matt Y. is a self admitted "hack" though so it's not like it's a surprise.

if your revolution isn't against sexism and racism as much as it is against capitalism, then your revolution is merely identity politics for the white working classes. Rich Black people can still get killed by cops. Rich women can still suffer from hatred of women. For the oppressed, politics is no hobby, but a matter of life and death, of direct threats to our bodies.

Liberals really are bottom barrel


Goddammit can there just be a flag difference between prims and Greens? I'm sick of having to explain this every other thread.

Fuck off, idiot.

No, it's not. "Hands up, don't shoot" was based on a lie. White people are more often shot relative to their total number of police interactions. East Asian and Indian immigrants to the US greatly outearn whites. It is impossible to satisfactorily predict and explain oppression without an overriding class focus.

I recall him defending Hong Kong-style colonial cities, but I can't find the damn article right now.

Idk I'd hit girl on the left she's kinda cute

black people suffer more police harassment, for a white person to attract police interaction shit needs to be serious. You ask most white people regardless of their class and they know the police is there to protect them. and what's wrong with calling out oppression? Emancipatory politics can't be identity neutral. You are just parroting right wing memes of the 'I don't see race' 'All lives matter' variety. Colorblind racism is still racism. Oppressed people need their own spaces. sometimes is time to shut up, sit down and LISTEN. Most likely you were socialized to think people like you have a right to speak first, but you have to unlearn that sort of behaviour if you are after a truly emancipatory anti opression praxis

*rubs hands together rather jewishly but its racially ambiguous and convenient dependent on argument had*

I'd kind like to cuddle dadcommie but the second he starts talking his shitty theory I'd have to peace the fuck out
I have a crazy thing for guys that look like that

That's all well and good, but it simply turns out that when implemented your """praxis""" is fucking retarded.

How do you know?
How can you assume they're right about that? How can you assume the whites suspicious of police are wrong, despite their "real, lived experience"? How can you assume minorities with faith in the police are wrong and those suspicious of them are right?
Nothing. We're talking about your circular reasoning behind your conclusions, not whether or not it's "wrong" to fight oppression that really exists.
You're not grasping what I mean by "foundations." I'm directly questioning the implicit assumptions to your worldview, by pointing out its faulty predictions of the real world and its inconsistent logic.

No, I've been relentlessly bullied my entire life. I have been "socialized" to think that my every point about anything is unwelcome, simply by virtue of who is making it.
Well gee, that clinches it.




*Made with cream colors that do not exist.

When you repurpose your own bullshit into even greater nonsensical bullshit.

It's even got Amy Schumer, you 'millenials' love Amy Schumer, Don't you?