Would you actually be willing to risk death in a revolution, Holla Forums? Be honest

Would you actually be willing to risk death in a revolution, Holla Forums? Be honest.

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In a firefight? No.
Getting executed for assisting if it fails? sure


not sure i understand this mentality. would much rather die in a shootout than be executed. you at least have hope in a firefight

If I thought that the communists could actually win.

What the fuck is the use of being executed?

Sure, I am crazy af and I have nothing to loose.

Considering a revolution isn't likely to happen until people here have stopped being complacent cause their life standards are dropping, I will have almost nothing to lose once the revolution comes (I'm not seeing myself get rich in the meantime)

so yes

allahu akbar my brother

I'd be willing to risk death for my beliefs, but revolution isn't on of them.

Only if I'd be more likely to die by not fighting.

Good answer.


I am okay with this

I suppose if I was I'd be doing it right now.



Nobody here has signed up for even situationism so the answer for all of you fags is no. Simple. Anyone who says yes is lying.

I have not much to lose and I suffer from chronic depression so FUCK YES.
The only thing I fear is for my family getting exterminated in revenge. Porkies with connections do that as some twisted form of insurance. This is why it's so important to remain anonymous.

Sure, I've disconnected myself with all things of this world.

Yeah like in NK, if you try and escape they imprison your family for the next 3 generations. They actually force your family to have kids and those kids to have kids just so they can spend their entire lives in prison.

do you have a single piece of evidence to back that up?

Depends if I thought the revolution was actually going to go anywhere. I probably wouldn't be on the front lines of the first skirmish because I wouldn't want to die young and for no reason, but if we had a legit chance at toppling capitalism then yes.

I'm tired of living anyway so at least my death might mean something to the revolution.


Whatever happened to not dying for your beliefs, and instead having others die for theirs?

Why romanticize dying for a cause when you can live to help realize it?

Says the chronically depressed pseudo anarchist.

I'm suggesting and trying to convince other people to do something, even something minor about it.

Not pretending I would give me life for le revolution on a chan when in all likelyhood I would just accept that Fascism because ultimately if it came to my momentary comfort or actually acting upon my beliefs I hold so smugly, I would chose momentary comfort

No materialist worth his weight would sacrifice his life.

Sounds pretty porky

Some of us ain't comfy. Speak for yourself.

Fuck no. Only morons actually fight on violent revolutions.

I was pretending to be the poster I was replying to

Only a capitalist has others do their work for them.

Or y'know a leninist

I was actually just thinking about this earlier today, for some reason. Yes, I would.
At the same time, if revolution comes you may not have a choice. We all have to go sometime.

Stop it.

I wouldn't sacrifice my life, but I will risk it

This is why puritanical materialism has basically no revolutionary potential. If you aren't willing to die for something then why should anyone adopt your beliefs?


Yes. Unfortunately there is no movement worth dying for today. There is nothing you could unashamedly throw your life away for in the west today.

The point is to survive and kill enemies that threaten you, not to "die for a cause".
It's not a death cult.




If it was a legit full on commie revolution and not some watered down liberal trash yes

i rather die siding with the reactionaries then to fight for an anarkiddie revolt

Better question:

Would you be willing to shoot a man in the back of the head when hes on his knees with his hands tied begging you not to?

Tankies reveal their true colours like clockwork



Well I'll probably end up killing myself someday anyway so sure, why not.

I don't think thats how the bourgeoisie state and media work. As Brecht said, they get a hold of you not the other way around.

You making it sound as if risking death in a Capitalist state is somehow preferable.


No thanks.

Would you risk life without one?

Do I get to slice him up beforehand?


I would like to add a bit to my "prefer not to" statement.

I dont want to kill for killing. I will not kill anyone unless they are a danger for me or the people I wish to protect. I will not kill unless they have committed crimes heavy enough to warrant such a fate. I will only kill people if it brings significant benefits for the people and our cause.

I do not want to kill if at all possible, and I do not want to kill for fun or revenge.

You either side with the imperialists or you don't.

I guess Stalin was an imperialist for taking US lend-lease money.

It depends entirely on what the end goal was and whether it seemed achievable. The overwhelming majority of the proletariat would like to see me dead, so I have no particular reason to throw my own life down for their sake. To be honest I'd rather just end capitalism by creating a substitute for human labor.

i'd like to think i would but, someone once threw a firecracker at me and it rattled me quite a bit, i don't know if i would keep moiving under fire but, i guess ill find out during the revolution


Do you side with the imperialists?

Simple question

i am not suprised

Like Stalin?
You know Lenin received aid from German imperialists too, right?

Go and chain gang some peasants

Revisionist propoganda.

Oh I see.
Ebil Jooish lie.
Germans never shipped in Lenin to affect the outcome of the war.
Stalin nebar ebar received lend-lease.
Nebar ebar.

Lenin escaped. Show me proofs.

Frankly, this says more about Rojava, than it does about Bolsheviks.

Learn new words, will you? "Counter-revolutionary propaganda" is the correct definition of the SocDem slandering Bolsheviks during summer on 1917.

Or is this one man show?


He had to go through German territory to get to Russia. It'd be near impossible to get to Russia without Germany's aid and consent.
This is what most historical sources say

It demonstrates that politics are complex and cannot be boiled down to HUMANS VERSUS ORCS.

Your understanding of history is Hollywood tier.

Am I being sufficiently clear?

why would i do anything without a share of the benifit?

People only teleport in hollywood movies.
How did Lenin teleport through German territory in a train?

That depends. Why would I be doing it? Are they, say, a fascist? If so, gladly.

Are they a nobody who did nothing? Then why would I?

It's not that simple, but I get your point: yes, if it's truly revolutionary and good for the revolution.

🍀🍀🍀historic sources🍀🍀🍀

Lenin is a prince he didn't need Germanies help

Would you mind inform people here who exactly and under what conditions was crossing Germany in the aforementioned train?


The only other way was through Austria-Hungary, another capitalist Empire and ally or Germany

Who and under what conditions?

You didn't answer either question.

He swam

Lenin and 32 other Russian citizens. In a train. It was 1917 and the war was going on.

If that's not what you're looking for, then you tell me.

Bzzt. Wrong.

I'm not looking for anything. It is you who is claiming German aid to the Bolsheviks.

Allowing a person to cross through your territory to cause problems for your own enemies is not aiding? Lenin was not exactly an obscure personality and was a know communist agitator.

So again, are you claiming that he was never in Switzerland in the first place?
If not, then how did he teleport through German territory?




I repeat: who exactly was crossing Germany and what were the conditions? Why do you refuse to answer those questions?

Are you saying Lenin was alone?

Fuck off.

It is early 1917. Lenin represents minority faction within Russian Labour Party - which is a minor party itself. It didn't even breach 5% barrier.

Nobody knows him even in Russia. Lenin becomes somewhat famous only during summer of 1917 - as a scapegoat, as a German spy.

You are claiming.

okay how about stalin getting lend-lease how is it different than the kurds accepting help.
is the only difference you like stalin and dislike the ypg

surely, you jest my good sir

You're obviously fishing for an answer.
You tell me.
Lenin was amongst them. They were known communist agitators, and the travelled over the Swiss border and through most of Germany.
Either they were great at hiding and forging papers or the historical consensus, that they were granted safe passage by the German state.

He had been an agitator in WITHIN GERMANY for many years and was even famous enough to be arrested by the Austro-Hungarian authorities in 1914 when the war broke out.

Likely because he had already been involved in an armed revolt against the Russian state back in 1905.

In no way was he an unknown character in 1917.

And this.

If it's EITHER YOU SIDE WITH THE IMPERIALISTS OR YOU DON'T, then how can Stalin wash his hands of off lend-lease?

I said nothing about kurds (except suggesting that their popularity is mostly based on simplistic memes).

The question was about Lenin receiving aid from Germany.


Pretty much sums us up

Ever heard of an honorable death or are you a life clinging cuck?

I'm fishing for the burden of proof.

Bzzt. Wrong again. Third time.

He was suspected of being Russian spy. For the Czar.

What kind of bullshit are you even reading?

Yes, he was.

You don't even read what you quote.

Then why don't you fucking tell me?
Why don't you tell me who accompanied Lenin and how they teleported across Germany.

Yeah. He was noticed in the first place because he was a PoI. He had been an agitator with the Social Democratic party in Germany.

He was an important political actor in the 1905 revolt.

Yes I did.
You said that somehow American aid reflects worse on the YPG than it did on the USSR.
In no way does that imply you're "suggesting that their popularity is mostly based on simplistic memes".
To claim so is to lie.

Only if there is a chance of winning. If there's not that chance, what's the point?

Based on the fact that every single self-described Marxist-Leninist country that ever existed is dead now except for Cuba (Laos, Vietnam, and China are capitalist) I'd say no. The success rate is atrocious.

I'd be willing to organize against fascist in government.

Nobody here is complaining about trump.

Because I want you to do research properly. You are simply inventing things that might fit your theory.

Like this bullshit:
IRL he was noticed, because locals reported him as a Russian spy to police. And police had to be repeatedly told that he was political. By many people. Even then they weren't certain.

One of the actors. In a fucking Russia. Which is neither Germany, nor Austro-Hungary. And Austro-Hungary was not Germany either.

I know Americans are not good with geography, but this is ludicrous.

I did not.

So is success rate of thermonuclear reactor.


I think he means that if violent repression on left-wing dissidents at large started (like it did in many authoritarian countries) he wouldn't hide or go into exile but maintain his activities knowing the risk.

Not him, but he's pointing out Lenin was sent because he was already known as an agitator in Russia.

What he said is that he want to be a martyr. A dead soldier can't fight.

Who was on that train, then? Someone who hadn't been an agitator within Germany itself, who hadn't already released what is to be done? in 1902? Someone who was simply allowed to waltz through Germany

And in Germany. And across Europe during the Great War to agitate for it to turn into a world revolution. It would take a piss-poor secret police to at least not have him somewhere in the archieves.

Then what does "Frankly, this says more about Rojava, than it does about Bolsheviks" mean?
Are anarchists constantly invoking the lend-lease agreement as an anti-stalinist argument?
Not as far as I can tell, and even so it would still be saying that American aid reflects worse on the YPG than it did on the USSR.

Read carefully. He was talking about Lenin being arrested in 1914 in Austro-Hungary.

And - no. Lenin was not "sent". What kind of nonsense have you all been reading?

If there is that chance but you die in the attempt, what's the point?

It really isn't. Everyone here risks execution if we work towards a revolution that fails, just look at Rosa and Liebknecht. Wanting to be a martyr means wanting this worst-case scenario to be the ideal one.

If the revolution fails the best thing to do is flee and fight another day, not die in execution. At least allahu akbar instead of dying to an excecution.

Germany allowing Lenin to travel to Russia to agitate is the standard narrative taught in schools and in textbooks.

He's right you moron. That Lenin was sent by Germany to Russia with the intent to destabilize the country is common knowledge.

And he could even be more direct to the point and talk the Soviet Union accepting le western imperialist aid in WW2.

you're dumb as shit

Who said there was one train? Shocking revelation, yes.

What World Revolution? When Lenin left, Russian Revolution already happened - as far as anyone was concerned. Even Bolsheviks considered Lenin's ideas impossible.

They had him. As a radical pacifist.

That you are discrediting Rojava with your dumb post.

Anarchists are invoking the whole of USSR - which speaks volumes about Anarchists, since Communists did not throw shit at Paris Commune. Despite all AnCap-tier retardation it was Socialist, and Communists were Socialist.

It is you who is reflecting bad on YPG.

Yes. Unequivocally.

Well. I hoped that was not the only narrative available. In vain, apparently.

>He's right you moron. That Lenin was sent by Germany to Russia with the intent to destabilize the country is common knowledge propaganda.

What does this has to do with anything?

"Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world - the fight for the Liberation of Mankind."

Please elaborate, how does dying a honorable death mean you have to die in battle because you're a dumbfuck who doesn't get his head into cover when bullets come flying and you stop being a useful combatant because "muh honor" demanded you to act like a moron and play easy target?

aww yeah, i made this one and really liked it, but it went missing so thanks for having it saved and sharing it with me again.

That's dodging the point. And I can't do that.

If you don't think Marx threw shit at the Paris Commune then you have no idea what the Bakunin/Marx split was about, or have read any of the materials about the dicussions within the internationale before it split up.
Indeed, it is Marx's criticism of the Paris commune that is entirely central to this split and it marks the first real momement Marxism begins to deviate from any kind of emancipatory project.

So, beyond just going "it's not my job to find Juche-approved sources for you Mr. entitled!" are you going to explain what you think happened? Lenin just skipped through the German border TWICE and the rest of the country unaided and unobstructed?

you really should just kill yourself, dumbfuck lowlife

But it is you who is making statements. You are also rude, uneducated and clearly right-wing. Why should I bother?

It's not a question about "thinking". Available information simply contradicts "politically correct" version.

Let's try reading Lenin himself:

What we see is the currently ruling party (SR - Kerensky), Mensheviks (since Bolsheviks were a minority is RSDLP) and Jewish Bund.

What you call "sealed train" is just the very first train. It had 19 Bolsheviks (out of 32 passengers). With subsequent trains over 200 Russian emigrees returned from Switzerland to Russia.


Ah, yes. The most objective source available - what Lenin, who surely had no reason to downplay his involvement with the German state, said happened.

Forgot I'm not trolling anymore

could've been either flag, your shitposting is equally absurd and low quality

We had already established for a act that nobody except "tankies" even considers participating in Revolution of any realistic kind.

Except to squash it, of course. Anarcho-Fascism is all the rage today (no, I'm not referring to the AnCom below).

You don't have a single source.

And the statement is official. It was done publicly. If Lenin lied, it would've been immediately known at the time and reported by multiple sources.

Like most serious historians? Even if we take him at his words he still admits to cooperating with the German state and the Germans might have aided him across to sabotage Russia. Lenin doesn't even contradict the mainstream narrative here, he just refers to a prisoner swap that might also have happened.

Who are they?

What non-cooperation should look like? Dying for the Czar, like a real Communist should've done?

Or might've not. Or it might've been aliens. Or Trans-dimensional Jewish conspiracy.

Are you so delusional, you don't realize that Lenin was making his statement before the narrative?

> The thirty-two political emigrants … who have arrived here
> to obtain for these emigrants passage through Germany in exchange for German and Austrian prisoners interned in Russia.
I strongly suspect this swamp might've happened.

Oh, wait. I missed this.

We have time-travelling historians, apparently.

Life sucks anyway so yes. Dying on the barricades would be glorious.

That's the standard the YPG is held to anyways?
Real communists should not have coordinated with the US and simply let Daesh run them over to stay true to a course that has never ever coordinated with capitalist powers, right? :^)

What YPG does have to do with anything?

The while points of the discussion was that they came under criticism for receiving aid from and/or coordinating with imperialist powers because they happened to share a common enemy and then it was pointed out that the bolscheviks did the same on several occasions

Even better question: would you be willing to shoot a man and then throw him out of an aircraft?

Even better question: why would someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

Even better question:
Who here hasn't thought of this scenario? Does it not cross your mind when watching some news story every once in a while?

I don't have access to my reaction images & webms atm, or I'd post some relevant ones. Some days it crosses my mind when I see these Wall Street fuckers. It's crossed my mind many times when I've seen Hillary & other politicians speaking. Living off the misery of others. I used to have a real chip on my shoulders when younger & used to get really angry about it. Now it only boils up every once in a while; but it's always there.

So yeah. I'd be willing to. But as others have pointed out, only those who deserve it. The barometer to use should be obvious. Those who profit off others' misery & don't give a damn, i.e. roughly the top 1%.

waste of bullets, tbh

These threads are really only a medium for internet tough guys to try and out compete each other.

Talk is cheap.

So I guess your answer is "no"? :^)
You should never presume who's on the other side of the computer. There are a lot of crazy fuckers online. I'd say a lot of people in this thread answered honestly though, because many said no.

willingness is irrelevant. when the time comes it's going to be either fight or die.

If I could be as cool as this comrade then yes.

Absolutely not. I will be essential as a master theoretician in the Politburo, after all, without theory practice is just masturbation, and someone will need to use cutting edge organical Hegelo-Lacanianism to determine precisely which waves of will be rendered most effective in which mass graves.

top kek

Of which I was no part of.

I simply wished to point out that "Germain aid" in October is nothing but a propaganda fodder.

My answer is "your retarded e-banter will never resolve real world problems" and if such time violent revolution is to occur, it won't be through wannabe LARPers on Holla Forums pretending to be much, much greater men then they are in reality.

Yeah, and there's a lot of skinny bitter depressed isolates with a bone to pick at society, too. Which one do you reckon is more common ITT?

At least he can talk, who is he?

Ideas are important to spread.

Not with that attitude, they won't. You're a pathetic defeatist.

If they're good at hacking, etc, they can attack the infrastructure, or where they'll be of most use. Those who are willing to firefight can be on the front lines.


If I thought victory was realistic, of course

And there's where I stopped taking you seriously.

Continue LARPing.

this but unironically

Dateline 2100: A new wave of paleo-liberal reaction has swept the United World Soviet. Just moments ago we witnessed agitators here in Neo-Dubai pulling down a 1000 foot tall synthetic diamond-nanotube statue of Arch-Commissar Zizek, and shutting down its wind turbine that sends out relaxing gushes of refreshing air into the communal hostels of the emancipated proletariat at arbitrary intervals.

Um honestly this really depends. Does this hypothetical revolution have a chance?

Is it being fought for the right reasons? Is there a chance that my sacrifice would free oppressed people, or is it being done to consolidate power for others? If the revolution succeeded would I die knowing my kids would have a better future?

If that was the case, then yea, I'd risk my life for it. But I value my life, I wouldn't throw myself at bullets for no reason. Not to be an ass but I have to much to offer the world than to simply be a meat shield for authoritarians.


Did you forget you already weren't? Make a point or take your shitty one-liners & larping meme back to Holla Forums.

Not all of us here are men, either.

The older and more "successful" I get, the emptier I feel inside.

If the chance presented itself I would move to participate in something greater than me.

Having lived long enough to see death and experience life-threatening situations firsthand, it's amazing how we follow through without a thought. There is no time to be afraid.

:^( Sorry, user.

I can relate to that, though. How old are you, user? I'm 30. I've known 6 people in the last 2 years who've died from OD of heroin/opiates. Countless people I've known have died from gun violence. Obviously grew up in a bad neighborhood.

Instead of dying over random, mostly preventable bullshit, it would be nice to put work towards something bigger. We really don't have much time here & time flies by.

Most of my life was just existing, not contributing anything & being depressed(poverty, addiction). Things are a little better now, but that life is always one shitty decision or bad luck draw away.

Didn't mean to ramble. I liked your comment.

Indeed, you're all children.

so you don't have anything to look forward into the future and you want to throw away your life just so you can have a gravestone that says "i helped on this revolution"
not even trying to make a new way of weapon or mech suit, just "i oppose the tyranny"

People die for much less, every day. Not many get to choose the way they go, either.



If we ever get a future like that I hope people learn that glass towers look objectively ugly and are only a flaunting of wealth.

Inspirational, sorry to hear about you're struggles. Been there too with the addiction and shit

Speak for yourself, pic related

As cool as it looks, this pic was staged.