France has made organ donation opt-out instead of opt-in


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yeah that's a lot better

Who cares, you're gon' be dead nigga

I don't want my body defiled. Fuck off.

I care. At least fucking ask me first, shit!


France made the right decision. Wanting your organs after you're dead is an emotional spook.

You wont exist to be mad about it

Why? You're gon' be dead nigga

This is another one of those subtle anti-muslim laws isn't it?

You seem to think the problem is that they're taking the organs.
The problem is that the state taking your organs after you die is the default and no longer something you opt into.


idc, the thought bothers me when I'm alive and It's probably gonna bother me when I'm dead.


yeah no

if you don't have the money to freeze yourself and be resurrected in 2500 your shit is public nigga.

you need to take that flag off right the fuck now nigger

No it won't. Are you retarded?

How did Holla Forums suddenly become so utilitarian?

Not if I cremate my body, asshole.

Do you know what 'dead' means?


Literally what is the downside.



I'm 200% sure that's a teenager.

I'm actually not that opposed to this personally, at least in theory where it's meant for the public good of the living. In practice not so much, as the "donated" organs are not then donated to those who are in need of them: they are sold off and available only to those who can afford them. If the state insists on mediating the harvesting of organs postmortem, then they should be responsible for footing the bill for the extraction and implantation procedures as well. If not, then default state theft of people's LITERAL bodies needs to fuck right off.

Well, there goes your bodily autonomy.

Which is even the ethical mindset this supposed utilitarianism is overruling? What system of belief thinks that a religious preservation of a dead body is more important than improving public health?

Yes, of course how can I forget, some people have already died and have confirmed there is no such thing as life after death or whatever.

Fucking Consequentialists, merk yourselves.

A man has the right to choose what happens to his fucking body, jesus christ.

Exactly, ins't that the whole abortion issue with respects to the left, my body my choice. Well, I don't want my body being harvested, my choice.

That's not always the case, I don't know how the healthcare system is in France but many countries would calibrate preference according to condition, age and amount of time you've waited.

Second, if it was entirely a system based on purchase it's better to increase supply and lower prices than to keep supply low and restrict access to it.

It's not your body once you're done with it. You don't get absentee rights, motherfucker.

Says the transhumanist…


You can opt out any time you fucking retard, it's just presumed you're a donator until you explicitly say you're not. And the only cunts who will choose to say they're not are religious faggots and Peter Thiel-types who will freeze their body thinking someone will bother bringing them back to life later.

The organs from a body can be used to save at least 6 lives, explain why they should be denied life at the expense of the respect of a corpse of a dead man?

Than opt out dipshit. It isn't forced organ donation

Gee, user, I'm so glad you made it to the second line of greentext in the OP. Good job.

They shouldn't, but if you think I'm giving porky my goddamn liver so he can put it inside some poor sap to slam him with a hospital bill, you've got another thing coming.
Once again, the problem isn't that they are taking the organs, it's that the state is taking them.

But thats a good thing you spooky fuck

Respect of a corpse is worth more than the lives of 6 people?

Many people die young and healthy with good, functioning organs and these go to waste instead of helping someone else because they never bothered registering as donators. The idea is to make sure that won't happen by putting them as donators by default, with the option to say no later. Not to forbid you to not be a donator.

You guys are sounding like fucking ancaps, Jesus Christ.

How is not wanting your body harvested equivalent to being an ancap? Everyone is born with a body, it's my personal property.

What's more my property than my goddamn organs?

And you sound like a fucking authoritarian from where I'm standing.

so you'd rather that poor sap die than live with debt? Have you asked them their opinion on that? Don't make this about economics or ideology, this is about saving lives, I'd rather be alive in debt than dead with good credit.

Great comeback you haven't-really-thought-about-the-question-before-making-a-thread, full-damage-control-mode retard

Yeah because being given a hospital bill is worse than not being an organ at all

You're allowed to not want your body harvested. Just let them know "oh yeah i don't want my body harvested."


yeah because that's what authoritarians do, they give people options.

dead men don't have property, that's the entire discussion here, as said, you don't get absentee voting rights.


If you don't want your body harvested you can literally just go there and say no. But keep ignoring this point if it sustains your idiotic big-gubment worldview.

There are other ways to get people to donate their organs rather than bringing the law into it, user. The state never needed to be involved in the first place.

And then what if they make amendments to the law because more people need organs in the future? I don't trust the government to do what's right, that's why I'm on this board in the first place.

Why the fuck should it be opt out then? It better be god damn well understood by everyone in the program that their organs are going to be harvested eventually, better for it to be opt in.

This is a good thing. We've had it in Wales for a while.

because people are lazy and will likely not be bothered to optout, because 90% of people don't give a shit, do you not know how lazy people are?

Pretty sure opt out is gonna give them plenty of fucking organs. I honestly don't see how they could possibly run out.

Because there are more people that don't really give a shit about their organs being harvested than specifically don't want their organs harvested, and opt in doesn't reach those people.

Why is anyone surprised?

After the revolution the first thing we should do is instate a tradition of violating people's corpses instead of the traditional funeral rights. We need to reinforce that once someone's dead they just leave behind lifeless meat. Whatever's left after the organs are harvested should be fucked by the bereaved and paraded to a grinding machine that will process the remains into fertilizer.



Yep, and chronic shortage of organ donators thar make people die on waiting lines suggest these other ways are not working.

There's about as much "state involvement" here as there is in the presumption that you're not an organ donors and that your body must not be interfered with after your death. Or do you believe that if you attempt to take a good heart out of a dead non-donator there will be no public law to restrict you?

Ah, the trademark of the anarchist who can't sustain his politics without slippery-slopes of a hypothetical out-of-control government scenario. What's the next "what if"? To say the state will kill your for your organs, maaan?

Then why trust the government to protect your body from organ removal after death in the first place? Because if it was left to doctors, hospitals and healthcare professionals without intervention of public authority, they'd get out all your good organs before sending you to the morgue in the first place. Your hands-off policy IS the state and the government operating, dummy.

This is why no one takes anarchists seriously anymore.

Let's wait and see how many people actually opt out of this. I bet even religious people for the most part won't care enough to bother going to the website and unchecking that option.

Let's be fair, in this particular case it's just an ancap pretending to be ancom in order to make common ground with Holla Forums.

No, I'm just saying shit to annoy the squeamish "anarcho-transhumanist"

This is a good thing. Triggered anarkiddies cry more.

… okay, you win, I don't have any responses to that.

No I'm pretty sure the ancap position would be this is interfering with the property rights of the deceaseds' heirs. After all if your body is your property, that it stands to reason that whoever you leave your stuff to also gets your body.

Doctors have already caught behaving unethically with organ donors, and this only gives them a bigger excuse. Watch doctors let young poor people die to sell the organs to the rich. Watch the rich suddenly be bumped up in lists. This is already happening.

s-sorry for calling you a retard

These are both a function of low supply and high demand for organs, increasing the supply will reduce both these things?

that's a different issue though, and can be addressed through other forms of consent and whatnot, will it? I don't know, I just care about saving lives without perfectly good organs rotting in the ground and people dying because someone was too lazy to checkmark a box when they were at the DMV

Let's say you do have an afterlife. Are you really going to spend eternity butthurt that otherwise useless lumps of flesh from your body helped save someone else's life? Or do you think you have to show up with all of your organs intact or you won't get admission to heaven's ball pit or something?

Why not just have better healthcare so less people's organs fail?

Guess, I just gotta burn myself alive some how before I die to make sure. Whelp.

Reminder that they actively give you a lower quality of care as an organ donor so that they can harvest your organs while they're still good.
Dead but can still be resuscitated? They'll leave you alone and get to work on harvesting those delicious young organs.


As opposed to all those people who were born and had nothing to say about a beforelife. The afterlife is totes much more important for some reason to do with how you perceive time though.

Surely they would give you good care to keep the organs in decent shape.

Actually they give higher quality care because they need your organs to stay in good condition.

Just opt out.
It was meant for the sheep who confuse apathy with stability.

It's funny because I remember this board getting super triggered by compulsory voting but taking people's organs without telling them is completely OK.

no they don't

Would there be justification for raiding people's pantry's after they're dead just because there are others starving? The dead man's body is his family's personal property. Just because the "resources" are scarce doesn't mean individual liberties should be disregarded or glossed over.

Then educate them, tell them they'll be saving lives, give em tax credits, make the service accessible for donors only.
This is simply politicians deciding how the population as a whole should take care of their dead and a legal knowledge which many people (who will have their organs harvested) will never have.

My father was an organ donor. After he passed we were still able to have an open casket funeral post organ removal and none was the wiser

I don't know if you think they turn organ donor's corpses into frankenstein or what.

They told them when they passed the law, these things are publicly announced.



Or they will allow rich people from other countries to come and buy organs. This is already done in China.

The hospital profits from organ donations. Those organs made someone money, and you didn't see a single cent of it.

I agree, that's fucked up and wouldn't happen under socialism. However, there is a shortage of organs and my father's organs did help someone who otherwise would have died

Gosh, what could possibly go wrong?

Then opt out

isn't this like saying welfare is bad because people abuse it?

You do realize that organ harvesting is already a thing in France and other 1st world countries, changing it from opt in to opt out isn't going to create an organ harvesting black market.

Yeah if anything this is more likely to result in the white market opening up bodies, noticing missing organs and catching the existing black market in the act.

You're retarded if you don't think this means more porkies getting kidneys from 19yo kids.

It also means 19y/o kids getting more kidneys

Auto opt in organ donor acts as a incentive for these practices to occur.

Auto opt out is a deterrent.

Probably not. Young people generally don't need as many organ transplants as older porkies.

the organ donation line is long and more organs mean more people get to live. Sure porky will get them first but porky abuses everything, and that is hardly an excuse for denying people who need organs

how. I genuinely don't understand the mechanism here.

In an auto opt in state, all a corrupt rich man would have to do is find a match, then covertly kill the match.

In an auto opt out state, it becomes much harder to obtain the organs of a match, so more complicated kidnapping and privately controlled doctors are required.

It should be self evident.

So uh… what i'm actually reading here is "nothing changes except it's way easier to get caught" so uh, hurray for opt-in.

In either state a corrupt rich man has no problem getting a match. Only difference is in auto opt in a lot more non porky also get transplants

Methinks you don't know how a donor list works.

That isn't even true.

More non porky get killed for the rich in opt in.

Less non porky get killed for the rich in opt out.

you are advocating for more death

Well jokes on them I had hepatitis A so I can't even donate blood.

You, or other user if it wasn't you, was saying porky would just murder a match anyway in opt out, how is it supposed to increase people getting killed.


Assume you are in auto opt in state.

Pretend you are rich corrupt man that is 3rd on donor list waiting for match.

You would need to kill max 3 matching people to get your organ.

In auto opt out state, this is not possible at all.

Even rich corrupt porky would be fucked.

They are not gods.


Porky doesn't kill people when he needs organs. He buys it from the organ black market. Why the fuck would they kill people if they can just buy the organs from the third world

Because porky has more faith in good quality organs from the government than the black market, duh.

If porky can arrange for murder why can't he arrange for the organs of a dead person. Its a lot easier to pay off a hospital to illegally extract organs than killing someone

The fucking point is that porky gets his organs regardless and all those regular people who couldn't get a liver or whatever and die because there wasn't enough people since it was auto opt out

A common street thug can arrange for murder.

Porky can maybe get away with murder.

But not even Porky can't arrange for matching organs of dead people on a whim.

Even the most powerful people in world would have trouble with that.

This is what you don't get.

Diogenes say hi

They don't care about being dead idiot. People fear being murdered or left to die because of their organs. How hard is this for you to get?

That is not how the thread started

No I assumed that is what people meant. I think having the choice is kind of stupid when people will die if you refuse and for no real reason other than muh dead body.

that's only you, retard

Now remove the option to opt out

[citation needed]

Holla Forums pls go

how much farther can porky go before enough people really give a fuck

I don't want to be medically malpracticed so that my organs can be harvested.

It is not your choice to make.

i dont care if those who need organs need them because they are like shit all their life or because they were born genetically deficient
i have no obligation to save them
im not christ, fuck off

I don't, get some fucking reading comprehension you twisted power hungry freak.

than opt out. retard.

good god


If it's opt-out, anyone who opts out will automatically be a pariah, even moreso than today.

Dead men indeed have property. I might care what happens after I'm dead if I know about it while I'm alive. Ever hear of revenge suicide?

That's not the reason. France made the good samaritan law. They're telling you it's your duty to help others.

what the fuck are talking about

In France the health system is mostly public thanks to the Social Security systm, even tough thoses fuking social traitors from the PS are trying to sell it to Porky bit by bit.
For now, it's a pretty good measure because most people are not really opposed to giving organs, they just don't care enough, are too lazy to opt in (i'm in the latter category tbh), however, if privatization fully occur, or if capitalist logic fully invest the public system, not quite dead people could start to get worried about wild harvesting.

you're dumb


Then ask them not to if you're such a selfish cunt that you want to have your organs rot to dust while people who need them die.

Eh, so?

What if they declare you're dead when you're not just because an infkuent third party needed an organ ASAP?
What could possibly go wrong? Don't you think organ traffickers won't take advantage of this disposition?

if anything this would btfo the organ trafficking black market



this whole thread he's been saying opt out is literally forced organ donation

No it would facilate it and rich and influent people will be put on the top of the list of the receivers. This is how capitalism work and in France it is particularly true.

By refusing to admit the issues of forced organ donations you've become part of the problem. Sideling with the crudest materialistic capialism under the false pretences of humanism. Bodies become commodities and merchandises, wounds of the poor women workers become rentable to the highest bidder. You Sir are really disgusting, you are sickening me, you are a crass and despicable individual and above all YOU ARE A FILTHY CAPITALIST.

2 years reeducation camp for you comrade, your level of ignorance is off the chart


Doesn't demonstrate his point
Ad-hominem attack
Who exactly in the legacy media is funding you.

This is sickening that crowny calpitalist like this are allowed to roam freely on this board. The entryism is real here.

t. French anarcho-syndicalist, vegan chef and proud father of two girls: Béatrice and Alexandra.

The problem with the "just opt-out Xd" scenario is that they can make it impossible to opt-out by not providing the bureaucracy to do it. Instances of things are are legally possible but practically impossible include getting a citizenship in china, and using a freedom of information act request. Furthermore, the state has no right to your organs, nor to your personal belongings. They are yours to do with as you please, even after death, but I guess 'personal ownership' doesn't make sense to a leftist so who am I talking to.

the point has been stated a million times this thread already

opt-out =/= forced

opt-out = forced because you have not consented to the violation of your property. I'd suggest you read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Your decision cannot be volunteered by someone else without your approval. Does this not make sense to you? Perhaps they should make no knock raids opt-out too.

We can cross that bridge when it happens, I'm not worried about it.

The government shouldn't opt you in without the consent of The People. The capitalists politicians are the one forcing it on US. It was voted in the national assembly with very few députés even showing up to vote. There is no laws forcing medical personnel to check in the registry if you have opt out or not
It is not only organs but tisues so yes Big Pharmaceutical groups have been pushing for this. You are not a useful idiot of the capitalists you are espousing their ideology. I am fighting so my two little girls don't grow up in a world where people are just merchandises. You are really sickening and twisted individual. You Sir are the epitome of what is wrong in this world andd I will fight you until my last breathe.

How can you have property if you are dead?

Your epic tale almost convinced me for a second sir. I tip my non-fedora hat to you.


That would happen regardless of what the state does.

Mandatory harvesting would also lessen the need for a black market. Slippery slope argument eats itself in this case.

Fucking neck yourselves or get working on that revolution to abolish capitalism

Opposing organ donation is literally killing people

It is saddening to see that people confuse personal commitment and one fierce fight for ideals and the betterment of Mankind with trolling.
This disabused, disenchanted generation worries me. We from the Left should be more positive, be the Light unto the Nations this soulless world desperately needs. Not long ago we were united behind Bernie, the energy was incredible, we mustn't forget that my comrades.

Mate, when you call people "everything that is wrong with this world" and "you are what I will fight against until the bitter end" just because they don't agree with your interpretation of the implications of opt-out donor laws, you will not be taken serious.

Seriously, who gives a fuck about this when you're dead? It's just meat, might as well use it to save someone else's life rather than have it rot with me in my grave. If you're so spooked that you can't stand the thought, just opt out.
The reason why this law is being passed is because people are dying from not getting the transplants in time. These organs have to be fresh, which means you have to wait around for someone compatible who's opted in to die before you can get them (hence the waiting lists). Having it be opt-out means that you're far more likely to get a timely transplant.
I'm sure that if you were the ones needing these that you would sing a very different tune.

Worst attempt as samefagging I've ever seen. You should be ashamed

I wish this was me trolling (samefaggen it) truly I do.

It's already been proven in a bunch of countries that people are too lazy to opt out, meaning they don't actually give a fuck what happens to their guts after they die in a car crash. As a result, other people can have those organs and then not die. Sounds okay to me.

No? This is a real thing in multiple European countries inspired by psychological research done by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky etc. People really are too fucking lazy to opt out and this can be exploited for the betterment of all. If you're looking for pro-muslim brownie points then you're in for a clusterfuck. A fundamentalist doesn't even want to receive a heart transplant unless they know for certain it's not the heart of an infidel.

Honestly most religous people probably won't even care enough to opt out. This whole thread has basically been arguing with one obsessed fucker

I am not sanefagging this is why I gave details about me and also so that people could understand from what position I am speaking from.
I will now give key points.

* nothing guarantees that the registry of people opting out will be respected.
* rich people will be the primary beneficiaries. In a sense it is a legalisation of organs trafficking
* As organs can't be stored for very long they will be also shipped across the world. Again rich people will be the first served.
* This industry will be highly lucrative because it will cost them nothing. ( no need to go through the hassle of luring people into a trap or kidnapping them)
* Big pharmaceutical groups have been lobbying for this especially for the free human tissues they will acquire . This is not a humanist gesture.
* Every French citizen is now considered as part of a big organ farming facility. Doctors will be pressured to stop the reanimation or treatment if someone influential is in need.
* Evend organ donation activists oppose this law
* Only thing that approaches this kind of cynicism is the fiction films The Island or Reppomen
* This is the day Holla Forums infiltrators showed their true faces. Militant of a dehumanised world were everything will be based on currencies, they don't even take the time to put a veneer of humanity into their dark capitalist schemes. All in the name of progess of course.
* I am fighting not only for my daughters but for my brethren and sisters in Humanity.
* Our message is loud and clear. WE ARE NOT MARCHANDISES.
* Girls, Daddy loves you. (Sorry I get emotional but it is hard for me to stomach the disturbing capitalists arguments presented here, not to mention all the smear tactics and harassment. )
* Fight with us we can not let them win.

(Sorry for the long delay but I am on a Phone and I was hurt to my hand with a grenade during the Notre Dame Des Landes protests. I am talking from my heart sorry English is not my mother tongue . keep on fighting the good fight against capitakism even if it hides behind seemingly positive laws. )

Hate to break it to you, but France has universal healthcare. These transplants are free. In fact, opt-out will mostly benefit poorer people, because they were the ones spending months or years on a waiting list.

Nothing will guarantee they respect the opt in system either.
Holy shit what a meme.

Also litterally the whole second half of your points are appeals to emotion, not arguments.

It's not just rich people who benefit. EVERYBODY will get more organs.

This means demand will decrease and the black market will SHRINK.

Also, the more you shout about infiltrators, the more everyone thinks you're a fucking Holla Forums clown, you stupid bastard. I am basically convinced that you are here to cause a shitstorm rather than argue anything. Post pictures of your make-belief daughters then why don't you? Maybe that will help you win the argument! Post pictures of your french town to prove you don't live in fucking Pittsburgh! Post pictures of the injury on your hand! If you can't do this then just shut the fuck up about it!

If I have to believe your ludicrous posts throughout this thread then apparently we all need to stop trying to improve the world because our attempts will only lead to Lex Luthor hiring assassins to harvest my fucking kidneys. Apparently it's easier to hire Agent 47 than it is to just bribe hospital staff to get moved up the list. What the fuck.

I've seen everything and I can die happy now.

Putting aside your pure demagoguery for a minute, would you support a similar initiative post-capitalism?

Mais qu'est ce qu'il raconte ce tocard ?
I hate to break it to you but I am French living in France so I know how the system works. Organ transplants are 100℅ taken care of by the Sécurité Sociale BUT not all organs are destined to France when they are not they are sold. Plus all public hospitals being on deficit it will accelerate this trend. Don't speak when you don't know the subject at hands

Totally wrong it is guaranteed by The law, I have posted a link to ourr government website, did you read it? Oh well no because you can't read French.

ITT capitalists telling French people should accept laws regarding the "marchendisation du vivant". Let me tell you this IF YOU ARE NOT FRENCH YOU HAVE NO SAY ABOUT THE LAWS WE WANT IN OUR COUNTRY.

The water belongs to the tribe, mate.

My ego is eternal, user.

Nice spook.

meme board tbh lads

the proletariat is international


But aren't they still being sold with opt-in? So how is this different from how it was before? The only difference is that there are more people donating, which means there are more available for the people of France even if more are also sold.
Now let me ask you something: You say you have daughters, say something happens to them and they need a transplant. Do you want them to spend months on a waiting list?
As for the deficit, the solution isn't the abandon opt-out, the solution is to SPEND MORE ON HEALTHCARE. You say they are selling them to cover their deficit, well if we remove that deficit they won't sell them.

Saleté de Parisien.
Comment tu fais pour louer un 10m2 à 700€ là bas?

You're a fucking retard, because test tube organs are being grown as we speak, the technology will only get better over time.

There is literally no benefit for this change in the law.

If you want the government to have control over your body parts, you are literally a fascist.

I fucking hate you trolls, you just waste everyone's time, then you whine when you lose the argument.

You aren't fucking saving anyone with this law, you are killing people.


You were talking about how this law was going to encourage the hypothetical rich man to hire assassins because it is now easier to randomly off scores of donors and then wait for their organs to show up at the hospital. This new law would also somehow simultaneously cause the black market to grow even though there are now more legal donors. These were your "arguments" you incredible fucking idiot. You're just making this shit up as you go along. I'm honestly baffled that you haven't left the board in shame by now but I suppose the average Holla Forums raider has no shame. Every new post makes you look more desperate and more pathetic as an "infiltrator" attempting to win an internet war by annoying your perceived rivals and hoping they will start infighting for two minutes. I am certainly growing curious as to how low you will go, and how willing you are to shoot yourself in the foot as you cement everyone's disgust for you and your ilk. Knock yourself out. But don't call me a fascist, you fucking alt-right cunt. Go look in the mirror and try not to choke on your own vomit if you can.


Retard, people are worried about being made dead because of this.

Watch the same shortage continue for the French people while the rest of the organs are sold off.

I didn't know dead people had such delicate feefees.

Then just opt out.


Maybe they just forgot. Babbies don't have a very big brain.


And with that you admit your defeat.

Thank you.

Please quit projecting Holla Forums-kun.

If you want me to be treat you seriously, perhaps maybe you should answer how letting the government have complete control over how your organs are used is not fascism.


Government control is completely orthogonal to fascism

Every response to your posts is the same:


If you noticed, I asked HOW.

Please tell me how it is orthogonal to fascism, whatever that even means.

Lots of people want government control. It's not some uniquely fascist thing.

But it is uniquely creepy, and the type of thing a fascist would push for.

Ultimately, it won't even fucking matter, because lab grown organs are going to overtake donations in the future.

However, this is textbook consolidation of power by the government, while they still have a chance to do so.

Surely what I'm saying must have merit.

Nah fascists would be more likely to harvest them from executed criminals


No one would want disease ridden organs.


You know that livers are one of the few organs that regenerate, and are easily grown in the lab, they could take a healthy part of the liver, and it would regen in 6 weeks

Fine, you can make organ donations illegal if/when that technology becomes cheap and available. Ok?


are you intentionally missing the point or are you retarded?

nigger you drop that flag right now
the first thing we do is not recreate traditionalists in another image

Literally just opt out you faggots


My flat is 100m2 and I own it.

All this hate, are you a religious fanatics, you sound Muslim to me?
We welcome everyone not capitalist religious. I had to go out because of severe depression, my wife and my two daughters are gone, they won't return my calls. I hope you are all happy now. My fight is not over though, girls daddy love you ♥.

This guy gets it. This is Animal Farm 101, Orwellian future really.

When asked about what he would like to happen to his body when he died, Diogenes replied "Cast my body outside the walls of the city, as long as I am provided a stick with which to chase away wild animals." When asked about how he could chase away animals with a stick if he lacked awareness, Diogenes said "If I lack awareness then why should I care about what happens to my body after I die?"

Fuck someone else's life.
We need fewer people around if anything at this point – either eugenics, or a war, or both.