How can other actresses ever compete?

How can other actresses ever compete?

she's literally perfect

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Tell me about Gal! Why does she wear the mask?

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*blocks your path*

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To protect her ffrom the gas?

fair enough

by not being ugly kikes

Me likey:1

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She's trashier than a 7/11 dumpster

Why do normal girls look better than professional actresses?

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because hollywood stars are so caked up in make up they make porn stars jealous. get used to it because as pretty as kristen bell or natalie portman is. thats because they're given so much make up you'd slaughter a penguin species to make sure 1 celebrity is presentable

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imagine being a capeshitter in 2018


your soft flesh?

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I'm also a cute girl that never leaves her room, so it just works =^_^=

Fuck off and die OP

Gal Gadot is 11/10

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I don't understand Agatha
In many pictures such as this she looks like an absolute qt, but i've seen others in which she looks like an uggo
Is it the shapeshifting space lizard genes?

Well by jewish standards sure.

You realize people don't always look their best right?


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An uggo can only become a qt with photoshop
I don't think Agatha bothers to photoshop her pics

she's objectively a 5/10

Attractive people can look bad on days where they don't get enough sleep or during times when their diet is poor.

By not being a no talent Jew.

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She belongs to Woolley.

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She's one of the good Jews.

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By not being an aging jewess that has to be caked in makeup to keep up appearances.

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These camsluts get weirder and weirder with each day.

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She ain't a camslut.

You will never get dominated by a jewess


Yes I will, if it's the last thing I do. If it comes down to it, I will have a Jewess circumcise me.

She's 19.

Well i'd hide attractive Agatha in my attic during the DOTR, that's for sure


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no u

fite me irl

I look at Kstew and feel God's love.

What was your favorite /ourgal/ moment, Holla Forums?
Mine was when she bound and gagged a full classroom of Palestinian schoolchildren before crushing all of their skulls under the soles of her boots. Pretty rare video that got buried once she hit the big time, but it's out there if you're willing to look.

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by having a forehead

I'm so happy kstew is swinging for the team with the bigger bats again.

my sides

I'd let her handle my balls

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That first one looks fake

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hollywood bitches are all ugly kikes related to producers and peddled as a favor for daddy

Nigga, please.

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I am here to destroy OP.

I wish "The Swish" would shoot himself.

Thats /ourgal/

Attached: tenor (10)

Nice skeleton, my dog will love it

Let's see:
1. By not being jewish
2. By not having a nasty accent
3. By having tits
4. By being able to act
5. By having an ass
6. By not having a weird shaped head
7. By not being old as shit

She looks like a corpse

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Watson is the devil queen you must worship