Leading Light Communist Organization (LLCO) are highly suspicious


Can anyone who knows the LLCO, Prairie Fire, or Jason Unroo confirm anything written in this article? It suggests the LLCO are pigs, and are faking images of their Bangladeshi troops in order to lure radicals in.

Also take into account there are rumors about PR's drug addiction and him spending all the LLCO donations on his own drug habit (not that drug use is a bad thing, but spending money you tell others is going to the third world on yourself is a pretty scummy thing to do).

Any thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:




What's the connection?


It is but their propoganda videos are cool.

Gotta love the use of trap music.


Prairie Fire couldn't get any whiter if he tried.

Something here does not compute.

Most Third Worldists are "white". Maoist orgs in the third world like the Naxals or Shining Path aren't Third Worldist.

Naxals showed solidarity with Occupy from what I remember.

Turd worldism is a literal cancer, worse than NazBols.

Spoken like a true turd worldist. Let me know how much acid PF is buying with all the money Jason Unroo and his tankie fanboys sent him thinking it was going to a Bangla Zone.

I read on Holla Forums they're run by cops.

Prairie Fire sounds like he has a great life.

It's pretty obvious they are TBH.

The LLCO are dodgy as fuck and only dumb americans would ever be suckered into their scheme. That said, the person who wrote this article is a fascist, so any conclusions reached are totally invalid.

Ironic since third worldism IS crypto-fascism.

i always get suspicious when an organization has a name that sounds more fascist than commie tbh

"Leading Light" is fascist-sounding?

Sounds religious if anything. Not to mention their aesthetic is ridiculous, like an over the top parody of a communist organisation. Wouldn't surprise me at all if they were just a bunch of cops, especially with their suspicious budget.

Yeah, the flashy images and corny videos (complete with trap/EDM soundtracks) are what do it for me. Not to mention I have a hard time believing an organization with *actual military combatants in Bangladesh* would advertise themselves online, or post images of their Bangladeshi fighters with their faces shown.

It sort of has Luciferian connotations, ie the light bringer, the liberator, the guiding light.

The sun has a lot of occult connotations, not to mention TWism's whole ontology wreaks of racial mysticism.


From what I see on the internet from my Euro perspective, it seems the only serious Communists organizations are local collectives that act as a strange mixture between union and Communist Party, which tbh seems to be the correct praxis in their context.

The US might be one of the vountries where socialism is most needed, where organization is the least serious and where the population is the most anti-Communist. You guys have a long and painful ride ahead of you if you want to build a serious, nationwide, Communist Party.
