ITT: Vidja factions that are bro-tier and the best allies you could ever hope for but also complete morons

ITT: Vidja factions that are bro-tier and the best allies you could ever hope for but also complete morons.

Pic related, not that Freedom is much better in that regard.

The biggest issue with Freedom is that they would never have done anything. They would have fucking sat around going 'dude weed lmao'. The only faction that should be supported is the one that can support the growth of societies and structure within the zone.

I know just the faction for the job

The issue with those guys is that they can't really protect and police the communities. You also have their connection to the societies on the outside of the Zone.

I was just kidding with the ecologists, I would say Duty is probably the group that wants to be the protectors in the Zone.


Legion is the complete opposite, they treat you like shit for being a dissolute but are probably the best hope of a united wasteland there is.

I would say Duty is probably the group that wants to be the protectors in the Zone.
That's commendable of them. The problem is that they're deluded moralfags. I support having them back up the weaker Ecologists though.

You best be of jokings, comrade.

Even if shit goes tits up, the entire wasteland will be better off for it because the legion reinforces self-sufficiency rather than reliance of the limited old-world tech while the NCR will continue to bleed it dry. Just look at how well equipped the Legion controlled Nelson is vs Camp Forelorn Hope

The Legate was nice to me

Duty a best. Pics related.

Short term maybe, yeah. In the long term though, the legion wouldn't last. I'm not saying that the death of ceaser would cause the entire faction to fall apart, but all it takes i's a single bad head of the legion or power struggle to topple it, and return it to just a collection of tribes, o at the very least, several smallet factions.

Also, best Armoured Core faction coming through

Old Rome was in the same situation and that took 500 years to happen. Once The Legion has completely absorbed the NCR, he will install a senate, which will keep it stable long after they have no more land to conquer

I mean, that implies that he can conquer the entirety of the NCR before he and possibly lanius dies. And because the courier is the one who fixes his brain tumor, it can be assumed that without that, he doesn't got much longer left, leaving the job to lanius alone. Even after that, the Senate is still a form of democracy, and would end up leading to either another despot and power struggle, or a return to the old ways of the NCR once the legions power wanes.

I just want Legionfag LARPers to realize that Caesar and his lot are barely a step above regular bandits.

Holy shit that fucking makes the Zone 5x more scary.

That's just love. I'm not surprised these no-fun Duty fucks disapprove.

The Zone is incredible.

Nice propaganda faggot

Now THIS is podracing.

jesus christ this lore is too deep.

What mod is this?

Anons forgot already about the origin of duty and freedom? man, stalker is aging

duty and freedom were created by a member of a military expedition who headed into the center of the zone, you can asume they became STALKER by the C-consciousness

monolith are great
for target practice

Holy shit, I've never seen this for some reason. Makes Duty a lot more credible now.

OGSE I think

And in your mind they were somehow wrong otherwise?

Like the egghead said, they seemed like fanatics. But so did freedom. I didn't trust either faction.

What was the deal with Clear Sky?
I was not paying attention or they just went 'Oh fuck,someone's messing with the Zone,Scar go kick his ass'

They might be the kebab equivalent of the zone,but they are sure good opponents.

I'm not even a fan of the Legion but I can see that you're being a faggot.

Only because they're batshit insane wich means they're essentially drugged up.
Sure they're strong opponents, but in terms of societys inside the zone, they're less of a threat than bandits

How exactly?

Gorons Brother

Correct, OGSE You can see from the dialogue that this is a mod (artifact activation), but the original concept for STALKER did have artifact activations - in fact, all mods that have that use the cut animations for the protagonist activating the artifact that people dug out of game files and old builds. There was also a piece of dialogue a bit higher up, I forgot to screencap it. It explained that Burnt Fuzz (the grey hairy anomalies that cause a shitload of bleeding but don''t do much damage) actually spread spores inside the affected stalkers. While the stalker is alive, his immune system suppresses the spores, but once he dies (even outside of the Zone), his body pretty much overnight becomes covered in burnt fuzz, becoming an anomaly. Kruglov also says that for this reason, all stalkers outside of the zone are tracked and must be cremated ASAP after death.

NCR to be honest

I understand they're under a ton of stress from the legion but holy shit almost everybody in the NCR makes me want to gouge their eyes out.


Being a servile lickspittle is not a faction.

Love the way he mocks you when you say Vegas doesnt need a massive robot.

Warrior of Sunlight

The grunts in NV are pretty much all green recruits. The officers are usually bro tier, but the real top-tier pals would be in heartland NCR territory.

Duty a shit

All technology in the zone was created by humans and would remain after the zone is destroyed. The artifacts are worth shit, if they destroy the basis of our society and we never learn how they work, because the zone is a psychic parasite that is blocking our brain functions.

Well that leads credence for when Stalkers called The Zone a She, and always referred to it as feminine.

You disgust me!


What political system is this not an issue in? Literally the same argument as 'dies to removal.'