Even Samuel Adams® has been commoditized and is available for a price in the US

Even Samuel Adams® has been commoditized and is available for a price in the US.

Paine > MASSIVE POWER GAP > all other founding fathers

Thomas "banks are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies" Jefferson > All

Paine was a major fedora tipper though. Also he hated poor people.

oh come on, Thomas Jefferson deserves a spot along Paine.

Jefferson was a hypocrite.

Also he plagiarized the shit out of Locke's Second Treatise.

yeahh i really don't know shit about the founding father lifes., because i'm not american
I just love how Thomas Jefferson in his lifetime knew banks were awful to a society. He didn't even knew what would they grow up to become…

Any proof that he "hated poor people"?
In Agrarian Justice he proposed that all property owners should pay a tax to provide a basic income for everyone without property

Oh come on, there are a lot of bourgies who are aware of the danger Capitalism is, but wont risk their position to change it.

You might be aware of it and not be interested about it, a lot of people act like that.


Thomas "Fuck the King and fuck George Washington too" Paine > Ben "Get your rich hands off my government you damn dirty property-holders" Franklin > Power Gap > Tom "I love liberty and raping my slaves too" Jefferson > The rest of the Founding Fathers

Reminder that Jefferson didn't rape anyone. His slave was his mistress/lover.

This is what Jeffersonfags literally believe.

Franklin > Jefferson > Paine > Adams > Washington


Ben Franklin is literally the Winston Churchill of American founders-the only reason why anyone likes him is because he had a few good one-liners.

Lel what? He proposed what was basically a basic income in the 1700s ffs

Consent is a spook.

Reminder that Thomas Paine greatly admired French revolutionary and proto-communist François-Noël Babeuf.

Well, he didn't manage to fuck up any invasions of Turkey.

Paine was so fucking based.

He invented stuff… like fireplaces, stoves, bifocal reading glasses, mapped the gulf stream…
he was pretty based. later on in life he gave up slavery and was a massive opponent to it